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2025/02/28 16:23:11

Average salary in Russia


Main article: Salaries in Russia


2025: The average annual salaries of Russian top managers are named

The average annual income of top managers of Russian companies most often does not exceed 20 million rubles. This is evidenced by the data of a study by the Association of Managers, in which senior managers and directors of functional areas of more than 130 Russian companies took part. The Association announced this on February 13, 2025.

According to the information received, 37% of the surveyed top managers earn up to 10 million rubles on average per year. At the same time, 18% of the survey participants said that their average annual income does not exceed 5 million rubles. 19% of managers have income from 11 to 20 million rubles. About a quarter of the respondents (22%) admitted that the size of their average annual income ranges from 31 to 45 million rubles, and 4% of the respondents named the amount from 21 to 30 million rubles.

At the same time, according to the majority of survey participants (37%), the level of salaries of top managers in Russian companies in 2024 did not change and remained the same. More than a quarter of respondents (25%) admitted that the salaries of top managers increased by 10-15%, another 23% of respondents talked about improving financial conditions by 15-25%, and 11% of respondents - by 25-40%. More than 40% increased the fees of 3% of respondents. 1% of respondents said that last year the salaries of top managers in their companies decreased.

Also during the survey, respondents were asked to give their forecast of how the income of managers will change in the next 1-3 years. According to the majority (33%), the salaries of top managers in the coming years will remain at the same level, and any changes may be insignificant. More than a quarter of the respondents (26%) expressed confidence that in the future there will be many long-term incentive programs in the companies, in which the top manager will be able to become the managing partner of the business and get a share of ownership in the company. At the same time, 22% of respondents are confident that the income of top managers will increase in the coming years. The smallest number of respondents (19%) admitted that managers who hold leadership positions only in high-tech sectors of the economy will be able to count on a significant increase in wages, while in other sectors the indicators will remain the same.

In a survey by the Association of Managers, respondents also identified which managerial professions for February 2025 are the most in demand. The leaders were top managers responsible for the field of information technology. Thus, the majority of respondents (56%) agreed that the most popular are IT directors, digital transformation directors and cybersecurity directors.

In second place in the list of the most scarce management personnel is the director of corporate governance (30%). The third most popular was the position of director for internal corporate communications (26%). Also among the sought-after managerial professions are development director (23%), marketing director (27%) and sales director (22%). Following in the ranking of the most popular management professions are: financial director, director of relations with authorities, as well as director of public relations. The least popular managerial professions, according to those surveyed by the Association of Managers of Managers, were procurement directors (2%), as well as legal directors (1%). The question involved multiple choices of answers.

At the same time, respondents interviewed by the Association of Managers admitted that in their company, when choosing a manager applying for the position of top manager, they often pay attention to the age of the candidate. Thus, most of the respondents (55%) prefer candidates aged 35 to 45 years. 18% choose applicants aged 45-55 for this position, and 4% - 55-65 years. Only 1% of surveyed companies are ready to consider young top managers aged 25 to 35. At the same time, 22% said that for their company the age of the candidate for the leading position does not matter.

The study was attended by top managers from 130 Russian companies aged 35 to 65 years. The survey was conducted through an electronic questionnaire from January 17 to January 31, 2025. Respondents were asked to choose one or more response options from the proposed list.

Areas of activity of the surveyed organizations: IT, media and,, oil and telecommunications industry gas industry, professional services, commercial, banks financial sector, investments and, and insurance medicine pharmaceutics construction development, and, transport and logistics retail consumer goods (FMCG), trade and consumer service.


Average salary in 2024 $947 and $1258 in December

Salary in dollars amounted to $1258 in December 2024.

Average $947 in 2024 vs. $870 in 2023, $962 in 2022, $768 in 2021 and $855 in 2014

According to the moving average for 6 months in the 2nd half of 2024, the average salary in dollars is comparable to the best indicators in 2013-2014, but these are nominal dollars.

If we assess the purchasing power of imported goods and services, then over 10 years there has been a significant regression, given dollar inflation and the "sanctions tax" in the form of higher costs for logistics, financial, insurance and legal support of foreign trade transactions.

