Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2012/02/03 15:30:37

TAdviser Ad

On this page you will find brief information about standard advertising offers of the Internet portal. In case you have a need for non-standard accommodation, please contact us by or +7 (926) 557-4979


TAdviser audience

'TAdviser Site Quality Index'   Яндекс Индекс качества сайта TAdviser    
'Yandex.Portal Audience Metric'   Yandex.Metric  

TAdviser Review and Conference Plan

In TAdviser reviews, companies have the ability to post information about their projects and products.

Banner and text advertising on the portal

We recommend that you use the TAdviser banner ad to:

  • branding (increasing name recognition) of the company and products among the target audience;
  • attracting market attention to partner and marketing programs of product developers;
  • informing potential consumers about special promotions (lowering food prices, etc.).

Placing targeted banner and text ads in TAdviser catalogs can be really effective, as these sections attract the attention of mainly specialists interested in choosing an IT solution or an integrator partner. Very often, visitors come to the pages of the TAdviser directory through queries in search engines.

Guaranteed CTR of at least 0.2 for model advertising campaigns CPM (dynamics).
CTR=(number of clicks/number of impressions) * 100

Minimum order amount 30 thousand rubles, including VAT 5%
С 01.01.2025 VAT rate 5%, Federal Law No. 176-FZ dated 12.07.2024.

Seasonal coefficient for September, October, November, December
* 1.25 to the current prices of media advertising

Available targets for banner RK:
  • Limit the number of banner displays per day, by day of the week, by hour.

Banner Specifications:

  • banner file format jpg/png/gif
  • banner weight up to 100kb
  • on the banner according to the law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" there must be a label "advertising," TIN/OGRN and the name of the customer company

Examples of various RKs for advertisers on the TAdviser resource
Static placement (24/7)
only on the first page of the portal:
вес до 100кб
с меткой "реклама" на макете
Стоимость размещения
рублей, включая НДС 5%
С 01.01.2025 ставка НДС 5%, Федеральный закон от 12.07.2024 № 176-ФЗ
/ календарная неделя

Сезонный коэффициент на сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь *1,25 к текущим ценам медийной рекламы

П-брендирование (webskin)

на первой странице портала над логотипом

psd/jpg 2560x1200px
сверху отступ 200px
cправа и слева - поля
в центре нужно оставить 1240px под сайт, тексты, кнопки и другие важные элементы должны быть не дальше чем 150px c обеих сторон от сайта

Также необходим 700х400px для мобильной версии

Брендирование - это одна картинка в виде подложки (не разбита на разные части) - ссылка на клик ставится одна со всех частей макета.

пример 1
схема для подготовки макета для П-брендирования
пример 2
пример 3
пример 4


01.09.25 92 500


Horizontal banner on the main page of the portal in
the Fin.Tadviser block

870х200px и 300x600px для мобильной версии

пример 5

50 500


Stretching on the first page of the portalanade by the
"Digitalization map" unit

и 700х400px для мобильной версии

10 500

4 Text Advertising, Home Page лого и до 100 символов

заглавные буквы возможны только для аббревиатур
пример 6 (если статика второй растяжки куплена)
пример 7
15 500

Dynamic placement:
advertiser's html banner in rotation with other advertising campaigns in the
text of publications on the TAdviser portal Only

banner views are taken into account in the advertising campaign statistics
(they will "finish" to the banner by the user)
вес до 100кб
с меткой "реклама" на макете

и текст
Стоимость размещения
рублей, включая НДС 5%
С 01.01.2025 ставка НДС 5%, Федеральный закон от 12.07.2024 № 176-ФЗ

за 1 тысячу показов

Сезонный коэффициент на сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь *1,25 к текущим ценам медийной рекламы
1 Banner "Economy"
Текст до 250 символов

2 Banner "Standard"
Заголовок до 50 символов
Текст до 180 символов

3 Premium Banner
Заголовок до 70 символов
Текст до 500 символов

3 Premium Video Banner
Видеофайл до 30 секунд

4 Banner "News" In the
right column above the news blocks

Заголовок до 70 символов
Текст до 240 символов

5 "VIP letter" to visitors with floating logo and individual design Логотип компании. Текст до 1400 знаков, иллюстрация png/jpg (1000px по ширине и 100-200px по высоте, вес до 200кб)


Premium Video Banner

Seasonal coefficient for September, October, November, December
* 1.25 to the current prices of media advertising

Banner Specifications:
  • banner file format jpg/png/gif
  • banner weight up to 100kb
  • on the banner according to the law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" there must be a label "advertising," TIN/OGRN and the name of the customer company

Examples of various RKs for advertisers on the TAdviser resource

"VIP letter" to visitors with floating logo and individual design

A noticeable company logo appears in the lower left corner, which floats when scrolling. An interested visitor can click on the logo and will be opened by a new layer without restarting the page of the company's letter with a beautiful design. Displays of the logo on the page are considered.

