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ProKSi Industrial Cryptosystems




+ Mikhail Nikolaevich Chekanov
+ Boris Viktorovich Kazmin

JSC "ProKSi" ("Industrial Cryptosystems," formerly - LLC "KB Contract").


2021: Acquisition of KB Contract

In 2021, the acquisition of 100% of KB Contract LLC was completed.

In 2021, Sorokin Stanislav Vladimirovich was among the founders. According to TAdviser in the company in February 2024, by this time he had left the founders.

In 2021, the company developed digital products and services based on distributed registry technologies and smart contracts for business management.

The company specializes in the development and implementation of solutions based on the open Hyperledger Fabric platform for corporate and government customers, is developing a domestic version of the platform with support for GOST cryptography, as well as a line of technology products for managing networks and smart contracts under the Hauberk brand.

The company supports the Russian-language telegram community Hyperledger Russia and supports the translation of Hyperledger Fabric documentation into Russian.

Successfully completed tests of the blockchain platform Gazpromneft-Aero Smart Fuel at the international airport Murmansk with the participation of the airline, Smartavia the bank and. VTB Raiffeisen Bank

2020: The company entered the InfoTeCS group of companies as JSC ProKSi

In 2020, the company entered the InfoT eCS group of companies as JSC ProKSi.

  • The development of smart locomotive service contracts (SCSO) for Russian Railways and Lokotekh has been completed.
  • The main part of the Hyperledger Fabric documentation has been translated into Russian.
  • The Smart Fuel blockchain platform has been put into pilot operation.


  • A project was carried out to develop design and technical documentation for a pilot project of the Russian segment of the Tradelens logistics platform based on the seaport of St. Petersburg for FSUE Morsvyazsputnik.
  • The development of smart contracts for the Smart Fuel blockchain platform has been completed, the platform has been put into trial operation.
  • A palm oil supply chain management platform for Malaysia has been developed.


  • A prototype of the Smart Fuel blockchain platform has been developed.
  • A project was carried out to develop the concept of the Russian segment of the logistics platform for managing container transportation in the interests of FSUE Morsvyazsputnik.
  • A project has been developed for the certification center of Electronic Moscow JSC.
  • The Federal State Institution "Unified Seed Management System" was developed and put into trial operation in the interests of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

2017: "Design Bureau" Contract "

Since 2017, the team has been known as the "Contract Design Bureau." The company has implemented projects in the interests of PJSC Gazpromneft"" (Smart Fuel), OJSC RUSSIAN RAILWAY"" (Smart contracts for locomotive service), FSUE Morsvyazsputnik "(Russian segment logistic of the platform), Tradelens (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia FGIS" Semenovodstvo "), as well as a number of projects for foreign customers (Bloombloc - palm oil supply management platform for the Malaysian Palm Oil Board, UPS - interbank settlement system, etc.).

A prototype of a distributed IPchain intellectual property management system for the New Century KB has been developed.