Developers: | VK (formerly Group) |
Last Release Date: | 2024/12/17 |
Technology: | BI |
Main article: Definition of Business Intelligence
myTracker is a multi-platform analytics and attribution system based on Group technologies that provides accurate statistics on the use of a mobile application and site. myTracker aggregates information about application installations and their sources, predicts the effectiveness of advertising investments thanks to predictive analytics tools, tracks all sources of income, including in-app purchases, subscriptions and advertising monetization, and has the ability to upload raw data without restrictions on the volume and shelf life of data.
Adding AI Analytics Assistant
MyTracker has an AI analytics assistant. VK (formerly Group) announced this on December 17, 2024.
Users will be able to receive ready-made reports on the status of their online project - this will be helped by the AI assistant of the analytics system for mobile applications and MyTracker sites. This function based on large language models will independently make a correct request for the analytical system and provide an understandable and informative upload that can be used to develop the project.
With the AI assistant, users do not need to waste time independently configuring reports in the designer, as well as understand the features of working with its interface, descriptions of metrics and sections. It is enough to describe in simple words what analytics you need to get - for example, "The number of app launches in the last month" or "Portrait of a new audience that came in May." The virtual assistant will independently select metrics on request, send the correct task to MyTracker and provide the user with a report with the data of interest to him.
AI is becoming increasingly self-reliant. Autonomous intelligent systems (or AI agents) using large language models learn not only to analyze and create content, but also to solve complex problems, relieving some of the burden on specialists. Our virtual assistant in MyTracker is just an example of such a solution. Now, with its appearance, the user does not have to be an expert to receive the necessary data from the system: it is enough to describe in human language to the assistant what result is needed, and he will take all the work on himself, "said Ivan Emelyanov, head of data management, VK AI. |
Integration with VK ID
Site owners can simultaneously install the VK ID and MyTracker analytics service to learn more about their audience, analyze user preferences and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. VK announced this on December 4, 2024. More here.
Free tool for impersonal analytics of audience behavior
On November 29, 2023, VK announced the launch of a free tool on the MyTracker system for impersonal analytics of the behavior of the audience of sites and applications. The "Paths" service will show from which ads the user switched to the resource, which sections he visited and what targeted actions he performed. Statistics will allow you to find non-obvious insights and weaknesses and help companies and developers develop their projects on the database, and not hypotheses.
The sites and apps that connected MyTracker will see the entire path of users. To do this, you must select an analysis period and a key event - for example, adding an item to the cart. The tool will show how many users have performed a targeted action in the selected period of time and what they did on the resource before or after it.
The study can be detailed: set audience parameters by age, geography, devices, advertising channels from which users came. With analytics, the business will see how different users react to tools, interface and content on a site or app.
Launch E-Commerce Service Solution
MyTracker has launched a solution for e-commerce services. It will help analyze the status of orders issued on the site and potential income, as well as assess the impact of advertising in different channels on revenue. VK (formerly Group) announced this on November 22, 2023.
The tool reflects sales statistics on several parameters: names, suppliers, categories, brands and other characteristics. This allows you to more efficiently plan the purchase of goods and the development of the online store. The business can evaluate which items and through which partners they order more often and give preference to them.
Online stores have access to statistics on key events on the site: issued orders, paid and canceled. Based on these data, MyTracker builds revenue on projected, actual and lost income.
The solution allows you to compare orders of users who have switched to the website of the online store from advertising in different channels. With this parameter, it is easier to assess how investment in promotion pays off and which sites work more efficiently to attract customers.
This MyTracker tool can be used both as an independent tool and in integration with the usual analytics systems for online stores. Revenue forecasts for orders are available in the "Ad Hoc Report" section, for items - in the "Report Designer."
Availability of the free "Insights" tool
On June 30, 2023, VK announced that the free "Insights" tool is available to MyTracker users. ML models allow publishers to create a portrait of an active audience of a site or mobile application based on its interests and other characteristics. Impersonal data can be used to develop the service and optimize business advertising campaigns.
The tool analyzes the audience by different parameters: geography, interests in different topics, level of education, employment, marital status and others. With the help of graphs, the business can assess how the interests of users change over a certain period, and adapt the site or application to different needs. Aggregated audience data can also be used in advertising campaigns - just integrate the MyTracker cabinet with the VK Advertising platform.
Information about the active audience is updated daily and is available in the "Insights" section of the MyTracker reporting section.
