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Ministry of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic of the Ministry of Digital Development




+ Ministry of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic (Ministry of Digital Development)

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic (formerly the Ministry of Informatization and Communications), headed by Vladimir Yuryevich Pereshein, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic began work in November 2010. The ministry was given key tasks for the formation of a strategy for the development of informatization of the Udmurt Republic, the development and implementation of programs for the development of informatization and communications in the Udmurt Republic, including for the provision of services to the population in electronic form, as well as information interaction between state bodies of the UR, local authorities and federal authorities.


2023: IT Minister of Udmurtia appointed Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government

In early October 2023, it was announced the appointment of Mikhail Fominov as the new Minister of Digital Development of Udmurtia. He replaced Timur Medzhitov, who, after leaving the post of head of the regional IT ministry, was appointed deputy chairman of the government of the Udmurt Republic. Read more here.

2022: Results of digital development of Udmurtia

In April 2023, the Minister of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic Timur Medzhitov spoke about some of the results of the digitalization of the region in 2022. During this period, according to Medzhitov, the turnover of Udmurt IT companies increased by 2.2% compared to 2021 and amounted to 20.43 billion rubles. Tax revenues increased by 10%, to 2.73 billion rubles, an increase of 10%.

By the end of 2022, there were 877 IT organizations in Udmurtia against 813 a year earlier. The number of employees in the informatization and communications industry has increased by 26.6% and amounted to 11.4 thousand people.

Minister of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic Timur Medzhitov

The IT Minister of Udmurtia also said that as part of the implementation of the Smart City project, Izhevsk in 2022 rose by three positions and took 11th place in the IQ Cities rating among 65 Russian settlements in the Large Cities category with a population of 250 thousand - 1 million people. The IQ index of the capital of Udmurtia amounted to 68.84 points out of 120 possible.

In addition, he touched upon the digitalization of public services: at the end of 2022, about 79% of all applications for services were submitted in electronic form. For example, about 2.9 million electronic applications were submitted through the unified portal of State Public services.

Within the framework of the national project "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation," Udmurtia companies attracted more than 1.8 billion rubles in grants for the introduction of digital technologies. Subsidies from the Innovation Assistance Fund (FSI) and the Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) were received by 13 companies in the region.

According to Medzhitov, the number of graduates of IT specialties has increased. In 2022, 557 people graduated from higher educational institutions of the republic in IT areas. This year, 738 people are planned for release. The same trend is observed in institutions of secondary vocational education. The increase in planned output in 2023 by 2022 is 32%.[1]


Results of digital development of Udmurtia

In mid-March 2022, it became known about the results of the digital development of the Udmurt Republic for 2021. During the specified 12-month period, the turnover of IT companies in this region reached about 20 billion rubles, an increase of 12.6% compared to 2020, the Ministry of Digital Development of Udmurtia reported.

The share of the ICT sector in the gross regional product in 2021 amounted to 2.8%. Tax revenues to the federal budget of the Russian Federation from the IT industry of Udmurtia in 2021 increased by 10.3% and amounted to 2.5 billion rubles. It is also noted that the participation of companies in grant competitions for the introduction of digital technologies made it possible to attract investments in the republic in the amount of 260 million rubles, which is 12.1% more than a year earlier.

The results of the digital development of Udmurtia for 2021 have been summed up

In 2021, Udmurtia completed the implementation of a large-scale three-year project "Information Infrastructure" to connect socially significant objects to high-speed Internet. The regproekt was carried out within the framework of the Digital Economy national project, initiated by the president RossiiVladimir Putin. During this time, access to the Network was provided in 904 social facilities: 363 FAPs, 276 schools and institutions of secondary vocational education, 159 administrations of municipalities, 79 cultural facilities, 18 fire departments, 9 units of the Russian Guard. All schools in Udmurtia are connected to high-speed Internet - 183,900 children received access to the Network.

In 2021, base stations were built in 85 villages and villages of Udmurtia. More than 26 thousand residents of small settlements have access to mobile communications and the Internet. Since 2017, the number of the population connected to cellular communications and the Internet has increased by almost 16%. The 2G network has become available to 99.5% of the region's residents, 95.4% live in the 3G zone, 95.6% of the population has 4G - this is 1,397,389 people. Fiber-optic communication lines cover 536 settlements - a threefold increase since 2017.[2]

TAdviser interview with Minister of Digital Development Timur Medzhitov

The Udmurt Republic became one of the first regions where they began to create an archive of electronic documents. The new system was designed on the Directum platform. It will significantly reduce the labor costs of employees of departments and the State Archive, as well as get rid of most of the costs associated with storing documents. Timur Medzhitov, Minister of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic, spoke about this in November 2021 in an interview with TAdviser. Read more here.

