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2025/03/17 15:14:51

Advertising (Russian market)


Market segments

Internet advertizing

Main article: Internet advertising (Russian market)

Television advertising

Main article: Television advertising

Radio advertising

Main article: Radio advertising

Social advertising

Main article: Social advertising

Outdoor advertising

Main article: Outdoor advertising (Russian market)

Market size

According to AKAR:

  • 2009 - 204 billion rubles (-26%), including VAT
  • 2010 - RUB 250 billion (+ 16%), including VAT
  • 2011 - 263 billion rubles (+ 21%), excluding VAT hereinafter
  • 2012 - 300 billion rubles (+ 13%)
  • 2013 - 328 billion rubles (+ 10%)
  • 2014 - 340 billion rubles (+ 4%)
  • 2015 - 307 billion rubles (-10%)
  • 2016 - 360 billion rubles (+ 11%)
  • 2017 - 417 billion rubles (+ 14%)
  • 2018 - 469 billion rubles (+ 12%)
  • 2019 - 493 billion rubles (+ 5%)
  • 2020 - 473 billion rubles (-4%)
  • 2021 - 578 billion rubles (+ 22%)
  • 2022 - 382 billion rubles (-2%) excluding TV advertising
  • 2023 - 731 billion rubles (+ 30%)

2024: The Russian advertising market grew by 24.3% over the year and reached ₽679,1 billion

The Russian advertising market in 2024 grew by 24.3% and amounted to ₽679,1 billion. Almost half of this amount - ₽311,1 billion - fell on Internet advertising. Data are presented on March 17, 2025 in the annual AdIndex study.

Analysts assess advertising budgets in channels where there is independent monitoring of placements: on television, in the press, on radio, in outdoor advertising and on the Internet. Information on offline segments was collected based on data from the research company Mediascope, outdoor advertising budgets were calculated based on Admetrix information, and expenses on the Internet were requested by Digital Budget.

The most significant growth in 2024 was recorded in the outdoor advertising segment - by 40.4%, to ₽75,8 billion. The smallest segment remains the press, where advertising grew by only 7.4%, to ₽5,8 billion.

Analysts note that the contribution of the largest players continues to grow in the advertising market. The top five in terms of advertisers' spending now account for 15.1% of all budgets - a 7.1 percentage point increase from a year earlier. Having retained the status of the largest advertiser since 2020 - Sber - brings 5.5% of all advertising budgets to Russian media.

In general, the rating of the largest advertisers has not undergone significant changes. The Ozon marketplace took second place after Sberbank, but its promotion budgets are more than twice inferior to the leader. Closes the top three "Yandex." In fourth place is T-Bank, and in fifth place is Avito.

Despite the general stability of the top 30 largest advertisers, significant changes were recorded. In particular, the budgets of the bookmaker company Fonbet have grown significantly. The bookmaker's advertising spending increased by 82% in 2024, sending the company up from 23rd to 15th in a year. Other notable changes include Protek, which promotes the pharmaceutical brands Ismigen, Hilak Forte, Troxevazin, as well as the drugstore chains Zdravsiti, Rigla and Be Healthy. At the end of 2024, Protek entered the rating of the largest advertisers for the first time and took 27th place.[1]


Top 20 largest advertisers in Russia on radio named

At the end of 2023, the budgets of radio advertising in Russia reached 17.62 billion rubles. This is 20.3% more than in the previous year, when the costs in this area amounted to about 14.65 billion rubles. Such data are reflected in the AdIndex study, the results of which TAdviser got acquainted with in mid-September 2024. Read more here

The largest advertisers in Russia are named. Yandex and Ozon in the top three

In 2023, Sberbank, Yandex and Ozon became the largest advertisers in Russia. This is evidenced by the data of the report of the industry publication AdIndex, published on June 17, 2024. The combined advertising budgets of these companies have increased significantly compared to the previous year, which confirms their active desire to strengthen their market position.

According to Kommersant, Sberbank topped the rating, spending 30 billion rubles on advertising, which is twice as much as in 2022. The amount includes expenses for the promotion of all products of the Sber ecosystem, such as SberMarket, Samokat, Okko and others. Yandex is in second place with an advertising budget of 15 billion rubles, which is a third more than in the previous year. Ozon closes the top three, spending 13 billion rubles on advertising, showing an increase of 56% compared to 2022.

Advertisers don't have that much choice right now. They lack inventory, so they take whatever fits the audience.

Sber and Yandex are actively developing their ecosystems, which contributes to the growth of their advertising budgets. President of the Russian Academy of Advertising Vladimir Filippov explained that Sber began to create ecosystems in 2021, including companies such as SberMarket, Citymobil, Delivery Club and others. Yandex, in turn, develops Yandex Go, Yandex.Market and other services, which also affects the increase in their total advertising expenses.[2]

Named the largest advertisers in Russia

In 2023, advertising costs of the 30 largest advertisers in Russia reached 215.1 billion rubles (excluding VAT). This is 18% more compared to 2022, when the costs were estimated at 181.5 billion rubles. Such figures are reflected in the study of the portal, the results of which were published on April 22, 2024.

Sberbank became the leader in terms of total advertising investments in 2023 with an indicator of 35.53 billion rubles against 22.72 billion rubles a year earlier. In second place is Yandex, whose budgets for promotion on an annualized basis increased from 14.43 billion rubles to 19.1 billion rubles. Closes the top three TCS Group Holding (Tinkoff) with advertising expenses at 12.11 billion rubles. Next come Ozon and MTS with costs of 11.82 billion rubles and 11.55 billion rubles, respectively.

The study notes that in 2023, the expenses of the 30 largest advertisers in Russia in the Internet space decreased by 4% compared to the previous year - from 79.38 billion rubles to 76.42 billion rubles. The volume of advertising costs on television, on the contrary, increased on an annualized basis by 24%, amounting to 110.17 billion rubles against 88.51 billion rubles in 2022. Advertising budgets in the press rose by 243% - from 90 million rubles to 309 million rubles. According to the results of 2023, 21.72 billion rubles were invested in outdoor advertising against 10.5 billion rubles in 2022. Investments in radio advertising have risen more than twice a year - from 2.9 billion rubles to 6.4 billion rubles.

It is said that in 2023 Stada CIS, Merlion, Cherkizovo and Otkritie dropped out of the rating, the amount of advertising investments of which in 2022 amounted to 26.53 billion rubles. Their places were taken by Fonbet, Sportmaster, Evalar and Betting League: bookmakers' large investments in advertising are explained by a gradual return to the usual volumes of sports broadcasts, which are in high demand among this category of advertisers.[3]

The volume of the Russian advertising market in 5 main media segments increased by 30% to 731 billion rubles

The Commission of Experts of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR) on March 26, 2024 shared with TAdviser the results of the development of the advertising market of the Russian Federation for 2023.

In general, 2023, according to experts, despite all the problems that the industry has to face, turned out to be the most successful over the past decade and a half for the domestic advertising market. The total volume of advertising in all major segments of its distribution - video, audio, publishing business, OOH and Internet services - in 2023 amounted to almost 731 billion rubles, which is 30% more than a year earlier.

AKAR data for 2023

Taking into account all budgets invested in the promotion of goods and services, including advertising budgets for the development and creation of creatives, for the production of advertising products, for the payment of services of advertising agencies and technological intermediaries, for marketing services, for promotion in the field of retail (both offline and in to trade) Marketplaces the total volume of the Russian market for marketing communications in 2023 turned out to be approximately 1.7 trillion rubles, which is actually a third more (+ 35%) than it was a year ago.

The AKAR Industry Promotion Committee summed up the development of the promotion industry in our country and estimated the segment's volume in 2023 at 53.0 billion rubles.

The total volume of the regional advertising market in Russia (excluding the indicators of the Moscow regional market) for all five main media segments - video, audio, publishing business, outdoor advertising and Internet services - in 2023 amounted to 106.6 billion rubles, which is 24% more than the previous 2022. According to AKAR, experts based on ERIR data for the first time managed to assess the volumes of the segment of Internet services in the regions.

The volume of regional advertising in its funds is distributed

in 2023 (excluding the Moscow regional advertising market).
To highlight the regional part in the outdoor advertising segment, the following criterion is used: advertisers advertising in Moscow, St. Petersburg and at least 5 other million-plus cities belong to federal advertising, the rest to regional]]

The working group on assessing the volumes of regional advertising markets as part of the AKAR Commission of Experts also assessed the volumes of the markets of the 15 largest million-plus cities (with the exception of Moscow) for 2023. The final assessment included four main media segments (with the exception of the publishing business): video, audio, outdoor advertising and Internet services. The total volume of regional advertising budgets in the cities under consideration amounted to more than 71.5 billion rubles. net of VAT. All 15 markets recorded positive dynamics of 20% or more compared to the previous year. The volume of four regional markets exceeded the level of 5 billion rubles, another three amounted to from 3 to 5 billion rubles, the association shared.

The volume of the largest regional advertising markets in 2023

In general, according to experts, the digitalization of society, the economy and the advertising industry, the 2020 pandemic and the 2022 crisis have most radically changed the domestic advertising market. Among advertisers, all leading positions were taken by the largest Russian companies. In contrast to previous years, Russian advertising holdings and structures have become key players in the industry. After leaving the Russian market of the largest foreign Internet companies, TV channels, magazines, film companies, the audience changed its media consumption in the most active way. The Russian advertising market has become completely different in form and content, and the traditional approaches to its assessment have turned out to be outdated, the AKAR noted.

In this regard, there was an objective need to change the approaches to market valuation, including tools, methods of verification, market segmentation. Thus, in the summer of 2023, at the initiative of the Commission of Experts, a working group was formed within the framework of AKAR to improve methods for assessing the volume of the advertising market, which included representatives of key committees and commissions of AKAR, leading agencies and sites, research companies. The members of the working group proposed a large number of innovations of both methodological and purely practical, business nature. Dozens of meetings, consultations, approvals and presentations were held, which made it possible to form a new approach to assessment, including in terms of market segmentation.