Access the Audiences tool
On October 27, 2022, VK announced that the MyTracker analytics and attribution system had opened access to the Audience tool. With it, marketers and publishers can segment users of their mobile apps and websites by extended impersonal traits. The resulting data can be automatically uploaded to advertising systems to retain and engage customers.
Several parameters are available for segmenting the audience: in-app activity, geography, device specifications, outflow probability, and other features. Aggregated data will help improve the accuracy of reaching the target audience and build marketing campaigns taking into account the needs of users and their past experience. Depending on the segment in the ad, you can adapt offers and creatives, as well as immediately exclude users with a high probability of outflow or devices with suspicious activity from the show in order to optimize the budget.
When adding segments, you need to configure integration with the advertising platform - myTarget or VK Advertising. Audience information is updated daily and is available in the statistics block: marketers can analyze data by sample size and number of new users for the selected period.
Launch free analytics tools
On August 16, 2022, VK announced the launch by the MyTracker team (VK project) of updated free analytics tools. With their help, publishers will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and platforms, taking into account the peculiarities of user interaction with the product on different devices and platforms.
Developers and marketers of web and mobile applications will also be able to assess the activity of authorized users on different devices. This will allow building end-to-end analytics of audience actions in the application and, on its basis, increase the return on investment in the development and promotion of the project.
The tools allow a business to evaluate promotion results based on data user interaction with the site or application from different devices or platforms. This will help you better understand the path of users and analyze the effectiveness of ads aimed at attracting new users or returning an inactive audience.
Also, developers and marketers will have access to advanced tools to optimize campaigns. By sending special signals - post-backs - to advertising platforms, they will be able to notify partners about the user's targeted action in the application or on the site. This data will help to attract the target audience even faster and reduce the cost of conversion by redistributing the advertising budget in favor of the most effective campaigns.
Improved reattribution algorithms allow you to qualitatively assess user activity on different devices and use the most effective tools to return them and motivate them to targeted actions.
Expanding Reporting Functionality
On May 18, 2022, VK announced that it had expanded the functionality of MyTracker reports. Users can now add additional calculated metrics themselves to evaluate the results of advertising campaigns. With their help, you can calculate and compare marketing targets in the usual interface. Due to the update, you no longer need to manually calculate the required parameters based on uploading data from standard reports.
You can create calculated metrics in the report section. To do this, just specify the name of the metric, and then add it along with the relevant formula. Using metrics, you can calculate the indicators necessary for the business: for example, installation cost (CPI), conversion cost (CPA), return on investment (ROI), average revenue per user (ARPU) and others.
You can work with calculated metrics both independently and in the team - just share a link to the finished report with colleagues, open it and save it.
You can create your own metrics, edit them, or organize them in the list of calculated metrics or in the report designer.
Launch MyTracker Personalize
VK on December 16, 2021 launched MyTracker Personalize, a recommendation service for increasing app revenue .
This tool predictive analytics - MyTracker Personalize - is based on algorithms machine learning and works on and, operating systems iOS Android as well as on desktops. The service is focused on, and games publishers can use it to offer personalized in-game for content the interests and needs of the audience of gamers.
The solution helps publishers increase ROI and increase LTV or number of conversions, as well as user loyalty through optimal offers. Game app owners can show users personalized recommendations in real time, which include customized offers, ranked product lists and their value. For example, you can sort game items in the store under the interests of users or offer discounts on options that are most likely to interest them.
To offer players the most relevant options, machine learning algorithms analyze audience behavior and then segment it by solvency and other criteria. Thus, the optimal price for users is automatically selected.
Based on data from the MyTracker SDK, a library package for collecting statistics on applications, Personalize selects the optimal ML model, which is retrained every four hours. Therefore, information for the publisher always remains relevant, and recommendations for users are personalized. The service also notifies the owner of the income received.
The A/B testing function in Personalize allows you to assess which recommendations work more effectively, as well as how changes in pricing and other parameters affect key metrics.
To get started with the tool, you need to integrate the MyTracker SDK into the application and determine the audience for the recommendations.
Facebook Ad Campaign Rating Support via Google Install Referrer
The MyTracker team implemented support for advertizing evaluating campaigns on Facebook via Google Install Referrer. Publishers and marketers on the mobile applications base Android can now analyze promotion results based on information about advertising interaction received in the form encrypted of Facebook. This was announced on November 10, 2021 by the company (VK formerly Group).
