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Flant Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP)

Developers: Flant
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/07
Last Release Date: 2024/09/03
Technology: ITSM - IT Service Management Systems


The main articles are:

Deckhouse is a fully functional solution for running ready-made Kubernetes clusters based on Open Source components. The platform works on any infrastructure: public and private clouds, bare-metal servers. It includes the upstream version of Kubernetes and additional modules for auto-scaling, monitoring, traffic balancing, secure access and other functions.


Ensi Platform Compatibility

JSC Flant"" and LLC Greensight"" confirmed the correct joint operation of the software () ON Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and. Ensi Platform This was announced by Greensight on February 25, 2025. More. here

DKP CSE v1.64 certified by FSTEC of Russia

Flant received a certificate from the FSTEC of Russia for the latest version of the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform Certified Security Edition (DKP CSE v1.64) containerization platform. The second version of the platform was certified less than three months after the first. The developer announced this on February 20, 2025.

DKP Certified Security Edition can be implemented by organizations in which the use of products certified by the FSTEC of Russia is mandatory.

The updated version of the platform includes advanced network capabilities, enhanced fault tolerance, and optimized container load management. The process of deploying DKP CSE has become more convenient thanks to preliminary automated configuration checks, and for administrators and cluster users, it has become possible to download the Deckhouse CLI management utility directly from the deployed cluster, which significantly simplified work with the platform.

The functionality of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform in the updated certified version has been significantly expanded, while naturally maintaining a high level of security. The current version contains everything you need to use in industrial environments, and our users already have such a successful experience. We are actively developing the platform and adding capabilities based on the requests of our customers. The goal for 2025 is to certify all functionality from the Enterprise Edition. For example, in the next release, we will add a Deckhouse Console cluster management interface and a secret store to DKP Certified Security Edition, - said Konstantin Aksyonov, head of the Deckhouse development department at Flant.

Compatibility with the Planet platform.

On January 29, 2025, the IBS and Flant Group announced the compatibility of their products designed to improve service performance.

The testing carried out confirmed the correct operation of the Planet. Platform, developed by IBS, and products based on it (Planeta.Analytica, Planeta.Budgeting, Planeta.NSI) with Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform Enterprise Edition from Flant.

Containerization simplifies the process of delivering, updating, and maintaining applications. Therefore, it was important for us to confirm the compatibility of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform with the Planet platform and to provide our customers with effective tools to optimize and scale the IT infrastructure using Kubernetes.
said Konstantin Kurdyumov, director of IBS's own platforms division.

{{quote 'author=noted Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department of Flant. | The compatibility of our Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform with the Planet ecosystem. IBS confirms the high level of technological maturity of solutions. The correct operation of the two IT products will allow you to use the advantages of containerization and tools based on the low-code approach to speed up the application development process, as well as significantly increase the level of security, scalability and management of corporate resources,}}


Yadro Tatlin.Unified Gen2 DSS Compatibility

Deckhouse Flant ecosystem vendor "" has completed testing platform compatibility virtualizations Deckhouse Virtualization Platform (DVP) and container management solutions Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) with. storage system TATLIN.UNIFIED GEN2 As a result of the tests software , the corresponding certificates were signed. Flant announced this on December 18, 2024. More. here

Digital Q Integration Plan

The companies Diasoft"" and Flant"," entered into a cooperation agreement. The company was informed about this on December 16, 2024.

The companies will join forces to expand the capabilities and functionality of Diasoft's low-code ecosystem for developing Digital Q microservice software products through integration and compatibility with Deckhouse ecosystem products and components.

In particular, the companies plan to integrate the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) containerization platform into the Digital Q ecosystem by the end of 2024, which provides optimization and scaling of the IT infrastructure.

The Deckhouse ecosystem is based on the flagship development of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and is complemented by a line of products that comprehensively cover the needs of customers in infrastructure software (software).

The synergy of our competencies will help provide companies from any industry with opportunities to effectively solve import substitution problems. Partnership with Flant and combining the capabilities of our products will provide market participants with an effective environment for developing independent import-dependent software,
said Alexander Glazkov, CEO of Diasoft.

Working with Diasoft is a solid foundation for developing software solutions in the fintech sector. Together we will work to improve the resiliency and security of our solutions, adapting them to the current needs of market participants. We are confident that cooperation with Diasoft is an important step for the successful implementation and operation of the most popular products for building reliable enterprise infrastructures of our customers,
noted Alexander Titov, General Director of Flant.

Compatible with Vizor Note

The note confirmed the compatibility of Note Vizor with the Deckhouse ecosystem. Flant announced this on October 21, 2024.