According to experts, the approach to segmentation proposed by AKAR corresponds well with the technologies already used in foreign advertising markets. But, as often happens, in Russia this approach began to be used even a little earlier - in 2019, AKAR used segmentation by content types on the Russian market as one of the assessment options.

Another important feature in assessing the volume of the advertising market in Russia in 2023 was the use of data from the Unified Register of Internet Advertising (ERIR). AKAR, together with specialists from Roskomnadzor and experts from ARIR, managed to develop appropriate data analysis technologies, which, according to the association's experts, increased the transparency of the Internet advertising segment in general, the digital components of various segments of the Russian advertising market in particular, and also for the first time made it possible to assess the volume of Internet advertising in the regions.


The three largest advertising agencies in Russia have undergone 2 changes

In June 2023, AdIndex published an annual rating of agencies selling advertising on TV, radio, press, outdoor advertising and the Internet. The study is based on advertising output data from research companies Mediascope, AdMetrix and Digital Budget. AdIndex emphasized that they publish estimates for these groups "for reference based on data from open sources in the absence of confirmation on their part."

The top three in 2022 underwent changes: in second place, replacing, OMD Optimum Media came out SberMarketing"," he confirmed the receipt of contracts for 17.6 billion. rubles Occupying the third place a year earlier (Mera the former name is Carat) is located in fourth place with a turnover of 16.6 billion rubles, its position was taken by SkyTecKnowledge (formerly SkyTec), which was in ninth place. Media Instinct retained the leading line, the volume of purchases in 2022 amounted to 22 billion rubles.

List of the largest advertising agencies in Russia

* The agency is included in the assessment for the first time in 2022, confirming market conditions for receiving service contracts.

  • * "Until 2022, the agency was ranked under the SkyTec brand.

* * * Communication Group Okkam issued a formal ban on the mention of the group's companies in the 2022 AdIndex rating, ignored AdIndex's request to provide client sheets and pointed out the unreliability of the calculation made by AdIndex. However, in order to avoid distortion of the rating and ensure its completeness, AdIndex informatively publishes estimates based on data from open sources and indicates that there is no confirmation from the group.

* * * * The turnover of United Partners includes the budgets of customers served by the Air and Horizon agencies, which announced the merger in 2021. For the correctness of the comparison, hereinafter the indicators of 2021 for the combined companies are adjusted, i.e. the total billing is taken into account in the revolutions and positions in the ratings of 2022 and 2021.

  • * * * * Agencies in the Media Direction group ignored AdIndex's request to provide client sheets. To avoid distortion of the rating and ensure its completeness, in the absence of information from the group, the calculation was made on client lists of 2021 in the absence of reports of loss of contracts. New customers were included based on data from open sources - messages about taking for service, published in the media. The estimates given in the publication are not confirmed by the group and are given for reference.

According to the researchers, in total, the agencies participating in the rating accounted for 66% of advertising budgets in the five media studied. The top 10 agencies accumulated 57% of agency purchases and 38% of the total market. In 10 advertising groups, 54% of all media advertising budgets are served, groups account for 83% of budgets. passing through agencies.

The authors of the rating called 2022 unprecedented in terms of the scale of the shocks that hit the Russian media advertising market. The departure of international brands, agency networks, sites, platforms forced the industry to rebuild, moreover, in record time. As a result, according to AdIndex, the actual losses of the advertising industry in 2022 amounted to 7.3% in rubles. It was possible to achieve such a "soft landing" due to the training of market participants in overcoming the crises of 2009 and 2015, when the industry lost 28% and 10%, respectively.[4]

Spending by the top 30 advertisers rose 3%. Sberbank, Yandex and Ozon spent the most

The total cost of promoting the 30 largest advertisers on the Russian market in 2022 increased by 3% compared to 2021 and amounted to 141.4 billion rubles. Such data are provided in the Adindex study. According to experts, the place of foreign advertisers in the ranking was taken by Russian companies, which increased their own promotion budgets by more than 1.5 times.

Sber"," which occupies the first place since 2019, in 2022 increased advertising expenses by 11%, to 16.2 billion rubles. Advertising budgets Yandex"" increased by 21% and amounted to 10.4 billion rubles. Megaphone increased promotion costs by 24%, to 5.6 billion rubles. Tinkoff"" moved from 14th place to 4th, increasing advertising costs by 91%, to 7.6 billion rubles.

Sostav also released its rating of the largest advertisers in Russia in April 2023. According to him, in 2022 Sber was in the lead, which increased the promotion budget by 36% compared to 2021 - from 16.69 billion to 22.72 billion rubles. Yandex, winner of bronze last year, climbed to second place with a budget of 14.43 billion rubles. Ozon moved to third place from second. Marketplace spent 10.09 billion rubles on advertising.

According to Sostav analysts, in 2022, advertising costs of the 30 largest Russian advertisers amounted to 181.5 billion rubles without value added tax (VAT), which is 17% more than in 2021 - 154.2 billion rubles.

12 foreign advertisers left the top 30, who stopped advertising investments or work in Russia due to the geopolitical situation. Among them, Reckitt Benckiser, P&G Mars-Russia,,,, McDonald’s,, Pepsi Co,,, and Nestle Ferrero. Sanofi Aventis Volkswagen GSK The amount Coca-Cola of their Bayer investments in the Russian advertising market in 2021 amounted to 49.6 billion rubles. - 32% of the total budget of the top 30 in 2021. Advertising costs[5] the[6]

Market decline by 2% to 382 billion rubles excluding TV advertising

The volume of the Russian advertising market in 2022 amounted to 392 billion rubles, which is 2% less than a year earlier. Such data were published on March 27, 2023 by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR). The study covers four segments: Internet, radio, press and outdoor advertising. The National Advertising Alliance (NRA) refused to provide AKAR with sales data for TV ads for 2022. As a result, AKAR for the first time in history did not disclose data on the volume of television advertising.

As noted by the vice-president of AKAR, co-chairman of the AKAR commission of experts Sergei Veselov, the Russian advertising industry as a whole has survived the crisis. And if in the spring of 2022 some experts spoke about the possibility of the market falling by 50-60%, then according to the results of four quarters, the domestic advertising market reached volumes comparable to 2021.

The volume of the advertising market in the Russian Federation in 2022 amounted to 392 billion rubles

The fall in 2022 was shown by segments of the press and the Internet. According to AKAR, the volume of advertising in print media decreased by 41% to 4.8 billion rubles. The online advertising segment decreased by 2% to 324.9 billion rubles, which happened for the first time in the history of the market.

At the same time, outdoor advertising and radio segments grew in 2022. Thus, the volume of outdoor advertising increased by 6% to 47.6 billion rubles, follows from the data of AKAR. And the radio segment amounted to 14.7 billion rubles, which is 5% more than in 2021.

In most large cities of Russia, the dynamics of the radio advertising market exceeded + 3%. Growth drivers were segments such as real estate, finance, the public sector and e-commerce. In 2022, there was activity from new customers; for the most part, these were domestic producers of goods and services. Radio has increased its share in the media mix of the top 10 advertisers. The fourth quarter of 2022 has become one of the most successful in terms of dynamics for the radio industry in the Moscow + Network segment since 2015.

In the press, according to experts, based on industrial research, in 2022 the audience of many publications increased - according to newspapers, audience growth was 18%, and according to magazines in the mass market segment, the increase is even higher than 65%. The fall in advertising revenues in the publishing segment in 2022 was mainly due to the departure of large foreign advertisers. In addition, the reduction in advertising placements was associated with the closure of the sites themselves and a reduction in inventory: a large number of glossy magazines either ceased to exist altogether due to the revocation of licenses, or significantly reduced the frequency of publication. As a result, at the end of 2022, the volume of print press revenues decreased by 41%.

As for the Internet segment, according to analysts, it as a whole successfully coped with the difficult situation, by the end of 2022 actually retaining the volume of advertising budgets last year. At the same time, market leaders, after the departure of their main competitors, demonstrated very high growth rates, although it is still impossible to say that they managed to replace all advertising technologies that were on the market before the crisis. Separately, the rapid growth of advertising revenues of marketplaces should be noted.

The volume of the regional advertising market in 2022 amounted to 39.2 billion rubles, which is 3% less than 2021. The AKAR Industry Promotion Committee also summed up the development of the promotion industry in the country and estimated the segment's volume in 2022 at 32.7 billion rubles, the dynamics was plus 4%.

Taking into account the advertising budgets spent on the creation of creative solutions, on the production of advertising products, on the payment of services of advertising agencies and technological intermediaries, on marketing services, the total volume of the Russian market for marketing communications in 2022 turned out to be approximately 1 trillion rubles.[7]

Russian developers have sharply increased advertising spending

Russian construction increased advertising costs by 28% in 2022 compared to 2021. Some developers have increased spending at least four times, RIA Novosti reports, citing data from analysts at SberMarketing and Mediascope.

Most of all, the cost of promotion increased Level Group by 4.3 times. MIC In spending increased 3.5 times. "Samolet invested 93% more in advertising in 2022 than in 2021. A101""increased spending by 88%. PEAK invested 72% more in advertising. As for the cash equivalent, the leader is named here. FGC The dynamics of growth in advertising spending was 66%. I reduced spending on promotion only - "Ingrad" by 9%.

Russian developers in 2022 significantly increased advertising spending

The main costs fell on advertising real estate of the business and premium segments. Most often, money was invested in advertising in September and before the New Year holidays. Most advertising costs fell on outdoor advertising - 43%. In second place is regional TV (21%), in third place is radio (17%). Spending on national TV reached 13%, on digital - 6%.

Most developers spend on performance advertising on mobile. At the same time, "MIC is making a big bet on the desktop, told in" SberMarketing[8]

The top three advertisers have seen changes

In the top three largest advertisers in Russia, in 2022, there were changes: VK holding rose to second place from third, which spent 9.9 billion rubles on advertising. Yandex dropped from the second line to the third with an indicator of 8.5 billion rubles, and the leadership was retained by Sberbank (16.1 billion rubles). This is evidenced by data from Twiga Data Solutions (part of the Twiga Communication Group (Twiga CG)), which were released at the end of February 2023.