Using the proposed tool, publishers and marketers of Android applications can evaluate information about the installation source if a click on the announcement leads to downloading the application through the Google Play Store. At the time of the click, Facebook transmits information about the names and identifiers of the advertising campaign, adset (ad sets within the same campaign) and ads in encrypted form to Google Install Referrer.
To get started with attribution, you need to add a decryption key - Install Referrer Decryption Key - to the MyTracker interface. It can be obtained on the Facebook for Developers portal. If the user has a MyTracker SDK connected - a library package for collecting statistics on applications - data from Facebook will begin to be allocated automatically in the tracker interface.
To add the Install Referrer Decryption Key to the MyTracker interface, the system must configure the Facebook partner for the application for which the key is received. Thus, MyTracker will be able to decrypt the data and use it at the time of attribution of the installation for Android. This will allow you to separate installations from Facebook by advertising campaigns and ads in the MyTracker interface for free.
At the end of October 2021, Facebook closed access to user-level campaign performance data for advertisers, and also added a way to attribute installations from Android through Google Install Referrer.
Web Site Fraud Detection Tool
On November 3, 2021, VK announced that a tool for detecting fraud appeared in the MyTracker multi-platform analytics system (included in VK). It allows you to analyze website traffic and identify the main types of fraud. This makes it possible to protect your projects from unscrupulous sites, as well as save the budget.
The solution analyzes websites by 11 metrics, some of which also work in the Fraud Scanner tool. Three indicators are designed specifically for evaluating sites: matching visits (matching visits), the visibility of a banner with an advertisement and its size on the user's page (small viewport), as well as a PTR indicator (the number of web devices that have a high share of views through a proxy). In the latter case, the proxy fraud installed on the device specifically changes the user ID every time you interact with an advertising banner. Thus, several clicks from one person count as clicks from different people, which distorts the results of advertising campaigns.
According to the results of the assessment, users have access to detailed analytics on the presence of suspicious traffic on all advertising platforms. Some of the metrics can be used for free, and advanced indicators will be available on a paid basis.
Algorithmachine training is independently marked by sources who have not passed the test by these metrics as suspicious. At the same time, the tool does not automatically remove them - advertisers themselves decide what to do with illegal traffic and how to continue to build relationships with an unscrupulous partner.
The solution is developed on the basis of the Fraud Scanner tool, which analyzes the installations of mobile applications for fraud in 19 parameters. Among them are downloads to suspicious devices, uncharacteristically short installations and other types of dubious activity.
Tool for LTV forecast by universal income
Users of MyTracker (project) VK from the sphere e-commerce can now predict universal income for a period of one to six months. The free tool predictive analytics allows you to forecast at the application user level on and. Android This was iOS announced on October 25, 2021 by VK.
The solution allows owners of mobile applications in the field of e-commerce to predict universal income - financial revenues that cannot be transferred to the service in the standard way (advertising revenue, in-app payments or subscription debits). Such income includes offline payments or purchases made using electronic payment services (for example, VK Pay).
The predictive model allows you to forecast revenue at the level of users, not devices. This approach makes it possible to predict universal income, even if the buyer uses different devices.
The solution, based on machmachine learning algorithms, predicts store profits for a period of one to six months. According to the platform, the forecast accuracy is 88%. The tool also allows you to segment your audience by revenue level and assess the impact of different communication scenarios (such as high-value pop-ups) on changing revenue metrics.
This tool is based on the S2S API. With its help, project events (for example, user authorization, payments and others) are transmitted through requests to the API. The downloaded data is included in the statistics that are available in the MyTracker interface.
A tool for predicting the effectiveness of campaigns on iOS 14.5 +
In order for advertisers to predict users' LTV (Lifetime Value), the myTracker team developed a predictive model. This was announced on September 7, 2021 by the Group. Based on the machmachine learning algorithm, it predicts how much revenue the campaign will generate in the future for 30 and 180 days. To do this, the predictive model uses data from myTracker about user behavior, taking into account privacy requirements. The model is based on classic data (settings, payments and other parameters), indicators that are transmitted from SKAdNetwork, including the number of conversions and their value (Conversion Value), as well as the actions of those users who agreed to transfer data.
To view the forecast for the period from 30 and 180 days, you need to go to the "Report Designer," to the "Device Metrics" section, select "LTV Forecast," and then "LTV Forecast by SKAN." Together with the "LTV Forecast for SKAN," it is recommended to apply the following metrics: "Settings," "SKAN conversions," "Partner" and "Campaign." Do not use too wide sections (for example, by geography).
