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The name of the base system (platform): Apache Tomcat
Developers: Axiom JDK (BellSoft) formerly Bellsoft
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/03/14
Last Release Date: 2025/01/23
Technology: Enterprise Portals,  Server Platforms


LiberCat - Russian server applications Java EE based on the project c. open source Apache Tomcat According to the developer, LiberCat is an alternative to proprietary products, and Oracle WebLogic IBM WebSphere others.

2025: Update with improved security and management features

On January 23, 2025 Axiom JDK (Axiom JSC) , the company announced the release of an updated version of the standardized - servers Java application of Libercat. The updated version eliminates, vulnerabilities optimizes the basic functions and development process. Now the domestic application server is equipped with a control center that facilitates administration and monitoring, speeding up configuration and increasing stability of solutions. With important enhancements, customers and partners can leverage their current server application infrastructure and save IT resources.


According to the company, one of the key changes is the visual tool "Libercat Control Center." It optimizes administration, system transparency, and helps you respond more quickly to changes in your work environment. The graphical interface provides convenient access to information about server versions and statuses, allows you to track which applications are deployed, provides the ability to view and download logs. The control center is designed to monitor and control application servers based on Libercat 9.x, Libercat 10.x, Libercat EE 8.x and Libercat EE 9.x.

Important changes to Libercat improve safety and help streamline the process of interaction between different departments of the company. This release implements quota and service limit policies to optimize performance, eliminates conflicts when starting/stop methods are called on MessageDrivenBean components, and adds the ability to save the transaction log to tables. DBMS PostgreSQL Fixing vulnerabilities in network communication improved security and reduced the surface. attacks Additional fixes, including the correct use of the client locale when displaying a list of directories, have optimized stability and reliability.

Load testing in 2024 confirmed the performance of Libercat at the level of industrial application servers traditionally used in commercial systems. With the release of the updated version, these indicators will become even higher. Libercat is designed to work with Java EE/Jakarta EE technologies and is a reliable alternative to foreign products Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Red Hat JBoss and WildFly.

Security of corporate IT systems - like a parachute: it is better to upgrade it to a jump. Modern challenges require service stations and information security directors to have tools that simplify migration to domestic software, ensure business continuity and help achieve IT security goals. We are pleased to offer the Libercat Application Server with regular security updates, optimized performance and 24/7 support from the team.

noted Sergey Lunegov, Axiom JDK Product Director

The standardized Libercat application server is based on Apache Tomcat, taking into account the needs of the Russian market, where Java is central to the corporate IT landscape. Libercat runs on the domestic Java platform Axiom JDK and is compatible with Russian DBMS, OS and equipment. Regular updates include all vulnerability fixes and performance optimization, which reduces the cost of maintaining a secure environment for the industrial operation of Java applications.

Libercat is available in three versions: as a servlet container, a full-fledged application server and an embedded library for building solutions based on Spring. With a robust product, companies can continue to leverage existing Java infrastructure while simultaneously implementing state-of-the-art microservice approaches for new projects.


Compatible with Axiom JDK and Libercat

Axiom JDK and the ICL group of companies announced on August 13, 2024 that ambulance institutions can now switch from foreign system software to a domestic Java stack. The companies have confirmed the compatibility of the Ambulance ACS with the Java Axiom JDK runtime and the Java Libercat application server. Read more here.

Implementation in the FXL platform

FlexSoft and Axiom JDK expand interaction in terms of introducing solutions based on an import-independent Java stack into software for the financial sector. The companies entered into a cooperation agreement. Axiom JDK announced this on August 5, 2024. Based on the results of the tests, certificates were obtained confirming the compatibility of the FXL Platform with the Java SE Axiom JDK runtime and the Libercat Java application server. More here.

Obtaining an FSTEC certificate

On March 14, 2024, the Axiom JDK team announced that server Java the standardized Libercat Certified applications received FSTEC certificate No. 4776, which confirms the lack of vulnerabilities undeclared capabilities in it. The domestic product of the Axiom JDK team has successfully passed the tests and meets the requirements information security tools for level 4 trust.

The Libercat Certified Java Application Server has been certified by FSTEC

According to the company, a certified application server can be used on all critical infrastructure facilities and in complex systems with increased information security requirements.

For the first time, the Java application server received a certificate from the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia. During the tests, the absence of undeclared capabilities and the availability of the required safety functions were confirmed in the IPS Libercat Certified, the product architecture was monitored and its source code was fully analyzed, including fuzzing testing. The product was developed by the Axiom JDK team in accordance with the industrial process of developing safe software (RBPO). In total, engineers invested fifteen person-years in the development of Libercat Certified and the Axiom JDK Certified platform on which it runs, as a result of which more than 4 GB of program code was verified.

