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2024/06/25 18:07:01

TAdviser IT Prize 2024: Awards


As part of TAdviser the SUMMIT 2024 conference, held on May 28, awards were presented TAdviser IT Prize designed to support significant projects and people working to develop digitalization states and Russian - by public attention. ITindustries Winners were selected in 12 categories:

"Developer of the Year: Infrastructure Software"

Награду в номинации «Разработчик года: инфраструктурное ПО» получил Денис Романов, заместитель директора по внедрению и эксплуатации, «Basis»

The development of products of this class requires the consolidation of companies, the unification of expertise from different teams. Basis is a leading developer of the dynamic infrastructure, virtualization and cloud solutions platform. It is an importo-independent ecosystem that includes a wide range of products, from virtual infrastructure management tools and protection to a pipeline for a full development cycle.

Basis solutions are used in 120 geese and services, in more than 700 companies of various sizes, from the largest corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises. The developer's products are integrated into key state projects such as Gosoblako, Gostekh and Public services, and are also used in federal and regional executive bodies.

The award in the nomination "Developer of the Year: Infrastructure Software" was received by Denis Romanov, Deputy Director for Implementation and Operation, "Basis."

Colleagues, thank you very much for the award, - Denis Romanov thanked the organizers. - This is not our first award in such format, it is very heavy, I know, and it will take a worthy place among our awards. A young, ambitious, highly professional team gathered in our company. This year there will be many changes in the product roadmap related to infrastructure software, virtualization platform, backup system, security system. Subscribe to our Basis channel on Telegram, stay tuned

"Operating System and Software Build Platform of the Year"

"recognized as
Alt Development Platform BASEALT the" Platform of the Year for assembling operating systems and software. " TAdviser Prize received Evgenia Krynina, Commercial Director of BASEALT

The winner in this nomination this year was Alt Platform, the first product in Russia that allows companies to create a full-scale digital infrastructure from Russian components, from simple applications to operating systems and application programs.

The platform has been developed for more than 20 years on the basis of its own open infrastructure developed by BASEALT, which is located in and under the jurisdiction of Russia. Alt Platform includes a bank of software packages, a repository, a development environment and tools for assembling, replicating digital products. Alt The platform comes with technical support, BASEALT specialists advise customers on product deployment, distribution build, repository maintenance. Technical support includes, among other things, security updates. Since 2001, 10 generations of Alt operating systems have been created on this development infrastructure.

The award in the nomination "Platform of the Year for Assembling Operating Systems and Software" was received by Evgenia Krynina, Commercial Director, "BASEALT."

{{quote 'It is very pleasant to receive such an award for our both young and old product, - said Evgenia Krynina. - Young, since they brought to the market only this year, and old, because all our operating systems have been developed on it for a long time, starting from the very first versions. And this award from such a professional community confirms that we are moving in the right direction and working together to achieve the technological sovereignty of our organizations and our state as a whole }}

DBMS of the Year for High-Load Systems

«DBMS of the year for high-load systems "- Platform V Pangolin from Sberbank. TAdviser Prize in this nomination was given to Mikhail Semenov, leader of the product Platform V Pangolin, "Sber Tech"

The winner in this nomination was the decision of Sber Tech.

Platform V Pangolin is a database management system (DMS) that is based on a well-established open source DBMS PostgreSQL and contains a number of important improvements that allow you to use the solution on a corporate basis, as well as provide security stored data and ease of use.

Platform V Pangolin DBMS is registered in the Register of Russian software and is fully suitable for import substitution tasks, as well as provides high indicators of reliability, availability and performance. It is certified according to the 4th level of trust of FSTEC, which allows you to use the product in critical systems with increased security requirements. Platform V Pangolin is an industrial-grade DBMS and is suitable for use in all classes of high-load systems. The product has proven its effectiveness in a number of the largest companies in Russia, including Sberbank. Today, more than 70 thousand DBMS installations are successfully operated as part of services and applications of various levels of scale and criticality.

The award was presented to Mikhail Semenov, leader of the Platform V Pangolin product, SberTech.

Thank you very much for this award, for your attention to our Platform V Pangolin product, - said Mikhail Semenov. - This award is the merit of our team, for which it is separately grateful. You guys are the best!