Dynamic placement:
Advertiser banner in rotation with other ad campaigns
вес до 100кб
с меткой "реклама" на макете
Стоимость размещения
рублей, включая НДС 5%
С 01.01.2025 ставка НДС 5%, Федеральный закон от 12.07.2024 № 176-ФЗ

за 1 тысячу показов

Сезонный коэффициент на сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь *1,25 к текущим ценам медийной рекламы
Stretching in the first screen above the logo on the second pages of the portal

и 700х400px для мобильной версии
Banner on all portal pages on the right
Text string on all pages, including the main page (if the main page is not statically redeemed), in the center
до 100 символов
(заглавные буквы возможны только для аббревиатур)
пример 1
Slider (in hours with video broadcasting) (analogue of pop_up/fullscreen All PAGE Branding BG 8 seconds) on all pages of the portal, with a limit on the number of shows to the user per session and for the entire time of the advertising campaign

пример 1
пример 2
пример 3 с П-брендированием
пример 4 с П-брендированием
пример 5 с П-брендированием
без П-брендирования

с П-брендированием
5П-брендирование (webskin) на вторых страницах портала
psd/jpg 2560x1200px

сверху отступ 200px

cправа и слева - поля
в центре нужно оставить 1240px под сайт, , тексты, кнопки и другие важные элементы должны быть не дальше чем 150px c обеих сторон от сайта
Также необходим 700х400px для мобильной версии

Брендирование - это одна картинка в виде подложки (не разбита на разные части) - ссылка на клик ставится одна со всех частей макета.

пример 1
схема для подготовки макета для П-брендирования
пример 2
пример 3


Location of advertising places

Portal P-branding and "slider" (with video broadcasting), pop_up (fullscreen)

The following are examples of TAdviser portal branding:

Ads on TAdviser podcasts

The authors [1] of the TAdviser podcasts are well-known experts and journalists who analyze the IT industry in Russia and in the world. You can hear us on the website and on YouTube.

Campaign Opportunities:

  • separate podcast
  • promotional tie-ins to editorial podcasts

TAdviser Ads

Industry and specialized mailings (individual letters)

  • The TAdviser editorial office has accumulated a significant base of constantly updated and replenished contacts of IT persons working in different industries and who took part in person or in absentia at the TAdviser conference (as an example, in the archive of past conferences you can see a list of companies and positions that attended the selected event). Since 2014, Conferos has organized up to 40 events annually. The main audience: business owners, company leaders, decision makers, techs in leadership positions, responsible for the manufacturability of processes in the company - CIO, IT/Digital Transformation Directors, as well as IT Department Directors, IT Department Heads.
  • A unique service for targeted marketing is personalized mailings by contact with the offer of specialized ICT services for the selected industry.
  • The mailing letter template includes:
    • advertiser layout: text up to 1400 characters, up to two illustrations png/jpg (1000px in width and 100-200px in height, weight up to 200 kb in total) or a ready-made string of html page (code) with the label "advertising" on the layout - provided by the Customer.
    • final statistics of the advertising campaign in TAdviser mailings - the number of clicks (clicks) on the link from the letter, we do not measure the opening and reading, guarantees or forecast of the number of registrations for the Customer's event or completed questionnaires (as an example), we, unfortunately, cannot provide.
    • not more than two links to the click in the text of the letter are allowed

  • In addition to the distribution, the Customer's information message is published on the portal in the news feed with a hold on the first page of the portal for three days. The news is announced:

    • red heading on the first page of the portal - right column section "News"
    • without "tile" -illustration
    • news headline also makes it to the daily editorial newsletter of the portal to all subscribers

  • To order, contact

Number of contacts (e-mail addresses) by industry (February 2025 data):
If the sampling base exceeds more than 30 thousand addresses, then the distribution is carried out within two days in several stages.