Having a containerization platform is an important criterion for choosing IT solutions from large organizations. Our technological partnership with Flant will greatly simplify the process of implementing application software and its maintenance, as well as allow using both solutions in fault tolerance mode. We are confident in the further development of our interaction and plan to expand our partner status, confirming compatibility with other NOTA products, "said Marina Lyubimova, Commercial Director of the NOTA VIZOR product.

It is important for us that customers are confident in successful joint implementation and operation of solutions. Confirmation of compatibility with the VIZOR NOTE will allow you to offer large Russian companies reliable support for the business application for switching to tax monitoring mode. Note VIZOR is a mature comprehensive solution, and we are pleased to add a popular product to the list of our technological partnerships, - said Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department.

Obtaining the certificate of FSTEC of Russia

The Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) from the Russian vendor Deckhouse received a certificate from the FSTEC of Russia. The document confirms that the latest version of the platform - Certified Security Edition - is a containerization tool of the 4th class of protection and meets the information security requirements for the 4th level of trust. The developer announced this on October 15, 2024.

DKP Certified Security Edition will be able to implement organizations in which the use of products certified by the FSTEC of Russia is mandatory. In particular, these are state-owned companies, state corporations, banks, federal and regional executive bodies, as well as organizations working with critical information infrastructure.

The solution allows you to create and manage identical clusters in any IT infrastructure. DKP can be deployed in public and private clouds, on top of any virtualization, on bare-metal servers, as well as in a hybrid model. As of October 2024, there are 170 Russian companies in the client portfolio.

The certified version of the platform includes all the tools necessary for full orchestration of containers. These include network management, auto-scaling, inbound balancing, security policies and operational policies, end-to-end authorization and authentication, log collection and storage, monitoring, and alert.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform Certified Security Edition ≠ our contribution to the development of a secure infrastructure on the Russian market. Since the release of the 118th FSTEC order, we have received dozens of requests from companies to create a certified version of our platform. At the same time, we did not set ourselves the task of going through the certification path as quickly as possible - and this could be done by leaving only the Kubernetes kernel. Our goal was to certify a full-fledged platform as a safe containerization tool. Our customers can use such a product in their installations without additional settings and "hanging" "with other certified solutions for monitoring, logging, balancing, and so on. We remain true to our approach: DKP is a safe platform ready for production from day one, "said Konstantin Aksyonov, director of the Deckhouse development department at Flant.

Use in Linx Cloud

Linx expanded its portfolio of PaaS services with Kubernetes as a Service based on the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform solution from Flant. Linx announced this on September 12, 2024. Read more here.

Platform Technical Enhancements

On September 3, 2024, Flant announced the expansion of the technical capabilities of the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP). In particular, in versions 1.60-1.62, the developer added support for another Russian OS, expanded the list of compatible OS versions and Kubernetes versions, optimized the fault tolerance level, and updated the graphical interface and cluster management center.

Deckhouse Kubernetes platform

According to the company, Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is a containerization platform. The solution allows you to create and manage identical clusters in any IT infrastructure. DKP can be deployed in public and private clouds, on top of any virtualization, on bare-metal servers, as well as in a hybrid model.

The DKP platform now supports the operating systems RED OS 8.0, OS ROSA Cobalt, ROSA Chrome and Ubuntu 24.04. In addition, the CLI utility for working with DKP clusters has become available under Windows. The ability to send logs from the platform to external event and security information management systems (SIEM systems) in their native format has also been added.

We are constantly expanding the DKP interoperability landscape so that the platform works on top of the infrastructure, while providing our customers with optimal container management capabilities. In versions 1.60-1.62, we added platform compatibility capabilities, in particular, with. the Russian OS Support Kubernetes for 1.30 also appeared in early access. At the same time, at least four versions of Kubernetes are supported in each DKP release - users can switch to the updated version when they see fit.

noted Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department

In order to reduce the recovery time of the cluster target state after failures, DKP introduced a scheme to track the availability of nodes and ensure their automatic isolation (fencing). This made it possible to optimize the time of decommissioning of the problem unit several times.

Also, thanks to the fault-tolerant implementation of the gateway for outbound traffic, the reliability of the DKP network subsystem has been optimized. Now the platform allows you to specify a group of nodes, one of which processes outgoing network requests from running in an application cluster. If the active node fails, the platform will automatically redirect outbound traffic through one of the available nodes in the group.

DKP includes several dozen closely integrated modules, which also provide automation container load management. In this case, DKP can work both with built-in modules (included in the platform) and with modules from an external verified source. In other words, DKP users can launch their application as a platform module and automate its deployment, update and configuration. It is now easier to do this thanks to the detailed documentation for creating the DKP module.

All user roles and access rights in the cluster have become fully applied to the graphical interface - the user sees in the interface only those objects to which he has appropriate access in the cluster.

