Top-6 vendors – leaders of import substitution
Practically all Russian IT manufacturing conduct active work in the field of import substitution. In 2019 TAdviser polled domestic IT experts again and defined the list of vendors most of which often rank as leaders of import substitution. As a result, to Top-5 2018 years one more company - BaseALT was added. Article is included into the overview of TAdviser Import substitution of information technologies in Russia.
New cloud technologies offer the alternative to Microsoft Office – the platform for the organization of a cloud service of storage and joint editing the documents "MyOffice". The company, according to market participants, are selected with the strong marketing strategy and high rates of product development.
Users of Moyegoofis are already some federal and regional agencies. Announced the large domestic companies carrying out pilot implementations, for example, Rosseti and Russian Post. The last, in particular, recognized an experiment successful and in 2019 already bought the Russian office software for 358 million rubles. Before, fall of 2018, for 60 million rubles of the license "MyOffice" the National Guard of the Russian Federation purchased.
New cloud technologies actively cooperate with other domestic IT companies and offer the market complex products. In 2017 New cloud technologies announced a joint product with NPO Rusbitech, including Astra Linux Special Edition OS and the set of applications of "MyOffice". In March, 2018 the company announced technology partnership with Postgres Professional. It is planned that Subdpostgres Pro will become basic DBMS of the special solution "MyOffice The Protected Cloud" developed according to standards of security of FSTEC and FSB of Russia.
In the summer of 2018 it was announced that "my Office Standard" is included in structure of the safe basic automated workplace which was created by the companies T-Platforms"New cloud technologies" Rusbitech Infotecs, Crypto Pro and "Phoenix".
On February 20, 2019 the New cloud technologies company announced release of mobile application "MyOffice Documents" for rossiyskoyoperatsionny sistemysailfish to Mobile OS RUS. As a result users of Sailfish will receive set of office editors and a file manager in one application.
New cloud technologies is going to develop considerably a line of the import-independent certified complete solutions constructed on the MyOffice platform. As notes vendor, important difference of such solutions is existence of a full range of necessary certificates of information security, a set of technical and operational documentation in Russian and specialized technology support that provides compliance to all requirements of regulators. It will allow FOIVAM and the state corporations to certify direct systems with the minimum quantity of assumptions.
Solutions of 1C - some of the software products, most popular in Russia, for business. The company is practically a monopolist of the market of automation of accounting, surely is in the lead in segments of retail, logistics, transport and others. Knowledge of products of 1C is professional advantage and, very often, the mandatory requirement for accountants, personnel officers, warehouse workers, etc.
According to the founder and the director of 1C Boris Nuraliyev, his company overcame reputation of the supplier of ERP only for the small enterprises and became the strong contender to solution providers for big customers.
There is a legend that 1C - only for the small enterprises. Partially it is caused our past as 1C began with the small companies, and is partially warmed up by our competitors. Actually, we now seriously compete in the market of automation of large enterprises, the largest holdings - Nuraliyev in May, 2017 said. |
According to him, 1C became fashionable including thanks to import substitution. The director of 1C noted, in particular, that on this wave in large holdings appeared responsible for import substitution which need to report.
If earlier they hesitated that they implement "1C: Enterprise", for them it was not so a parabottom as implementation of a large foreign system, then now it became easier to receive consent to the publication of the fact of the project, - he said. |
Noticeable results are shown by Postgres Professional. PostgreSQL DBMS is implemented in a number of departments and also in the state and private companies, including in FTS, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Rosreestr, the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Moscow region, the Moscow City Court, Rostelecom and so forth "Yandex" transferred the mail service to PostgreSQL. Scientific Research Institute Voskhod executed the project on creation of the State system of production, registration and control of passport and visa documents of new generation based on PostgreSQL and domestic Elbrus processors.
Expenses on PostgreSQL DBMS were increased by Sberbank. If in 2017 the contract of bank with Postgres Professional company for support of DBMS made about 9 million rubles, then in 2018 this amount was tripled.
The Russian software developers are also interested in use of PostgreSQL as basic software for the products. Expressed support of this DBMS already a set of vendors.
Steadily good results at Kaspersky Lab. Products LX are widely applied by the Russian public sector and the companies with state participation. For example, in 2016 Aeroflot "moved" from anti-virus solution of Symantec Endpoint Protection to the solution "Kaspersky Total Security for business" having spent more than 20 million rubles for migration. In 2017 Moscow bought software of this vendor for all state institutions of the city for 315 million rubles. Slightly large sum – 331 million rubles – spent for products of Kaspersky the same year Sberbank. In February, 2018 Russian Post announced installation of solutions of Kaspersky Lab more than on 130 thousand computers. At the end of 2018 the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation bought solutions of Kaspersky Lab for 52 million rubles.
