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ER-Telecom Holding (Дом.ру) - 100%
LLC Er-X - 30% (as of November 2022)


+ Perm Financial and Production Group

Roomy bots is a developer of the intelligent search and process automation platform of the same name using Process Finder and RPA technologies. It is a subsidiary) engaged CSBI ("Computer Systems for Business" in the implementation of complex - since ITprojects 1992.


2024: ER-Telecom owns 100% of Roomy bots

Telecommunications holding ER-Telecom (Дом.ру brand) acquired a 100% stake in Roomy bots, a developer of process robotization systems (RPA). The deal to buy the remaining 70% of the company was completed on June 6, 2024, follows from the data of the SPARK-Interfax system.

According to Kommersant, ER-Telecom has owned 30% of Roomy bots since 2022. The remaining shares belonged to Computer Systems for Business JSC (43.4%) and its CEO Alexei Makeenkov (26.6%).

Er-Telecom became the owner of 100% of the developer of PRA systems Roomy bots

As the newspaper notes, Roomy bots occupies about 1% of the Russian market for RPA systems. According to the agency IaaSSaaSPaaS, the transaction amount could range from 6 to 12 million rubles, which is equivalent to one or two annual revenues of the company.

According to the co-founder of Primo RPA Alexei Nikolaev, the consolidation of Roomy bots may give the company the opportunity to receive new funding for the development of the team and products, as well as increase its market share.

Pavel Borchenko, Managing Director of Robin at SL Soft, noted that after ER-Telecom acquired its first stake in Roomy bots in 2022:

There was no development of the project. Now the company is invisible in the market, and it will be difficult to take a place in it: it is already filled with RPA players of high maturity.

According to Kommersant, in March 2024, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation included process robotization systems in the classifier of domestic software. According to experts, the volume of this market in Russia can reach 12.9 billion rubles.

The publication also notes that in addition to ER-Telecom, such large players as Sber, Rosatom and MTS are already developing their RPA platforms. That could create further complications for Roomy bots in the fight for market share.[1]


Appointment of Svetlana Arkhipkina as General Director

On March 1, 2023, Rumi announced changes in the management: Svetlana Arkhipkina took the position of general director. She succeeded Stanislav Krupnik, who was responsible for strategic development and operational management of the company. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Dmitry Naumov, Director of Digital Products and Digital Transformation

The TAdviser Director of to Russian RPA ROOMY bots Dmitry Naumov Digital Products and Digital Transformation, Rumi Company, answered questions on the -market - its dynamics, current situation, prospects and trends, as well as the platform's capabilities. Read more here.


Roomy bots - partner of TAdviser SummIT conference

Rumi, developer of the ROOMY bots intelligent process management and automation platform, will partner with the TAdviser SummIT 2022 conference, which will be held on November 29, 2022 in Moscow. At the Digitalization 2.0 session, Valentin Drazdov, Director of Consulting Rumi, will present an approach to solving the problems of quickly adapting companies to changing business processes.

Constant changes in legislation, all new sanctions against Russian companies, problems with personnel leakage lead to the need for an operational restructuring of processes under new working conditions. This poses a number of new tasks for the business, associated with the costs of financial and human resources. To effectively manage changes, companies need a detailed analysis of business processes and a strategy to optimize them, especially in terms of routine operations. How can you efficiently and in a short time get an objective picture of the implementation of processes in the company and ensure their restructuring?

Valentin Drazdov will tell about this at the TAdviser SummIT 2022 conference. In his report, he will focus on the main difficulties in analyzing business processes and talk about how companies can significantly simplify the process of finding and identifying those areas of work that can be automated in the future. This picture will make it possible to understand how much resources and financial resources are spent on performing certain operations, and what can be optimized from this, including using intelligent automation tools.

Getting started as a stand-alone business unit

On October 24, 2022, ROOMY bots, a developer of the intelligent process management and automation platform, announced the start of full-scale work as an independent business unit.

Previously, the product was developed as a tool to speed up processes in the proprietary BPM solution of the parent company CSBI (Computer Systems for Business). The experience of implementations showed the maturity of the tool as a full-fledged RPA platform, which led to its separation into an independent direction.

ROOMY bots is a Russian RPA solution on the market that includes the functionality of identifying and analyzing process chains, providing a terms of reference and performance assessment for the planned automation.

To speed up the development and improvement of product quality, the best experts of the RPA industry were invited to manage processes in the company.

So, Stanislav Krupnik stood at the head of ROOMY bots. Stanislav has extensive experience in IT, consulting and process transformation in various fields and industries.

The digital transformation of Russian business is in full swing: companies are striving to speed up and simplify their work as much as possible by introducing innovative IT solutions. The task of ROOMY bots is to help companies in this desire, to ensure the transition to domestic software in a short time, while preserving and increasing the potential of the business, regardless of its industry - be it banks and financial institutions or industrial enterprises and healthcare organizations, - said Stanislav Krupnik, head of business at ROOMY bots.

Valentin Drazdov, director of consulting at ROOMY bots, has a background in the software development, enterprise systems and consulting industries.

ROOMY bots is a platform that accelerates business processes at all levels. Our platform provides a synergistic effect from finding users who are suitable for automating processes and robotizing routine actions. As a person involved in import substitution since 2014, I especially like the fact that all components of our platform really work on domestic operating systems without additional libraries and emulation of the Windows environment, which opens up new horizons for the use of RPA, - said Valentin Drazdov, director of consulting at ROOMY bots.

Dmitry Naumov, Director of Digital Products and Digital Transformation, has more leadership experience in change management as well as digital products (B2B and B2C) in banking and other industries.

One of the main competitive qualities for business is the speed of technological transformation of its product, the introduction and implementation of solutions for digitalizing processes. Modern problems require modern solutions, so we at ROOMY bots believe that without a course on digitalization, companies and government agencies today will not be able to achieve efficiency improvements, "said Dmitry Naumov, Director of Digital Products and Digital Transformation at ROOMY bots.