The changes also affected the DKP cluster management center - Deckhouse Commander. So, now you can transfer previously created DKP clusters under the control of Commander. In this case, cluster management can be paused, which allows you to conveniently perform work in it offline.

In recent releases, we have added the ability to use a HTTP/3-enabled balancer to the platform. And for September 2024, we are working to ensure that this function appears in the upstream version of the Kubernetes Ingress NGINX Controller component, which is used to balance incoming traffic by many Kubernetes users.

summarized Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department

Compatibility with Rosa Chrome

Flant and STC IT ROSA have officially confirmed the technological compatibility of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform with the ROSA Chrome operating system. Based on the results of the tests carried out by the engineers, the corresponding certificate of compatibility was obtained. This was announced by STC IT ROSA on August 27, 2024.

The partnership between the two technology companies expands the functionality of software for corporate clients, built entirely on the domestic stack. The compatibility of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and ROSA Chrome allows you to easily build an infrastructure of any complexity and with different corporate information security loops, as well as ensure high performance, stability and security when working with container applications.

The partnership with Flant is definitely a step forward in creating comprehensive IT solutions based on domestic technologies. Thanks to integration, we can now offer customers a flexible and secure container management solution using all the advantages of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform, "said Vyacheslav Kadomsky, Director of Strategic Development at ROSA.

Confirming the technological compatibility of DKP with the ROSA Chrome operating system opens up opportunities for users to create a convenient working infrastructure and speed up development processes. I am sure that together with STC IT ROSA we will continue to search for innovative solutions in the face of growing requirements for digital independence, - said Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department.

SpaceVM Platform Compatibility

Dacom MFlant On August 19, 2024, the companies "" and "" announced the technological compatibility of the domestic platform virtualizations SpaceVM and Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform. This collaboration aims to create a comprehensive cloudy resource management solution that provides users with a high degree of flexibility, scalability, and security. Based on the test results, an official compatibility certificate for SpaceVM and Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform products was obtained. More. here

Inclusion in the register of Russian software

Deckhouse Delivery, a solution for the secure assembly, testing, distribution and deployment of containerized applications, has entered the register of Russian software. The product is part of the Deckhouse ecosystem and is deeply integrated with its other products. The solution allows you to build CI/CD processes in Kubernetes, deliver and deploy applications in isolated environments, as well as develop locally and in the Kubernetes cluster. The developer announced this on June 25, 2024.

Deckhouse Delivery covers the entire life cycle of delivery artifacts - assembly, use, distribution and cleaning from container registry and assembly units. This allows the business to focus on its product instead of servicing and debugging its delivery process.

We have created Deckhouse Delivery based on many years of experience in the organization of CI/CD, Open Source development and the provision of DevOps services. With our solution, companies can reduce metrics such as Time to Market, Time to Repair, and app shipping costs. This is possible thanks to incremental assemblies, content-based tagging, deployment mechanisms, instant and detailed feedback. In addition, Deckhouse Delivery uses and expands the standards of popular products on the market. In terms of configuration, these are, for example, Dockerfile and Helm charts. Migration to Delivery from foreign analogues is easy, including due to the presence of suitable specialists on the market, "said Alexey Igrychev, technical director of the Deckhouse Delivery product.

Deckhouse Delivery provides a single tool and common configuration for all participants in the development and operation teams, as well as for all delivery environments. The solution is constantly being updated.

In 2024, the main focus of Deckhouse Delivery will be on the functionality required to organize the development of secure software (RBPO). It is planned: to add a scan of delivery artifacts for vulnerabilities; Implement executable signature (ELF) to run applications in a closed-loop environment enter the signature of the delivery artifacts to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the supplied software.

Compatibility with Incomand

Flant and EMDEV on June 3, 2024 announced the successful completion of compatibility testing of their software products. The certificate issued after research by the engineers of both companies confirms the correct operation of the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse and the corporate portal Incomand.

The collaboration between Flant and EMDEV greatly simplifies the process of selecting and implementing software for customers. With DKP, Incomand users get high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance. In turn, at the expense of Incomand Deckhouse, it expands the ecosystem of products that can be quickly deployed on DKP.

The joint decision of Flant and EMDEV was tested in one of the largest oil companies in Russia. And as a result, it was recommended for use internally as part of the implementation of the Horizontal Corporate Portals product strategy.

Together, Incomand and Deckhouse present a stable solution that can be confidently applied to the complex business tasks of the enterprise. We chose Flant as a technology partner thanks to the expertise of its engineers in the field of Kubernetes, as well as an impeccable reputation in the Russian IT market. Together we continue to create solutions that not only provide independence from foreign vendors, but also offer high performance and security for the CII of our clients, "said Alexey Kakunin, CEO of EMDEV.