In April 2021, Apple released the iOS 14.5 update, which changed the approach to ensuring the privacy of personal data when used in advertising. These measures, among other things, reduced the possibility of using the IDFA advertising identifier, which ensured the accuracy of attribution to a specific device. Alternatively, the company proposed to conduct attribution through its own SKAdNetwork (SKAN) solution, which ensures accurate analysis of promotions at the level of advertising campaigns, rather than individual devices.
The solution was developed based on the predictive analytics tool myTracker. The technology allows you to predict Lifetime Value for 30, 60, 90 and 180 days, as well as one and two years after installation. The accuracy of forecasts is up to 94% (according to the platform).
Integration with Google AdMob
On March 19, 2021, the company Group announced that the myTracker multi-platform analytics system it was integrated with one of the major advertizing monetizations Google AdMob platforms. Publishers working with AdMob will now be able to track in-office key ad metrics that are broadcast in their apps through this mediation platform, including impressions, audience engagement, and revenue from embedded ads. This will help analyze the effectiveness of current approaches to monetizing applications and maximize revenues.
Often, app publishers and marketers use multiple mediators to increase ad revenue on their resources. This approach can be most effective provided that the user has the ability to compare results across different sources of income.
Now in myTracker, developers can analyze statistics in one window and compare monetization data in AdMob and other mediation platforms. All available statistics will be displayed in the Report Designer.
To get data from AdMob, you need to use methods to track data from the mediator at the SDK level.
Ability to download revenue data from multiple sources through server-to-server event APIs
On February 25, 2021, the company Group announced that the myTracker multi-platform analytics system launched a free tool for uploading data earnings outside the application to an account through API events server (S2S). The update will allow application owners to automatically collect income statistics from different sources in one place, analyze indicators and increase the efficiency of further development of the project.
Using the S2S method, the user will be able to independently collect indicators in the myTracker interface that are platform-independent. For example, you will be able to view data on past offline payments, income from subscriptions on the site and other income.
Through S2S API, it will be possible to add events to the project account in myTracker that are not transmitted through the SDK or occur in offline format. Such targeted actions include adding a promotional code when buying online after viewing ads in offline channels, confirmed delivery of goods or visiting a sales office.
The information obtained will give application owners the opportunity to get a comprehensive idea of the profitability of costs and optimize further investments in the development of the project by choosing the most promising channels.
The update will help optimize work primarily for users who need to download and analyze historical income data, non-standard income types, and those who need to download data not through the SDK in myTracker.
All necessary information will be provided in the Report Designer. To obtain data, you need to select the desired indicator and set a filter by income type - "Universal income."
Start-up of Fraud Scanner anti-fraud system
On November 5, 2020, Group announced that the myTracker multi-platform analytics system has launched an anti-fraud system - Fraud Scanner. It analyzes the application installations by 16 parameters and detects all the main types of fraud.
The myTracker solution helps identify different forms of fraud that can distort the results of advertising campaigns. Thanks to this information, application developers will be able to increase the efficiency of investments in promotion: refuse to cooperate with unscrupulous partners and attract only high-quality traffic to applications.
The system checks installations by 16 parameters: monitors downloads to suspicious devices, the proportion of short installations and other types of dubious activity.
The advertiser will be able to view the data for each parameter. Fraud Scanner does not automatically screen out fraudulent installations, but marks them. This allows developers and marketers to decide for themselves how to deal with inopportune traffic and whether to suspend work with a partner seen in fraud.
The first tests showed that technologies can even detect complex combined types of fraud, for example, intercepting installations. In addition, the connection of the anti-fraud system on average allowed applications in different categories to save more than 10% of the promotion budget.
Part of the anti-fraud metrics can be used for free, and a set of advanced indicators will be available as part of paid functionality.
Launch Outdoor Ad Impact Assessment Technology for Mobile Application Installations
On August 20, 2020, the Group announced the launch of technology that calculates the effectiveness of promoting mobile applications using outdoor advertising. Now advertisers will be able to find out in real time how many users installed the application after they saw ads offline - on digital media. The technology is powered by myTarget and the myTracker multi-platform analytics and attribution system. Read more here.
Ad Campaign Data Availability in the App Store
On August 11, 2020, the company Group announced that myTracker appeared data about advertising campaigns in. App Store Now, with myTracker, developers can evaluate the effectiveness of keyword promotion in the app store for free. Apple
The service allows you not only to track how many users were attracted by keywords in the App Store, but also to see analytics. myTracker displays the cost of the campaign, the number of ads displayed and clicks on them. In addition, in the tracker, you can evaluate the effectiveness of each keyword separately.