"Cloud Service of the Year: Secure Public Cloud"

TAdviser Prize: победителем в номинации «Cloudy service of the year - Safe public cloud "became the company" T1 Cloud, "the award was presented to Alexei Kubarev, director of information security" T1 Cloud "

Over the past few years, market participants have faced a large number of information security incidents. There are more and more reliable cloud services for secure data processing in Russia, but not all companies can afford the maintenance and support of such systems today, so public clouds are becoming more and more in demand.

The winner of this nomination was "T1 Cloud" - a secure public cloud that meets the highest technological and legislative standards. The cloud infrastructure is deployed in Tier-III data centers in Russia. Maximum level of security T1 The cloud gives companies the ability to store in the cloud and process personal data of all categories, as well as significant CII objects. To ensure data security, the cloud provider has implemented tiered security systems, including the use of reliable data center infrastructure certified according to international and national security standards, as well as comprehensive information security solutions to protect against current cyber threats.

When upgrading our cloud, we focused on achieving the highest levels of protection. In February 2024, the FSTEC of Russia included the infrastructure of our cloud in the register of significant objects of the CII with the assignment of the first category to it. This allows our customers to safely store in the cloud and process personal data of all categories, as well as deploy all KII objects in it, - said Alexey Kubarev.

"Import substitution in the banking sector: strategy of the year"

"Import substitution in the banking sector: strategy of the year": TAdviser Prize was awarded to Maxim Klepikov, Deputy Head of the Information Technology Infrastructure Department, Gazprombank

The winner in this nomination was the project to create a prototype of the target corporate. IT infrastructures Gazprombank

To scale for automated systems of a significant object of CII, the strategy involves a fundamentally new approach to building a corporate IT infrastructure based on software and hardware systems. Instead of point replacement of individual systems in the current landscape, the bank creates an import-replaced infrastructure in parallel with the existing one and gradually transfers loads to it from old systems. Commissioning is currently being completed.

It is planned that by 2025 Gazprombank will reach the target of 100% import substitution of all automated systems of a significant CII facility, and by the beginning of 2027 all 83 automated information systems involved in key business processes of Gazprombank will be transferred to the fully domestic infrastructure. Maxim Klepikov, Deputy Head of the Information Technology Infrastructure Department, Gazprombank, was invited to the stage to present the award in the nomination {{quote 'Import Substitution in the Banking Sector: Strategy of the Year'. "I am happy to be here, at the epicenter of the event that brought together so many experts and professionals under one roof, thanks to the organizers," said Maxim Klepikov. - I am proud that our works and efforts have been so highly appreciated, thank you very much.}}

"Business Communications Platform of the Year"

Награда в номинации «Платформа года для бизнес-коммуникаций» досталась «MTS Link, "awarded to Ekaterina Sapenko, Director for Work with Large Business Organizations MTS Link

Business communications is one of the segments in which Russian IT products have achieved the greatest success in replacing Western systems. It is characteristic that Russian VKS systems are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The winner in this nomination was MTS Link, a unified communications platform that unites all types of business communication in the digital space.

In 2023, 5 million online events took place on the MTS Link platform (an increase of 2.7 times), 1.7 million new users registered. The platform includes solutions for holding online meetings, meetings, webinars, large virtual and hybrid events, creating your own courses, as well as a corporate messenger, interactive online boards. All MTS Link solutions are integrated among themselves, with the help of artificial intelligence MTS Link automatically sums up the results of video meetings, sums up long correspondence ("summerization"). 30 million people have already taken part in the events using MTS Link, the platform is used by the largest Russian companies and 90 universities.

The award was presented to Ekaterina Sapenko, Director for Work with Large Business Organizations, MTS Link.

It is very pleasant to receive an award in this particular nomination, because for more than 15 years we have been actively creating and developing an ecosystem of products for business communications and collaboration, "said Ekaterina Sapenko. - We are constantly implementing new functions, capabilities, MTS Link system is gaining momentum. Success in the development of your business, colleagues!

"Infrastructure in Fintech: Project of the Year"

Награда в номинации «Инфраструктура в финтехе: проект года» вручена Alexandru Von Rosen, board member, Unified TsUPIS, and Alexander Titov, managing partner of Flant.

Financial services are one of the most highly loaded, and when it comes to the funds of millions of citizens, no failures and mistakes are unacceptable. Russian systems are becoming more in demand in the fintech segment.