Deckhouse, along with Incomand, is a unified environment where customers can deploy enterprise-level failover clusters in half an hour rather than half a day. Together with EMDEV, we offer a modern integrated approach to solving the problems of building reliable and secure IT infrastructures. I am sure that we will continue to move in this logic, thereby accelerating the processes of digital transformation for large companies, - commented Alexander Titov, managing partner of Flant.

ZIIoT Platform Integration Plan

The company "" and Flant the Group Zyfra of Companies "" signed a Memorandum on the joint implementation of projects in the region. industrial internet of things The signing took place on May 22, 2024.

The key area of ​ ​ cooperation will be the development of a partnership for a comprehensive offer of digital products of both companies - the full-featured Kubernetes platform Deckhouse of Flant and the industrial digital platform ZIIoT Zyfras. Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform provides a secure fault-tolerant environment and simplifies the deployment and scaling of industrial solutions, while ZIIoT is designed for a wide range of MES-class manufacturing management tasks.

Our platforms are different technologies that strengthen each other by providing industrial companies with a completely Russian software stack. The ZIIoT platform works on top of container orchestration systems, this is the base for our product. Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is just such a system: it creates a reliable layer of IT infrastructure, and also guarantees the security of open source software. We are building a different level among customers - a digital domestic platform for managing industrial data and creating a whole range of solutions on it from predictive analytics to digital twins. Our comprehensive proposal will accelerate the pace of digitalization, more effectively implement import substitution plans and introduce new IT products to increase business profitability, "said Sergey Emelchenkov, General Director of Zyfra Group of Companies.

The implementation of such projects will help industrial enterprises to more actively implement the most modern IT solutions and maximize the economic effect of using IoT technologies.

Solutions in the industrial Internet of Things open up new opportunities for industrial enterprises, allowing them to significantly increase equipment performance, reduce costs and increase profitability. However, IoT technologies are continuously evolving and it is important to constantly look for growth points in this direction. I am sure that our technological cooperation will give a new impetus to the start of projects based on the ZIIoT industrial platform and the Deckhouse ecosystem, which comprehensively cover the needs of industrial enterprises in infrastructure software, - said Alexander Titov, managing partner of Flant JSC.

v1.59 with enhanced capabilities

The updated release of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) - v1.59 has been released. The update has expanded technical capabilities and added two revisions to the platform. Flant announced this on May 20, 2024.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is a platform for creating and managing identical Kubernetes clusters in any IT infrastructure. The solution can be deployed in public and private clouds, on bare-metal servers, as well as in a hybrid model.

Basic Edition is designed for deployment in the public cloud or on its own servers with Internet access. Standard Edition includes advanced features for configuring the Kubernetes infrastructure. In particular, this edition allows you to deploy clusters and manage them in closed environments without Internet access.

Deckhouse Kubernetes originally came in two editions: Community Edition is a free version, and Enterprise Edition is a variant with maximum functionality and deep integration into the IT infrastructure. Over time, a request appeared among our customers for a version that would be intermediate between these options. In this platform release, we added Basic Edition and Standard Edition. They are suitable for companies that want to focus on solving business problems and take advantage of the best DevOps solutions out of the box. Basic Edition is compatible with Russian OS and provides access to standard technical support from the vendor. Standard Edition additionally includes an administrator web interface and the ability to work in a closed loop, and you can also connect round-the-clock technical support, "said Konstantin Aksyonov, director of the Deckhouse development department at Flant.

Changes that will enhance the platform's capabilities include:

  • The changed way of routing traffic in istio is using a CNI plugin instead of an init container. Now istio no longer requires special privileges to configure the network, which allows you to use all the advantages of Service Mesh even in clusters with high security requirements.
  • High availability mode for Deckhouse. In clusters with more than one master node, the DKP kernel will now, like many other components, automatically work in multiple replicas.
  • Upgrading the Grafana monitoring interface to version 10. The latest and previous versions of Grafana are available at the same time to preserve the backward compatibility of user graphs in the cluster. Users will receive notifications with instructions for upgrading and fully upgrading to the updated version.
  • Added the possibility in the OpenStack provider - combining virtual machines of master-nodes into groups and specifying their distribution policy for hypervisors. This avoids placing multiple master nodes on the same hypervisor.

Thanks to the principle of "least possible privileges," the platform has become even safer. Default security policies now require explicit indication of whether to access the Kubernetes API for user applications. The administrator also has the opportunity to limit the list of roles that can be assigned to cluster users.