Libercat is an application server listed in the registry. ON Ministry of Digital Development It is designed to work with Java EE technologies/Jakarta EE, is based on open source codes, Apache Tomcat is compatible with, and Russian DBMS OS hardware and acts as an alternative to software products,, Oracle WebLogic JBoss and IBM WebSphere Red Hat. WildFly Libercat comes in three versions - in the form of a servlet container, servers applications and as an embedded library that can be used, for example, when building applications based on the Spring framework.

Now the FSTEC certificate confirms the functional stability and security of Libercat Certified in all configurations. A certified Java application server can be used to create systems that require 4 levels of trust (CSR UD4), in a classic three-link architecture and as part of containers. Trusted application includes: state information systems up to 1 security class inclusive, significant objects of critical information infrastructure of the 1st category, personal data information systems up to 1 security level inclusive, automated control systems of production and technological processes of the 1st security class.

In RTLabs projects with state participation, in particular Ministry of Digital Development Russia and the National Technological Center for Digital Cryptography, an important criterion for choosing software is its compliance with import substitution and information security requirements. The use of a certified Java application server enables you to meet these conditions, as well as optimize development and migration, and direct your own IT resources for business tasks. The FSTEC certificate confirms the absence of vulnerabilities and undeclared capabilities in Libercat Certified, and technical support and the release of product updates are localized in Russia.

noted Anton Sergeevich Meluzov, Deputy General Director of RTLabs

Now the core of the technological Java stack - the runtime environment and the Java application server - are certified by FSTEC. This will help developers of GIS, CII and fintech, most of which work in Java, optimize migration and development projects and fulfill KPI for import substitution by 2025. Together with Libercat Certified, users receive certified access control mechanisms, compatibility with certified operating systems, including closed-loop mode, support for building a TLS protocol based on Russian cryptographic algorithms, and more.

commented Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK

The certified Libercat Certified Application Server is shipped with Axiom JDK Certified. In addition to the capabilities of Libercat, it provides enhanced security features that comply with FSTEC regulations, which include:

  • Verifying Network Requests for Specification Compliance
  • How to Process Network Requests
  • Checking the correctness of Java applications
  • Control of PSR configuration correctness
  • Role-based access control
  • Authorization of Access Subjects
  • Log security events.

The Java Axiom JDK Certified runtime is certified by FSTEC No. 4531. In conjunction with the Libercat Certified application server, they provide a comprehensive certified solution for both Java SE and EE specifications.

As part of a standardized platform for Java development

Astra Group and the Axiom JDK {hide } BellSoft (BellSoft) {/hide} team on February 29, 2024 announced plans to consolidate engineering and jointly invest resources in creating a fully functional standardized platform for Java development, which can comprehensively replace foreign counterparts. Vendors will present to the market a holistic offer, including LiberCat. Read more here.


Unidata Data Management Platform Compatibility

The company UniData"" announced on November 17, 2022 the end of the compatibility tests of the Unidata platform and the product based on it, in particular Unidata MDM"," Java Development Kit with - (Axiom JDK developed by { Axiom JDK hide} BellSoft {/hide}), servers Libercat applications (developed by Axiom JDK) operating system Astra Linux and CE 2.12.44 (). Eagle More. here

Compatibility with Rosa Cobalt 7.9 and Rosa Chrome 12

Domestic developers Axiom JDK STC IT ROSA and completed joint testing of updated versions of products. The companies confirmed the correctness of the standardized servers applications Libercat and trusted development and execution environment Java Axiom JDK Pro OS DEW COBALT with 7.9 and OS 12 ROSA "CHROMIUM". Compatibility guarantees will speed up projects, import substitution including when switching from products. This was Oracle announced by the company NTC ROSA IT on July 19, 2022. More. here

Compatibility with CFT-Bank system

Companies CFT and { Axiom JDK hide} BELLSOFT{/hide} on April 27, 2022 announced the compatibility of their products and technological partnership. Bank information the complex CFT-Bank can work on the domestic server Java Libercat applications with the execution environment Java SE from Axiom JDK.

The use of such a software stack will allow credit organizations to implement plans to to import substitution ON avoid operational and technological risks, as well as comply with the regulatory requirements critical information infrastructures for (). CUES

The test results confirmed: the domestic software stack works correctly and all the functionality of its components is available to users, which is reflected in the documentation of the complex. The standardized Libercat application server is included register of Russian software in No. 9208 and is compatible with the Russian DBMS OS hardware. It was created to work with technologies Java EE taking into account the needs of the Russian market, where Java is central to the - IT landschaft of most banks state industrial and organizations.

