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Inoventica Services


The Inoventica Services company is provider cloud services, has an infrastructure cloud of Slidebar, set SaaS- services, own technologies of management and cloud billing InoSphere. Inoventica Services since 2000 in the market hosting and IT outsourcing. In data centers the company thousands of the websites and hundreds of physical servers of clients are supported.

Inoventica (Communications for innovations)
Number of employees
2016 year



+ Inoventica Services is the service provider specializing in rendering qualitative maintenance services and technical support of Internet systems on the Windows platform, providing complex services of a hosting and lease of applications according to the scheme Software+Service at the modern level.

The company has more than 10-year work experience in area of a hosting, has own developed infrastructure which is provided with two independent data centers. Level of competence of the company is confirmed with the highest partner status Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. The company has competences Networking Infrastructure Solutions, Data Management Solutions, Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Security Solutions, Hosting Solutions and Server Platform that allows to provide to the clients and partners the full range of services of a hosting and high-quality service provided with the certified specialists.

The company actively participates in the program of support of ISV of Microsoft BizSpark developers, and since November, 2008 based on the first in Russia functions the "Center of development of S+S" created together with Microsoft company.

The company implements a number of large corporate projects, including together with leaders of the world market. <Преимущества облачных сервисов оценили не только в The USA, but also in Russia. For example, the company<MyClinic> unrolls network of clinics in the territory of our country. The decision to use IT from<облака> from the Microsoft partner of company was made<облака>. As a result it was succeeded to unroll quickly network of clinics and to increase their payback>, - reported during the interview for Business of FM Nikolay Pryanishnikov, the president of Microsoft in Russia[1].

The CEO "Guarantor Park-Interneta" Ponomareva Olga told that rates of the company for a hosting of a dedicated server begin from 2500 rub a month (at the bottom level of the price of 4000 rub on average in Russia and $75 – abroad). For a hosting of the virtual server Inoventica Services asks 500 rub a month and above (in Russia these prices begin with 600 rub, and in the world – with $10), and for a virtual hosting – 90 rub a month (on average in Russia the price of such service begins from 120 rub, and beyond its limits – from $2).

Performance Indicators


In a year revenue in the cloud direction (Inoventica Services company) grew by 12%. The net profit of Inoventica Services remains confidently positive.

Consolidated unconsolidated revenues of the Inoventica Group for the first half of the year 2016 were 201 million rubles. The measure value of EBITDA made 42 million rubles (24%). The net profit of the Inoventica Group stopped about a zero mark. The cloud of Inoventica grew by 12% and fixed assets reached 800 million rubles.

Increase in revenue in the cloud direction for 13.5% otnostitelno of a similar indicator of 2015 (the share in revenue of Group made 21%) happened owing to signing of a number of large contracts to new customers, including the contract with "The agency of strategic initiatives", St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications of the prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich and also continuation of project implementation with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, BARS Group, MTT, FGAU "Russian Fund of Technology Development", Sberbank Life Insurance and others.

In the direction information security (the share in revenue of Group made 7%) stability of income is maintained by implementation of commercial installations of the invGUARD system in the territory of Russia and the countries of customs union. By the end of the reporting period the number of test and commercial installations of a system was 32 that many times it is more, than at main competitors.

Revenue in the infrastructure direction (providing transport ICT infrastructure for hybrid clouds of customers) made 144 million rubles (the share in revenue of Group made 72%).

The cost of the fixed assets of the Inoventica Group put into operation grew by 2% and was by the end of the reporting period 797 million rubles.

As of July 13, 2016 obligations for the credits and loans, external for Inoventica Group, are absent.


The indicator of EBITDA margin "Garant-Park-Interneta" was 5.5 million rubles. The company in 2014 for the first time has come to net profit from the moment of entry into the Inoventica group in 2011.

Referral affiliate program of Inoventica Services


The affiliate program of Inoventica Services started in June, 2017 and within the first month attracted more than 100 agents, each of which earns a reward in the form of assignments in the amount of 10% from paid by the attracted client of each service.