In the new release, we have achieved important technical improvements in the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform: we have facilitated the use of Service Mesh in clusters with high security requirements, added high availability mode for the Deckhouse kernel, strengthened security policies and completed work to update many components to fix bugs and fix vulnerabilities. We are confident that all these changes will make working with DKP even more efficient and convenient for our customers, "said Konstantin Aksyonov, Director of the Deckhouse Development Department at Flant.

Axiom JDK Compatibility

Flant"," the supplier of the industrial platform Kubernetes in, and Russia, Axiom JDK the supplier of the Russian platform, Java confirmed the correct joint operation of their products. Successful tests make it possible to recommend the use of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and Axiom JDK Java technologies as a comprehensive solution for containerized loads. This was announced Flant by "" on April 2, 2024.

The tests were a response to the increased demands of companies to increase the efficiency of developing and operating applications in a containerized environment. The test results confirm the full compatibility of the Axiom Runtime Container lightweight Java container and the standardized Libercat Java application server with the Deskhouse Kubernetes Platform. Axiom JDK and Flant issued bilateral certificates.

Axiom Runtime Container is a lightweight Java container. It is based on the Axiom Linux container OS and the Lite version of the Java Axiom JDK development and launch environment, specially optimized for clouds and microservices. The minimum size of such a Java container, including the OS and JDK, is only 41 MB, which is 12 times less than usual. This saves engineering time and computing resources, as well as increases security by reducing the attack surface.

The standardized Libercat Java application server, based on open source Apache Tomcat, is designed to work with Java EE/Jakarta EE technologies. Libercat is an alternative to Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, RedHat JBoss, RedHat WildFly, etc. This is the only application server of a comparable level in the register of Russian software. It is compatible with domestic DBMS, OS and hardware and comes with the Java Axiom JDK runtime.

We continue to invest in interoperability and certification of our technologies and thank partners for their cooperation. These are significant steps that help customers perform import substitution KPIs. The Deckhouse platform for creating Kubernetes clusters and the Java Axiom JDK development and execution environment represent two different levels of technology, while they can interact when deploying Java applications in cloud environments. By managing packaged applications, an isolated environment is created to run them, simplifying deployment and scaling. We are confident that our comprehensive solution based on a lightweight Java container will help customers improve the development efficiency, performance and resiliency of critical systems, "said Aleksei Kuznetsov, Director of Partner Relations at Axiom JDK.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and the Axiom JDK line meet the needs of companies focused on building a fast-growing and reliable business. The technological compatibility of our products will allow customers to accelerate application development processes and migration from proprietary solutions. Tests have confirmed that domestic Java containers can be effectively used in the Russian platform for creating Kubernetes clusters. Thanks to this, companies will be able to increase the efficiency of using the current Java-based infrastructure, implement import substitution plans and create new promising solutions, - said Alexander Titov, managing partner of Flant JSC.

Availability in Softline "Multiblade"

Softline Group of Companies (PJSC Softline) on March 28, 2024 announced the launch of the Kubernetes as a Service service based on the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform solution from Flant JSC in Softline Multioblaco. The platform is provided in the form of a ready-made cloud service with technical support enabled. Read more here.

Yandex Cloud Compatibility

Yandex Cloud has certified the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) and confirmed its compatibility with its cloud platform. Flant announced this on February 4, 2024. In particular, Deckhouse supports work with additional Yandex Cloud services. Among them are Yandex Lockbox for centralized storage of Secrets and Yandex Managed Service for Prometheus, a monitoring system compatible with Prometheus.

The certification passed by Flant confirms that Deckhouse is fully compatible with the platform, including Yandex Cloud services - Lockbox, Cloud Logging and Managed Prometheus. DevOps engineers will be able to work with the microservice orchestrator both on their own servers and in the cloud, using a unified approach when deploying the Kubernetes platform. As a result, they will receive a solution with an understandable modular structure, protected using the security group mechanism. The combination of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform with Yandex Cloud will allow you to manage the entire life cycle of clusters in a hybrid infrastructure, "said Pavel Selivanov, architect of Yandex Cloud.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform effectively addresses the challenges of digital transformation. To build their platform on the basis of Deckhouse, companies do not need to have their own expertise in the field of Kubernetes or increase the cost of support and operation.

The Deckhouse platform helps companies manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters in any infrastructure using all the advantages of multi-room solutions. Whether it is clouds, dedicated servers or hybrid clusters, unifying the approach significantly reduces operational complexity and simplifies the process of developing, delivering and updating software, "said Konstantin Aksyonov, director of the Deckhouse development department at Flant. - The ability to choose and use different infrastructure options gives a number of advantages: reducing costs, expanding fault tolerance and redundancy, gaining access to the most suitable tools for solving the problem.