The level of salaries of Russians in dollars for 11 months of 2024 is $918 per month, for 11m23 - $845, 11m22 - $927, 11m21 - $741, and for 11m14 - $865.

The current dollar salary corresponds to the indicators in 2014 and lower than in 2013 ($921), but these are nominal dollars. Over 10 years, dollar inflation amounted to about 35%, plus a sanction mark-up for imports (increasing the cost of logistics and financial support of transactions) of about 10-25%, i.e. the purchasing power of Russians to consume imports has significantly decreased over 10 years.

Software developers and satellite communication specialists become the highest paid employees of the ICT sector

Software developers and satellite communication specialists became the highest paid employees of the ICT sector in Russia in 2024. The average monthly income of software developers amounted to ₽208 thousand, and satellite communication specialists - ₽159 thousand. Such data were presented on February 28, 2025 by the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (UIISS).

According to RIA Novosti, the total average level of wages in the field of information and communications in 2024 amounted to ₽163,5 thousand, which exceeds the indicator of 2023 by 25.5%, when the average salary in the industry was ₽130,3 thousand. Thus, the ICT industry ranked third among all sectors of the economy in terms of wages.



Software developers and satellite communication specialists earn the most in the ICT sphere in Russia

In addition to software developers and satellite communication specialists, high incomes in the ICT sector are demonstrated by Internet infrastructure workers with an average salary of ₽147 thousand per month. All these specialists are key links in ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country and the development of the digital economy.

The leaders in terms of wages among all sectors of the Russian economy were employees of the financial and insurance sectors, whose average monthly salary in 2024 for the first time exceeded ₽200 thousand, amounting to ₽206,3 thousand. Compared to 2023, when this figure was ₽169,1 thousand, the growth was more than 20%.

In the financial sector, the highest incomes were recorded among employees of holding companies (₽466 thousand), reinsurance specialists (₽418 thousand) and fund managers (₽322 thousand).

The second place among all industries in terms of wages was taken by employees of international organizations, whose average salary in 2024 reached ₽167,7 thousand, which is 26% higher than in 2023. For this segment, UIISS do not provide more detailed information on the distribution of income between different categories of employees.[1]

For 10 years, salaries in dollars remained at the same level - $953

The dollar salary in Russia amounted to $953 in July 24, for 7m24 an average of $926 vs 736 for 7m21 and $906 for 7m14. For 10 years, progress is insignificant and this is in nominal dollars, i.e. the purchasing power of imports is degrading.

The average salary reached 85 thousand rubles

In July 2024, according to Rosstat, the average accrued salary amounted to 85 thousand rubles (+ 19% y/y or + 18% y/y in a comparable employment structure by industry).

For 7m24, the growth was 19.1% YoY, + 53% over three years and + 164% over ten years (7m24 to 7m14) at par.

Taking into account inflation over 7m24, the growth amounted to 9.1% YoY, + 17.7% over three years and + 31.5% over 10 years (corresponds to an average annual growth of 2.8%).

According to the moving average for 12 months, the maximum in 2014 was exceeded by 30%, taking into account inflation.

The last time such a powerful three-year impetus for salary growth was in 2007-2008.

The main reason for the high growth rates of wages is the competition of business and the state for labor with a critical shortage of personnel against the background of an increase in the need of the economy for labor in the structural adjustment phase and trends in reducing able-bodied hands (demography, emigration of the indigenous population, a decrease in immigration of foreign citizens, recruitment for military needs and military-industrial complex).

Industries with the largest average accrued salary for January-July 2024:

  • Oil and gas production - 213 thousand,
  • financial and insurance activities - 192 thousand,
  • air and space transport activities - 174 thousand,
  • production of tobacco products - 161 thousand,
  • information and communication activities - 154 thousand,
  • pipeline transport activities - 147 thousand,
  • fishing and fish farming - 145,000

Industries with the lowest salary:

  • Clothing production - 38.1 thousand,
  • postal service and courier services - 48.4 thousand,
  • activities of hotels and catering establishments - 49.5 thousand,
  • production of leather and leather products - 49.7 thousand,
  • furniture production - 50 thousand,
  • production of textile products - 51.8 thousand,
  • crop and livestock production, hunting and provision of appropriate services in these areas - 54.8 thousand.

