FSUE NPO Tekhnomash
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
3rd passage Maryina Roshcha, 40
Top managers:
Poleshchenkov Pavel Valerievich
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As of March 2015, the company is the parent enterprise of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) for the implementation of the Federal Space Program in the field of technology, as well as a member of the International Association of Space Participants (IAC).
1938: Creation of the Company
1938 - on the basis of the GSPI-7 (State Special Design Institute of the People's Commissariat of the Defense Industry), in order to master the production of large-caliber cartridges, equip cartridge factories with high-performance tools, equipment and equipment, the Central Design Bureau No. 40 (TsKB-40) is being created.
1939 - for the integrated design of the plants of the III Main Directorate of the NKOP, the State Union Design Institute No. 3 (GSPI-3) was organized.
1940 - By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Order of the People's Commissariat of Arms of the USSR, a GSPKI-40 is being created on the basis of the TsKB-40, GSPI-3 and technological part of the GSPI-7 - State Union Design Institute No. 40. The Institute provides technical assistance to factories, develops and implements technological processes, special equipment and automation tools for cartridge, rifle and optical-mechanical production, and also begins serial production of new types of artillery weapons and ammunition.
Years of World War II
22.06.1941 - the beginning of World War II. The Institute provides comprehensive technical assistance to factories, develops production and masters new products, provides uninterrupted front support. Employees of the Institute, sparing no effort, took over the management of workshops, became involved in machine tools, ensuring the implementation of production programs and plans.
1944 - the Moscow plant No. 44 was attached to the Institute as a special production base for the manufacture, testing and development of laboratory installations, prototypes of equipment and technological equipment.
1945 - according to the Order of the NKV of the USSR, the Technical Office of Hard Alloys was organized and transferred to the GSPKI-40.
The beginnings of research activities
13.05.1946 - Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1017-419 ss made a historical decision on the development of reactive weapons in the country. The necessary state structures, design, research and production organizations for the design, manufacture and testing of rocket technology have been formed.
1946 - GSPKI-40 transformed into the Scientific Research Technological Institute No. 40 (NITI-40). By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 13.05.1946 No. 1017-419 ss NITI-40 is involved in the preparation and development of technology for the A-4 rocket (FAU-2). At the end of 1946, a tungsten factory was organized in NITI-40 on the basis of the former Moschimredmetprom artel. The plant is faced with the task of manufacturing experimental machines and hard alloy tools according to the drawings of the Institute. From that moment, the active formation and continuous growth of the Institute begins as a powerful research and technological center serving: the Ministry of Weapons (until 1951), the Ministry of Defense Industry (until 1957), the State Committee for Defense Technology (until 1965).
Development of scientific and technological activities 1947 - NITI-40 is involved in the development of technology for the first domestic ballistic missile. Performs the work on the design of the technological process and equipment for the R-1 missile. The Scientific and Technical Council (NTS) is organized, in specialized departments of the Institute and its branches - the NTS section.
1953 - By order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the NITI-40 was entrusted with complex tasks in the field of technology for the production of radar and reactive equipment systems, the successful solution of which led to the creation of Soviet 8A11 and 8K75 missiles.
1957 - The scope of research and development in the field of technology, equipment and equipment for the production of rocket equipment accounts for about 70% of the total work. This fundamentally new technique has its own features and specific requirements for the technology of its manufacture.
1962 - By the Decree of the State Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research Work of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it NITI-40 determined by the leading organization in the USSR in the field of development and application of impulse loads in engineering and metalworking technologies. The Institute is actively involved in the development of state plans for the development and implementation of these processes in mechanical engineering, the conduct of research and development activities on the creation of technology and equipment for pulse shaping.
Development of structural divisions and branches 1965 - the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR (IOM) was formed - the parent organization for the creation of rocket and rocket and space technology and the implementation of space flights. NITI-40 is transferred to the MOM system.
1966 - Order of the IOM of the USSR of 06.03. No. 109 ss NITI-40 assigned a new name - Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology (NIITM). The Institute is entrusted with the development of technological processes, technological equipment and special technological equipment for the manufacture of parts of assembly units, the formation of five-year plans for technological support of production. By orders of the IOM of the USSR, to solve technological problems, NIITM branches are created in the cities: Voronezh, Izhevsk, Perm, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zlatoust, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, as well as basic divisions at leading enterprises of the industry, including the basic department at the Progress plant in Kuibyshev (Samara ).
1975 - the structural growth of the Institute takes place: branches, basic departments and laboratories are included. Subsequently, some branches are allocated to independent research institutes.
State awards
1966 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor for merits in the creation, production of new equipment (missiles 8K63, 8K64, 8K65) and the successful implementation of the plan 1959-1965.
