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Баннер в шапке 2

Fidesys Fidesys


Information Technology
Since 2009
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
119234, Leninsky Gory, 1, p. 77, Lomonosov Moscow State University Science Park, Office 402

Domestic strength engineering software manufacturer CAE Fidesys.
Number of employees
2017 year

Fidesys LLC were founded in 2009. He has the status of a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, is a member of the Association of Software Developers (ARPP).

Main areas of activity

  • development of specialized solutions that take into account the specific tasks of the customer's industry
  • development and support of full-fledged partially open source billing packages
  • technical support and revision by Russian-speaking specialists
  • solving private design problems with the involvement of expertise of leaders from the scientific community
  • work at all stages of the life cycle, up to the task
  • solving the turnkey problem with confirmation of the accuracy of calculations.


2021: Participation in the creation of the CAD/CAE Consortium

On July 6, 2021, it became known about the signing of the Agreement on the Creation of consortium the Russian CAD System Developers/CAE, whose activities will be aimed at ensuring the technological independence industrial of enterprises and research organizations RUSSIAN FEDERATION in the field of systems (supercomputer mathematical) modeling and engineering analysis. More. here