242 agents among whom the telecommunication company of federal scale entering TOP-5 of the leading Russian telecom operators became partners of cloud provider of Inoventica Services in the referral program for the first half a year.

Participation in the referral affiliate program of Inoventica Services allowed the operator to earn a telecom over 400 thousand rubles for half a year (one million in annual terms), having expanded a service portfolio with cloud services.

Within a pilot project, 312 thousand clients a telecom of the operator from segments of B2C and B2B in the Volga region had an opportunity to order service of a hosting of the website in a complex with other services of the operator in the principle of "one stop shop". At the same time, the number of the users who followed on the website Inoventica Services referral links was 56,742 in 6 months. Conversion on the new registered users of cloud services made 3.9% that at the average check of 300 rubles a month provided to the agent a monthly additional income over 60 thousand rubles.

Among agents of Inoventica Services both legal, and the individuals which reached 18 years which were registered by a personal account for partners on the website of the company and placed on the resources a referral link or a banner for involvement of users of cloud services.

The number of the users who followed referral links on the website Inoventica Services in a month reaches about 10,000. At the same time conversion on the new users registered on the website Inoventica Services makes 24%.

It is planned that at the end of 2017 the share of revenue of Inoventica Services received thanks to implementation of the referral affiliate program will make not less than 12% in structure of all revenue of the company.



Increase in authorized capital of the company with 7 million rubles up to 29 million rubles

Announced Inoventica Services (Garant-Park-Internet LLC) in May, 2019 increase in authorized capital of the company with 7 million rubles up to 29 million rubles by an additional deposit of the participant of Society Communikatsy dlya innovatsy Ltd.

The decision on introduction of an additional deposit to the authorized capital of Garant-Park-Internet LLC is made by the main participant in the amount of 22 million rubles at an extraordinary General meeting of participants on April 12, 2019.

Formal procedures for money transfer and also offset of monetary claims of Communikatsii dlya innovatsy Ltd to Garant-Park-Internet LLC came to the end.

Significant increase in authorized capital of Inoventica Services will allow the company to take part in tenders of big corporate and state customers where among the important indicators defining a possibility of participation and a further victory in tender the amount of authorized capital is.

As a result of increase in authorized capital of Inoventica Services the size of net assets of the company grew by 20 million rubles. Thus, the size of all net assets of the Inoventica Group was 523 million rubles.

Also, at an extraordinary General meeting on April 12, 2019 participants of Society made the decision to increase the nominal value of a share of the main participant - KDI Ltd, for the amount equal to the cost of its additional deposit. As a result of changes of a share were distributed as follows: KDI Ltd - 99.8% with a nominal value of 28,930,000 rubles, JSC Regionalnaya initsiativa - 0.2% with a nominal value of 70,000 rubles.


Citizens of 25 countries of the world became users of cloud services of Inoventica Services in May, 2017. These are citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Canada, the USA, Panama, Indonesia, Singapore, China and Russia. The company started the corporate website and a personal account of the client in Spanish.

Increase in authorized capital

Deposit for the total amount about 20 million rubles

In September, 2017 Inoventica announced that participants of "Garant-Park-Internet" (Inoventica Services brand) made a contribution to property of society for the total amount about 20 million rubles for the purpose of increase in net assets of the company.

The decision on introduction of deposits to property of Garant-Park-Internet LLC is made at an extraordinary general meeting by the representatives of Communikatsii dlya innovatsy Ltd and JSC Regionalnaya initsiativa having in total 100% of voices.

According to Inoventica, formal procedures for money transfer and also entering into property of "Garant-Park-Internet" of deposits in a non-monetary form are already complete.