The project of the year in this nomination was the introduction of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform by the payment service UNIFIED TsUPIS, implemented jointly with Flant. This is the first introduction of a domestic platform of this class in the field of fintech, and Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform itself is the first platform in Russia to create and manage identical kubernet clusters in any IT infrastructure. The infrastructure of the UNIFIED CUPIS has been transferring funds to legal bookmakers for almost 10 years, processing 2.5 million transactions per day for 15 million users throughout Russia.

The modern orchestrator Kubernetes has been deployed on all industrial sites for more than 160 services. The implementation made it possible to create a fault-tolerant, geodistributed architecture and provide an SLA level of up to 99.99%.

The award was presented to Alexander von Rosen, member of the board, technical director of UNIFIED TsUPIS, and Alexander Titov, managing partner of Flant.

Russia has its own Kubernetes distribution, and this is great, - stated Alexander von Rosen. - We have successfully implemented it, which is what we wish.

Kubernetes becomes the standard when organizing high-load services. We are pleased that we were the first to implement this project in the financial sector together with colleagues from the UNIFIED CUPIS. The main task that was solved during the implementation of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is to provide the customer with the opportunity to enjoy all the advantages of container management technology, while not dipping much into the details of interaction with Kubernetes. This approach allowed UNIFIED CUPIS to focus on the strategic tasks of scaling up the business, which is especially important in the context of growing competition in the fintech industry, "added Alexander Titov to his colleague.


Победителем в номинации «ВКС ГОДА» стала система Express, TAdviser Prize awarded to Andrey Vratsky, CEO Express

One of the most notable points of growth in the Russian IT market is video conferencing systems (VKS). Competition in this segment is high, which stimulates the rapid progress of solutions offered by vendors.

The winner in the VKS of the YEAR nomination was the eXpress superapp - a platform for video conferencing, messaging and unified access to the company's business systems. The eXpress federation has more than a million users, the system is used by 12 of the 20 largest companies in Russia, including Russian Railways, Rosatom and Norilsk Nickel. This is the only superapp of the "online communication" class, all editions of which are certified by the FSTEC of Russia according to the 4th level of trust.

The award in this nomination was presented to Andrei Vratsky, CEO of eXpress.

We went through an interesting path - at first we were a messenger, then we became a superapp with smartapps and, finally, became a VKS platform, and a good platform, "said Andrei Vratsky. - The main thing, perhaps, is that the eXpress VKS platform is a powerful solution. In one of the largest corporations in Russia, 17 thousand active users work on the platform, conducting 10 thousand video conferencing per day. Among our installations, this one is the most saturated, and no failures happen. The next indicator that we plan to receive in the same corporation is 100 thousand video conferencing per day. And by the new year, I think we will achieve it.

"IT Product of the Year with Artificial Intelligence"

Победителем в номинации «ИТ-продукт года с ИИ» стала платформа SaluteBot, award given to Ekaterina Lisovskaya, Executive Director, CPO SaluteBot, SberDevices

Since the first text robots appeared on the websites of cellular operators and banks in the early 2010s, the development of speech recognition and synthesis technologies first led to the emergence of virtual operators in contact centers, and then the situation changed dramatically. Voice assistants were added to chat bots, in which the developers laid down technologies for artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks - AI bots appeared. And today, each company can create the desired chatbot for itself using a special service for this.

The winner in the nomination "IT Product of the Year with Artificial Intelligence" was SaluteBot, a platform for creating customized chat bots enhanced by the capabilities of the GigaChat neural network model. The service allows you to create smart bots that remain in touch with customers around the clock, capable of maintaining a free dialogue outside the established scenario and processing up to 85% of customer requests.

The award was presented to Ekaterina Lisovskaya, Executive Director, CPO SaluteBot, SberDevices.

This year we have introduced new options based on our large language model, in GigaChat particular, we have implemented the ability to connect GigaChat to respond to customers, and just today it became possible to connect the company's database so that the bot responds using it, "said Ekaterina Lisovskaya. - All this would not have happened without a wonderful product team, thank you very much to everyone involved in its creation, promotion. Thank you for your work, for your engagement, energy! And many thanks to our customers - for feedback, for trust in us. We will continue to develop, get better and improve the service. Make your service better with us, use SaluteBot, follow our announcements!

IT Outsourcer of the Year

In the nomination "IT outsourcer of the year" won "T1 Servionica, "the award was received by Alexey Katsoev, Deputy General Director of T1 Servionica

The market outsourcing IT infrastructures Russia in is on the rise, its volume in 2023 increased by a third and reached 121 billion, and rubles the main reason for the growth is simple: it is profitable.