According to this study, excerpts from which Kommersant cites, in 2022 it immediately doubled Ozon's position, rising from eighth to fourth place (advertising costs amounted to 7.6 billion rubles). The report also said that at the end of 2022, state-funded social advertising rose sharply. She rose from 37th to 15th place. The main government spending in 2020-2021 fell on the Stopkoronavirus campaign, and in 2022 the focus shifted to national projects - Demography, Ecology and others.

Sberbank remains the largest declomadet
In 2022, the volume and share of state media placements increased, which is explained by the crisis and the media silence of foreign companies, explained Okkam Sustainability Director Vladlen Zamorsky. The main growth factor of the category is "the desire of the state to support the industry against the background of the departure of some advertisers," said Nikita Pribylovsky, executive director of RA SA Media.

Among the industries, retail remained the first place in terms of advertising spending (investments of 82.4 billion rubles). Finance is in second place with a result of 49.5 billion rubles. Closes the top three media (48.4 billion rubles).

Medicines (32.2 billion rubles) and food (27.4 billion rubles) retained fourth and fifth places, respectively. The positions of cars and soft drinks fell sharply.[9]

Discuss Creating a Single Digital Signage Operator

On August 10, 2022, it became known about the position of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation regarding the idea of ​ ​ creating a single Digital Signage operator in the country. According to the head of the department, giving one company preferences for placing both outdoor advertising on digital advertising structures and ads of individuals on electronic message boards on the Internet will actually lead to monopolization and degradation of this market.

In August 2022, ANO Digital Economy, Yandex, Sber, the Skolkovo Foundation and Avito sent letters to State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin opposing the law on a single advertising operator. According to the authors of the appeal, the creation of a single operator of digital advertising structures goes beyond the subject of legal regulation of the law "On Advertising," creates the risks of creating a monopoly and disseminating inaccurate information on the Internet in violation of the law.

Read more here.

11 large foreign companies suspended advertising in Russia against the background of a special operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine

By the end of March 2022, eleven foreign companies, which are among the top 30 advertisers in, Russia announced the suspension of advertising investments in the Russian Federation. Nestle McDonald’s Coca-ColaСреди них — PepsiCo, , Mars Russia, , Procter & Gamble, L’Oreal, Reckitt Benckiser, Ferrero, , Sanofi Aventis, GSK Consumer Healthcare.

2021: Record growth - by 22% to 578 billion rubles

The volume of the Russian advertising market in 2021 reached 578 billion rubles, which is 22% more than a year ago. The growth turned out to be a record, according to data from the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), which were released in mid-March 2022.

The marketing services segment amounted to 109.1 billion rubles. Taking into account the advertising budgets allocated for the creation of creative solutions, the production of advertising products, payment for the services of advertising agencies and technological intermediaries, for marketing services the total volume of the Russian market for marketing communications in 2021 reached the level of 1 trillion rubles.

More than half of its budgets - 313.8 billion rubles - in 2021 advertisers spent on online advertising. The segment grew by 24% and 29% compared to 2020 and 2019, respectively. The second largest segment - advertising on television - amounted to 197.3 billion rubles at the end of 2021, surpassing the result of the previous year by 19%. It is noted that the maximum volumes of advertising budgets in their entire history have reached not only thematic television channels, but also the main channels.

According to AKAR, the radio advertising market in 2021 showed dynamics of plus 25%, but has not yet reached the level of 2019 indicators (minus 12%). Its volume from the total market amounted to 14 billion rubles. The promotional industry also showed an increase of 27%, the volume - 31.4 billion rubles.

Russian advertising market for 2021 showed record growth

Regional advertising was also in the zone of positive dynamics. Radio and outdoor advertising showed the highest dynamics in the regions last year. At the same time, in different cities, the situation developed in different ways. Among the largest regional markets, Yekaterinburg (+ 24%), Krasnodar (+ 21%), Omsk (+ 19%), Nizhny Novgorod (+ 18%) and Kazan (+ 18%) were among the leaders [10] terms of dynamics. [11]growth

2020: The advertising market fell by 4%, to 473 billion rubles

The volume of advertising budgets minus VAT in Russia at the end of 2020 amounted to 473 billion rubles, which is 4% less than a year earlier. This was reported in the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR).

The fall in the advertising market was not as strong as expected at the beginning of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic - then experts warned of a possible decrease of 10-15% at the end of 2020. Among all market segments in 2020, only online advertising showed growth: its volume increased by 4%, to 253 billion rubles.

Advertising fees of TV channels decreased last year, according to AKAR estimates, by 3%, to 169 billion rubles. As a result, the cost of advertising on the Internet was almost one and a half times higher than the cost of television advertising. For the first time, online advertising overtook television in terms of its volumes at the end of 2018.

Outdoor advertising, radio and print press were the hardest hit. Their total market share decreased by almost one and a half times - from 15.2% in 2019 to 10.8% in 2020. Outdoor advertising fell by 27% to 32.2 billion rubles. Among the most affected sectors of this market are cinema advertising (-75%), indoor advertising (indoor advertising, -50%) and transit advertising (-38%). Advertising on the radio decreased by 30%, to 11.2 billion rubles.

The study notes that a distinctive feature of the coronavirus crisis was a serious redistribution of the audience and, as a result, advertising budgets between media segments. Previous crises, according to the co-chairman of the AKAR commission of experts Sergei Veselov, such radical changes in preferences were not observed. The indicators of the audience of television and the Internet have increased quite explainably, since people were forced to stay at home, but in all other segments they, on the contrary, decreased.[12]

Taking into account the advertising budgets for the creation of creative solutions, the production of advertising products and payment for the services of advertising agencies and technological intermediaries, the total volume of the Russian market for marketing communications in 2020 amounted to approximately 810-830 billion rubles.


OMD Optimum Media is the largest advertising agency in Russia

The largest advertising agency in Russia in 2019 was OMD Optimum Media. This is evidenced by data from a study conducted by the Advertising and Marketing Portal and the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR).

According to experts, advertising budgets under the management of OMD Optimal Media at the end of 2019 reached 22.6 billion rubles (excluding VAT), which corresponded to almost 10% of all contracts concluded by advertisers with agencies.

Rating of media agencies and holdings 2020

The volume of OMD Optimal Media media purchases on TV at the end of 2019 amounted to 17 billion rubles, on the Internet - 2.2 billion rubles.

The leader of 2018 - the agency Carat (owned) Dentsu Aegis Network in 2019 is in third place with a budget of almost 20.4 billion rubles. The second position was taken by the Media Instinct agency with a result of 20.5 billion rubles. Havas Media (15.4 billion rubles) and (Starcom 12.4 billion rubles) also got into the top 5.

Zenith moved from the eighth to the sixth position from almost 12 billion rubles of billing. The position was also added by the Wavemaker agency (9.5 billion rubles). Starlink rose to ninth place (9 billion rubles).

OMD Media Direction (9.94 billion rubles) moved to one line - from sixth to seventh place. The Initiative agency descended from seventh to tenth place (8.7 billion rubles). This year 15 agencies became newcomers to the rating at once, and People & Screens (3.1 billion rubles) entered the top 30, taking 21st place. For the first time, GK Igronik entered the top of the largest media holdings, immediately rising to 10th place with billing of 2.966 billion rubles.

The basis for the rating was Mediascope data on the placement of the largest advertisers on TV, the Internet, radio, outdoor advertising and the print press. 88 agencies became participants in the rating.[13]

6 ICT companies entered the top 30 largest advertisers in Russia

On May 19, 2020, Sostav presented a rating of the largest advertisers in Russia. Their total expenses for media promotion in 2019 reached 92.6 billion rubles excluding VAT, which is 6% more than a year earlier. In the total advertising market, the rating participants (it included 30 companies) took a share of 18.7%.

The costs of advertisers ( in rubles) were estimated on the basis of data from the research company Mediascope on all key media (TV, Internet, outdoor advertising, press and radio) and a survey of media agencies.

The largest advertisers in Russia, Sostav data

According to the results of 2019, the top 30 companies with the highest advertising expenses in Russia included six companies representing the ICT industry: MTS, MegaFon, VimpelCom, Tele2, Yandex and Group. Moreover, as noted, Yandex was first among the 15 largest advertisers in the Russian Federation with expenses of 2.88 billion rubles in 2019. In 2018, Yandex took 29th position in the list.

2019 Advertiser Rankings Leaders:

  • PepsiCo - 4.97 billion rubles;
  • Nestle - 4.68 billion rubles;
  • Reckitt Benckiser (Durex, Vanish, Tiret , etc.) - 4.45 billion rubles;
  • MTS - 4.27 billion rubles;
  • MegaFon - 4.07 billion rubles.

The leaders of the 2019 and 2018 rankings were unchanged. Nestle and Reckitt Benckiser swapped second and third places.

In 2019, telecommunications companies retained or increased advertising budgets. The competition between these companies has always been very high, and now, with the release of new proposals for viewing content on the network, it has escalated even more, a top manager of one of the operators explained to Vedomosti.

The newcomer to the rating in 2019 was the bank, which VTB immediately took 19th place with a budget of 2.69 billion rubles. For the first time , Mail.Ru Group (29th place and 2.26 billion rubles) and "" Sportmaster (30th place and 1.94 billion rubles) also entered the top 30[14]

Media Instinct is the leader of the Russian advertising market

According to the industry publication AdIndex, the leader changed in the list of the largest buyers of advertising in media on TV, radio, press, outdoor advertising and the Internet) in 2019: it became the Media Instinct agency, which removed Starcom from the first place (part of the French holding Publicis Groupe).

