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Stah @ Novets

Developers: Stakhanovite
Last Release Date: 2024/12/29
Technology: Information Security - Information Leakage Prevention


Stakh @ Novets provides multi-level control over the activities of employees on the PC, as well as parental control of home computers. A unique system for monitoring, controlling and analyzing the activities of employees at work computers, as well as improving information security can already be purchased in Russia through the Aflex Distribution partner network, it has more than 1000 companies.

STAKH @ NOVETS is a software package. The solution automatically registers all actions of company employees at computers. The solution allows you to analyze the use of working time by employees, monitor the effectiveness of the work of regional offices and remote employees and use the data to adjust the personnel motivation system. Stakhanovets is also used by security services to prevent leaks of commercial information and as an additional tool in the investigation of computer incidents. The project received investments from Softline Seed Fund, established by Softline Venture Partners in conjunction with RVC Seed Investment Fund.


Version 10 compatibility with Tantor SE version 16.4

Tantor Labs and Stakhanovets announced compatibility of solutions on March 14, 2025.

The company's specialists conducted a series of tests in which they tested the collaboration of products and the functioning of all the declared options.

Based on the results of the tests, a two-sided compatibility certificate was signed, which confirmed the correct operation of the Tantor SE version 16.4 DBMS and the Stakhanovets DLP system version 10.

Astra Group is one of our technology partners, so we have expanded our product integration line. Stakhanovets compatibility with Tantor DBMS will allow not only to provide our clients with an additional choice among domestic solutions, but will also be convenient for OCAstra Linux users, for whom integration with Tantor DBMS is seamless, - said Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

Obtaining approval of the national certification system of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The system for protecting data from leaks and monitoring personnel (DLP) "Stakhanovets" received approval from the National Certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The certificate of compliance confirms that the software meets the requirements of national standards and can be used not only in commercial, but also in government organizations. The developer announced this on February 4, 2025.

To evaluate the complex, experts from the Accredited Test Laboratory of the Center for Cybersecurity conducted independent tests of the tenth version of Stakhanovets. Tests confirmed that the software meets the requirements of regulatory documents.

Obtaining a certificate will allow us to expand our presence in the CIS market: we are actively working in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We also see great potential for cooperation with Uzbekistan. For the Republic of Uzbekistan, information security is one of the priority industries and local organizations are interested in Russian solutions, "commented Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

Stakhanovets will be one of the largest distributors of MONT TECH software in the region in Uzbekistan.

DLP systems are very popular in the world and are basic for ensuring information security. Domestic DLP systems compete with foreign ones, and often surpass them. Entering the Uzbekistan market was a matter of time for the Stakhanovets team. The company's solution is not just information security, it is an IT solution with great capabilities, both control of employee actions, deep access rights management, and control of data transmission channels. In recent years, we have seen new functions for the automatic investigation of incidents in information systems, "said Igor Biryukov, head of promising projects in the field of information security at the Skolkovo Foundation.


Integration with Komrad Enterprise SIEM

The Stakhanovets DLP system is integrated with KOMRAD Enterprise SIEM. The Stakhanovets company announced this on December 23, 2024.

The specialists of the companies conducted comprehensive tests for the compatibility of products. Testing confirmed the correct operation of decisions in conjunction, which is recorded in a bilateral certificate.

Integration of products will allow companies to increase the level of information security with the help of domestic solutions: both systems are included in the register of Russian software and have certificates from the FSTEC of Russia.

We pay special attention to the development of technological partnership with Russian solutions, including at the request of customers. This will allow companies that implement the import substitution program to build a full-fledged IT infrastructure based on domestic solutions and effectively manage data protection, "said Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

The use of KOMRAD Enterprise SIEM initially makes the IT infrastructure transparent to information security and IT services. Integration with the Stakhanovets DLP system translates to a fundamentally new level the ability to counter insider threats, "explained Alexander Dorofeev, General Director of Echelon Technologies JSC.

Jatoba DBMS Compatibility

Companies Gazinformservice"" and Stakhanovite"" have completed a series of technical compatibility tests Jatoba DBMS and systems data protection from leaks and monitoring Stakhanovets personnel. This was announced Stakhanovite by "" on November 18, 2024.

Experts conducted comprehensive tests that confirmed the correctness of the joint work. ON The result is recorded in a two-sided compatibility certificate.

Thanks to the integration of products, Stakhanovets customers will be able to use the software package on the domestic DBMS. Both products are certified by FSTEC.

Jatoba provides our customers with the ability to reliably and securely process data in critical infrastructures. Integration with the Stakhanovets data leakage protection system strengthens protection against unauthorized access to personal data and other types of confidential data, which increases the level of information security of Russian enterprises, "said Andrey Makarov, leading manager of the Gazinformservice partner group.

We are systematically expanding the compatibility of the Stakhanovets software complex with popular domestic products. This guarantees the most effective integration, helps to increase the reliability of our product and simplifies the implementation of software, - commented Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

Compatibility with Rosa Chrome

STC IT ROSA and Stakhanovets on October 23, 2024 announced the compatibility of the ROSA Chrome operating system and the Stakhanovets DLP solution.

Tests have confirmed that the solutions work correctly in conjunction, which was recorded in a two-way certificate of compatibility.

