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GS Labs (Digit)



GS Group
Number of employees
2020 year


GS Labs (LLC "Figure") - Russian integrator software and a supplier of equipment, specializes in the creation and implementation of technologies in the field of digital television, security, content multimedia services and applications, the organization of turnkey digital broadcasting.


2022: Entry into ARPP "Domestic Software"

The GS Labs Research and Development Center (as part of the GS Group holding) joined the Domestic Software Software Development Association. This was announced by the GS Group holding on February 4, 2022.

The decision to join was made at a meeting of the ARPP Management Board in late January. During the meeting, Alexey Goylo, Director of the Sales and Marketing Department of GS Labs, presented the company and its products developed on the basis of his proprietary technologies.

Members of the Management Board of the Association "Domestic Software" highly appreciated the possibilities of complex solutions of GS Labs to form a trusted digital environment and unanimously decided to join the company.

This status will allow GS Labs to actively participate in the industry expertise of ARPP and solve key issues related to the development of the Russian software development market, as well as the promotion of domestic products.

The Association "Domestic Software" is a platform that unites market players to work together on the development of the IT industry in Russia. We are sincerely happy to join the ranks of the Association and are ready for long-term and fruitful cooperation, "commented Alexei Goylo, Director of Sales and Marketing at GS Labs.

2021: TAdviser interview with Director of Sales and Marketing Alexei Goylo

In December 2021, Goylo Alexey, Director of Sales and Marketing, answered TAdviser questions on the product range, history and plans of GS Labs. More details here.

2020: Inclusion in the register of companies that meet Rostelecom localization criteria

The GS Labs Research and Development Center (Numa LLC, part of the GS Group holding) announced on December 3, 2020 that it was added to the register of companies that meet the criteria for localization of Rostelecom PJSC. The company conducted an expert assessment of CAS Drecrypt, Dreplus and Dreguide products as part of supporting measures to implement import substitution processes .

Localization criteria establish requirements for companies participating in Rostelecom procurement activities. Assessment on a stobal scale is made based on the results of the visiting work of the collegial commission at the enterprise. According to the results of the audit, the GS Labs center scored 93.5 points out of 100 possible and was included in the register of companies that meet the localization criteria. Now, when determining the winner of Rostelecom tenders, the GSLabs software, namely the CAS Drecrypt conditional access system, the Dreplus digital rights management system and the Dreguide electronic telegide, will be able to receive additional points according to the Localization criterion.

"GS Labs is a Russian software developer. The company's products have certificates and certificates, are included in the Unified Register of Russian Software of the Ministry of Communications. A number of technologies used in them are unique and have patents. The audit for compliance with Rostelecom PJSC localization criteria for us is another opportunity to declare ourselves, participate in the Company's tender purchases and receive additional points when determining the winner. We are confident that our solutions are able to compete with products of foreign manufacturers both in terms of technical characteristics and consumer, "commented Alexei Goylo, Director of Marketing and Sales at GS Labs.

2015: GS Group combines innovative developments under the GS Labs brand

In January 2015, the investment and industrial holding GS Group announced the merger under the GS Labs brand of geographically distributed units engaged in the development and implementation of software products in the field of digital television. This will allow GS Labs to become the first Russian developer and supplier of comprehensive solutions for digital TV operators in all environments.

A single GS Labs research and development center was created to increase the efficiency of the geographically distributed development teams of the GS Group holding. The synergistic effect of the merger will be achieved due to the unification of business processes, a quality management system, and a unified technical policy in the field of production of software products. In the structure of GS Labs today, three development centers are combined, each of which has its own unique specialization. The total number of staff is more than 200. Merging units implementing one of the key strategic competencies of GS Group Holding in the development of specialized industry software helps to build an effective system for managing cooperation in the field of R&D

The key activity of GS Labs is the development and integration of software, including the creation of unique domestic products: conditional access systems, the Stingray TV software platform for digital set-top boxes, mobile applications and services, as well as hybrid solutions in related areas. Work in this area has been carried out by the holding since 2002.

The uniqueness of the products offered by GS Labs lies in a wide range of universal solutions that allow you to quickly launch an operator project in the field of digital television with a wide range of subscriber services of any complexity. Developments are flexible and adaptable to existing infrastructure and customer needs, enabling everyone to get what they need. Quick adaptation of the solution to the needs of a particular operator is one of the key advantages of a single development center of the GS Group holding. The GS Labs portfolio includes both comprehensive solutions suitable for new operator projects - management servers, recommendations, authentication system and others - and additional services that expand existing functionality, so that when switching to these products do not require significant improvements and significant financial costs.

"Today in the telecom industry there is a process of integration and hybridization of various subscriber TV solutions, and we, having a full range of technologies for television viewing, are also moving towards expansion, discovering new adjacent areas," comments GS Labs head Samsonov Maxim. - The holding already provides clients with the opportunity to broadcast video content from mobile devices, services for extended TV viewing: recording air, rewinding, intelligent telegid, etc. At the same time, we are striving to expand our business by developing new applications for Smart TV and other platforms. "

GS Labs is a single research and development center that unites the Russian and international divisions of the GS Group holding . The key area of ​ ​ activity is the development and integration of software products in the field of digital television, as well as hybrid solutions in related fields. The uniqueness of GS Labs lies in the extensive portfolio of software products both for new operator projects and for expanding the functionality of the existing infrastructure, which are characterized by flexibility of configuration and the ability to adapt to specific requests.

The key customers of GS Labs are Russian and foreign telecommunications companies. GS Labs software products are widely used by the largest Russian satellite operator Tricolor TV. The proposed technologies are in demand and adapted for use in the markets of various countries of the world.