Media Instinct in 2019 purchased advertising for 22.89 billion rubles, while Starcom - 14.26 billion rubles. As a result, Starcom slipped to fifth position. The decline was largely due to the loss of three large customers: Coca-Cola, Mars and Beeline. Coca-Cola and Mars contracts, estimated at 2.06 billion and 2.39 billion rubles, respectively, were received by MediaCom, and Beeline with a contract for 2.26 billion rubles passed to Havas Media.

The largest advertising agencies, data from AdIndex

Although Starcom received a new large client in the form of McDonald's, which had previously been served by OMD Optimal Media in all markets for more than 15 years, the losses could not be fully compensated (McDonald's budget in 2019, according to AdIndex, amounted to 3.3 billion rubles).

Sergei Beloglazov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Publicis Groupe Russia, disagrees with the assessment: "The dynamics of the volumes of our agencies and the group as a whole does not reflect reality, the figures for 2019 are greatly underestimated."

According to Beloglazov, the group's agencies won several major tenders, including McDonald's, drug manufacturer GSK and online retailer Ozon, expanded cooperation with performance advertisers (online advertising with payment for the result) and increased their presence in online video, which is not reflected in the ranking.

The top 5 agencies for the purchase of outdoor advertising included

  • Media Instinct (2.46 billion rubles)
  • Smart View (1.38 billion rubles)
  • OMD Media Direction (1.34 billion rubles)
  • OMD Optimum Media (1.31 billion rubles)
  • Starcom (1.18 billion rubles).[15]

Market growth by 5% to 493.8 billion rubles

In 2019, Russian advertisers spent 493.8 billion rubles on media promotion, which is 5% more than a year earlier. The rise was only thanks to the Internet segment, since the rest of the categories - TV, radio, print press - showed a decline. The volume of outdoor advertising in 2019 was at the level of 2018.

According to the results of 2019, advertising costs on the Internet in Russia reached 244 billion rubles, an increase of 20% and making up half of all advertising budgets in the country. This is evidenced by the data of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), which were published in mid-March 2020.

Throughout 2019, budgets for  advertising on the Internet from quarter to quarter only grew. The sub-segment of video advertising grew at a high pace. The companies spent 103.7 billion rubles (+ 17%) on contextual advertising, 14.7 billion rubles (+ 23%) on video (in-stream), while experts estimated the "other" category at 125.6 billion rubles (+ 23%).

Advertising costs on the Internet in Russia rose by 20%

The print press feels the worst: over the year, publishers lost another 16% of advertising revenue. Experts attributed this to a decrease in print circulation, a decrease in the number of points of sale and an increase in paper prices. However , an important trend is observed in this segment - part of the advertising budgets of large publishing houses is moving to digital.

Revenues of TV channels - the main platform that manufacturers use to promote their everyday goods - in 2019 decreased by 6%, to 175 billion rubles.

As for the structure of advertising budgets by type of content, according to AKAR, the largest amount of advertising monetization falls on video content in all environments - about 191 billion rubles in 2019 (although the figure decreased by 5% due to traditional television). At the same time , advertising budgets related to Internet services in 2019 increased by 21% compared to 2018, to 213 billion rubles.[16]

Dentsu Aegis Network expects market growth of 6.9% in RUB in 2019

According to the Dentsu Group IncAegis Network, the growth rate of the advertising market in Russia is expected to slow down in 2019 from 8.5% to 6.9% in rubles. Advertisers will face a further decrease in real incomes of the population, which will lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of Russians.

It is expected that in 2021 the audio advertising market will grow to 6.1 billion rubles, including at the expense of social networks. Among the growth drivers, experts call the penetration of mobile devices and listening to the radio on smartphones. From an audience perspective, streaming music services, steadily increasing the number of online radio listeners, dominate.

In Russia, they began to introduce indoor advertising, which determines who you are

In 2019, the public transport Russia began to introduce a new advertising system "Vzglyad," which should for the first time make the indoor format (advertising placed inside a public transport or premises) targeted.

As the developers describe the project, a "smart" screen with a built-in camera monitors those who watch ads. Using artificial intelligence, it determines the gender, age of the viewer. Determines how many seconds he will take to view, as well as using an open Wi-Fi network, reads the mac address of the phone of the user who watched the ad.

What does it mean?

1) The Mac address is used as a unique identifier of the device. In open Wi-Fi networks, the user is identified by him, and with him his DNS requests (a list of visited resources). Thanks to this system, you can make advertising even more personalized. Let's say you looked at an advertisement for juice or diapers for a long time, after that the "smart" screen will show you a similar one.

2) You can also use "View" to track how many people next to the screen have viewed a specific ad and customize the show according to the interests of the majority.

3) This should lead to increased conversion and advertising efficiency.

4) Attempts may soon be made to recognize the mac addresses of personal devices as personal data (so that they cannot be processed without a written agreement in accordance with the constitutional right to privacy). If this law is passed, then, most likely, all electronic devices will need to be officially declared.


Advertising on the Internet for the first time bypassed TV advertising. Market growth of 12%

In 2018, almost 469 billion rubles were spent on advertising in various media in Russia, which is 12% more than in the previous year. This is reported by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR) on its website[17].

At the same time, the amount of funds spent on advertising on the Internet reached 203 billion rubles, for the first time at the end of the year there were more advertising expenses on television, which amounted to 187 billion rubles. In the Internet segment, annual growth was recorded by 22%, in the television segment - by 9%.

Of this amount, 179.7 billion rubles were spent on advertising on the main TV channels, the annual growth here was 9%. Advertising expenses on niche channels increased by 38% to 7.3 billion rubles.

Recall that in August AKAR reported that the Internet overtook television in terms of advertising spending in the first half of 2018. From January to June 2018, 91.5 billion rubles were spent on advertising on the Internet, and 91 billion rubles on advertising on TV.

At the end of 2017, television was ahead of the Internet in terms of advertising budgets - 170.9 billion rubles. against 166.3 billion rubles. The exception was only the third quarter, when the Internet managed to overtake television with an indicator of 41 billion rubles. against 36.2-36.7 billion rubles.

According to the results of 2018, 16.9 billion rubles were spent on radio advertising - about the same as last year. The volume of advertising in the press amounted to 18 billion rubles, which is 12% less than the same indicator for the previous year. At the same time, the volume of advertising in newspapers decreased by 17% to 7.2 billion rubles. Advertising in magazines also demonstrates a decline - by 9% to 10.8 billion rubles.

43.8 billion rubles were spent on advertising that the user sees outside his home (Out of Home), which is 3% more than last year's result. Of this amount, 34.9 billion rubles. was spent on outdoor advertising, 2.7 billion rubles. - on advertising inside public premises, and 1.1 billion rubles. - on advertising in cinemas. Growth in these segments was 3%, 6% and 7%, respectively. Of all Out of Home advertising, the fall was shown only by the transit advertising segment - by 5% to 5.1 billion rubles.

Overview of the results of the year in the advertising market from Dentsu Aegis Network

In 2018, advertising investments in digital advertising overtook Digital Signage first time: the market share of the Internet exceeded the share of television for the first time (43% versus 41%). The growth of the television advertising market slowed down due to the decline in television viewing and the inflation rate. The Internet has become the main driver of growth in the Russian advertising market. The 2018 FIFA World Cup stimulated market growth and added about 1-2% to the annual increase in advertising budgets.

In 2018, the most dynamically developing category was the Internet Services category (26%), and categories such as Beauty Products and Real Estate went into the red: by 19% and 16%, respectively. In 2018, sales through discount offers increased from 59% to 64%, and in some sectors it reached 80%, which indicates a decrease in the income of Russians.

Retail (50.9 billion rubles) and Pharma (48.4 billion rubles) remain the leading categories in the advertising market.

TV: reducing television viewing and inflation

In recent years, television has stimulated the growth of the advertising market due to the high inflation rate (annual growth was about 10-12%). In 2018, the growth of television advertising was also high due to the holding of the World Cup. However, television viewing of traditional TV showed a significant decrease, as the audience began to switch to other ways of viewing.

Mobile advertising: The number of mobile internet users continues to grow

Recently, the use of mobile Internet in Russia has been actively developing due to the transition of the audience to smartphones from other devices (+ 15% of the increase in smartphone users in 2018). This contributes to the growth of online commerce and the emergence of new mobile applications and services. Further active development will continue over the next few years, which will lead to an increase in advertising investment both within mobile and offline.

Online video: Growth at a rapid pace

Unlike traditional television, watching video content online continues to grow actively, mainly due to views on mobile devices. Among all media segments, online video shows the most active growth (25% in 2018, 20-23% in 2019). This is due to audience growth, dimension development, increased advertising capacity (including high-quality television content), and increasing advertisers' interest in new advertising products.

Digital audio showed threefold segment growth in 2018.

Rapid growth in the number of DOOHs: over the year, the number of digital advertising surfaces in Russia increased by 68%. The widescreen media stage segment showed the most powerful growth: 75 in 2018 - this is three times more than in 2017.

NSC forecast: The market will grow by 12.3% (to 459.9 billion rubles), and the Internet will bypass TV

The Russian advertising market in 2018 will slow down growth, follows from the forecast of the NSC (December 2017), serving the National Advertising Alliance of the largest Russian media holdings. It will increase by 12.3% against a growth of 13.8% in 2017, while the Internet will overtake television for the first time in terms of advertising for the whole year. The fall in the advertising market in the press will be sharply slowed down - this is caused, among other things, by an adjustment in the methodology for measuring it.

In 2018, the advertising market in Russia will grow by 12.3%, to 459.9 billion rubles, follows from the forecast of the NSC analytical center presented by IMHO. The best dynamics will be shown by the online advertising segment, the costs of advertisers in which will increase by 17.9%, to 193.4 billion rubles. Thus, the share of the Internet in the advertising pie in 2018 will reach 42.1%, while television revenues will account for 40.7%, or 187.4 billion rubles. (an increase of 10.2%). For the first time, the Internet overtook TV in July - September 2017, follows from the data of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia. At the same time, at the end of 2017, the Internet will still remain behind TV, NSC predicts: their shares will be 40.1% and 41.5%, respectively.