The growth rates of wages by industry are very different, which leads to the mobility and migration of the labor force by region and industry.


Average accrued salary 70.9 thousand rubles

The average accrued salary in Russia is 70.9 thousand rubles in September 2023 - an increase of 14.6% y/y and 29.7% over two years.

For the worse, science and professional activity stand out (minimal growth among sectors of the economy), while in the United States - on the contrary, the best indicators.

The leaders are the main drivers of economic growth from 2022 - construction, processing and agriculture.

The real s/p increased by 8.1% YoY, over two years - an increase of 7.7%, and by September 2014 - only + 21.6%. For the first 9 months of 2023 - an increase of 8.2% YoY, + 7.3% over two years and + 21.1% by 2014.

The salary in dollars is $734 and slightly above the average level of 2017-2020 ($700), but corresponds to the middle of 2008, progress over 15 years is zero without taking into account dollar inflation.

In Russia, the region-leader in average salary has changed

The leaders in terms of the average salary Russia in May 1 were Chukotka 154.9 thousand, - rubles Moscow 141.9 thousand, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) - 138 thousand, Magadan the region - 126 thousand, - Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) 112.8 thousand. This is stated in the rating of subjects on the creditworthiness of the population, published in July 2023, compiled according to the data Central Bank Rosstat of the Civil Society Development Fund (FORGO).

In the rating of the FORGO in 2022, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug took the first place in terms of average salary. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was then in second position, and the Magadan Region was in third position.

In Russia, the region-leader in average salary has changed

At the same time, residents of the Arkhangelsk region - 37.67%, Buryatia (37.3%) and the Sverdlovsk region (35.5%) spend the most money on paying loans from wages, the study says.

In March 2023, Rosstat published data on the socio-economic situation in Russia at the beginning of 2023. Including data on the average salary in the country.

According to the ministry, in January 2023, the nominal average salary of employees of organizations in Russia amounted to 63,260 rubles. This is 12.4% more than in January 2022. At the same time, the real salary in January 2023 exceeded the same figure in January 2022 by only 0.6%.

According to Rosstat, the average monthly wage in the country in nominal terms in March 2023 amounted to 71,334 rubles, an increase of 6.3% compared to March 2022.

The Ministry of Economic Development predicts the growth of real wages in 2023 at the level of 5.4%, in 2024 - 2.8%, in 2025 - also 2.8%.[2]


The decrease in the average salary below $1000 due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate

Named Russian regions where the wealthiest families live

At the end of 2022, in Russia, the regions where the wealthiest families live were the Yamalo-Nenets District (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug; here, the incomes of the average family with two working parents and two children after deducting the minimum costs of vital things are estimated at 118.3 thousand rubles), Moscow (89.6 thousand rubles) and the Sakhalin region (78.6 thousand rubles). At the same time, families with the lowest financial condition live in Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia. This is stated in a study prepared by RIA Novosti analysts and published at the end of May 2023.

According to the results of the study, in eight regions of the country, a family with two children with average earnings after minimum expenses remains at the free disposal of less than 10 thousand rubles. Of these, nothing remains in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic of Ingushetia, since the potentially possible cash balance is negative, experts say.

The regions of the Russian Federation where the wealthiest families live are named

Maxim Chirkov, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, RUDN University, called the presented data natural, but the drawback of the study is that analysts take into account the average salary in the region, not taking into account the real incomes of citizens.

