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ICL-ACS Ambulance

Developers: ICL HA (ICL-KPO VS, ICL)
Branches: State and social structures,  Pharmaceuticals, medicine, health care
Technology: Medical Information System



Compatibility with Astra Linux and Tantor DBMS

Specialists of Astra Group and ICL Group conducted joint tests of the operability and correctness of the joint functioning of the Astra Linux special-purpose operating system, Tantor DBMS and the Ambulance ACS software product. Astra Group announced this on September 23, 2024.

The main advantages of integration include a high degree of security and immunity to virus threats, which is especially important in the context of working with confidential patient information. Tantor offers data management capabilities, including scalability and high performance. This allows you to process large amounts of information in real time. The Astra Linux operating system provides stability and compatibility with a variety of hardware for implementing the solution in various conditions.

Compatible with Axiom JDK and Libercat

Axiom JDK and the ICL group of companies announced on August 13, 2024 that ambulance institutions can now switch from foreign system software to a domestic Java stack. The companies have confirmed the compatibility of the Ambulance ACS with the Java Axiom JDK runtime and the Java Libercat application server.

ACS "Ambulance" is used as a regional emergency medical management system in 12 regions of the Russian Federation. The results of testing conducted by ICL specialists confirmed the correct collaboration of the application on the domestic Java stack Axiom JDK and Libercat, which is enshrined in bilateral compatibility certificates.

Successful tests allow us to recommend ACS "Ambulance" on the domestic Java platform as a comprehensive import-independent solution for medical institutions. Technologically, the Java Axiom JDK runtime and the Java Libercat application server are a necessary link when launching the Ambulance ACS on Russian OS and DBMS. Thus, compliance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1478 and the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Digital Development on import substitution is ensured.

ACS "Ambulance" supports the entire technological cycle of institutions: from receiving and distributing calls to statistical processing of information and assessing the effectiveness of the institution's functioning, including accounting for medicines and fuel and lubricants, the formation and transfer of accounts-registers to the MHIF, mobile workplaces of teams, information support for the work of air ambulance. ACS interacts with TFCMI, FSIS MDLP, MIS and 112 Systems of various manufacturers.

"The importance of medicine and, in particular, ambulance institutions in our lives cannot be overestimated. Axiom JDK is used in GIS, fintech, retail, industrial and IT systems. We are pleased that the technological partnership with the ICL group of companies opens up new opportunities to support IT healthcare systems, "said Aleksei Kuznetsov, Director of Partner Relations at Axiom JDK. "We invest in compatibility with all popular system components of domestic production and application solutions and thank our partners for their cooperation."

"In the context of sanctions pressure and the departure of world IT suppliers, the key task of the developers is to ensure the uninterrupted and safe operation of business and state information systems. And in the field of medicine, this is especially important, - said Konstantin Sidorov, project manager of the ICL group. "The use of Russian system software and partnership with the team of Axiom JDK, professionals in the field of tools for Java developers, allows us to ensure the stability of our applications and timely readiness to repel threats."

2021: Integration with "N3. Health Care"

Netrika Medicine helped five developers of information systems for emergency medical services (NSR) integrate with the N3.Zhealth platform. This was announced on July 15, 2021 by Netrika (Netrika). Read more here.

2016: Appointment. Tasks to be solved. Effect of implementation. System structure

Designed to automate the operation of stations and departments of emergency and emergency medical care, can be used in the work of the center of disaster medicine.

ACS "Ambulance" supports the entire technological cycle of work: from receiving and distributing calls to statistical processing of information and assessing the effectiveness of the institution. ACS "Ambulance" is the main system for building an integrated solution for the provision of emergency medical care in the region.

Tasks to be solved

  • registration of incoming calls (ambulance and emergency, scheduled and emergency transportation, outpatient reception) with automatic formation of a queue of unattended calls, their arrangement in the order of service priority and the possibility of transferring calls for emergency care to clinics;
  • Real-time real-time dispatching of all received calls
  • recording of changes in the status and location of field crews, monitoring the time of call service, repair, lunch, etc.;
  • formation of work order schedule;
  • registration of the teams entering the shift and deviations from the work schedule, formation of a timesheet;
  • accounting for the receipt and consumption of medicines and medical instruments with the storage in the pharmacy and at the gas station;
  • maintenance of track sheets, formation of a driver's work card;
  • taking into account the arrival and consumption of fuel and lubricants, calculating overspend/fuel economy;
  • registration of sanitary aviation departures;
  • assessment of compliance with the standards of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • formation of operational and statistical reports of any frequency (all forms required by the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are included in the supplied set of reports);
  • development of registers for MHIF.

The Software Product of ACS "Ambulance" fully meets the requirements of the concept of creating a Unified State Information System in the field of health care (EGIS-Zdrav) and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the composition of applied components of the regional fragment of the EGIS, ensures compliance with the requirements for information technology support of ambulance stations.

As part of the Ambulance ACS, there are open program interfaces that provide integration with third-party (external) software, including TFCMI IC (in accordance with the FFOMS order of April 07, 2011 No. 79 and the requirements of regional legislation), with information systems of medical institutions of the outpatient and polyclinic level within the framework of the separation of ambulance and emergency services, System "112."

Effect of implementation

  • automation of dispatchers' operation, and, as a result, reduction of call reception time and dispatchers' errors, increased responsibility for servicing the population, increased attractiveness of this work area;
  • monitoring the timeliness of the provision of emergency and emergency medical care to the population through the use of organizational and programmatic and technical measures of objective control;
  • optimization of rolling stock management - reduction of operating costs and more efficient use of the fleet;
  • Refusal to maintain manual paper logs
  • automated generation of reports and reports;
  • high quality of management decisions owing to timely receipt of objective and complete information.

System structure

In ACS "Ambulance" the following standard automated workplaces are provided:

  • Call Reception Manager AWS;
  • AWS of the direction manager;
  • brigade AWS (mobile workplace);
  • AWS of the senior doctor of the duty shift;
  • AWS of work order schedule generation;
  • filling station AWS;
  • AWS of the pharmacy manager;
  • AWS for information generation;
  • Statistics maintenance AWS;
  • substation dispatcher AWS;
  • AWS hospitalization in the BSMP department;
  • Garage AWS;
  • AWS of the system administrator.

Depending on the adopted distribution of functional duties between employees of the ambulance station and tasks solved at workplaces, individual adjustment of AWS is possible.

ACS "Ambulance" is a solution operating as of July 2016 in more than 140 cities of the Russian Federation. ASU "Ambulance" functions as a single dispatch service for emergency medical care of the Chuvash Republic, Kaluga and Kaliningrad regions, providing monitoring of the operational situation and solving the problems of analytical processing of consolidated information on the provision of emergency medical care in the region as a whole and separately for each municipality.