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Digital twin "Telematics" will provide seamless movement of unmanned trucks on the M-11

Customers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Contractors: SoftTelematics
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Creation of a digital twin of the Neva M-11 route

On September 23, 2024, the official launch of the movement of unmanned trucks along the toll highway of the Neva M-11 between Moscow and St. Petersburg took place. Effective control of the movement of unmanned vehicles and safety will be ensured by a high-precision digital twin of the highway developed by the Telematics concern.

Now the M-11 highway will become a full-fledged unmanned transport corridor between the two capitals. Trucks will move completely autonomously without drivers, relying on digital data road infrastructure. To control the movement and correct work car , the driver will be in the passenger seat. The safe movement of the VATS on the highway will be provided by the first Russian high-precision digital twin of the highway, which was created on the initiative Ministry of Transport Russia of the company "" (SoftTelematics part of the Telematics concern).

At the M-11, we are forming standards, technical and technological requirements for the road transport infrastructure of unmanned logistics corridors. The expansion of the project is already planned at the Central Ring Road and the Vostok M-12, where a digital twin of highways will also be created for the interaction of unmanned vehicles with a smart road, for their safe movement and effective management of traffic on the highway. Such technologies for integrating a smart road with connected cars and VATS should become mandatory standards in the construction of roads of the highest category. In addition, for the further spread of autonomous traffic in Russia, it is very important to provide good coverage of classical communication along all highways and to allocate a separate frequency range for reliable technological communication, "said Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Dmitry Bakanov.

The digital twin is a digital replica of the highway and road infrastructure. It is based on V2X communication technology (vehicle-to-everything - a car connected to everything), which allows unmanned vehicles and the road to exchange information in real time about the traffic situation: traffic, weather conditions, road accidents, any dynamic changes and incidents throughout the route. Connecting to a digital twin allows a self-driving car to receive data from a smart road and "see" any events beyond the boundaries of the car's sensor systems, the range of which is limited by the physical visibility area. Such interaction of road infrastructure and transport will increase traffic safety and increase the speed of the VATS, which as a result will have a positive impact on the economic efficiency of commercial unmanned freight transportation, - commented Dmitry Kazarinov, General Director of SoftTelematics.

The development of V2X technology when creating a digital twin of the M-11 highway was carried out with the participation of FSUE NAMI. Testing included more than 15 different scenarios, including an accident or sharp braking of a vehicle along the way, bad weather conditions, a person, an animal or a foreign object on the road and other events.

Previously, unmanned vehicles had to drive off the highway and drive around Tver along the Southern Bypass to the M-10, where, due to speed restrictions and traffic lights, the driver had to be driving the VATS in this area. The launch of traffic in July 2024 on the final section of the M-11 highway along the northern bypass of Tver, equipped with advanced technological solutions of the Telematics concern, allowed the VATS to seamlessly move along the highway M-11 completely autonomously without the participation of the driver. VATS travel through the M-11 was carried out within the framework of the experimental legal regime (EPR).

The development of highly automated vehicles (VATS) and infrastructure for their movement is being implemented within the framework of the Unmanned Logistics Corridors project. It assumes a single network of unmanned logistics corridors in Russia with a length of about 20 thousand km by 2030. The implementation of the project will increase the share of Russia in transportation on the route by 10 times China , as Europe well as reduce the accident rate by 20%. transport