If we talk about Moscow, then this is the largest financial center of the Russian Federation, and the two leading regions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal occupy the first positions in terms of wages and contribution to Russian GDP. Here it is necessary to take into account their specialization. After all, these are oil and gas storerooms. Their contribution to the country's economy is significant. They are traditionally considered donor regions. And the Caucasian republics are traditionally subsidized territories, because they are the least developed in industrial and industrial terms. Products with the least added value and, accordingly, salaries are produced there, "he said. [3]

For the first time in the history of Russia, the average accrued salary in Russia exceeded $1,000 for 6 months

After the outbreak of the conflict on To Ukraine both extreme and abnormal strengthening ruble in mid-2022 Russia , for the first time in history, the average accrued salary in Russia exceeded dollars 1,000 for 6 months compared to the pre-crisis $950 in the period from 2013 to 2014.

At the moment, the average salary reached $1,164 in June 2022.

Record salary growth for 13 years by 20% to 66 thousand rubles

According to Rosstat, in March 2022, the average salary in the Russian Federation jumped by 20.9% in annual terms - the maximum value in more than 13 years.

If in February, according to the official estimate, Russians earned an average of 57,344 rubles per month, then in March this amount increased once more by more than 9 thousand rubles - to 66,757 rubles.

In real terms - adjusted for inflation - earnings increased by a modest 3.6%. However, nominal growth in annual terms was a record since October 2008.


The average salary of women in Russia is 1.5 times less than that of men

The average salary of women Russia in 2021 was 42,800 (rubles taking into account all bonuses and bonuses), which is 1.5 times less than for men (62,100 rubles). Such statistics were published on July 12, 2022 by analysts at the consulting company FinExpertiza based on the data. Rosstat

As noted by the President of FinExpertiza Elena Trubnikova, in Russia the bias in salaries in favor of men is more pronounced than on average in the world, and much stronger than in Europe. This is primarily due to the predominance of men in the "monetary" industries associated with the raw materials sector and large industrial production, while a significant part of women are employed in less paid areas - education, health care and catering, she said.

The ratio of salaries of women and men by year

According to FinExpertiza estimates, in 2021, the average salary of women working in large and medium-sized enterprises, taking into account all surcharges and bonuses, was estimated at 68.9% of the male - men earned 19.3 thousand rubles, or 1.45 times, more.

Men are ahead of women in terms of salaries in all macro-industries, but depending on the specifics of the sphere, the depth of inequality may seriously differ. Thus, the greatest difference is noted in the field of culture, sports and entertainment (women's earnings account for 59.8% of men's earnings - 36.4 thousand rubles after deducting personal income tax against 60.8 thousand), in the field of information and communications (64.4% - 70.7 thousand rubles for women against 109.9 thousand rubles for men), in professional, scientific and technical activities (consulting, jurisprudence, engineering, analytics, management; 68.3% - 68.3 thousand rubles against 100 thousand rubles).

The maximum gender gap in salaries is recorded in the Far Eastern and Siberian regions, in the economy of which traditionally "male" groups of heavy industry and mining industries prevail, and the rotational method of work is widespread.

Regions with the highest female salaries relative to men

The least significant difference in pay for men and women is noted in poor regions with low average salaries and incomes of the population, where a significant part of the inhabitants are employed in the budget sector.[4]

Average salary growth for "remote workers" and freelancers by 12%

A year since the beginning of quarantine brought the Russian labor market an increase in the segment of remote work, home employment and freelance. In March 2021, vacancies in this segment were 15% more than in March 2020. The most tangible increase in offers was observed in such professions as "freelance business coach" (+ 708%), "content manager" (+ 608%), "accountant" (+ 269%), the employment portal reported on April 22, 2021

As a rule, professions went to telecommuting, the essence of which is consulting, for which project cooperation is possible, and which fell under reduction at the height of the coronavirus crisis. Most often, these are line personnel (secretaries, personal assistants, support services consultants); recruiters, PR managers; copywriters. Due to remote work, business analysts, teachers and tutors, psychologists have significantly improved their position in the labor market. Painlessly switched to "remote" representatives of the IT sphere.

The average level of salaries for professions in the areas of "remote work," "work at home," "freelance" increased from March 2020 to March 2021 by 12% and as of April 22 is 32,521 rubles.