Also, advertisers can now compare this source of attracting users with other advertising platforms.
Campaign statistics are available in the myTracker Operational Reports and Report Designer.
Expand analytics capabilities by tracking presets
On July 23, 2020, it became known that myTracker users received a tool to assess the effectiveness of promoting applications through presets. Now it is easy to understand whether cooperation with device manufacturers and vendors justifies itself or whether it is better to invest in other ways of promotion.
App preinstallation is a popular promotion method. Many developers conclude contracts with device manufacturers and vendors, hoping to attract an audience in this way: a consumer buys a gadget with an already installed application, which means that it is highly likely that he will use it. However, this method of promotion does not always justify the funds invested in it, and before it was difficult to correctly assess its effectiveness. Now myTracker users can get such information directly in the "Report Designer" in their personal account in the system.
MyTracker provides data on ROI, the proportion of users who opened the pre-installed application, the duration of sessions and the characteristics of the audience interacting with the pre-installed service. The information obtained can be used to improve the efficiency of promoting the application in the future.
At the same time, tracking presets is the only way to assess the effectiveness of this type of promotion: when users update the application through the store, the pre-installed version can no longer be distinguished from the usual one by name, and only tracking presets guarantees data accuracy.
Another advantage of tracking presets is that it prevents incorrect attribution by linking the fact of installation to a specific traffic source (device manufacturer or vendor). In other cases, accidental matches are possible, which, after updating or launching the application, associate it with advertising partners, to whom the developer is subsequently forced to pay for such attributions.
Finally, pre-installation tracking helps you work with audience segments. Users attracted to the application using the preset can be allocated to a separate segment for convenient reporting and filtering of data related to this audience. It will also be useful if the developer cooperates with several device manufacturers (vendors): you can create several segments and compare their indicators.
Multi-platform attribution support
myTracker began to support multi-platform attribution. The Group announced this on July 6, 2020. This option will allow platform users to receive detailed analytics on campaigns focused not only on mobile, but also on the web audience.
myTracker users can now work marketing data with a web audience. This is another step by myTracker to provide multi-platform analytics. Web attribution will allow you to form a single picture across all platforms of the project: determine the number of unique users, track the sequence of switching between platforms (web,,) iOS, Android compare by data advertizing campaigns.
In addition, by having access to data about the web audience and understanding the sources from which the most users come, you can more efficiently allocate the advertising budget when setting up campaigns.
To track web traffic, you need to integrate myTracker with the Mail.Ru Rating counter (if it is already connected to the site, just pass the identifier). After that, myTracker will begin collecting statistics not only from the mobile application, but also from the site (number of page views, new users, duration of sessions, daily active audience and other indicators) - and advertisers will have access to analytics on all platforms in one window.
Attribution in myTracker works on the last click model. The user needs to create a campaign, select a web application and get ready-made links with parameters that are considered attribution.
A tool for segmenting audiences by sociodemographic characteristics
The myTracker analytics platform has expanded the ability to analyze and work with data. Application developers have become available a tool for segmenting the audience by socio-demographic characteristics, user activity, traffic sources, as well as custom events. This was announced on May 25, 2020 by Group.
myTracker now has the ability to create your own audience segments and evaluate the behavior of different categories of users. For example, you can find out how often an audience uses an application that regularly purchases or spends a certain amount. Developers will be able to find out how the audience, attracted by a particular advertising campaign, behaves, and what functions of the application are most often used by paying users.
To identify behavioral characteristics of a certain audience, it is enough to apply filtering of results by the corresponding segment in reports.
Analysis of the obtained data will increase the efficiency of promotion, redistributing the budget in favor of traffic sources that give the best result. The data will also help improve the product according to the identified insults about its use by different segments of the audience, or find the causes of anomalies and eliminate them.
Start API Beta for Direct Event Transfer Between Servers
myTracker enhances the ability to work with data and detailed reports. By passing custom events with parameters and their values to the myTracker system through the S2S API, working with data will be even more efficient. This was announced on April 17, 2020 by Group.
Now information about events will be sent to myTracker through its own API. This will allow you to collect and analyze additional data that cannot be transmitted through the SDK and counter.
The platform user will be able to configure the transmission of events that occur outside the application - for example, information about activating a loyalty card or deducting points. You can work with all data in one interface.
You can access the S2S API on the account page by requesting a key in the corresponding line. Users with the Manager role will be able to use the API.