Post-quantum cryptography
Post-quantum cryptography - resistant to cryptographic algorithms to cyber attacks use. quantum computers
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Postquants cryptographic algorithms are based on a special class of mathematical transformations, the inversion of which is of great complexity for both classical and. quantum computers[1]
2025: Russian cryptographic experts have proposed ways to protect against leaks through side channels for post-quantum schemes
Russian cryptographic experts have proposed ways to protect against leaks through side channels for post-quantum schemes. Kryptonite Group of Companies announced this on March 21, 2025.
cryptography Practical attention is paid to the attacks to side-channel attacks. They allow attackers to extract a secret information without hacking themselves, but algorithm enciphering only analyzing the peculiarities of its execution on physical devices. These attacks are especially dangerous because they bypass traditional methods of defense.
Such indirect attack methods become possible because computing devices absorb electrical energy during operation, emit electromagnetic and acoustic waves, and also execute instructions in different times. All this happens depending on the change in data on the registers and can carry information about the encryption key, violating Shannon's secrecy.
Even the most advanced cryptographic schemes are potentially vulnerable to side-channel attacks, including post-quantum ones being developed for the future to counter hacking using a quantum computer.
A study by Ivan Chizhov, deputy head of the cryptography laboratory for scientific work of Kryptonit and Dmitry Smirnov, master of Moscow State University, is devoted to methods of protecting post-quantum cryptographic schemes from attacks through side channels.
During the study, the authors identified vulnerable computational elements of the protocol, analyzed the main methods of attacks on them and proposed ways to protect against leaks through side channels. In particular, the authors propose a modification of the Stern protocol, which allows computing with a secret key in a masked form.
The essence of the modification is that on the registers the data is stored not in clear text, but in converted. The transformation is given as a mask with a secret. For the Rosehip scheme, when generating a mask, you can use the domestic hash function Stribog as a pseudo-random one. This will simplify the algorithm and architecture of cryptographic chips, since Stribog is already used in the Rosehip scheme.
Modification of the scheme specifies only a specific way to calculate values. The authors have shown that the resistance of the modified circuit coincides with the resistance of the original one in the absence of leaks through side channels.
Global Post-Quantum Encryption Standards Approved
In mid-August 2024, the National Institute of Standards and Technology USA (NIST) announced the first global post-quantum encryption standards - FIPS 203, FIPS 204 and FIPS 205. The documents are designed to counter future attacks by quantum computers that threaten. cyber security
A widespread encryption scheme is RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman), a public key cryptographic algorithm based on the computational complexity of the factorization problem (decomposition of numbers into prime factors) of large semisimple numbers. In 1994, the American scientist Peter Shore proposed a quantum factorization algorithm that allows hacking public key cryptographic systems. This jeopardizes existing information security systems. The new post-quantum encryption standards are designed to solve the problem.
FIPS 203 describes a key encapsulation mechanism based on the theory of lattices - ML-KEM (Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism). We are talking about an asymmetric cryptographic system that is resistant to quantum attacks, which serves to transfer encryption keys between interlocutors.
The FIPS 204 standard applies to a digital signature mechanism based on algebraic lattices - ML-DSA (Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm). In turn, FIPS 205 describes an alternative digital signature mechanism - SLH-DSA (Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm).
Quantum computing technology is rapidly evolving, and some experts predict that a system capable of hacking existing encryption methods could emerge within a decade (by 2035), jeopardizing the security and privacy of individuals, organizations and entire countries, NIST notes.[2] |
Cryptographers have introduced a mechanism resistant to attacks using a quantum computer
Employees the Russian of the company "" Kryptonite(part of the "ICS Holding") presented the cryptographic "Codieum" mechanism. It will remain persistent even after the advent of a powerful quantum one computer capable of hacking the latest algorithms enciphering traffic. The developer announced this on March 22, 2024. Read more here.
Post-quantum algorithm of electronic signature "Rosehip" received an open implementation
Russian companies with expertise in cryptography and quantum technologies are joining forces to prevent threats to cryptographic systems from quantum computers.