Entaxy ION Compatibility

Flant and EMDEV on February 1, 2024 announced the technological compatibility of their products. As a result of thorough testing conducted by engineers from both companies, a certificate was issued confirming the flawless operation of the Deckhouse and Entaxy ION software. Read more here.

Compatibility with "Forsyth. Mobile platform "

Forsyth Company, Forsyth Software Product Developer . Mobile platform "and the company" Flant, "the developer of the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse, confirmed the compatibility of products as part of a technological partnership. The main goal of vendor cooperation is to ensure seamless collaboration of software solutions for use in import substitution projects for large corporate customers. Forsyth announced this on January 11, 2023. Read more here.


As part of the Deckhouse product ecosystem

On December 4, 2023, the Deckhouse product ecosystem was presented, designed to build an ultra-reliable enterprise infrastructure.

The Deckhouse ecosystem includes the flagship development of the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform, as well as virtualizations the Deckhouse Virtualization Platform, Deckhouse Observability Monitoring System, Deckhouse Commander Cluster Manager, Application Build and Delivery Platform at Kubernetes and werf Deckhouse Delivery, Deckhouse Stronghold Secret Handling System, a showcase verified ON with proven Deckhouse Marketplace compatibility, a system that provides centralized source code Deckhouse Code management, a centralized solution for managing and storing Deckhouse Registry container repositories.

We have seen growing business interest in the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse and are committed to developing solutions that help companies effectively transition to using microservices. It is strategically important for us not only to maintain high quality solutions, but also to expand the product portfolio in order to create an ecosystem of Deckhouse infrastructure products. The launch of a whole line of solutions for developers of high-load systems will allow you to comprehensively implement a large number of tasks that arise when creating and launching applications, as well as accelerate their commissioning, - commented Alexander Batalov, General Director of Flant.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is a Russian containerization platform, a single solution for creating and managing infrastructure. The Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform solves import substitution problems and is included in the Register of Domestic Software. The platform integrates with Russian operating systems: Astra Linux, AlterOS and Red OS - and also provides a rich toolkit for ensuring safety standards (being tested at FSTEC of Russia). The solution is suitable for Enterprise: 300 + clusters operate under the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform for December 2023, there are cases of successful implementation in banks, the oil and gas sector and fintech with a confirmed SLA of 99.9%. The Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform team includes active contributors to Kubernetes, Dex, Istio and other world open source solutions that have become the standard for building a modern infrastructure. The platform reduces the time to issue a fully finished cluster from several days to several minutes.

Deckhouse Ecosystem Products

  • Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is a Kubernetes platform that allows you to create identical K8s clusters in any infrastructure: on bare metal and y. cloudy providers Contains all the necessary modules and add-ons for auto-scaling, observability, security and service mesh. Under the hood, Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is a vanilla K8s and a balanced set of Open Source tools that have become an industrial standard. The first Russian CNCF certified Kubernetes distribution.
  • Deckhouse Virtualization Platform is a virtualization system that allows you to manage virtual machines using Kubernetes. Provides a simple interface for working with virtual machines as Kubernetes primitives and provides high network performance by using CNI Cilium with MacVTap support (eliminates address translation overhead).
  • Deckhouse Commander is a cluster manager that allows you to create, delete and configure clusters both in the cloud and on static resources.
  • Deckhouse Observability is a monitoring system that helps provide complete control and analysis of the state of IT infrastructure and applications based on real-time metrics, logs and trails. Based on Okmeter.
  • Deckhouse Delivery is an application delivery platform in Kubernetes and werf. Works with any CI system and allows you to automate the deployment and assembly process as much as possible.
  • Deckhouse Stronghold is a secret handling system replacing the Hashicorp Vault.
  • Deckhouse Marketplace is a verified showcase ON with proven compatibility that can run on the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform and expand its functionality.
  • Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform Certified Security Edition is a version of the platform certified by FSTEC.
  • Deckhouse Code - provides centralized source code management, simplifies code quality control and the development process by providing tools for code exchange with external development teams and for code review and change mergers.
  • Deckhouse Registry is a centralized solution for managing and storing container repositories. Provides support for the role-based access model, scanning for vulnerabilities in containers, and an automatic repository cleanup policy.

As part of the service for placement and orchestration of container applications

beeline cloud (beeline cloud) has signed a partnership agreement with Flant. Cooperation will allow you to offer customers a ready-made service for placing and orchestrating container applications. Flant announced this on September 7, 2023. Companies are purposefully promoting Deckhouse - a Kubernetes platform that allows you to create and maintain unified Kubernetes clusters equipped with the necessary tools and components to organize a ready-to-operate container environment. Read more here.

Add delivery module

The Flant delivery module has appeared as part of the Deckhouse platform of the company "." The developer announced this on March 21, 2023. The module will be useful primarily for: developers it automates the processes of continuous delivery, deployment and update of user applications in the cluster. Delivery is based on a utility open source with Argo CD.