In particular, entered the list of the property transferred as a deposit to "Garant-Park-Internet":

  • The IT equipment of a hi-end-class from Hewlett Packard Enterprise intended for rendering the distributed cloud services based on DPCs of Inoventica. Total computing power of a cluster is 676 main cores and the 12th terabyte of RAM, and capacity of storage – the 636th terabyte. It is expected that this IT equipment will allow to increase infrastructure opportunities of Inoventica Services for satisfaction of increasing demand for cloud open source-сервисы, in particular, "a website hosting" and "virtual server".
  • In addition to the equipment of HPE, "Garant-Park-Internet" the exclusive right to the platform of management of cloud services InoSphere and the InoSphere trademark registered in the State register of trademarks of the Russian Federation carried over.

Additional deposits to 7 million rubles

Inoventica announced in June, 2017 increase in authorized capital of subsidiary company Garant-Park-Internet LLC up to 7 million rubles by additional deposits of participants of Society. On the basis of the statements for introduction of additional deposits to authorized capital which arrived from participants of Garant-Park-Internet LLC, the General meeting of participants of Society (protocol No. 5 of June 02, 2017) makes the Decision on increase in authorized capital of Garant-Park-Internet LLC from 10,000 rubles to 7,000,000 rubles at the expense of an additional contribution of KDI Ltd in the amount of 6,920,100 rubles and an additional contribution of JSC Regionalnaya initsiativa in the amount of 69,900 rubles.

According to the new edition of the Charter of Garant-Park-Internet LLC registered in FTS on June 20, 2017 authorized capital of Society is separated between participants into shares of 99% and 1%. So, the size of a share of KDI Ltd in authorized capital of Garant-Park-Internet LLC was 99% with a nominal value of 6,930,000 (six million nine hundred thirty thousand) rubles of 00 kopeks, and the size of a share of JSC Regionalnaya initsiativa – 1% with a nominal value of 70,000 (seventy thousand) rubles of 00 kopeks.

Increase in authorized capital of subsidiary company will allow the Inoventica Group to take part in tenders of big corporate customers where among important conditions of participation the amount of authorized capital is.

2016: Audit on compliance to licensing terms of Microsoft

The Garant-Park-Internet company announced in the summer of 2016 passing of audit of use of software tools of Microsoft for providing cloud services to end users within the agreement of SPLA. Audit was booked by the international company Ernst & Young.

Audit of such scale was carried out in Inoventica Services for the first time for the last 4 years and included check of compliance of providing service on the software within the agreement of Master Business and Services Agreement (MBSA), including agreements of Microsoft Services Provider License Agreements (SPLA) from July 1, 2012 until the beginning of 2016.

Results of check showed due quality of business processes of Inoventica Services and also compliance to the licensing terms in the Russian market assuming use of the software of Microsoft including Forefront, Windows, SQL Server, System Server, the servers Office, Microsoft Dynamics and other programs.

2015: Credit line of Promsvyazbank

On September 2, 2015 Inoventica Services announced agreement signature with PJSC Promsvyazbank on receiving the credit in the form of the bank guarantee with the set limit in the amount of 20 million rubles.

Formed the basis for such solution:

All this allowed Promsvyazbank to open a credit line for subsidiary company of the Inoventica Group developing the service direction.

The funds raised within the credit will go for obligation fulfillment of Inoventica Services under contracts with the state customers during the period till March 1, 2017.

Within the signed agreement on providing the credit bank guarantee in the amount of 10.3 million rubles, Inoventica Services provided the long-term public contract with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation according to which more than 300 thousand autonomous state and budgetary institutions of the subjects of the Russian Federation will create the budgets in Inoventica cloud.

Originally public contract with the Ministry of Finance was provided with funds of Inoventica Services of 30% of contract amount that made about 14 million rubles, transferred into a customer account.

Replacement of a type of providing a guarantee at performance of the government contract for the bank guarantee of Promsvyazbank allowed Inoventica Services to return to instant liquidity current assets of the company in the amount of 12 million rubles for further investment into business.

The free remaining balance of a limit of the bank guarantee of Promsvyazbank in the amount of 9.7 million rubles will allow Inoventica Services to take more active position in work with the state customers.