According to the NSC, in 2018 the growth of the advertising market will slow down slightly: in 2017 it will grow by 13.8%, which is 1.5 percentage points more. Roman Kuznetsov, deputy director for marketing research at the NSC analytical center, explains the slowdown by the fact that in 2015 there was "a rather deep crisis fall, in 2016-2017 - recovery."

is always the case with the advertising market - in the event of shocks, it falls significantly deeper than, say, the economy as a whole or the consumer market. But even during the exit from the crisis, the advertising market is growing at a faster pace. It seems that in 2017 the recovery process as a whole was completed, and this factor in 2018 will not further spur market growth, "he says[18]

The volume of outdoor advertising in 2018 will grow by 8%, to 45.1 billion rubles. Advertising budgets on the radio will increase by 6%, to 16.7 billion rubles. The only falling media will remain the press, but in it the decline will be only 2% against 10% at the end of 2017. The slowdown in the fall in advertising in the press is due to the fact that at the end of the year the publishers agreed to change the tools for measuring the market, explains Viktor Shkulev, CEO of Hearst Shkulev Media. As a result, it became clear that the press market is undervalued, and the reliability of the fall by 10% in 2017 raises doubts: the press market is larger and the decline on it is less, Mr. Shkulev is sure.

In the segment of online advertising, contextual and video advertising is growing most dynamically - by 19.5%. Their volumes in 2018 will amount to 158.4 billion rubles. and 9.8 billion rubles. respectively. The head of the video advertising department of IMHO Liubov Yachkova notes that the growth of the video advertising market is expected mainly due to the redistribution from other formats, in particular, from banners. Brainrus sees the growth points of video advertising in new mechanics and interactive advertising. Now it occupies 20-30% of the total revenue of video advertising, according to IMHO.

Source: NSC (December 2017)

In addition, advertising sales on Smart TV are growing: for example, online movie theater Tvzavr the volume of advertising on such devices in 2017 increased 7.7 times - from 7.4 million rubles. up to 57.3 million rubles.

Zenith forecast: The market will grow by 11% to 420.3 billion rubles, the Internet will remain the second

At the end of 2017, Zenith published its forecast for 2018. According to him, the market should grow more conservatively than the NSC suggests. According to the agency's forecasts, in 2018 the market as a whole will grow by 11%, to 420.3 billion rubles. At the same time, the Internet, according to Zenith, will still remain the second largest media with an advertising budget of 153.9 billion rubles. against 189.2 billion for television.


ACAR: up 14%

The volume of the Russian advertising market in 2017 amounted to 417 billion rubles, which is 14% more than a year earlier. Such data was presented by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR).

The fastest growing segment was the Internet - the volume of advertising grew by 22%, to 166.3 billion rubles. At the end of 2017, however, he could not overtake TV, which grew by 13% - to 170.9 billion rubles. In the segment of print media, the volume of the advertising market decreased by 8%, to 20.5 billion rubles, and this figure fell the most for newspapers - by 12%, to 8.7 billion rubles.

In the report, AKAR considered television, radio, press and outdoor advertising without taking into account the Moscow advertising market. The volume of regional advertising budgets at the end of the year increased by 4% - to 49.3 billion rubles.

RAEK: the crisis in the advertising market is officially over

According to The AdEx Benchmark[19], the advertising market in Russia has reached the pre-crisis level - Russia ranks 4th in the world in terms of the volume of this segment.

Russia took the highest place among European countries according to the results of 2013 - 4th place in Europe. At the end of 2016, Russia again took 4th place among European countries with a market volume of 2,64 billion euros, with a total volume of the European market of 41.8 billion euros In 2014-2015, against the background of the impact of the economic crisis on the Internet industry, the indicators of the advertising market in Russia have noticeably deteriorated compared to other European countries, the market fell in currency equivalent, at the end of 2015, Russia dropped to 6th place. Together in 2016, RAEK experts observed more than just growth - the market finally exceeded the indicators of 2013, overtaking Italian in terms of volumes. Thus, analysts note that the crisis in the online advertising market has been overcome, which correlates with the forecasts of experts from the RAEK Crisis Barometer study 2015-2016.

RAEK analysts also note a pan-European trend - the growth of the video and mobile advertising market, a decrease in the banner advertising market for desktops. Growth drivers - programmatic technologies and automation, electronic and mobile commerce, increased consumption of online video, native advertising. Obstacles to growth: ad blockers, fraud, regulation and privacy, technical difficulties in adapting desktop technologies to mobile.

Q1 Key Events

2017 is unlikely to be "the year of the ADV Group." At once, two agencies of this group lost their key clients. Since 2017, Havas Media's services have been abandoned by its long-term partner Danone. In 2016, the budget of the French dairy producer, according to AdIndex estimates, exceeded 2.9 billion rubles. (13th place in the ranking of the largest advertisers). This corresponds to 24% of last year's trade turnover of Havas Media. Danone's new partner is Dentsu Group IncAegis Network's Carat agency. Moreover, as AdIndex had previously noted, it won exclusively at a strategic tender, where no price parameters appeared.

The second loss is completely associated with reputational costs for the ADS. UM's collaboration with Johnson & Johnson lasted just over a year. In December 2016, the Russian office of the corporation officially confirmed that from March 2017, MEC will again be engaged in advertising purchases for it.

In an interview with AdIndex in 2016, Dmitry Korobkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ADD, assured that "cooperation with all new clients [including Johnson & Johnson]... develops very successfully "and this is a" long-term relationship. " The founder of the ADV did not agree that inadequate conditions could be offered to this client during the tender:

"If we talk about Johnson & Johnson, it was Interpublic's global win, providing for cooperation in 68 markets at once... As for other comments, if the client chose a partner, then he had grounds for that. "

She parted ways in 2017 with her long-term partner and agency. Dentsu Group Inc His client Berlin-Chemie Menarini, whose budget in 2016 is estimated at almost 2.4 billion rubles. (16th place in the rating of advertisers) switched to service at Media Instinct. At the end of 2016, this Germany pharmaceutical manufacturer provided Dentsu with almost 37% of the budget.

The agency only partially made up for that loss. Since 2017, Dentsu has been working with Sberbank, which entrusted the new partner with purchasing in all media except TV and partially the Internet. Previously, Maxus agency from GroupM worked with the state bank. Only the television budget of this credit institution reached, according to AdIndex, almost 11% of Maxus's turnover.

Another GroupM agency - Mediacom - has lost Volkswagen's budget globally. In Russia in 2016, this automaker with a budget of almost 2.8 billion rubles. ranked 15th in the ranking of the largest advertisers. At the end of 2016, he provided Mediacom with 35% of the turnover. The new partner of the German automaker was the PHD network, whose Russian office is part of the Media Direction Group.

But this agency since 2017 no longer works with its key client Tele2. It was PHD that led in the media a large-scale campaign to leave the telecom operator in Moscow in the fall of 2015. In 2016, when Tele2 has already become a full-fledged federal telecom operator, its advertising budget, according to AdIndex, approached 2.2 billion rubles. With this indicator, the operator for the first time entered the top 30 largest advertisers in the country. In the summer of 2016, Tele2 announced a tender for the next two years, as a result of which the PHD team did not receive a single procurement contract. Outdoor advertising for this client is now conducted by Mediacom, the Internet and radio - the Initiative, but Tele2 management has not announced the winner in the procurement of TV ads. Nevertheless, it is known that this service is entrusted to the Multitec agency participating in the tender, which is part of the Novakom group. It, in turn, was created on the basis of the Mikhailov & Partners PR agency. At the same time, Dentsu Group IncAegis Network helps to service the television budget of Tele2 to the Multitec agency, which occupies the 36th line in the AdIndex rating with a turnover of 922 million rubles at the end of 2016. In March 2017, Multitec manager Multi Technologies LLC established Novakom Media Baing LLC, whose CEO was Yulia Orlova, one of the founders of Ad O'clock and top manager of Dentsu Aegis.

In 2016, Tele2 spent more than 1 billion rubles on television advertising, according to AdIndex estimates. If in 2017 the budget remains at the same level, then in the next agency rating Multitec, with the support of Dentsu Aegis, will take a sharp lead.

Co-owners of Tele2, in particular, are state-controlled VTB and Rostelecom. Other major clients of Multitec include the same Rostelecom and the state-controlled Aeroflot. Thus, at the end of 2017, the agency that has relied on working with state-owned companies is likely to strengthen its position.


AKAR: Growth by 11% to a record 360 billion rubles. Market structure

The advertising market in Russia grew by 11% to 360 billion rubles - this is the largest volume in history, taking into account current prices according to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR).

The largest growth dynamics was recorded in the Internet segment - by 21% to 136 billion. The share of this area in the market was 38%. In general, budgets were increased in all segments in 2016, except for print media.

Thus, the volume of TV advertising increased by 9% to 150.8 billion rubles. The segment's market share is 42%. The growth of radio advertising amounted to 6% to 15.1 billion rubles. In the print media, budget volumes fell by 16% to 19.7 billion rubles. The remaining Out of home segment, where AKAR included outdoor, transit and "other" types of advertising, grew by 6% to 38.34 billion rubles.

Advertising in print media in 2016 reportedly showed negative dynamics, while television, radio, internet and outdoor advertising - positive. Compared to 2015, the TV advertising market grew by 10%, while the projected growth was at the level of 7%. In the niche TV segment, advertising volumes increased by a record one and a half times (50%).

The final results of the year have not yet been summed up, according to tradition, they should be announced in early March. It is also noted that the industry has complaints about Internet advertising and its transparency, especially regarding the social network Facebook.

According to the official report of AKAR, the total volume of advertising on the Russian market in the period from January to September 2016 amounted to about 240 billion rubles. Almost half of this amount - about 103 billion rubles (from 102.4 to 102.9 billion rubles) - fell on television advertising. Its volume for the nine months of this year increased by 13% compared to the same period in 2015.