1975 - Certificate of Honor of the IOM of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union for merits in the creation, production of new equipment (missiles 8K63, 8K64, 8K65) and the successful implementation of the plan of 1959-1965, as well as a Certificate of Honor for achieving high performance in the socialist competition in honor of the XXV Congress of the CPSU.
1976 - the second Order of the Red Banner of Labor for mastering the production of new products (missiles 8K67, 8K84, 8K98 and others), fulfilling the tasks of the ninth five-year plan, developing and introducing new technological processes and special equipment aimed at improving production efficiency and improving product quality.
1980 - Prize and Diploma of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for achieving high results in the field of mechanization of manual work.
1983 - the title of "Exemplary Organization of Moscow."
1983 - 1985
1983, 1985 - the title "Winner in the All-Union Socialist Competition among the Head Research Institute and Design Bureau" with the award of the passing Red Banner and Diploma for the successful completion of the tasks of the "Target Comprehensive Scientific and Technical Program for the Development and Implementation of Impulse Loads in Mechanical Engineering."
For success in creating and introducing new equipment, NIITM employees were awarded 161 orders and 576 medals, including 7 orders of Lenin, 5 orders of the October Revolution, 48 orders of the Red Banner of Labor, 2 orders of Friendship of Peoples.
Scientists and engineering and technical workers were awarded the titles of laureates of the Lenin, Stalin and State Prizes: RSFSR, USSR, Russian Federation and Lenin Komsomol Prizes, as well as the titles "Honored Machine Builder," "Honored Inventor," "Honored Designer," "Honored Technologist," "Honored Standardizer" of the USSR, RSFSR, etc. Many employees were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals of VDNH and VVC, were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas of international exhibitions.
Formation of FSUE NPO Tekhnomash
1990 - the head organization of NIITM, branches: South Ural (Zlatoust), Tomsk (Tomsk), Siberian (g.), Krasnoyarsk (Voronezh Voronezh), as well as the Experimental Plant (Lobnya, Moscow Region) are being transformed into the Tekhnomash Scientific and Production Association (NPO Tekhnomash).
1991 - By presidential decree, the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation is established with the Department of General Engineering, to which the subject of the IOM of the USSR is transferred.
1992 - the RSFSR adopted the law "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities." By order of the Ministry of Industry, NPO Tekhnomash was renamed the State Enterprise NPO Tekhnomash. By presidential decree "On the structure of the management of space activities in the Russian Federation," the Russian Space Agency (RKA) was established. GP "NPO" Tekhnomash "was transferred to the subordination of the RKA.
1998 - By order of the General Director of the RKA GP NPO Tekhnomash, it was renamed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Tekhnomash Scientific and Production Association (FSUE NPO Tekhnomash) with the subordination of the Enterprise in 1999-2004 to the Russian Aviation and Space Agency, and since 2004 to the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos).
Today FSUE NPO Tekhnomash is the parent organization of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) for the technological support of the creation of RKT products. The enterprise takes part in national, international and promising space programs and projects, in the creation of world famous rocket and space complexes, such as Vostok, Kosmos, Salyut, Voskhod, Mir, Soyuz, JSC «Proton», Frigate, Breeze, Energia-Buran, Soyuz-Apollo, Vega, Phobos, ISS, Helangios, Yamerkus, Intkvos, Intkris Currently participates in the current Federal target programs of Roscosmos and the creation of products of the type: "Rus-M," "Persona," "MRKS-1TK," "MRKS-2," "Angara," Soyuz-2, "" Fregat-SB, "etc.
The company carries out activities on the conversion of defense technologies aimed at solving the problems of the fuel and energy complex, the chemical and metallurgical industries, ecology, transport, agro-industrial complex, medicine, light and processing industry, construction industry, urban economy. About 30 basic technologies have been proposed for implementation in these industries.
FSUE NPO Tekhnomash covers all the main engineering technologies: casting, pressure treatment; all types of dimensional processing, including mechanical, electrochemical, electrophysical; production of welded and soldered joints; assembly; laser technologies; coating technologies; methods and means of non-destructive testing, tightness testing; other types of tests and functional diagnostics of complex technical systems; metrological support, standardization and certification of the quality management system. He conducts research work on the creation of promising technological processes, creates specialized technological equipment, instruments and means of technological equipment in the areas of: materials science, machine-building and instrument production, standardization and metrology.
2025: Pavel Poleshchenkov - new general director of NPO Tekhnomash
At the end of February 2025, JSC NPO Tekhnomash (the company is involved in the creation and production of rocket technology, as well as in monitoring the management of lower production enterprises of Roscosmos) changed its head. The company was headed by Pavel Poleshchenkov, who previously worked there as deputy general director for operational efficiency, economics and finance. As head of NPO Tekhnomash, Poleshchenkov replaced Yuri Vlasov. Read more here.