The most tangible increase in earnings occurred in the IT sector:

  • PHPprogrammer - (+243%),
  • Web designer (+ 211%),
  • Web programmer (+ 187%).

A tangible increase in salaries was noted in online sales:

  • Call center operator (+ 301%),
  • Sales Advisor (+ 266%),
  • Support operator (+ 205%).

The increase in remuneration in the field of personnel management is noticeable:

  • Business coach - freelancer (+ 153%),
  • Freelance recruiter (+ 150%),
  • Assistant recruiter at home (+ 123%).

A less significant, but also noticeable increase occurred in the field of content creation and management:

A slight decrease in salaries occurred only in two professions: business process analyst and system analyst. But even taking into account the negative dynamics, the earnings of these specialists are significantly higher than the average wage for remote employees and freelancers: by 255% and 221%, respectively.

Increase in average salaries of Russian cosmonauts by 50-70%

On April 15, 2021, it became known about the increase in the salaries of astronauts in Russia. Thus, candidates will receive an average of 300 thousand rubles, which is 70% more than a year earlier, and experienced astronauts - more than 500 thousand rubles (+ 50%). Read more here.

Kelly Services: Women earn more than men in temporary projects

On March 5, 2021, the international human resources agency Kelly Services announced the results of a study of wages among project workers, comparing how incomes change depending on age and gender.

The study was conducted among the most active in the labor market category - workers employed in temporary projects. As of March 2021, the labor market and the needs of employers are changing rapidly and workers are increasingly preferring project employment, so it provides more opportunities for career development and acquisition of demanded skills.

In recent years, demand for the provision of office workers has remained high. As a consequence, the majority (76%) of respondents employed on temporary projects are white-collar: office employees, employees, managers, engineering staff and others. Another 24% are in the blue-collar category.

The number of men (51%) employed in temporary projects is slightly higher than women (49%). According to Kelly experts, before the crisis, women more often than men preferred project employment, as it allows them to be flexible in planning work schedules, paying attention to the traditional social role, but the pandemic has practically leveled the sex of workers.

Fig. 1 Dynamics of average income in men and women (average income/month).

The study showed that the average monthly income of women (46,000 rubles) employed on temporary projects is 16% ahead of the income of men (38,600 rubles). At the same time, the first peak in career and salary for women falls on the age of 28-32 years, then income gradually decreases. According to experts, the reduction in salaries in middle age is due to the fact that women often combine a career and a traditional social role: raising children, caring for the family. The second peak of the women's career is at the age of 58, then at 62. This is a time when children have already grown up and got back on their feet, and women can pursue careers and jobs without looking at family. Men usually reach the first career peak well after women (40-42 years), then overtake women in average income (by 62 years).

Girls from 20 to 30 years old receive more young men of the same age, therefore they grow up and get experience earlier. After 28-30 years, women often prefer family and children over work, leave the "clip," lose experience and claim a more modest income. But even on a sample as simple as temporary and project work, we see a lack of wage discrimination against women. And on average, women get not only on an equal footing, but also more men. And this cannot but rejoice,
Ekaterina Gorokhova, Kelly Services Managing Director for Eastern Europe

The survey of employees is the result of a study of the salaries of employees employed in temporary projects from March 1, 2020 to March 1, 2021, conducted by the international personnel agency Kelly Services.

Gender: Men - 51%, Women - 49%.

Age: 18-24 years old - 15%, 25-34 years old - 49%, 35-44 years old - 28%, 45 and older - 8%.

Geography: Moscow and St. Petersburg - 42%, and regions 58%.

Professional: Sales/Trade - 33%, Engineering/Production - 28%, Administrative Services/Office Support - 13% Transport,/-Logistics 5%, - Call centers 5% ,/ Finance Investments/- 3 Insurance %, - 3% IT ,/, MarketingAdvertisement Human Resources, Management ,/ Pharmaceutics Clinical Studies/- all Medical equipment 2%, Law and Hospitality - 1% each.


The median average monthly salary is 32.4 thousand rubles. - Rosstat

According to estimates, Rosstat RUSSIAN FEDERATION the median average monthly salary in 2020 amounted to 32.4 thousand (rubles the median - 50% receive below this level, 50% - higher).