Renaming to Ministry of Digital Development

On August 23, 2021, after state registration of amendments to the constituent documents, the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic was officially renamed the Ministry of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic, abbreviated as the Ministry of Digital Development of the UR.

The corresponding decree was signed by the head of the region Alexander Brechalov on June 9, 2021. Renaming does not imply changes in the work and structure of the ministry.

"The name change will most fully reflect the functions and tasks that the ministry faces today. Including in terms of the implementation of the concept of digital development until 2024, which is our main guideline. It provides for three main areas of work: digitalization of all sectors of the economy, the formation of personnel potential and the creation of conditions for the development of the IT industry, "explained Timur Medzhitov, Minister of Informatization and Communications of Udmurtia.

Subordinate organizations

Subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic as of June 2021:

  • Autonomous Institution of the Udmurt Republic "Resource Information Center of the Udmurt Republic"
  • Autonomous Institution "Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services of the Udmurt Republic"
  • Autonomous non-profit organization "Digital Economy of the Udmurt Republic"

Ecosystem of services for the population of Udmurtia

TAdviser interview with Minister of Informatization and Communications Timur Medzhitov

In the Udmurt Republic, for a number of years, a unified communication system of state authorities has been created. Softline became a partner of the project. In April 2021, Timur Medzhitov, Minister of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic, told TAdviser how this system changes the idea of ​ ​ the effectiveness of state power, and why a multi-stage way of its creation was chosen. Read more here.

2020: Assistance to IT companies in the region in obtaining government support measures

On June 30, 2020, it became known that subsidies of up to 3 million are rubles planned to be provided to companies in the informatization industry communications Udmurtia for expenses related to the payment of interest under the to credit agreement or the payment of a commission under the factoring agreement.

In addition to regional support measures, the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic assists IT companies in the region in obtaining state support measures as part of the implementation of the national project "Digital Economy of Russia." Read more here.

2018: Return of ministry status

In 2018, the Agency for Informatization and Communications of the UR was again returned to the status of a ministry.


In 2017, the status of the ministry was returned to the agency.

New leader - Timur Medzhitov

In November 2017, Timur Medzhitov was appointed head of the Agency for Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic. Read more here.

Dismissal of the manager

In January 2017, the head of Udmurtia signed a decree on the release of Andrei Prokoshev from the post of head of the Agency for Informatization and Communications of the Republic. Prokoshev leaves the post on his own initiative in connection with the transition to a new job. Details - in his profile on the TAdviser portal:


Electronic Public Services

The project for the transfer of state and municipal services into electronic form on the basis of the state information system "System for the execution of UR regulations" (GIS SIR UR) was launched in 2011, and throughout this time it has been actively developing. 173 services are available to residents of the region in electronic form. The regional portal of state and municipal services (RPGU) allows you to build processes without huge queues in institutions. Citizens who have access to the Internet can receive the necessary services without losing time and quality. In 2015, it is planned to transfer the remaining public services to electronic form and continue to work on their popularization among the population.

Electronic Document Management System of State UR Bodies

In accordance with the plan for the development of the interdepartmental system electronic document management in 2012, a project was launched to introduce the Electronic Document Management System of state bodies of the Udmurt Republic on the basis of opportunities. As Directum part of the implementation of SD Civil EDMS Defense for the organization of interdepartmental document flow , key work processes are automated, such as receiving and registering incoming documents, registering internal documents, coordinating draft documents, monitoring the execution of orders for incoming and internal documents.

34 state UR bodies and 18 local self-government bodies are connected to work in the System. Interaction between the SD of the SD GO and the EDMS of the Administration of the Head and Government of the SD (EDMS AGiP of the SD) is ensured. In total, more than 8,000 employees work daily in the SD GO UR.

For the convenience of users-employees of government agencies, it is possible to work with the System through classic access, web access and the Directum iDecide Documents mobile application. Such flexibility in working with the System allows you to comply with existing standards and regulations on time, including on responses to requests from citizens.

Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System

The Interagency Electronic Interaction System (MEA) allows federal, regional and local authorities, control and supervision to electronically transmit and exchange data necessary for the provision of public services. The system allows you to implement the principle of "one window" when providing services to the population.

The information system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the Udmurt Republic includes the State Information System of the Udmurt Republic "System of Execution of Regulations of the Udmurt Republic" and elements of the system of interdepartmental electronic document management of state bodies of the Udmurt Republic.

In 2014, the number of requests through SMEV increased 5 times compared to 2013. More than 40,000 requests were received from federal authorities.

SMEV users are supported by Computer Consult, a certified Directum partner.

Transformation into the Agency for Informatization and Communications of the UR

In December 2014, the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic was transformed into the Agency for Informatization and Communications of the UR.

2010: Establishment of the Ministry

The Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic was established in 2010.