State procurements, according to the managing director of Kaspersky Lab in Russia and the CIS Sergey Zemkov, make an essential part of the Russian information security market and the IT market in general. The company for the last two-three years released a number of new solutions in those areas which were occupied earlier by foreign producers, Zemkov in February, 2018 noted[1].
Galaktika corporation - one of leaders regarding the application software for management of productive and financial and economic activity. Together with gain of a trend of import substitution the company notices increase in interest in the solutions. In particular, the largest consulting companies, vendors and integrators build up partnership with Galaktika for the purpose of building of examination on its products and formations of an independent technology stack of domestic solutions.
Review of IT strategy of Transneft regarding replacement of the platform of automation of activity of SAP ERP on "Galaktika ERP" and "Galaktika EAM" became the most noticeable display of the import substitution program for Galaktika.
According to the annual report in 2016 Transneft carried out contrastive analysis of use ERP- platforms SAP and Galaktika. On analysis results it was revealed that implementing solution on the Galaktika ERP platform economically more reasonable and will allow to reduce terms of creation of a single system of management. Also basic functionality of the solution "Galaxy EAM" more meets the requirements of the company for automation business processes regarding certification and control of technical condition and also operation and repair of the capital production equipment. The additional argument for benefit of use of the software based on products Galaktika is occurrence of the Galaktika ERP system and a management system for production assets "Galaktika EAM" of century register of the Russian software.
One more important event is connected with conclusion of an agreement about cooperation in import substitution between Galaktika and the Russian Railway. Arrangements, in particular, concern implementation of tasks of the comprehensive program "Digital railroad" directed to increase in efficiency and safety of transportation process.
In 2019 among respondents of TAdviser of experts the BaseALT company began to sound much more often. Viola OS which is developed by the company is distributed in the government and municipal institutions, besides, according to respondents, it is well protected and has the solutions allowing to refuse all popular services Microsoft including the Active Directory.
Besides, to facilitate to the organizations a problem of search and selection of software, created BaseALT and constantly updates the list of the Russian software products of the different classes compatible to Viola OS. The list is available on the website of the company. The recommendatory list is provided by the partner, BaseALT, ALP Group company which provides the first and second lines of technical support of Viola OS in all territory of Russia.
It is possible to give a single system of REGISTRY OFFICES as an example of the project in which solutions of BaseALT were applied. Within this project more than 27 thousand copies of Viola OS for servers and workstations for the system of "The unified state register of civil registrations" (EGR ZAGS) were delivered. Large projects, using Viola OS, also implemented Federal Bailiff Service, Federal Service for Labour and Employment (Rostrud)].
Among other domestic developers of software and hardware solutions which are most demanded on an import substitution wave the Russian IT experts more often call the companies:
- Yandex,
- Ascon,
- New Communication Technologies (P7 Office),
- Infotecs,
- MCST (microprocessors and computer systems of the Elbrus series),
- Baikal Electronics (Baikal processors),
- Rusbitech (Astra Linux OS),
- Rosplatforma (R-virtualization, R-storage),
- Red Soft (GosLinux, "Red OS", "Red Baza Dannykh"),
- "Code of security" (APKSh "Continent", HSS Sable, Jinn, etc.),
- Terrasoft (CRM-the platform bpm’online),
- Infowatch (InfoWatch Traffic Monitor, InfoWatch EndPoint Security, etc.)
- IVA Technologies
- OTR (platform Support)
- I-Teco (RUSTEK platform)
Among leaders of import substitution I would call the producer of the telecom equipment "Damask steel", Scientific Research Institute Masshtab with which we jointly make the protected solutions for a video conferencing, the BARS GROUP – developer of software solutions, perhaps, should note Code of Security and Informzashita and, of course IVA Technologies – last year to us was succeeded to release a number of products for unified communications, the system of archive storage and to announce release of the tensor processor which will already be shortly provided in silicon, - Roman Volkov, the CEO of IVA Technologies notes. |
Development of the SUPPORT platform went an evolutionary image, a join path of the experience got when developing solutions for banks for the state and commercial customers. There took place selection and expansion of a stack of the maintained technologies, development approaches. If to take a development range, then it is possible to provide that on one party – completely custom development for requirements of the customer, on another – ready ERP- the systems of type SAP Oracle E-Business Suite, bank core banking systems. We tried to find golden mean – to provide a set of ready-made application solutions, and a tazhka of components, technologies, the building tools allowing both to implement ready-made solutions, and to develop analogs of ERP solutions, - Alexander Azarochkin, the head of Competence center tells OTR. |