  • Addresses of all TA databases (including industry and subscribers) 98529
  • Information technology 45552 (ICT specialists in companies of all industries)
    • except State structures 37437
    • Moscow and Moscow region 30105
    • Moscow and Moscow region except State structures 25368

  • Information technologies 24590 (IT specialists only from ICT companies: "Information Technologies," "Information Security," "Internet Services," "Electrical Engineering and Microelectronics," "Telecommunications and Communications")
  • IT 18231 (IT professionals from IT companies only)
  • IT people of all industries, except ICT, work in the company not ICT industry, but deal with ICT 20977

    14169 Moscow

  • Information security personnel, industry specialists information security 2421
  • Human resources department Persons, HR Management for HR Audience 1939
  • Addresses without ICT specialists (persons without ICT companies and without indication of the ICT industry) 52977
  • 1C Partners - 5670 (IT companies 1C partners who implement 1C products and/or eat their 1C products)
  • Persons from companies that have the introduction of 1C products - 19095
  • Persons from companies that have the introduction of Bitrix products - 4630
  • Companies with CRM implementations - 19909
  • Companies with BPM implementations - 23786
  • Companies with EDMS implementations - 25914
  • Companies with BI implementations - 19203
  • Companies with SRM implementations - 5859
  • Companies with SCM implementations - 6515
  • Companies with ITSM implementations - 12357
  • Persons from companies that have the introduction of information security products with authentication and information leakage prevention (DLP, SIEM, IAM, IDM) - 8455

other classes of IT solutions on demand

Below is the number of IT contacts from the relevant industry

Distribution by geographical sample - cities and federal district of the Russian Federation (individual letters)

  • The TAdviser edition has accumulated a significant base of constantly updated and replenished contacts of IT persons working in different cities and federal districts of the Russian Federation.
  • A unique service for targeted marketing is personalized mailings by contact with the offer of specialized ICT services for the selected region (city or federal district of the Russian Federation).
  • The mailing letter template includes:
    • advertiser layout: text up to 1400 characters, up to two illustrations png/jpg (1000px in width and 100-200px in height, weight up to 200 kb in total) or a ready-made string of html page (code) with the label "advertising" on the layout - provided by the Customer.
    • final statistics of the advertising campaign in TAdviser mailings - the number of clicks (clicks) on the link from the letter, we do not measure the opening and reading, guarantees or forecast of the number of registrations for the Customer's event or completed questionnaires for services (as an example), we, unfortunately, cannot provide.
    • not more than two links to the click in the text of the letter are allowed

  • In addition to the distribution, the Customer's information message is published on the portal in the news feed with a hold on the first page of the portal for three days. The news is announced:

    • red heading on the first page of the portal - right column section "News"
    • without "tile" -illustration
    • news headline also makes it to the daily editorial newsletter of the portal to all subscribers

  • To clarify the number of contacts in the city or federal district of the Russian Federation (federal districts), contact

Editorial mailings

Advertising in the announcement letter of latest TAdviser publications

Seasonal coefficient for September, October, November, December
* 1.25 to the current prices of media advertising

Static placement: Формат
вес до 100кб
Стоимость размещения
рублей, включая НДС 5%
С 01.01.2025 ставка НДС 5%, Федеральный закон от 12.07.2024 № 176-ФЗ
за пять рассылок (подряд)
@ Advertising mailing
lists (in a row)
840х200px 44 500

Example of advertising in TAdviser editorial mailings
  • As of February 2025, the number of TAdviser subscribers is more than 23.7 thousand.
  • Subscribers are readers of the portal (portrait of the audience) who decided to subscribe to the announcements of fresh publications in the mail.
  • Ads in mailings are placed inside TAdviser's daily editorial newsletter!
  • The advertising module (banner 840x200px) is placed in five letters in a row.
  • We cannot target advertising at the addresses/socs/dem - we send announcements to everyone who voluntarily signed up.
  • At this address , you can see the operational template of the generated distribution, which will be sent out in the near future.
  • The event promotion block is sorted by the date of the event.
  • Surcharge for fixing the first place during the advertising campaign + 20%.
  • All mailings go on the night from 00:00 Moscow time: 1st on the night from Mon to Tue with news/announcements for PN; 2nd on the night from Tue to Wed with news/announcements per TUE; 3rd on the night of Wed-Thu with news/announcements for Sr; 4th on the night of Thu to Fri with news/announcements for Thu; 5th on the night of Fri-Sat with news/announcements for PT.
  • the final statistics of the advertising campaign in TAdviser mailings is the number of clicks (clicks) on the link from the letter, we do not measure the opening and reading, guarantees or forecast of the number of registrations for the Customer's event or completed questionnaires (as an example), unfortunately, we cannot provide.

