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N.N. Priorova National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics CITO




2023: Symbiosis of science and medicine in CITO: Application of advanced technologies in medical practice

Science and medicine are closely connected and work together to solve problems that directly affect people's quality of life. This relationship allows the development of new treatments and the application of advanced technologies in medical practice. On October 2, 2023, representatives of the MAGNIT: All about Science and Technology project told Zdrav.Expert. about what research at the intersection of science and medicine is being carried out at the Nikolay Nikolayevich Priorov Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (CITO), and what contribution this research center makes to improving the lives of patients.

Particular attention is paid to research in the field of foot surgery, since the foot is a key element of the musculoskeletal system, and its diseases, although not a direct threat to life, can significantly reduce the quality of life of a person.

Mursalov Anatoly Kamalovich, orthopedic traumatologist "N.N. Priorova National Medical Research Center

Anatoly Mursalov, a traumatologist-orthopedist, recently presented his view on the diagnosis and treatment of foot pathologies, defending his thesis on this topic. One of the most promising diagnostic methods used in CITO is a vertical computed tomograph. This technology allows CT scanning of the foot in a loaded state, which significantly improves the quality and accuracy of diagnostics.

The main group of patients with foot pathologies are either people with acquired deformities that arose as a result of injuries or chronic diseases, or children with congenital deformities associated with intrauterine development or genetic factors. Flat feet are one of the most common problems, and about 3,000 foot operations are performed annually in the CITO in order to correct it. According to CITO, the introduction of new technologies, including vertical CT, made it possible to raise the diagnosis and treatment of foot pathologies to a new level that meets world standards.

Another direction developed within the walls of CITO is sternal prosthetics based on 3D modeling and additive technologies. The need for such a complex operation arises in severe injuries, oncological diseases of the chest bones or congenital anomalies of its development. As explained by the developer of the technology, Dr. Alexander Snetkov, previously used universal prostheses that do not take into account the individual characteristics of patients. This often led to serious complications. Now it is possible to create a prosthesis that fully repeats the anatomy of the patient.

The key tasks remain to remove the affected tissue and restore the functionality of the chest. However, sometimes these tasks are complicated by the need not only to perform bone surgery, but also to install implants. It is important to consider various factors when choosing a treatment approach. For example, in children and adults, chest diseases have their own characteristics. In adults, problems often occur after the end of growth, while in children it is necessary to take into account their growth and development when planning surgery.

The complexity of surgery in this area lies not only in the removal of malignancies, but also in the need to replace large areas of tissue. One of the most common malignant pathologies is chondrosarcoma, which often affects the supporting structures of the chest. It is also problematic that the chest is a mobile structure that requires a special approach to fixing implants.

Snetkov Alexander Andreevich - vertebrologist, orthopedist, candidate of medical sciences

Among the key stages of development in this area was the transition from serial solutions to customized prostheses, possible thanks to additive technologies and 3D printing. Previous approaches have often left out individual anatomical features of patients. The significant drawbacks of the old methods were the limited durability and likelihood of secondary complications, including prosthesis migration and loss of functionality.

New prostheses not only solve the problem of replacing lost tissue, but also restore key functions, such as shoulder girdle mobility and porosity, which is critical for the patient's daily life. Using modern technology, Snetkov's team was able to develop a prosthesis that takes into account the anatomical features of the patient. During the development process, numerical models and even physical prototypes were made of various materials, including polyethylene and titanium.

In this modification of the prosthesis, three successful operations have already been performed, and each of the patients is carefully observed in the postoperative period. According to medical specialists, the technology performed very well, no shortcomings were identified. One of the patients has been living with this prosthesis for more than a year and a half and does not have any restrictions on the use of the upper shoulder girdle.

Each next operation is accompanied by modifications and improvements to the prosthesis. According to representatives of CITO, this is not just a technological leap, it is moving forward a few steps at once. Experts are convinced that this technology is, as of 2023, the best in the world and has no analogues.

The institute's specialists are working to expand the application of these technologies.

"We see great prospects for the treatment of not only cancer, but also severe injuries, congenital anomalies using our developments," added Dr. Snetkov. In addition, the plans include the use of new materials, the creation of implants with built-in growth mechanisms for children. "

2017: Name change at the N.N. Priorova National Medical Research Center of TO

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from July 25, 2017, the full name was changed from the N.N. Priorov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to the N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


As of September 2014, the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorova carries out medical, scientific, educational and organizational activities as the head institution of the country with a degree in traumatology and orthopedics. Clinical (therapeutic) activity is diagnosis, conservative, endoscopic and surgical treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation of patients of the above categories.