For comparison, the market volume, taking into account all segments of advertising, at the end of 2015 amounted to 307 billion rubles, which is 10% less than in 2014. The volume of television advertising amounted to 136.7 billion rubles (- 14%, in 2014 this figure was at around 159.8 billion rubles). Of this amount, 134.2 billion rubles fell on the main channels and 2.5 billion rubles - on niche.

Group M: Russia left the top ten largest advertising markets in the world

Russia is no longer one of the ten largest advertising markets in the world, although the budget volume in 2016 will amount to 337 billion rubles and now roughly corresponds to the level of 2014. But according to the agency Group M, in dollar terms, the volume of the Russian market, on the contrary, is close to a historical minimum, or 49% lower than in 2013.

Russia moves to the 16th line of the rating, losing, South Korea,, India, Italy Spain Israel and the countries of the Pan-Asian region, Adindex reports. Contrary to forecasts of a 5% growth in the media market in foreign currency, by the end of the year, a decline of 0.8% is likely to be noted.

In 2017, the Russian advertising market may grow by 9.9% to 350 billion rubles (about 5.4 billion) dollars USA , of which 157 billion will be on TV, 138 billion - on the digital segment. Growth drivers will be the mobile segment (+ 34%), contextual and video advertising (+ 17% for each). The only segment that will not grow will be the press.

Analysts also predict that the share of Digital Signage will exceed the share of television by 2020 for the first time. Their shares will be 42% and 40%, respectively. And in 2021, the gap between them will increase even more - to 44% and 39%.

The volume of the advertising market in Belarus is estimated by experts at 95-100 million dollars (that is, about 50 times less than the Russian one). In the crisis conditions of 2015, the market yield decreased by almost 40%. Most of all, the decrease in advertising budgets was felt by the television and print advertising sectors.

Revenue and key events in the advertising agency market

In May 2017, AdIndex presented a rating of advertising agencies in the Russian market. According to the results of 2016, 88 companies engaged in the purchase of advertising in at least one of the five media, where there is independent monitoring: on TV, radio, in the press, outdoor advertising and the Internet, carried out by Mediascope (formerly the media research division of the TNS Russia group) and ESPAR-Analyst.

Several companies - LBL, Immedia and TWIGA group agencies - were not included in the ranking, since during the factcheck they could not confirm cooperation with a large number of declared customers.

Starcom loses portion of Novartis brands left for Mediacom

It was obvious that the turnover of the Starcom agency (part of the Publicis Media group) was unlikely to grow by the end of 2016. The fact is that one of its key clients, the Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer Novartis, as a result of a global deal with the British GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), transferred the latter part of its brands. In 2015, the advertising budget of Novartis was approaching, according to AdIndex, 4.4 billion rubles. including VAT. Only a little more - about 4.6 billion rubles. - spent on advertising and the country's largest advertiser, and at the same time another Starcom client - Procter & Gamble. In 2016, the agency continued to serve Sandoz Farma, Novartis's over-the-counter drug division, and its remaining brands are ACC, Exoderil, Persen, etc. But the budget of this client could not help but be reduced - in 2016, according to AdIndex, these were only 2.6 billion rubles. As a result, Starcom's turnover did not grow at the end of 2016, and the agency, as in 2015, ranks second.

In turn, Mediacom (GroupM), which serves the British GSK, could not help but win from the global deal of two pharmaceutical manufacturers. After all, its advertising budget after an increase in the portfolio of brands (Novartis gave, in particular, the brands Voltaren, Teraflu, Otrivin) grew in 2016, according to AdIndex estimates, almost six times, to 3.4 billion rubles. For the first time, GSK was in the top 10 largest advertisers in the country. Accordingly, Mediacom's turnover increased more than 1.5 times, to 7.9 billion rubles. Of these, 43% was provided by the British pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Beeline moves from Initiative (ADB) to Mediavest|Spark

At the end of 2016, Mediavest|Spark (Publicis Media) was supposed to improve its position in the ranking. Since 2016, his new client has become VimpelCom"," operating under the Beeline brand. According to AdIndex, the advertising budget of this telecom operator in 2016 reached 2.9 billion rubles. (14th place in the top 30 largest advertisers in the country). He provided his new agency with 25% of trade. The former partner of VimpelCom - Initiative (ADD) - lost several lines in the rating. In 2015, the budget of this client was 38% of the Initiative's turnover.

MEC lost Johnson & Johnson and Eldorado budgets

But in 2016, success accompanied another ADV agency - UM. In 2016, it became the new media partner of the American corporation Johnson & Johnson, whose AdIndex estimates last year's advertising budget at almost 2.4 billion rubles. (23rd place in the latest rating of advertisers). Thanks to a new client who provided UM with almost half of the turnover, this agency rose from 27th immediately to 18th place.

Accordingly, without Johnson & Johnson's budget, his former agency MEC (GroupM) worsened its position. A year earlier, in 2015, this advertiser provided the agency with almost 31% of the total turnover.

In addition, since 2016, the MEC team has stopped working with another major client - the retailer Eldorado. In 2015, its budget exceeded 15% of the agency's total turnover.

Havas Media (ADV Group) and Vizeum (Dentsu Group IncAegis Network) became the new partners of the retailer, which took 32nd place in the list of the country's largest advertisers (slightly more than 2 billion rubles) in 2016. The first agency engaged in procurement in all media, with the exception of outdoor advertising. In 2016, according to AdIndex, Eldorado's share in the total turnover of Havas Media was almost 9%.

Rating of agencies and holdings in the field of media banking

The Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), together with Sostav, conducted a study of the Russian media purchase market in 2016, compiling a rating of the largest media banking agencies and holdings in 2016. This year, the ranking for the first time took into account Internet placements - online media advertising (banners and videos).

The emergence of a new segment did not affect the composition of the top 4, but forced the company to change last year's positions. Thanks to the highest rates of online advertising purchases, OMD Optimal Media rose to the first line, followed by Starcom (VivaKi), which has held a leadership position for several years. The third and fourth lines were retained by Media Instinct and ZenithOptimedia, respectively.

Next is Havas Media, which has strengthened its position by two points over the year, Carat occupies the sixth line for the second year in a row, MediaVest|Spark is the seventh and Vizeum is the eighth, which has also risen by 2 points. Rounding out the top ten are OMD Media Direction and MEC, which ranked fifth last year.

In total, the rating includes 78 agencies, whose total billing amounted to more than 275 billion rubles, including VAT. Among them, almost 197 billion rubles. fell on purchases of television advertising, 25 million - on digital, 21 million - on placement in Out-of-Home, 18 million - on radio and 13 million were placed in the press.

The rating of media holdings has not undergone significant changes - all 9 holding houses that took part in the project in 2015 retained their positions. They were first joined by GRAM ("Hidalgo," Medialect, RentStreet) and SA Media Group (Smart View, 2STEP), which took 10th and 11th places.


AKAR: Market volume at the end of the year - 307 billion rubles

The Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR) presented in March 2016 a report on the advertising market of the Russian Federation in 2015. Its total volume, taking into account all segments of advertising, amounted to 307 billion rubles, which is 10% less than in 2014. Although, if we take into account the advertising budgets spent on the creation of creative solutions, the production of advertising products and the payment for the services of advertising agencies, the figure comes out more - about 530-550 billion rubles.

The volume of television advertising for the reporting period amounted to 136.7 billion rubles (- 14%, in 2014 this figure was at around 159.8 billion rubles). Of this amount, 134.2 billion rubles fell on the main channels and 2.5 billion rubles - on niche.

If we talk about television in the context of regional advertising, then the market volume amounted to 21.0 billion (-19%). In general, the regional advertising market according to the results of the year amounted to 45.4 billion rubles, which is 22% lower than a year earlier.

Returning to the volumes of advertising budgets throughout Russia. The Internet, as expected, was the only one of all segments that showed positive dynamics - plus 15%. The growth was due to contextual advertising, which added to 20% of 2014 (78.3 billion at the end of 2015), while media advertising, on the contrary, sank slightly - by 2% (up to 18.7 billion). In total, the Internet segment received advertising budgets for 97 billion rubles last year, a year earlier it earned 84.6 billion rubles.

Ad Group Rating by Revenue

AdIndex map of advertising agencies of Russia 2015

Forecast: In 2017, Russia will not be in the top 10 advertising markets

In June 2015, ZenithOptimedia published a report containing a forecast for the volume of advertising markets in the world for 2017. Earlier, in December 2012, analysts of the same company predicted Russia 7th place in the list of leading countries in terms of advertising costs in 2015. According to ZenithOptimedia's forecast of December 2013, Russia was supposed to take 9th place in 2016.

In their new report, analysts predict a 16.5% decline in the advertising market in Russia in 2015, mentioning a significant decrease in oil prices. According to the company, advertising costs in Ukraine in 2014 decreased by 51.2%, and in 2015 they will fall by another 42.4%.

2015-2019 PwC Review

Entertainment and Media Industry Review: 2015-2019 Forecast (Worldwide and in Russia)

As of June 2015, PwC predicts by 2019 a double superiority of online advertising revenue compared to TV advertising in Russia.


ZenithOptimedia lowers market growth forecasts in Russia

On April 8, 2014, ZenithOptimedia Group Russia published a forecast for the development of the advertising market in Russia: the costs of all advertisers in 2014 may amount to 355.847 billion rubles. excluding VAT. That is, by the previous year, growth will be 8.6%[20] will[20] Thus, the current forecast of the market volume is 22 billion rubles less than the company predicted in March 2012.

Two years earlier, in March 2012, ZenithOptimedia gave the following forecast for the development of the advertising market in Russia until 2014:

Market size: 340.1 billion rubles (+ 4 %)

At the end of the year, it became known that the Russian advertising market in 2014 as a whole increased by 4% compared to 2013, to 340.1 billion rubles (excluding VAT), its largest segment - advertising on television - increased by 2%, to 159.8 billion rubles, according to the website of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia.