2014: Inoventica Group consolidated 100% in "Guarantor Park-Internet"

Inoventica Group consolidated 100% of shares of Garant Park-Internet LLC ( IaaS-provider), having redeemed the remained 40% of this asset then transferred the company to a new brand - Inoventica Services from private owners. Inoventica bought in addition the remained 40% at seven individuals - co-owners "Guarantor Park-Interneta" who acted as sellers and at the first transaction in 2011 when Inoventica purchased 60% of authorized capital of this company.

At the same time in a conversation with the reporter of ComNews Vitaly Slizen noted that the redeemed 40% of shares "cost significantly cheaper" (in terms of the cost of 1%), than purchase of three-year prescription. The situation of 2011 when just next day after the transaction the developer of a flagship product of the company - inoSphere left Garant-Parka became the reason of "markdown", - because of which Inoventica and purchased it. The inoSphere system provides accounting, management of hardware and program resources and also in the automated mode allows to manage cloud services. By the time of "escape" from Garant-Parka the inoSphere developer worked on this product of 12 years and wrote 3 million lines of a program code (which was even not documentary)[2].

Inoventica closed the first transaction on purchase "Guarantor Park-Interneta" in June, 2011, soon after creation of Inoventica. Then it was reported that all company "Garant-Park" was estimated at 200 million rubles. Thus, it is possible to assume that purchase of 40% "Guarantor Park-Interneta" cost the Inoventica group several tens of millions of rubles.

inoSphere – the only product in the class in the market having ruble rates that protects clients from currency risks (competitors he sees vCenter of the company VMware, Azure from Microsoft and Helion of development of HP). At this inoSphere has several important distinctive features - in particular, allows to control at the level of "iron" (servers, routers, etc.) and has possibilities of self-service for users (Azure has such function also). inoSphere has two installations in Russia, besides, three pilot projects with this product are conducted. inoSphere works in 10 Russian DPCs (with the cumulative park of the equipment over 10 thousand units and storage systems with a capacity more than 3.2 PB).

Ponomareva Olga connects development plans for hosting services of Inoventica Services not only with the organic growth of the market, but also with outflow of the Russian clients from foreign DPCs (both because of the increased costs in connection with depreciation of the ruble, and at the expense of new requirements of Russia to a personal data storage of citizens in its territory). She also notes that the market of a hosting began to be displaced from professional participants to the mass consumer who is not tempted in technical terms, but capable to explain what result he wants to achieve.

2012 started a tariff line of VDS services of lease of the virtual server in June, 2012. New tariff plans of lease of virtual servers from are characterized by an optimal ratio of parameters of service (RAM, processor capacity, volume of the hard drive) and the prices of them. The structure of rates was picked up on the basis of preferences of the current clients, so the virtual server with 1 GB of RAM costs everything from 800 rubles a month, and at lease for a period of 3 months progressive discounts the reaching 20% are provided.

Process of start of the new server on the tariff plans VDS from is most simplified thanks to ready templates which include both the operating system, and a number of the preset software (MySQL Microsoft SQL WebPI, etc.). An opportunity to set a control panel, also helps to make process of management of the server simpler and clear. Having selected this service, clients will receive the reliable virtual server on Microsoft Hyper-V the R2 virtualization platform, the large volume of resources and a number of free options among which there is unlimited traffic with bandwidth to 1 Gbit \with, the free license on any edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008.

In July, 2012 "Garant-Park-Internet" announced conclusion of an agreement about cooperation with Microsoft company - the world leader in implementation of IT projects. Within the agreement the Garant-Park-Internet company will be involved in cooperation in implementation of a number of projects on implementation at customers of Microsoft of the latest information technologies of the company including cloud solutions. This agreement will be included into TOP-10 of the contracts creating more than 80% of annual revenues of Garant-Park-Internet company.