  • In addition to the distribution, the Customer's information message is published on the portal in the news feed with a hold on the first page of the portal for three days. The news is announced:
    • red heading on the first page of the portal - right column section "News"
    • without "tile" -illustration
    • news headline also makes it to the daily editorial newsletter of the portal to all subscribers

Send a separate email with ads to the subscriber base for editorial announcements TAdviser (separate email)

  • The cost of sending one letter is 56,500 rubles, including VAT 5%
    С 01.01.2025 VAT rate 5%, Federal Law No. 12.07.2024 dated 176-FZ

Seasonal coefficient for September, October, November, December
* 1.25 to the current prices of media advertising

  • As of February 2025, the number of TAdviser subscribers is more than 23.7 thousand.
  • Subscribers are readers of the portal (portrait of the audience) who decided to subscribe to the announcements of fresh publications in the mail.
  • We cannot target advertising at the addresses/socs/dem - we send announcements to everyone who voluntarily signed up.
  • The mailing letter template includes:
    • advertiser layout: text up to 1400 characters, up to two illustrations png/jpg (1000px in width and 100-200px in height, weight up to 200 kb in total) or a ready-made string of html page (code) with the label "advertising" on the layout - provided by the Customer.
    • The final statistics of the advertising campaign in TAdviser mailings is the number of clicks (clicks) on links from the letter by day, we do not measure the opening and reading of letters.
    • not more than two links to the click in the text of the letter are allowed

  • In addition to the distribution, the Customer's information message is published on the portal in the news feed with a hold on the first page of the portal for three days. The news is announced:
    • red heading on the first page of the portal - right column section "News"
    • without "tile" -illustration
    • news headline also makes it to the daily editorial newsletter of the portal to all subscribers

Event and Promotion Announcement Special

A comprehensive advertising campaign on TAdviser to attract the attention of the portal audience to a marketing campaign, special offer or planned event of the IT service provider, vendor.

The term of the advertising campaign is three calendar weeks (21 days in a row),
during which the announcement of the event will be shown more than 300 thousand on all items of the comprehensive package.

The start of an advertising campaign on the same day by all points of the service package. The composition of advertising services on the portal:

  • Publication of the announcement in the section Main news. Includes: five days of announcement of the title on the first page of the portal (tile) and in the News section , as well as constant availability in the News Archive (red news header). The customer is required to use the event description text, the illustration in the text is jpg/png 840x200px. An example of the "movement" of a publication tile on the first page.
  • Publish the announcement to the'Portal Event Calendar'. The red line (event/activity name) in the initial screen on all pages of the Calendar. The announcement is available on dates from the start of the event's advertising campaign to the start of the event itself.
  • Advertising campaign in all editorial Mailings of the portal (more than 23.7 thousand subscribers as of February 2025): inclusion of the jpg/png 840x200px banner in 15 editorial mailings. Sorting advertising blocks of advertisers - by the date of the event. An example of a module in mailings (without a text block).
  • Banner advertising campaign in the first screen on the second pages of the portal (jpg/png/gif 1240x200px and 700x400px for the mobile version) - 63,000 impressions for the entire Republic of Kazakhstan. Example of a banner-stretching.
  • Text string in the first screen on the second pages of the portal (up to 150 characters, capital letters are possible only for abbreviations) - 63,000 impressions for the entire RK. Example of a string.

Required RC materials:

  • text, illustrations/banners 840x200px, 1240x200px, 700x400px and one hyperlink that will be used on all creatives during the advertising campaign, in pm and in the text
  • Banner weight must not exceed 100kb
  • Banners according to the law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" must have the label "advertising" TIN/OGRN and the name of the customer company on the layout
  • The advertising campaign is launched simultaneously, all blocks of the package at the same time

Cost of advertising package 105,500 rubles, including VAT 5%
С 01.01.2025 VAT rate 5%, Federal Law No. 12.07.2024 dated 176-FZ

Seasonal ratio for March, April, May, September, October, November, December
x1.25 to the current package price

  • This service pack is only valid for one campaign, which is the default for 21 days. If the RC is less than 21 days, then the number of impressions per day for the banner and line increases proportionally in order to have time to work out the entire package of services
  • Statistics on the results of the Republic of Kazakhstan are provided only on the items Banner and Text RK (day/number of impressions/clicks/ctr), as well as Mailings - clicks on the link to the click

Special projects and sections on the portal

On the topic of services or products of the IT provider or integrator, the editors prepare and publish texts on the portal, including system descriptions, project examples, interviews. Such an editorial section is framed in a special way from a design point of view and is advertised as a separate thematic section on the portal.

