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Special cable


Electrical and Microelectronics
Since 1997
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
107497, st. Biryusinka, 6, building 1-5, room XVI, room 15

NPP Spetskabel (LLC) is one of the representatives of the cable industry in Russia. The company was founded in 1997. The company has production complexes, scientific, technical and test bases. The manufacturer has already manufactured more than 600 thousand kilometers of cable (data as of May 2022).

Performance indicators

2024: Output of cable products - at the level of 2023 indicators

In 2024, the capital's factories with the status of an industrial complex produced more than 80 thousand kilometers of cable. This was announced on January 10, 2025 by the Minister of the Government of Moscow, head of the city Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Anatoly Garbuzov.

Since the beginning of 2024, a company with the status of the Spetskabel industrial complex has manufactured more than 40 thousand kilometers of cable products of various purposes, maintaining the final indicators of 2023. With the help of the city, the plant in 2024 expanded the fleet of specialized equipment, which made it possible to increase the number of personnel by almost 20 percent. The company has established three new production lines and medium drawing machines. Read more here.

2022:37% increase in product sales

The capital's research and production enterprise (NPP) Spetskabel in 2022 increased sales of products by 37 percent. This was announced on February 7, 2023 by the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital, Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Enterprises of the city are increasingly switching to the production of goods, in the manufacture of which mainly domestic raw materials are involved. Thus, they ensure high quality and stable supply of their products. This, in turn, leads to the need to increase output due to growing demand. Thus, the manufacturer of cable and conductor products "Spetskabel" at the end of 2022 increased sales by 37 percent and manufactured about 40 thousand kilometers of special cables during this time, - said Vladislav Ovchinsky.

He also noted that the plant has been actively working in the field of import substitution for many years and is bringing products to the Russian market, which often exceed their foreign counterparts in terms of quality.

The city provides support to the enterprise: it is assigned the status of an industrial complex, allowing it to receive tax breaks and direct the saved funds for its development.

According to the commercial director of the enterprise, Sergei Lobanov, in 2022, customers showed increased interest in high-tech products. Thus, production growth in 2022 was provided mainly due to the production of the most complex products in terms of parameters.

The company is increasing its production rate every year due to the development of new technologies and the expansion of the equipment fleet. In 2022, new plants were put into operation, which made it possible to produce products with increased characteristics of flexibility and resistance to hydrostatic pressure, "added Sergey Lobanov.

In addition, in 2022, the company's engineers created an aviation optical cable of increased strength for on-board radioelectronic equipment, capable of replacing foreign analogues. The article can be used for visualisation of flight parameters in navigation and radar systems.


2024: Creating an Ultra-Thin Optical Cable That Neither Aviation nor Navy Can Do Without

On September 16, 2024, the Moscow Spetskabel plant announced the development of ultralight optical cables for aircraft, cosmonautics and other areas, including the fleet. Thanks to the new products, it is possible to increase the payload on the aircraft, which is especially important for modern aircraft and spacecraft, where each gram matters.

The outer diameter of the new optical cables does not exceed 0.6 mm, and the weight of a kilometer is no more than 460 grams. Although ultra-thin, the product has a very high strength. This was achieved thanks to the use of Kevlar threads, which allows you to stretch, twist and bend the new cable without damaging it.

Russia has created an ultra-thin optical cable for aviation and the fleet

The development opens up new opportunities for astronautics, aircraft engineering and robotics, where, along with optical characteristics, restrictions on the mass and size of products are very important, "says Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Moscow City Planning Policy Department.

The lightweight product can be used in control and avionics systems of modern unmanned aerial vehicles, for intra-unit switching in conditions of tight installation, in systems for monitoring and diagnostics of structural elements of the fuselage and wings of aircraft. It is noted that the solution can be used as a hydroacoustic cable sensor used to record microseismic events in the development of underwater hydrocarbon deposits. The system is capable of replacing tens of thousands of traditional hydrophones (a specialized microphone for receiving sound and ultrasound underwater) and accelerometers (a device that measures the projection of apparent acceleration). It is also said that Spetskabel produces cables for submarines, robotic machines and spacecraft, completely replacing Western manufacturers in the domestic market.[1]


24% increase in production

Moscow cable the plant with the status of an industrial complex in 2023 increased production by 24 percent, producing over 42 thousand kilometers of products. This volume is enough to wrap Earth around the equator. This was announced on December 26, 2023 by the Minister, Moscow Government Head Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky.

