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2024/09/23 15:55:51






In Mexico, drug dealers kidnapped a Russian blogger

Russian extreme bicycle traveler Vladimir Kosarov (real name - Komarov) was kidnapped in Mexico on September 24, 2024. The incident took place in the Nuevo Laredo area, known for increased criminal activity related to the activities of drug cartels. Read more here

Income of Russian bloggers with individual entrepreneurs for the year fell by half

The income of Russian bloggers working as individual entrepreneurs has halved over the past year. This became known in September 2024 based on an analysis of data from the Solar Staff service. The average monthly income of such bloggers fell by 57%, amounting to ₽93 600, which is confirmed by research conducted among 10,000 bloggers registered on the platform. Experts call the main reason for the decline in income the transition of advertisers to more predictable advertising formats and a reduction in budgets for traditional advertising campaigns.

According to Forbes, the advertising markets in Russia continue to experience changes caused by the reorientation of advertisers to new platforms. According to Solar Staff, the strongest decline in revenues affected bloggers working through individual entrepreneurs, which is associated with a decrease in demand from large brands and agencies. At the same time, the income of self-employed bloggers decreased by 43%, averaging ₽22 000 per month, and the income of bloggers working as individuals remained almost at the level of 2023 - about ₽17 000 per month. In general, for the period from August 2023 to August 2024, the total average income of bloggers decreased by 13%.

Income of bloggers with individual entrepreneurs fell by half in a year

According to Anna Planina, director of digital technologies at the NMi Group advertising holding, after a sharp increase in blogger revenues in 2023, the market is returning to 2022. She noted that traditional advertising formats give way to new alternatives offered by Russian platforms, which turn out to be more profitable and predictable for advertisers. This is the main reason for the decrease in demand for the services of bloggers working through individual entrepreneurs.

The representative of the Solar Staff platform explained that one of the reasons for the difference in the income of bloggers registered as individual entrepreneurs and individuals is the ability of the first to cooperate with large brands on more flexible terms. While individuals have limited opportunities to contract with large customers, IP provides bloggers with a wider range of opportunities in terms of partnerships and advertising integrations.[1]