The main features of the delivery module of the Deckhouse platform:

  • Saves time and labor for specialists who support Kubernetes clusters. Before the module appeared, users had to independently install and update the Argo CD. Now the utility is part of the Deckhouse platform out of the box, and only one command is required to install and configure it. Argo CD is updated automatically, like the rest of the Deckhouse modules.
  • Suitable for delivering software to enclosed environments. Together with the module, Deckhouse users were able to download application images and their configuration not from different repositories, but from a common one. The image and settings of the application come in the form of a single artifact - a bundle. This feature is especially useful for closed environments with increased security requirements for the software delivery process.

Creating a Virtualization System

A team of Flant engineers has created a virtualization system that provides the most convenient environment for deploying a hyperconverged infrastructure. The virtualization system is implemented as a module of the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse. The company announced this on February 28, 2023.

When creating the virtualization module, the Flanta team not only combined the technologies on the market, but used the strongest aspects of each: Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Cilium, LINSTOR, Libvirt/QEMU. The result is a virtualization module with a user-friendly interface, controlled directly from Kubernetes and guaranteed maximum performance with minimal resource consumption.

The basic functionality of the module includes:

  • Manage virtual machines - create, delete, start, stop.
  • IP address reservation mechanism.
  • Disk management: copy, import.
  • High availability for both virtual machines and platform components.
  • SDN with powerful Cilium-based network policies.
  • Flexible SDS based on LINSTOR with support for snapshots, backup, encryption, etc.
  • Built-in monitoring, dashboards and alerts for system pods and the above modules.
  • Role-based access control and authentication based on various OAuth 2.0 sources.
  • Automatically updates all platform components.

In the near future plans for the development of the module:

  • Improve the mechanism for migrating virtual machines between hypervisors.
  • Extension of user experience: additional CLI, event monitoring, documentation, etc.
  • Web interface for cluster and virtual machine management.
  • Support for VPC (virtual private cloud) to create separate isolated VLANs and connect virtual machines to them.


Compatibility with the Russian Luntry Container Security Solution

The company Flant"" announced on November 18, 2022 that the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse is compatible Russian with the solution for. safety containers Luntry Compatibility was confirmed according to the results of tests conducted by engineers  of the Flant companies and. Luntry Deckhouse users can now improve the security and visibility deployed in services Kubernetes. More. here

Red OS Compatibility

The Flant and RED SOFT companies tested the compatibility of the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse and the RED OS operating system. The tests were completed successfully and showed that Deckhouse can be deployed on servers and workstations that run RED OS. The Red Soft company announced this on October 4, 2022. Considering that both products are registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software, the stack can be used to import substitution of foreign solutions for containerization - such as, for example, OpenShift from Red Hat, Tanzu from VMware and Rancher from SUSE.

{{quote 'author=said Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT. | Our customers often contact us with questions about the compatibility of RED OS and domestic software for containerization. The demand for such solutions is constantly growing, more and more Russian companies are using container virtualization to develop and launch their applications. Now we can offer a combination of Deckhouse and RED OS for these tasks, as well as be sure that customers will receive high-quality technical support,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Artyom Kozhokin, Development Director of the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse, "Flant." | By deploying Deckhouse based on RED OS, our users receive a single import-independent stack of solutions for containerization. It is also an opportunity to unify the Kubernetes infrastructure and simplify its administration. If you look more broadly, Deckhouse certification for working with RED OS is another important step in promoting Kubernetes in the Russian market,}}

Ready For Astra Linux Certification

The Kubernetes platform Deckhouse is certified under the Ready For Astra Linux program. Flant announced this on September 20, 2022.

GC "Astra" and the company "Flant" continued the work on the integration of their own products, which began a few months ago. The goal of cooperation is the development of the Russian ecosystem for the development of containerized applications based on the domestic OS.

In January 2022, the Kubernetes platform Deckhouse from Flant underwent express testing on Astra Linux. According to the results of the first tests, an initial conclusion was given on the compatibility of Deckhouse with the operating system. Engineers from both companies continued to work on a comprehensive comprehensive compatibility check for Ready for Astra Linux certification solutions.

In June 2022, joint tests were continued. The test results confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of Deckhouse and Astra Linux Special Edition OS (compatibility certificate No. 8346/2022). From that moment, the Deckhouse platform officially entered the Astra Linux ecosystem and is included in the Ready For Astra Linux program. Now OS users in Russia can develop on the basis of Kubernetes and manage containers applications using domestic software.