According to AKAR, the volume of advertising on broadcast channels also increased by 2%, to 155.7 billion rubles. The advertising market on cable and satellite channels increased by 3%, to 4.1 billion rubles.

The Internet remained the leader in the advertising market in terms of growth rates in 2014: the volume of online advertising increased by 18%, to 84.6 billion rubles. At the same time, the media advertising market decreased by 5%, to 19.1 billion rubles, and the volume of contextual advertising increased by 27%, to 65.5 billion rubles.

The volume of advertising in the print media last year decreased by 11%, to 33 billion rubles. The radio advertising market grew by 2%, to 16.9 billion rubles. The volume of outdoor advertising remained at the level of 2013, amounting to 40.6 billion rubles.

Other segments of the advertising market showed a decrease of 9%, to 5.1 billion rubles.

AKAR also calculated the volumes of the regional advertising market in Russia. The total volume of regional advertising budgets (excluding the Moscow regional advertising market) minus VAT exceeded 58 billion rubles, remaining actually at the level of last year. The total share of regional advertising budgets from the total advertising budgets in the country in four media segments (TV, radio, press and outdoor advertising) is 23%, which corresponds to the previous year.

TV advertising in the regions showed an increase of 2%, reaching 25.8 billion rubles. Radio fell by 1%, to 8.2 billion rubles. The print media dropped even lower, by 6%, to 11.5 billion rubles. Outdoor advertising grew by 3%, to 12.5 billion rubles.


Market size: 328 billion rubles (+ 10 %)

According to AKAR, the total volume of advertising minus VAT in 2013 amounted to approximately 328 billion rubles, which is 10.1% more than in 2012. With the exception of the press, all other media segments of the advertising market showed positive dynamics compared to 2012. The advertising market in the BTL services segment amounted to 90.6 billion rubles, which is 13% more than in 2012.

ZenithOptimedia forecast: in 2016, Russia will become the 9th advertising market in the world

According to ZenithOptimedia forecasts (December 2013), Russia in 2016 will rise from 11th to 9th place in the list of the largest advertising powers in the world.


Market size: RUB 300 bn (+ 13 %)

The total volume of advertising in advertising media in Russia, according to AKAR, (the segment of ATL services) excluding VAT, despite the uneven dynamics during 2012, amounted to almost 300 billion rubles, which is 13% more than in 2011. The advertising market in the BTL services segment amounted to 80.4 billion rubles, which is 18% more than in 2011.

The volume of the online advertising market in 2012 amounted to 56.3 billion rubles, which is 35% more than in the previous one. All segments of the advertising market showed positive dynamics, however, the main leader is still contextual advertising that appears in search results and on specialized resources. Thus, according to analysts, in 2012 the volume of contextual advertising amounted to 38.4 billion rubles, showing an increase of 45%, and the media - 17.9 billion rubles with an increase of 17%.

Largest Advertising Groups

The largest Russian advertising and communication groups




Turnover 2012, million rubles



1 VivaKi Россия Starcom 15 506  38 205 
    ZenithOptimedia 12 153   
    MediaVest  8 564   
    Starlink 1 982   
2 Havas Russia MPG 15 017  33 251 
    Arena 1 736   
  АДВ-IPG Initiative   12 140   
    UM 4 358   
3 Group M MEC 12 016  30 630 
    Mindshare 7 402   
    MediaCom/MC2 6 180   
    Maxus 5 033   
4 Optimum Media OMD Group OMD Optimum Media  17 942  26 810 
    OMD AMS 3 830   
    Mediaplan 2 108   
    Sorec Media 1 684   
    Movie 795   
    Easy Media 451   
5 Aegis Media/OKS Vizeum 12 870  25 272 
    Carat 7 828   
    Ad o'clock 4 026   
    Mliner* 548   
6 OMD MD|PHD Group Media Instinct 8 705  16 091 
    OMD Media Direction 3 863   
    PHD 3 523   
7 Media Arts Group FCB Media 1 282  2 653 
    Strategist 1 371   
8 Gram Medialect 1 417  1 477 
    Megart 60   
9 TWIGA Media First 1 334  1 451 
    TT Media 117   
10 RAIN Group Prior 831  1 311 
    Aviator 481   
11 Hidalgo/Игроник Баинговый синдикат Hidalgo 1 066  1 251 
    Gamer 184   
  • In 2012, the agency became a baing partner of Aegis Media

Largest baing agencies

According to the results of 2012, the leader in the market of professional advertising buyers has changed, according to the rating of media agencies prepared by the industry publication AdIndex specifically for Kommersant.

The first place with a turnover of 17.9 billion rubles. now occupies the OMD Optimal Media agency, which in 2011 consolidated the entire advertising budget of PepsiCo Russia (Pepsiko Holdings), including the previously acquired Wimm-Bill-Dann[21].

According to the results of 2003, 30 companies were ranked with a total turnover in terms of rubles (then all budgets were given in dollars) almost 45 billion rubles. including VAT. In 2012, there are already 60 agencies in the ranking, together in 2012 they purchased advertisements for 207.4 billion rubles. According to the results of 2003, the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia estimated the volume of the entire domestic advertising market (together with those media for which costs are not taken into account in the rating) in ruble terms at 80.7 billion rubles. also including VAT, according to the results of 2012 - already at 351.4 billion rubles.

In 2003, the first place with a turnover of more than 3.8 billion rubles. occupied by Starcom. It remained the leader of the rating for six years. Primarily because Starcom's key client is the nation's largest advertiser, Procter & Gamble Corporation (P&G). However, at the end of 2009, the first place with a turnover of 11.1 billion rubles. already occupied the ZenithOptimedia agency. And this shift also has a simple explanation: by this time, the agency, which has served Nestle since 2006, had consolidated all of L'Oreal's advertising budgets. The two major advertisers combined their purchases (Nestle co-owns L'Oreal) and their combined budget exceeded P&G's advertising costs. At the end of 2009, the L'Oreal-Nestle alliance spent almost 9.4 billion rubles on advertising, according to AdIndex, P&G - only 5.6 billion rubles. Thanks to the alliance, ZenithOptimedia remained the leader in the rating at the end of 2010.

According to the results of 2011, the first place with a turnover of 14.1 billion rubles. already came out agency Havas Media (formerly called MPG). The fact is that that year L'Oreal and Nestle reduced their advertising activity, while the key customers of Havas Media - Reckitt Benckiser, LVMH, Hyundai and Kia Motors, on the contrary, increased it. In addition, then the agency began to work with two new large clients - United Breweries - Holding (formerly Heineken in Russia) and included in the top ten advertisers Danone. Moreover, Danone also consolidated the Danon Russia budget in Havas Media, with which it merged its business in the CIS.

According to the results of 2012, the rating is already headed by OMD Optimal Media with 17.9 billion rubles. This take-off is also due to a major customer transition. One of the agency's key clients for several years has been the American PepsiCo Russia (Pepsiko Holdings). In 2011, she completed the purchase of the Russian Wimm-Bill-Dann and combined their advertising purchases, becoming in 2012 the fourth largest advertiser with a budget of 5.8 billion rubles. The budget of Wimm-Bill-Dunn, which historically has always been larger than PepsiCo, from the Maxus agency moved to OMD Optimal Media. In addition, until 2012, advertising purchases for Frito Lay, one of the PepsiCo divisions, were carried out by OMD Media Direction, which, although it is, like OMD Optimum Media, part of the American communications holding Omnicom, is part of another advertising group in Russia. Since 2012, advertising purchases for Frito Lay have also moved to OMD Optimum Medi.

It is noteworthy that PepsiCo, which provided its agency with the first place in the ranking, in 2012 turned out to be one of the most problematic customers. At the end of 2011, the American corporation withdrew its budgets from the TV channels, which complicated the agency's conclusion of deals with television sales houses for 2012. The largest seller of TV ads - the Vi/Video International group in February 2011 admitted that at that time it had not agreed with PepsiCo.

The largest Russian advertising agencies in 2012 in terms of advertising purchases








OMD Optimum Media  14 543 672 814 1 912 17 942 


Starcom 13 175 1 011 308 1 011 15 506 
3 Havas Media* 13 422 1 073 196 325 15 017 
4 Vizeum 10 923 532 342 1 072 12 870 
5 ZenithOptimedia 10 686 620 120 726 12 153 
6 Initiative 11 049 377 270 447 12 140 
7 MEC 9 553 833 521 1 109 12 016 
8 Media Instinct 5 457 675 895 1 678 8 705 
9 MediaVest  7 639 237 101 586 8 564 
10 Carat 6 137 463 428 800 7 828 
11 Mindshare 5 074 553 463 1 312 7 402 
12 MediaCom/MC2 4 029 1 158 270 722 6 180 
13 Аллен Медиа 2 837 744 957 779 5 316 
14 Dentsu-Smart 3 884 314 560 321 5 079 
15 Maxus 4 109 332 213 379 5 033 
16 UM 3 217 416 226 446 4 304 
17 Ad O'clock 3 781 96 42 107 4 026 
18 OMD Media Direction 2 229 312 315 1 006 3 863 
19 OMD AMS 2 702 131 114 883 3 830 
20 PHD 2 222 464 224 612 3 523 
21 LBL 1 463 482 194 387 2 525 
22 Strong 1 459 295 425 56 2 235 
23 Mediaplan 1 318 474 47 269 2 108 
24 Starlink 1 247 243 139 353 1 982 
25 Максима 481 137 143 1 082 1 843 
26 Arena 1 082 220 185 248 1 736 
27 Sorec Media** 813 92 469 310 1 684 
28 Иммедиа КГ 852 195 104 269 1 429 
29 Medialect 262 177 26 953 1 417 
30 Strategist 249 852 136 135 1 371 
31 Media First 940 127 150 118 1 334 
32 FCB Media 585 226 206 264 1 282 
33 Hidalgo 476 173 351 67 1 066 
34 Аудио-Арт 471 84 227 208 990 
35 MediaSelection 0 0 0 980 980 
36 ACG КГ 632 43 32 233 940 
37 Total View 73 114 309 422 919 
38 MediaNet 351 113 120 311 894 
39 Prior 473 100 113 144 831 
40 МУВИ 610 23 10 152 795 
41 Media Partner 0 13 0 680 693 
42 ArtCom 558 64 19 41 682 
43 Бета 478 0 79 58 615 
44 Mliner 219 27 78 224 548 
45 Deltaplan 278 1 52 213 543 
46 Новые решения 102 0 418 18 537 
47 NG 338 30 40 113 522 
48 Aviator 380 6 92 3 481 
49 Easy Media 273 14 50 114 451 
50 MediaStorm 0 33 51 362 446 
51 Made 337 13 38 9 398 
52 Sigma Media 310 10 9 6 335 
53 Union Media Service 294 20 0 5 319 
54 Соус** 236 5 1 64 306 
55 FD Media 205 2 2 8 217 
56 Игроник 0 0 0 184 184 
57 Таргет-медиа КГ 81 17 27 21 146 
58 Вайтэл 127 3 6 5 141 
59 TT Media 8 63 26 19 117 
60 Megart 0 19 4 36 60 
  • Until 2012, the agency was called MPG