A link to a special project and the announcement of a fresh publication throughout the campaign will be available on the first and all second pages of the portal. The section announcement program also includes a banner advertising campaign and a constant announcement in mailings.

The TAdviser team has significant experience in creating special projects in the form of promotional sections, which may include the preparation of a large amount of content: articles, interviews with customers, project descriptions, videos on successful projects, etc.

Examples of special projects:

The term of the special project/section advertising campaign is from four weeks.

The content of the project can include: two interviews with representatives of the supplier or customers, a description of the system, two publications of the project description.

All the listed pages of publications within the framework of the special project are drawn up in a special way - on all pages there is P-branding (stretching and side panels), as well as a banner 300 * 600px with advertising of integrator services.

The announcement of the project covers all pages of the portal within a month - 30 thousand impressions per day (the announcement is placed at the top of the screen - to the right of the portal logo - teaser format for two weeks), as well as all mailings. The expected audience of the project's publications is 10-15 thousand readers.

Infographic from TAdviser

Task: Informing the target audience about the company's success Tool: Infographics in a bright but business style

Topic 1: TAdviser is preparing the infographic "Company" - a new wave of Russian IT expansion, when information about the company's largest projects in different regions of Russia and/or countries is mapped on the world map. Infographics are sent to the media, published on the customer's website. It may be included in customer materials. The distribution of infographics to the media is already practiced by some modern IT companies.

A separate campaign for posting infgraphs is carried out on the social network Facebook (in groups of specialized and business media and/or a viral campaign).

The same infographic is posted on the first page of the profile section on TAdviser for a long period. Most often, links to specialized sections on TAdviser are among the first in search engines for relevant requests, as they contain unique information collected over the years.

Topic 2: Significant events in the history of the company (the original name is always formulated), when key dates and figures in the history of the company are applied to one page:

conditionally: 19.. - foundation of the company 19.. - first major project 2000 - an innovative platform.. 2005 - the number of customers reaches 1000 2006 - number of employees... 2007 - First Project Abroad 2012 - absorption 2013 - merge etc.

Topics 3-5: Do you know what?

The "very famous brand" uses the company's products/services (a short and colorfully presented case).

Each project infographic has an attractive illustration associated with the customer. At the same time, all infographic materials are made in a single recognizable style.

The cost of preparing, rendering and mailing to the media one Infographics + 2-3 paragraphs of the text to it - 96 thousand rubles, including VAT 5%
C 01.01.2025 VAT rate 5%, Federal Law of 12.07.2024 No. 176-FZ
(without campaign promo on Facebook).

IT Project Diary (Chronicle of Success)

As part of this advertising campaign, it is proposed to create an article-blog of the IT system implementation project, which describes with a certain frequency the process of IT system implementation at a particular customer from scratch in "real time."

The diary should begin with a brief description of the Customer, the task assigned, the expected effect of the IT system implementation.

The report should include answers to the following questions (subject to adjustment):

  • Activities performed during the reporting period (selection of the solution, determination of the required time and cost, connection or configuration of modules, replication, commissioning, etc.).
  • The difficulties that have arisen and how to resolve them.
  • Interim conclusions.
  • The diary can contain photos, screenshots and other graphic or video material, as well as comments from the customer.

Announcement within 12 days on the first page of the site, all pages of the site in the upper block (on a dark background) and in all mailings of the portal. Availability in the archive is indefinite.

The integrator company leading such a Diary will be able to demonstrate to its potential clients the professionalism, competence and openness in the implementation of complex projects.

Examples of publications: 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5 [2]

Extended Company Article on TAdviser

  • TAdviser is one of the most popular sites in Russian on the topics of public administration, business and corporate informatization.
  • Type the name of any large company on Google or Yandex. One of the first links will be a link to the corresponding article in TAdviser. The portal is one of the most cited (authoritative) sites in Runet on the topic of IT.
  • Search engine optimization specialists rate TAdviser as an important source of visitors for target sites and Internet portals of legal entities.
  • Potential and existing customers/partners of your organization will rely on TAdviser as an independent source of reliable information about you.

As a rule, business structures seek to place several complementary individual articles (a cluster of articles). For example: additionally order a separate biblioencyclopedic article/articles about the head/heads of the organization, about branches and subsidiaries, articles on their own unique developments, products and services.

There are no restrictions on the number of characters in the article. Payment for our services is a one-time payment. Articles are placed for an unlimited period.