The companies plan mutually beneficial cooperation when implementing joint projects within the signed agreement which will allow to achieve synergy and most effectively to service the Russian customers of solutions of "a private cloud" on a platorma of Microsoft. Garant-Park-Internet and Microsoft companies are connected by long-term partnership within the Partners Network program in which the first has the status of the golden partner. This agreement expands cooperation between the companies in the new plane.


In May, 2011 Communications for innovations zavershila sdelku po priobreteniyu 60% doli ustavnogo kapitala Garant-Park-Internet LLC (brend Kompaniya byla otsenena pokupatelem v 200 mln. rubley. Priobretenny aktiv budet yavlyatsya centrom kompetentsii IT-operatora po okazaniyu konechnym polzovatelyam uslug i servisov, osnovannykh na Ltd cloud"technologies, services of a traditional hosting outsourcing IT infrastructures, development and support of the software Internet and intranets-applications.

Providing by the INOVENTICA Group of infrastructure opportunities for - the sir - the Russian backbone network, DPCs, computing resources and tanks of data storage will become the next stage of strategy implementation that will allow to provide annual doubling of revenue on an interval of 3-5 years.

It should be noted that the implemented transaction assumes the direction of 9% of a share of capital stock of Ltd company<Гарант-Парк-Интернет> for the option scheme which feature is the program of motivation not only the existing, but also again employed highly qualified specialists.

In August, 2011 (Inoventica group) started the offer on lease of a number of the failsafe solutions constructed on cluster technologies including the geodistributed cluster, unique for Russia. represents new service, having used which it is possible to forget about interruptions in work, congestion or unavailability of resources. Lease of cluster systems – this find for all who wish to receive the maximum safety in operation of the high-loaded online projects, business applications, storage systems and data processing.

The cluster solutions which are the cornerstone are smart and flexible systems which main objective is ensuring high availability of service in case of refusal of one or several servers thanks to a large number of the nodes entering a cluster. Work of a cluster is based on the principle of balancing of loading that allows to use distribution of the coming requests for several nodes of servers.

Management of clusters and their monitoring are provided by own system of a provisioning Parking Cube and a number of products of the line of System Center of Microsoft company. The cluster solution can be constructed as on the basis of physical servers, and Hyper-V virtual machines and to work in several modes, from maintenance of work of the database, before balancing of loads of websites. Besides, proposes the unique solution on creation of a geocluster - geographically distributed cluster which nodes physically are located in different DPCs.

Within this offer specialists of the company also perform complex ensuring operability of a system and its administration thanks to what the client receives not simply "an iron pile", and full-fledged service of ensuring failsafe work.

In September, 2011, the company of the INOVENTICA Group, signed the license agreement with the largest supplier of the certified software products ALTEXSOFT. Within the agreement of will provide a range of services on information system protection, processing personal data (ISPDN) in "cloud" based on the certified Microsoft platform. Cooperation gives the chance of to use the software of Microsoft certified by ALTEXSOFT company according to requirements of FSTEC of Russia for protection ISPDN from 4 to 1 classes inclusive that will allow to fulfill the requirements of law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" taking into account the amendments which became effective since July, 2011.

The "cloud" system of personal data protection based on the certified Microsoft platform allows to ensure high degree of reliability and safety of a hosting of information systems and also to reduce the cost of service in protection ISPDN for end consumers more than by 10 times. The information systems processing personal data are placed on the virtual or physical servers located in the selected protected zone of data center Setup of parameters of security of the equipment and the system software is in addition performed, the form of necessary organizational and administrative documentation is provided.

The range of services on information system protection, processing personal data is most demanded among the companies of a segment of SMB in such spheres as: insurance, medicine, advertizing, online stores, marketing researches, billing and management of services, etc. Let's separately note that has experience of projects implementation on placement on the protected servers of personal data information systems from 4 to 1 classes inclusive. In particular, the company implements the project for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on placement of information systems of the portal of the Unified state examination and support of the corresponding information systems processing personal data 2 categories. In this project it is used certified by software of Microsoft.