  • In 2011, Sorec Media and Sauce agencies were evaluated consolidated

Q1 2012

The volume of advertising budget in Russia in the means of its distribution in the first quarter of 2012 increased by 14 percent compared to the first quarter of 2011 and reached 62 billion rubles (AKAR).

The largest growth is observed in the online advertising segment, it amounted to 43 percent, and the volume of placements reached 10.1 billion rubles. Sales of media advertising on the Internet amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. This is 25 percent more than in 2011 over the same period. Sales of contextual advertising increased by 50 percent compared to last year. Its volume amounted to 7.5 billion rubles.

Sales of outdoor advertising increased by 12 percent and amounted to more than 8 billion rubles. The volume of television advertising showed an increase of 10 percent to 31.1-31.6 billion rubles. The volume of advertising on cable and satellite television has noticeably increased, it showed an increase of 55 percent and reached 430 million rubles. The volume of advertising on the radio increased by 19 percent, it is equal to approximately 2.4-2.6 billion rubles.

Advertising in the print media practically did not increase its indicators, the market size here is 8.4-8.7 billion rubles with a one percent growth rate. The volume of placements grew only in newspapers - by 13 percent - and amounted to about 2 billion rubles. The volume of placements in magazines remained at the same level - 4 billion rubles. And placements in advertising publications decreased by 4 percent to 2.5-2.6 billion rubles.

Advertising on other media increased by 18 percent and reached a total of 800 million rubles.

  • ZenithOptimedia (VivaKi Group) adjusted its December forecast in the spring of 2012 for the development of the Russian advertising market downward - from 14 to 13%. According to analysts, political and economic instability, a recession in the euro zone, as well as dependence on international oil prices may have a negative impact on the Russian economy in 2012.

Forecast for the development of the VTB Capital advertising market until 2021

In 2012, VTB Capital analysts gave the following forecast for the development of the advertising market in Russia until 2021:

ZenithOptimedia: Russia will enter the top 7 advertising markets in the world

In December 2012, ZenithOptimedia published its forecast for the development of the advertising market in Russia for 2013. In 2013, the growth dynamics of the advertising market will slow down somewhat and will amount to 13% compared to 2012.

Regarding the development of the advertising market in 2013, a further increase in advertising volumes is expected, but the growth rate will be slightly lower - the Russian advertising market will grow by a maximum of 13% (338.5 billion rubles). The decline in dynamics is explained by a slowdown in economic activity. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, in the second half of 2012, a decrease in GDP growth was recorded - from 4.2% in May to 2.8% in August. According to experts, the growth of Russian GDP in 2012 will be 3.7%. The increase in consumer demand recorded at the beginning of 2012 was not sustainable, as it was spurred by budget expenditures. Already in the second half, consumer demand decreased, and as a result, retail sales and consumer lending slowed down. Household savings continue to grow. In general, throughout 2012, the Russian economy continues to be affected by the global economic crisis and, as in 2012, at the beginning of 2013, its development will be moderate.

Image:Прогноз рынка рекламы в России на 2013 г ZenithOptimedia (дек 2012 г).JPG
Image:Прогноз рынка рекламы в России на 2013 год по сегментам.JPG

Press advertising continues to reduce growth. The outdoor advertising market continues to be negatively affected by legislative restrictions at the local level.

In December 2012, ZenithOptimedia analysts predicted that the growth rate of the Russian advertising market would be several times ahead of the corresponding indicators of both the global and Eastern European markets. Maintaining such dynamics will allow Russia, according to forecasts of the ZenithOptimedia network, in 2015 to enter the top 7 largest world powers in terms of advertising investment, overtaking countries such as France, South Korea and Australia.

It was assumed that the share of advertising on TV in the total advertising "pie" will decrease - from 52.1% in 2011 to 44.6% in 2015. The main threat to television advertising continues to be the Internet, whose share is projected to grow from 16.6% in 2011 to 29.7% in 2015. Also, TV channels will suffer due to increased competition from digital media such as smartphones, tablets, etc.

At the end of 2013, this forecast was revised. The same company predicted Russia 9th place in the global advertising market at the end of 2016.


Market size: + 21% to 263 billion rubles

In February 2012, the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR) published a study on the results of the development of the advertising market in Russia for 2011.

The total volume of advertising in its distribution (ATL services segment) excluding VAT in 2011 increased by 21% and amounted to 263.4 billion rubles. The market showed impressive growth even despite a major slowdown at the end of the year, the authors of the report note. It should also be noted that in 2011, the Russian advertising market as a whole finally managed to exceed the indicators of pre-crisis 2008 - by 4%.

increase in 2011
billion rubles
including ethereal
cable and satellite
Print media
including newspapers
advertising publications
Outdoor advertising
Internet *
including media advertising
contextual advertising
Other media
including Indoor advertising
advertising in cinemas
Marketing Services

* - excluding political advertising, the volume of which amounted to 1.0 billion rubles in November-December 2011. excluding VAT. * * - the data for the online advertising segment for 2009-2010 have been adjusted.

In 2011, online advertising for the first time overtook print media in terms of volumes and came in second place after television. Russia is one of the countries with the fastest growth of the online advertising market. According to AKAR, the online advertising market in the country in 2011 grew by 56 percent to 41.8 billion rubles.

  • According to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia, the cost of radio advertising in January - June 2011 increased by 18%, to 5.1-5.3 billion rubles.

Cost of a thousand shows: TV remains the cheapest channel

In the first half of 2011, television in Russia remained one of the cheapest media for advertisers, says Intiative. According to him, in January - June 2011, the advertiser only had to pay 60 rubles for 1000 people to see his message. But in its calculations, the agency takes into account all residents of the country, while on TV advertisers buy air only in cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. In this case, TV is already inferior in attractiveness to radio.

For more details, see Cost per Thousand Contacts (CPT)

PwC Report

2011 PWC Report


Market size: + 16% to RUB 250 billion

The total volume of advertising in its distribution (ATL services segment), including VAT, at the end of 2010 amounted to 250 billion rubles, which is 16% more than in the same period of the previous year, although still less than in the pre-crisis year 2008. Experts of AKAR and RAMU at a joint meeting estimated the volume of the marketing services segment in 2010 at 65 billion rubles, including VAT, which means an increase of 26%. Thus, the market volume of marketing communications in Russia in 2010 is 315 billion rubles, the growth of the market volume compared to the previous year amounted to 18%.

Increase in 2010,%
including ethereal
cable and satellite
Print media
including newspapers
advertising publications
Outdoor advertising
including media advertising
contextual advertising *
Other media
including Indoor advertising
advertising in cinemas
Marketing Services
* - the data on the segments of radio and print media for 2008-2009 have been updated
. * * - the commission of experts could not reach a unanimous decision

Map of the largest advertising groups

A map of the largest advertising groups in 2010 operating in the Russian market is presented here.

2009: -26% to RUB 204 bn

The Russian advertising market in 2009 decreased by 26% compared to 2008 to 204 billion rubles (AKAR).

  • More than 50% - television (113.7 billion rubles). This segment decreased by 18%.
  • On the radio, the drop was 36% to 9 billion rubles,
  • In print, a drop of 43% to 32.6 billion rubles,
  • In outdoor advertising, a drop of 41% to 27.3 billion rubles.

The only media segment where advertising sales increased was the Internet. According to Infox, spending on media advertising increased by four percent to 7.7 billion rubles, and on contextual advertising - by 11 percent to 11.3 billion rubles.

In the first half of 2009 , compared to the corresponding period last year, the advertising market decreased by 30 % to 90 billion rubles. (AKAR). According to the results of the first quarter of 2009 , the market decline was 29 %.

According to AKAR estimates, in the first half of 2009 , the companies placed:

  • TV advertising -  51.5-52.5 billion rubles, which is 21 % less than expenses of the same period last year;
  • Print media showed the largest decline - by 45 % to 15.4-15.6 billion rubles: advertising revenues of newspapers fell by 40% , magazines - by 41%, and advertising publications - by 53%; 
  • outdoor advertising - 13.3-13.5 billion rubles, 39 % less than in the first half of 2008; 
  • radio - the volume of advertising on fell by 36 %;
  • Internet - in the first half of the year, the volume of online advertising added 5 % and amounted to 3-3.2 billion rubles.

The total volume of the video advertising market in Runet in 2009 doubled to 300 million rubles, Rutube believes. This company does not estimate the share of Youtube, but considers its own equal to 21% (63 million rubles).

2007: Russia is the 6th largest advertising market in Europe

Image:Топ-10 стран Европы по затратам на рекламу 2007.JPG


Marx Square in Novosibirsk, 1998


Effects of herculean porridge on the human body. Newspaper ad. Russia. 1900s.

See also