We appreciate the many years of merits of our colleagues from Astra in the popularization of Russian IT solutions and the development of the domestic software ecosystem. Inclusion in the Ready for Astra Linux program will allow OS clients to transfer applications to Kubernetes and effectively manage clusters using Deckhouse, "said Artyom Kozhokin, Deckhouse Development Director at Flant.

Containerization for September 2022 is gaining momentum, to optimize the process, many developers are trying to switch to Kubernetes. We are pleased to include the Russian solution for managing Kubernetes clusters in the large Astra family. The Ready for Astra Linux program is actively expanding, we are certifying more and more software and trying to make Astra Linux the most convenient OS for developing software products, "added Roman Mylitsyn, Head of Advanced Research and Innovative Projects at Astra Group.

AlterOS compatibility

The group of companies ALMIS"" and the company Flant"" confirm 100% compatibility and correct performance operating system AlterOS with the Deckhouse platform. Over the past month, software products have been comprehensive, testing which has been successful and has not revealed problems. According to the results of the tests, experts from ALMIS and Flanta recommend using Deckhouse in the AlterOS environment. This was announced on August 8, 2022 by the ALMIS company. More. here

Completion of Astra Linux compatibility checks with Deckhouse platform

Astra Linux GC and Flant, the developer of the Deckhouse platform, have completed the first stage of testing the platform's compatibility with the Astra Linux operating system. The software stack is suitable for the implementation of import substitution plans: both products are included in the "Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases" of the Ministry of Digital Development. Its use will allow Russian software developers to ensure a fairly high level of IT security, increase resource utilization efficiency and optimize key processes. This was announced on January 24, 2022 by Astra Linux.

Deckhouse is a fully functional Kubernetes platform based on Open Source components for automated work with containerized applications. Each container is an isolated area where you have all the components you need to run. Containers are independent of the server architecture, interact with the OS using standard interfaces, can be updated without synchronization with other containers, and are also easily transferred from one environment to another. It is with the help of containers that applications with a microservice architecture are usually implemented. Such solutions are in demand in the IT field and serve, in particular, for the development, launch and testing of software in different environments, as well as for the operation of highly loaded web services, the fault tolerance and scalability of which are highly demanded.

Deckhouse improves system and resource utilization, quickly deploys ready-made software products, and scales and migrates them to other environments with guaranteed stability. As one of the main differences from standard Kubernetes and other container management services, the developer notes that the application of Deckhouse makes it easier to work with containers and reduces the threshold for entering the technology: users are not "tied" to, they to infrastructure provider do not need to administer most of the components themselves, and they can completely focus on solving their work tasks.

Compatibility tests of software solutions were conducted on a virtual machine running Astra Linux Common Edition based on Debian 9. The results of the checks showed that the product can be successfully used in the environment of this OS, according to the results of load and functional testing, no problems were identified. In addition, on January 24, 2022, Deckhouse is being tested for correctness under Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7. The current system update based on Debian 10.0 (Buster) has all the necessary packages and components, and it is expected that the Deckhouse platform will be minimized.

"Together with colleagues from Astra Linux GC, we will continue to work on Deckhouse and OS compatibility. Our product has already been entered into the register of Russian software, which was a response to requests from our customers, and in the near future it is planned to obtain a compatibility certificate for the Deckhouse bundle with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7 and built-in protection. This will allow the product to be used in systems that process sensitive data, "-

comments Konstantin Aksenov, head of Deckhouse at Flant.

"As a result of Deckhouse's integration with Astra Linux Special Edition, Russian companies will receive a ready-made Kubernetes-based container management platform that meets import substitution requirements. Given the growing fame of this technology and the relevance of the tasks that it solves, we see great prospects for using such a bundle both in those enterprises that have already adapted containers for their applications, and in those who will face such a task in the near future to ensure fault tolerance and scalability of loaded services, as well as increase the efficiency of development processes, "-

noted by Evgeny Vekshin, Product Director of Astra Linux GC.


Deckhouse Public Open Source Release

In 2021, the public Open Source release of the Deckhouse platform for automating the maintenance of Kubernetes clusters became available.

Inclusion in the Register of Domestic Software

On December 21, 2021, Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform software was officially registered in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases.

Deckhouse was developed by Flant, one of the DevOps companies in Russia. With Deckhouse, Flant serves more than 200 production clusters, in which about 4,000 client applications are deployed. Deckhouse is also offered by "Flant" as a Managed Kubernetes service.

The public Open Source release of the platform took place in July 2021, after three and a half years of internal operation and constant improvements. The platform soon successfully passed CNCF testing for Certified Kubernetes status.

The inclusion of the platform in the Register makes it possible for Flanta customers not only to use a high-quality product, but also to meet the requirements of the regulator for import substitution. And with such requests, the platform developer has already been contacted.