Growth of the average nominal salary in the Russian Federation by 6%, to 51,083 rubles - Rosstat

The average nominal salary in Russia at the end of 2020 amounted to 51,083 rubles, which is 6% more than a year earlier. In December, the figure increased by 9.7%, to 69,278 rubles, according to Rosstat data. The statistical department considers salaries at medium and large enterprises, mainly budget ones.

Rating of cities by average salary

The average salary Moscow of residents exceeds 100,000, in rubles two more cities of the country it turned out to be above 90,000 rubles a month, follows from the rating of Russian cities in terms of salaries.

File:IMG 20201015 055858 901.jpg
Data for October 2020

Median salary in different industries

The median salary (when 50% receive more, 50% less) of employees of medium and large enterprises ranges from 20 to 65 thousand rubles, depending on the industry. The average value for the economy, according to RIA Rating calculations: 34.6 thousand (+ 8.8% per year). The assessment was made on average salaries for 12 months: from 05.2018 to 04.2019 and from 05.2019 to 04.2020 - i.e. the coronavirus crisis COVID-19 almost did not have time to affect these data.


Rosstat named the average salaries. IT in third place

According to Rosstat Russia the data, the average monthly nominal salary in 2019 amounted to 47.4 thousand rubles. Compared to 2018, it increased by 3.7 thousand rubles. Real wages in Russia in 2019 increased by 2.9%, according to data from the department.

The highest salaries in 2019 were received by employees in the financial and insurance sector

The highest salaries in Russia in 2019 were in banks and insurance companies - an average of 102,992 rubles. The top five highest paid industries also included

  • extraction minerals of useful - 88,910 rubles,
  • activities in the field of information and communications - 74,371 rubles,
  • professional, scientific and technical activities - 72,940 rubles,
  • state administration and ensuring military security, social security - 50,988 rubles.

The lowest salaries were recorded in the following areas:

  • activities of hotels and catering establishments - 27,947 rubles,
  • agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming - 31,581 rubles,
  • water supply, sanitation, organization of waste collection and disposal, activities to eliminate pollution - 34,002 rubles,
  • administrative and related services - 34,480 rubles,
  • activity on real estate transactions - 36,439 rubles.

The five regions in terms of wages also included:

  • Chukotka - 106.8 thousand rubles;
  • Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 100.4 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow - 94 thousand rubles.
  • Magadan region - 92.9 thousand rubles;
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug (86.8 thousand rubles).

The lowest salaries were in the regions:

  • Karachay-Cherkessia (27 thousand rubles);
  • Dagestan (27.2 thousand rubles);
  • Ivanovo region (27.3 thousand rubles);
  • Ingushetia (27.5 thousand rubles);
  • Chechnya (27.7 thousand rubles).[5]

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March 2020 that in our country more than 70% of the population can be attributed to the middle class. He referred to the methodology for calculating the World Bank, which classifies people with incomes 1.5 times higher than the minimum wage (minimum wage) in this category. 

Dynamics of average salary in rubles and euros for 12 years

Average monthly accrued salary 49.3 thousand rubles (+ 7.7% per year )

According to Rosstat, the average monthly accrued salary of employees of organizations in June 2019 amounted to 49.3 thousand, which is 2.9% more than the level of May 2019 and 7.7% more than the level of June 2018.

Average salary by region of Russia

2018: Dynamics of the average monthly salary in Russia in dollars since 2000

Dynamics of the average monthly salary in Russia in dollars


The average salary of Russians was 474 euros per month

Average monthly salary in Europe and Kazakhstan. Data for 2017

Rosstat: average salary in July - 39,355 rubles

According to Rosstat, the average salary in July 2017 amounted to 39,355 rubles. (+ 8.6% in annual terms). In real terms, the average salary increased by 4.6% in July. In general, the average wage in real terms increased in January-July by 3%, in nominal terms - by 7.5%.

Nominal salary by federal district. DFU - Leader