After agreeing with you on the final text and images, we publish an article on TAdviser.

Exclusive right to improve the article

The exclusive right of the company to improve certain TAdviser materials related to the enterprise. The editors do not correct the text if it does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The cost of the service is 13,000 rubles, without NDSS
01.01.2025 the VAT rate is 5%, Federal Law of 12.07.2024 No. 176-FZ
per month.

Content maintenance, development and support of sites of any complexity

Below are examples of some sites that TAdviser employees have been involved in developing over the years. We did something entirely, somewhere we worked on a subcontract:

  • - portal of the Government of Moscow (subcontracting for content)
  • - portal of cultural heritage of Russia (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation)
  • - content content (Moscow Government)
  • - Modernization and Content (Moscow Government)
  • is content
  • - video blog of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (design and video content for one year)
  • - video portal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (video content)
  • Hera Popova - site about IT (Ministry of Communications)

TAdviser specialists have extensive experience in developing sites of any complexity individually at the request of the customer, including, we are probably the best site developers on the Wiki engine in Russia.

The Tadviser project has earned praise from the Open Semantic Data Association: "Your wiki is an amazing example of using SMW power to solve real problems, and I would be very pleased to nominate it for the Wiki of The Month title."

We will develop the site according to any of your requirements, using the most effective and modern solutions.

Payment with bank cards

In addition to payment under the contract/account through the bank, we accept plastic cards of the following international payment systems for payment:

All plastic card transactions are carried out using the ChronoPay electronic payment gateway. ChronoPay (Chronopay) specializes in ensuring the security of online card payments. When you make a payment, ChronoPay accepts your plastic card information. This information is then sent over the secure SSL link to the ChronoPay authorization server. Your card data is transmitted only in encrypted form. To transfer information, ChronoPay uses special security technologies for online card payments Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code. All transactions on your card are carried out in full compliance with the requirements of VISA International, MasterCard and other payment systems. The security of online payment processing through ChronoPay is guaranteed by international PCI DSS security certificates. In addition, the payment page supported by ChronoPay uses RackSpace hosting, one of the safest hosting sites in the world. In accordance with the requirements of international payment systems, your card data after the payment is completed is not stored either in the online store or on the ChronoPay authorization server.

To pay for the services of TAdviser:

  • advertising on the portal, in mailings
  • participation in industry market reviews and conferences
  • order for an analytical study
  • purchase of the finished analytical report
  • buying a photo from a TAdviser photo bank

You need to write an order letter to the with an indication of the purchased service, in response to the letter we will send an invoice, then you will need to select "Payment using bank cards" in the LoC, enter the payment amount, account number. After that, you will be redirected to the payment page of the Chronopay processing center, where you will need to enter the card details. After successful payment, you will receive confirmation at your email address.

Refund of paid funds is possible in case of erroneous payment or other cases after confirmation by TAdviser. When paying for services with a card, the return is made to the same card with which the payment was made. The return period can reach 30 days and depends on the Issuing Bank.

What can not be advertised on the Internet

Main article: What can not be advertised on the Internet

Price List (English)

Display advertisment

For display advertisement we have three main places:

  • banner 1240х200 px only on the first page - 69 900 rub a week
  • banner 1240х200 px all pages - 1150 rub for 1000 views
  • banner 300x600 all pages - 1150 rub for 1000 views

Without VAT. From 01.01.2025, the VAT rate is 5%, Federal Law No. 176-FZ of 12.07.2024

All banners are at the first screen.

We have about 50 000 page views a day.

We guarantee CTR 0,2 for all display advertisement.

We have seasonal coefficient 1,25 for prices since September to December.

Special Pack for Marketing Campaigns and Event Announcements

We can offer you a special pack for marketing campaigns and event announcements. It is intended for attracting attention of the audience to your special offer or a planned event.

The pack is active for 3 weeks. It includes:

  • Publication of the Announcement of the main page of our website in `Top news` section: the headline of the Announcement will be on the main page for 5 days and later - always available in the News Archive with its headline marked red.
  • Publication of the Announcement in the event calendar on our website. The announcement will be shown beginning with the dates the campaign or offer starts and ending with the dates when the campaign or offer ends.
  • Publication of the Announcement headline on the front screen of all calendar pages on our website.
  • Publication of the Announcement in all our mailing list releases (right now we have 9162 subscribers in the mailing list).
  • Banner ads - 300х600 banners in the second pages of our website. They will provide approximately 1000 views a day.
  • A text line on the first screen in all second pages. It also provides around 1000 views a day.

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