The winner in this nomination was T1 Servionica, a leading provider of a full range of IT outsourcing services. The company has more than 2600 engineers working throughout the Russian Federation, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. The company's competence center brings together engineers whose qualifications are confirmed by more than 800 certificates. There is a round-the-clock customer support service that receives, registers requests and primary support in 24x7 mode, in the project portfolio - more than 400 contracts in the state and financial sectors, retail, telecom, production companies, transport and logistics.

This award confirms the loyalty of our chosen path - the strategy of a wide presence in any corner of our country of our own engineering resource. T1 Servionika focuses on the competencies of employees in order to provide the best service to our clients at any time, at any point, "said Alexey Katsoev.

BI Platform in Metallurgy: Project of the Year

In the nomination "BI-Platform in Metallurgy: Project of the Year" TAdviser Prize was awarded to Alexander Rozhkov, Head of Data Analytics and Visualization Practice, and Alexei Yakushev, Head of Enterprise Data Management Service Line, MMC Norilsk Nickel

Russian software implementation projects are successfully implemented in various areas, and one example is the Norilsk Nickel project, carried out jointly with RAMAX Group in 2023.

Within the framework of the project, a large-scale migration of analytical dashboards of Norilsk Nickel from Tableau to the domestic platform Forsyth was carried out . Analytical Platform. " The project was implemented in a short time and with minimal changes in visualization, while maintaining the convenience of users.

The award was presented to Alexander Rozhkov, Head of Data Analytics and Visualization Practice, MMC Norilsk Nickel, and Alexei Yakushev, Head of Enterprise Data Management Service Line, MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Thank you for the high assessment of our project, thank all those involved in this activity, - said Alexander Rozhkov. - This is our joint award. It was not easy, but we managed to make a transition to the sanctions-independent domestic Forsyth platform in a short time with acceptable quality. Everyone who implements projects on the way to technological independence would like to wish good luck. We are sure that you will succeed, as we do!

{{quote "We did not wait for Tableau to stop working, and in 10 months we transferred more than 100 dashboards to Forsyth," Aleksey Yakushev added to his colleague. - We were able to achieve this thanks to the support of our partners and vendor, and are ready to share our experience. I note that this project is not the only one in Norilsk Nickel, it is one of the already completed projects for the transition from imported products to domestic systems. }}

ITSM Platform of the Year

«ITSM-платформа года» — ESM Платформа, разработанная «Rostelecom». The award in this nomination was received by Irina Labusova, Head of Partner Relations, RTK IT Plus, and Lev Roisenberg, Director of the Competence Center, RTK IT Plus

The number of migration projects to domestic ITSM systems is constantly increasing, solutions from large Russian companies appear on the market, one of which was awarded the TAdviser: ESM Platform (Enterprise Service Management Platform) developed by Rostelecom.

ESMP from Rostelecom is a corporate-level ITSM platform for managing the work and automating any service divisions. The platform can be used to process calls to the IT service from HR, HR, CSR, information security, financial and other service units. This is a Russian development, three modules of which are registered in the Register. The platform has already been tested by the coordination center under the Government of the Russian Federation, and the IT infrastructure was created from scratch in a month and a half. Within the framework of the project, a single centralized service platform was created to automate the activities of executive authorities and other services. As a result of the implementation, the processing time of requests was reduced by 2 times.

The award was received by Irina Labusova, Head of Partner Relations, RTK IT Plus, and Lev Roisenberg, Director of the Competence Center, RTK IT Plus.

Our team has been developing this product for more than 12 years, - said Lev Roisenberg. "We appreciate that our work has earned such an award. We try to bias to make it convenient to work not only for the performer, but also for the client to see a convenient, high-quality product. Therefore, we made a division into modules and make a very large bias into the visual component. I would also like to say that we are very pleased that after the departure of foreign systems, we were able to replace them, and not only replaced the current functionality, but also added a new one, so we hope that this award will not be the last. Thank you and our entire development team.

Summit Photo Gallery


О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT, held on May 28, became the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1.5 thousand delegates attended the conference, and more than 50 stands of IT products and services suppliers were deployed in the exhibition area. Nine thematic sessions were held as part of the event - more than last time. About 150 people made reports in the plenary part and thematic sessions. TAdviser SummIT was supported by Ministry of Digital Development. It was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who in the format of an interview on stage answered sharp questions from participants in the IT industry.