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2025/03/14 17:10:21

Arkhangelsk region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Arkhangelsk region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the North-Western Federal District. The total area of ​ ​ the region is 589,913 km ², the region territorially includes the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as the islands of Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land.


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Arkhangelsk region






Sea transport

Information Technology

Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Arkhangelsk Region



The largest iodine deposit in the Russian Federation was discovered in the Arkhangelsk region

In the Primorsky municipal district of the Arkhangelsk region, the largest deposit of iodine water in Russia was discovered. Governor Alexander Tsybulsky announced the discovery of the field and the start of production to President Vladimir Putin on November 26, 2024. Read more here.


Diamond mining


Ministry of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region

Russian North "]]


Ministry of Education of the Arkhangelsk Region

Universities of the Arkhangelsk region

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Arkhangelsk Region


Health parts

Medical centers






1943: The death of 20.2 thousand residents of the Arkhangelsk region as a result of the genocide of Germany

On March 14, 2025, the court recognized the crimes of the Nazis in the Arkhangelsk region during the Great Patriotic War as genocide of the peoples of the USSR. The decision was made at the request of the regional prosecutor.

In 1946, by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal, the acts of the Nazis were recognized as crimes against peace and humanity. But information about the crimes of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Beliy, Barents (Pechersk) and Kara Seas during the Nuremberg trials was not investigated.

The court recognized the death of 20.2 thousand residents of the Arkhangelsk region at the hands of German invaders in 1943 as genocide

The materials of the Arkhangelsk Regional Court say that from 1941 to 1943, more than 20.2 thousand civilians of the region were killed as a result of the actions of Nazi aggressors. It was established that pilots of Nazi aviation dropped high-explosive and incendiary bombs on residential areas and civilian enterprises in Arkhangelsk. A huge number of families were left without housing. Strikes were also carried out on the evacuation hospitals of the city, which received wounded soldiers. The enemy threw saboteurs into the territory of the region, collecting intelligence and committing acts of sabotage, including undermining railway tracks. In addition, Nazi Germany's submarines, in violation of international agreements, attacked ships of the Northern Transport Fleet that carried out flights not related to military operations.

The actions of the German invaders, as stated in the documents, put the population of the region on the brink of survival. So, in the Arkhangelsk region in wartime, 19,822 people died of starvation alone: in 1941 - 748, in 1942 - 6436, in 1943 - 4327, in 1944 - 4188, in 1945 - 4123. At the same time, mortality among children under the age of one year increased sharply: in 1942 it reached 58.5%.[1]


An American buys furs from a store. Arkhangelsk province, Arkhangelsk, Civil War, 1918-1919


Citizens are preparing for the Nativity of Christ, Northern Region Northern Russia, Arkhangelsk, Civil War, 1918-1919.


Onezhane. Group photo portrait of residents of Onega, Arkhangelsk province, Onega district, Onega, 1910-1914.


Pomor family. Arkhangelsk province, no later than 1913


Embankment near the Trade Union Square, Arkhangelsk province, Arkhangelsk, early 1900s


A married couple - bourgeois of the city of Arkhangelsk. The beginning of the 20th century.


Photo portrait of Edith Des Fonteines, daughter of the Arkhangelsk merchant of the 1st guild - Eduard Abramovich Des Fonteines, photo studio: M. Sorokin, Arkhangelsk province, Arkhangelsk, 1900.


House of the mid-19th century in the village of Navolok. Northern Dvina

1700: Arkhangelsk is Russia's largest city by turnover

By the beginning of the 18th century, Arkhangelsk was the largest Russian city in terms of turnover. The outbreak of war with Sweden further strengthened its importance - through this port gunpowder, lead, muskets and other military equipment came to Russia, which had not yet been made in the required quantity.

1584: Founding of Arkhangelsk by Ivan the Terrible after the lost Livonian War

The importance of Arkhangelsk, founded by decree of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, was difficult to overestimate. After the lost Livonian War, Arkhangelsk became the largest trading center of the Russian state - through it the export of bread, fur, ointment, ship forest and other goods was carried out. In the opposite direction, the much-needed products of European manufactories and coin silver were imported.

Organizations of the Arkhangelsk region