Thus, the open implementation of the domestic post-quantum algorithm "company" DogroseKryptonite was "prepared by the company" "in QApp the course of its activities as part of the working group" Post-quantum cryptographic mechanisms "(TK Technical Committee 26 Rosstandart 26). The project is written in a language Xi optimized for SSE4.1, SSE2 and MMX command sets. Source code is available on [ GitHub[3] compiles into a library that can be embedded in industrial cryptographic devices and software products. This was announced on November 14, 2023 by representatives of the QApp company. More. here
Integration of QApp products with the Confident platform
On September 28, 2023, the companies QApp Web3 Tech and announced cooperation in the market. As information security part of this partnership, its participants completed an integration project to test post-quantum encryption QApp-based digital products in Web3 Tech's new Confidential blockchain platform. As part of this project, the first post-quantum Russia blockchain encryption platform appeared. More. here
Post-quantum protection for video conferencing is being tested in Russia for the first time
Russian IT-holding T1 on February 16, 2023 announced TAdviser the testing of the joint operation of the system, video conferencings Dion the development of the company ("Innotech" part of the T1 group), with a solution for post-quantum from data protection the company, a domestic QApp developer of complex products cyber security based on post-quantum. algorithms The result of the pilot integration of products was the first session video conference protected from cyber threats post-quantum. algorithms enciphering More. here
Scientists of NRNU MEPhI have proposed a way to use post-quantum cryptographic algorithms to protect group messaging in instant messengers
Scientists of the Department No. 42 "Cryptology and Cybersecurity" of NRNU MEPhI have proposed a way to use post-quantum cryptographic algorithms to protect group messaging in instant messengers. The results of the study are published in the Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. This was announced on January 9, 2023 by representatives of the NRNU MEPhI.
All over the world, work is actively underway to create quantum computers. In 20-30 years, it is expected that powerful quantum computers will be created, which will pose a threat to modern cryptosystems. The fact is that a quantum computer will be able to solve the problem of factorization of integers and the problem of discrete logarithm in a short time, on which the resistance of modern cryptography is largely based. Solving these computationally complex problems would take millions of years, even on state-of-the-art supercomputers. Quantum computers will be able to perform search algorithms much faster. Therefore, other methods of cryptographic information protection are being developed around the world, which will remain stable even after the advent of quantum computers. told Sergey Zapechnikov, professor at the Institute of Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, NRNU MEPhI |
According to the scientist, the principle of operation of the new methods will be that the violator, when trying to hack a cryptographic algorithm, will face not one computationally difficult task, but the need to enumerate a colossal number of computing problems of the same type. And although it will be easy for an intruder with a quantum computer to solve each of them separately, the number of tasks will be so large that even a quantum computer will be useless. With the appropriate selection of parameters, the number of problems to be sorted can even exceed the number of atoms in the Universe, and then it will be physically impossible to sort them out.
Based on this, scientists at NRNU MEPhI have proposed a way to use post-quantum cryptographic algorithms to solve one of the important application problems - the task of group messaging in instant messengers.
Messengers - personal instant messaging and file sharing tools - are very popular for January 2023. Almost every modern person uses them. It is assumed that in the future their role in information technology will only increase: for example, they will be used to automatically exchange information by Internet of Things devices, autonomous drones and other intelligent agents. Therefore, it is very important to provide cryptographic protocols to protect them. stressed Sergey Zapechnikov |
As reported, the researchers proposed a protocol for constantly updating cryptographic keys by a group of participants so that each message could be encrypted on a different key.
We were able to prove the theorems that even if the violator recognizes any cryptographic key from this sequence, he will still not be able to calculate either past or future keys, and thus the damage from key disclosure will be minimal. reported scientist |
However, according to him, the main problem of this kind of protocols is that they are quite complex, require some time to calculate from each side, and therefore significantly slow down the exchange of messages. Therefore, in in the future, the researchers plan to achieve higher protocol performance, provided that they remain resistant to attacks by violators armed with quantum computers.
2022: Russian blockchain platform Masterchain launches pilot projects in the field of post-quantum cryptography
The company, "Distributed Registry Systems" the platform developer and the Russian blockchain "Masterchain" the developer of complex software solutions cyber security based on post-quantum algorithms enciphering QApp concluded an agreement on strategic cooperation. The companies are working to create a quantum sustainable for the blockchain the Russian financial industry and have launched a number of joint pilot projects, TAdviser representatives of the Masterchain development company said on November 10, 2022.
A key area of cooperation between the two companies will be the development of a quantum-stable blockchain with integrated QApp software solutions: PQLR SDK and Qtunnel, created on the basis of quantum-stable algorithms.
2019: Kryptonit NPK to lead development of post-quantum cryptography standards in Russia
The heads of the cryptography laboratory of Kryptonit NPK will develop draft national standards of the Russian Federation that define post-quantum mechanisms for cryptographic information protection. The decision was made at a meeting of the technical committee for standardization "Cryptographic Information Protection" (TK 26), the Kryptonit NPK reported on November 19, 2019. Read more here.
- ↑ Post-quantum cryptography
- ↑ Announcing Approval of Three Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) for Post-Quantum Cryptography
- ↑ Open implementation " algorithm Rosehip" on GitHub]. It