The plant produces special cables, cable assemblies and fire-resistant cable lines for various purposes, which are necessary in the work of many industries.

Cable and conductor products in the capital are manufactured by about 20 enterprises, which employ about three thousand specialists. Companies regularly increase production capacity due to the introduction of high-tech solutions and increase production volumes. Thus, one of the cable factories - Spetskabel - manufactured over 42 thousand kilometers of products in 2023, which is 24 percent higher than in 2022. The volume is enough to wrap the Earth around the equator, - said Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Dynamic growth was made possible thanks to the company's own investments, as well as support from the city. So, since 2021, the plant has the status of an industrial complex, which allows it to reduce the regional income tax rate, halve property tax, and by 80 percent - land tax. Since March 2022, the company has been included in the list of backbone organizations in Russia.

In addition to production growth, the company also notes an increase in the range of products.

If in 2022 we produced two to three million cable markers, then in 2023 - already several tens of millions, the bulk of which are unique products. We have increased our copper processing from 90 to 105 tonnes per month, increased our workforce by 10 per cent and started mass production of universal optical cables that can be used almost anywhere. In addition, we are actively increasing the share of domestic raw materials and modernizing production, "said Sergey Lobanov, vice president of the group of companies.

Production of universal cables for high-speed data transmission

In Moscow, the production of universal cables for high-speed data transmission has begun. We are talking about the project of the Moscow company "Spetskabel." This was reported on the website of the mayor of the capital on October 20, 2023.

According to the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky, Spetskabel has created a universal connecting optical cable for work in the field, which can be used in diagnostic and monitoring systems to transmit information from vibration, temperature and deformation sensors, as well as high definition video images during various tests. The product is capable of transmitting data at speeds up to 100 gigabits per second, said Ovchinsky.

Production of universal cables for high-speed data transmission has begun

By October 20, 2023, the company produced 100 sets - about 1 km of cable. According to the developers, the product has a sealed shell that protects it from external influences - mechanical and climatic. This ensures high-quality data transmission and continuous operation of diagnostic and monitoring systems. In addition, 100 meters of the product, together with the coil, weighs about five kilograms, which ensures its high maneuverability, simplifying the laying of the cable in hard-to-reach places, added to Spetskabel.

Such developments only at first glance have a narrow and specific application. However, today solutions on optical cables are increasingly used in the organization of communication systems, as well as for switching during mass events on open areas, "said Andrei Gusev, head of the design and technological department of fiber-optic cables and cable assemblies of the Spetskabel enterprise, whose words are quoted on the website of the mayor of Moscow.[2]

Creating the world's thinnest optical cable

At the end of June 2023, the Moscow scientific and production enterprise (NPP) Spetskabel presented, as the company said, the world's thinnest optical mounting cable. Its thickness is 600 microns, which is 200 microns less than the thinnest American development, said Sergey Lobanov, commercial director of Spetskabel.

According to him, these cables are used in aviation and shipbuilding. They outperform their competitors in some ways. Thus, an ultra-strong cable for the space industry is able to withstand temperatures from -196 to + 200 degrees.

Special cable introduced the world's thinnest optical mounting cable

Lobanov said that by the end of June 2023, the company is testing to increase the service life of the cable to 60 years. These trials last two years.

This is the present and future of the nuclear fleet is already used in nuclear-powered ships. As far as I understand, the next reactor is assembled there and is preparing for the start of installation at the shipyards, - summed up the commercial director of Spetskabel, whose words are quoted by the Zvezda TV channel.

As the head of the design and technological department of fiber-optical cables and cable assemblies of the Spetskabel enterprise Andrei Gusev added, reducing the weight and size parameters of the microcable is not a formality, but following the needs of modern equipment. The "weightless" product can be used in control and avionics systems of modern unmanned aerial vehicles, for intra-unit switching in conditions of tight installation, as well as in systems for monitoring and diagnostics of structural elements of the fuselage and wings of aircraft.

The development can also be used as a hydroacoustic cable sensor used to record microseismic events in the development of underwater hydrocarbon deposits. The system is capable of replacing tens of thousands of traditional hydrophones (a specialized microphone for receiving sound and ultrasound under water) and accelerometers (a device that measures the projection of apparent acceleration), he said.[3]