The information banking system is a complex, multi-level product in which everything is interconnected. DBMS, application servers, system software client locations with their own - operating systems all these elements should work without failures in a single bundle. During the transition of banks to software import-independent , our task as a developer is ABS to offer customers a comprehensive solution that will contain suitable elements at all levels - system software, application servers, etc. The CFT-Bank system has already resolved the issue of import substitution for the most critical block - DBMS, developed tools for migration to data DBMS and. Postgres Pro PostgreSQL We have also already tested CFT-Bank for compatibility with domestic operating systems. The ability to use the Libercat Java application server for the CFT-Bank banking information complex will be another argument for the selection of the CFT IT platform financial by organizations,
said Andrey Fomichev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the CFT Group.

As part of the end-to-end solution on the Baikal-M processor

the Russian The development team of RED SOFT{ BellSoft hide} BellSoft {/hide} Postgres Professional EMDEV confirmed the correct collaboration of their software products. The solution is built on operating system RED OS servers LiberCat applications and runtime. This was Java Liberica JDK Pro announced on January 12, 2022 by BellSoft . This Java stack will be used to refine and deploy the Incomand enterprise portal. More. here


FSTEC Decision on Confidence Level Certification 4

On August 27, 2021, BellSoft announced that it had received a decision by FSTEC to certify information protection tools Liberica JDK Certified and LiberCat Certified for confidence level 4 (UD4). Read more here.

Baikal-M Processor Compatibility

On July 22, 2021, BellSoft announced the compatibility of software Liberica JDK Pro products and LiberCat Russian processor Baikal-M c. Tests allow you to recommend the sharing of a progressive Java execution environment and a standardized application server from BellSoft OS with domestic and equipment. The tests were carried out with operating Astra Linux Special Edition systems RED OS and architecture ARMv8 designed for use with the Baikal-M processor. End-to-end secure solutions BellSoft - Astra - Linux Baikal-M and BellSoft - RED OS - Baikal-M provide the transfer state of information systems (GIS), state automated systems (GAS) and other Java applications to the domestic software and hardware stack as soon as possible. More. here

Inclusion in the Register of Russian Software

On March 4, 2021, BellSoft announced that the LiberCat application server was included in the register of Russian software under number 9208 according to the order of the Ministry of Digital Development. BellSoft purposefully expands the stack of professional products for developing enterprise solutions based on Java. Now in the list of programs created in Russia there is not only Liberica JDK, the Java runtime, but also a standardized Java application server. In conjunction, they provide a comprehensive certified solution for the development and execution of Java applications of a critical information infrastructure (CII) in accordance with the requirements of digital sovereignty. The addition of LiberCat to the register contributes to the growth of the use of progressive Russian software and the preservation of enterprise investments in the existing IT infrastructure.

The standardized application server was developed by BellSoft taking into account the needs of the Russian market, where Java is central to the IT majority of banks state organizations industrial companies. LiberCat offers world-class open technologies with Russian technical support, which ensures the development of the IT landscape with a large range of Java systems. It allows you to increase the impact of your existing Java infrastructure, continue to use it and apply the most advanced methods and modern microservice architecture to solve new problems and accelerate the development cycle.

LiberCat is based on open source projects Apache Tomcat and Apache TomEE, application servers with a market share of more than 60% according to the 2020 Java Developer Productivity Survey. It is designed to work with a number of Java EE technologies and comes with Liberica JDK. This opens up the possibility for migrations from proprietary WebLogic and WebSphere products in comparable tasks.

LiberCat updates include all security vulnerability fixes and performance optimization, which reduces the cost of maintaining a secure environment for the industrial operation of Java applications. LiberCat supports work databases with and/, SSLTLS OS special purpose, Astra Linux SE as well as integration with IDEs such as,. NetBeans IntelliJ IDEA Technical support of BellSoft engineers in their native language removes language barrier problems.

Expanding the register of Russian software through standardized products for developing enterprise solutions based on Java is an important event for the IT market. We are consistently implementing a strategy to provide world-class open technologies in combination with high-quality expertise and technical support in Russia, "said Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft confirmed the compatibility RED OS of c-applications server Java LiberCat.

LiberCat tests with RED OS expand the use of Russian developments in creating large-scale information solutions for government organizations

Import-independent digitalization is one of the priorities of the state. RED SOFT, together with partners, as active participants in the Russian IT market, are ready to provide high-quality and secure analogues of foreign software products for a variety of tasks. The compatibility of RED OS with the LiberCat Java application server confirms the functionality of our operating system, - comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

We are pleased to expand the partnership with RED SOFTWARE on the technology stack for the development of corporate solutions that solve the problems of digital sovereignty. Our strategy is to develop partnerships with developers of basic technologies, applications and system integrators. We strive to support many platforms, invest in testing and systematically expand the capabilities of our professional products Liberica JDK and LiberCat. This gives developers and users of Java applications confidence that they will receive the quality, competencies and technical support necessary to solve current and future problems in accordance with technological trends and domestic requirements, - said Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft {hide} BellSoft {/hide}.