Both products are included in, register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development certified and FSTEC can be used to work with confidential. information

Since Russian companies are striving for import substitution, our task as a vendor is to ensure seamless integration with Russian OS. Technological compatibility with the ROSA Chrome operating system not only opens up additional options for our customers, but also guarantees ease of deployment and scaling, "commented Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

We are seeing rapid development. industries information security This is confirmed by cooperation and technological compatibility of domestic solutions. DLP systems for protecting information infrastructures of domestic production are considered one of the highest quality and most effective in the world. DLP is more than information security, because these systems close not only the tasks of monitoring the technical integrity of network participants. The compatibility of the DLP-solution of the Skolkovo project participant Stakhanovets with the domestic operating system ROSA Chrome is a confirmation of active import substitution, - said the head of the Cyberhab Foundation "" Skolkovo(ВЭБ.РФ Group). Igor Biryukov

Getting the certificate BY/112 02.02

The Stakhanovets system received a certificate from the Operational Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus. The developer announced this on July 16, 2024.

The conclusion confirmed that the complex meets the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and can be used not only in commercial organizations, but also in state institutions.

To issue the certificate, Belarusian experts conducted an independent audit of Stakhanovets. For this, the current tenth version of the system was provided. The complex was tested, confirming the work of all the declared functionality. Based on the test results, a certificate was issued BY/112 02.02.

Certification is a prerequisite valid within the framework of the legislation of Belarus. According to it, all products entering the local market must receive national confirmation for compliance.

Previously, we had successful pilot projects in the Republic and we observed a high interest in Russian systems in the field of information security. Therefore, obtaining a certificate from the Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus was a logical step for working in this market, "commented Alexander Kanatov, CEO of Stakhanovets.

On the territory of Belarus, Stakhanovets will be represented by a service IT-distributor Axoft International and trusted partner of the Next Network.

Integration with the Shard digital asset security platform

The Stakhanovets data protection system and the Shard digital asset security platform have been integrated. Stakhanovets announced this on July 9, 2024.

Thanks to this, now the option to check the trustworthiness of the crypto wallet has become available to Stakhanovets users: if one of the employees at the workplace copies the address of the cryptocurrency wallet, the Shard online service will automatically check it for connection with illegal activities and assess the risk of props from zero to 100%. Companies can set a critical level of risk at which Stakhanovets will block the transaction.

Cryptocurrency is often used for fraudulent activities and illegal transactions. Therefore, the crypto wallet verification function will help companies prevent incidents by reducing image risks.

Thanks to this function, employers will be able to timely identify cases in which one of the staff performs operations with high-risk crypto wallets. Such cases may indicate that the employee interacts with fraudsters, is under blackmail, the influence of prohibited communities or is involved in a corruption scheme, said Alexander Kanatov, CEO of Stakhanovets.

According to the Shard digital asset security platform, among the illegal activities that use cryptocurrency are fraud schemes with blocking viruses and ransomware that attack large companies. Then the scammers steal sensitive data and demand a ransom for it in cryptocurrency.

One of the scenarios of fraud is the use of a ransomware virus, which paralyzes the work of the company by encrypting all the data it manages to get to. For further decryption, fraudsters also demand a ransom in cryptocurrency. At the same time, the penetration of a malicious program can occur through mail, a flash drive, a link on the Internet, "said Grigory Osipov, director of investigations at the Shard digital asset security platform.

The option to check the security of crypto wallets is additional, to use it you need to get an API token. First of all, the function will be interesting for companies from the financial sphere: banks, exchanges, exchangers and trading companies.

Stakhanovets 10 is compatible with MSVSFERA OS 9

Russian vendor Inferitis"" and the domestic developer of the personnel monitoring system data protection and "" Stakhanovite on May 29, 2024 announced the confirmation of compatibility operating system "" MSVSphera 9 with DLP the solution "Stakhanovets." Integration products provide additional opportunities for organizations that want to ensure the security of confidential information and prevent. data breaches More. here

Stakhanovets 9 and Stakhanovets 10 compatible with Atlant Alcyone

GK Applite and "" Stakhanovite conducted a series of tests and confirmed the correct work, the operating system "Atlant" Alcyone version, and the software systems "Stakhanovets 9" and "Stakhanovets 10." Tests have confirmed that both systems are functioning correctly. Based on the results of testing, a two-sided compatibility certificate was issued. This was announced by "" Stakhanovite on February 13, 2024.

{{quote "We understand that information security for our customers, especially for large enterprises, is important. Cooperation with Stakhanovets is an important step in strengthening the safety of our product. Thanks to the compatibility of the Stakhanovets DLP system with the Atlant OS, we can offer customers a comprehensive data protection solution, - said the commercial director of Applite Dmitry Yeliseyev Group of Companies. }}

We see that the share of Russian OCs is growing steadily, and in the context of the transition to domestic software, the ecosystem is important to the market. Therefore, we make efforts to provide customers with the possibility of seamless product integration and regularly increase the number of compatible domestic solutions, providing a choice for Russian customers and partners. Confirmed compatibility with the Atlant OS is the next step in expanding the coverage of domestic platforms, - commented Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

Astra Linux Special Edition Compatibility

Astra Group and Stakhanovets conducted tests confirming the correct operation of the client part of the Stakhanovets 9 and Stakhanovets 10 software systems running the Astra Linux Special Edition operating system. According to the test results, the Ready for Astra technology partnership program issued a certificate of compatibility under number 15401/2023. Astra Group announced this on January 25, 2024.

Astra Linux provides the necessary level of security on which you can reliably build further data protection. Astra Linux's mandate control mechanisms prevent unauthorized access to the DLP system and its settings. Encryption can be used to protect sensitive information. Finally, advanced audit and event logging capabilities help track actions related to potential data breaches and respond quickly to incidents. Thus, by installing the client part of the Stakhanovets PC, designed to protect commercial data and personnel analytics, on Astra Linux, customers will receive a full-fledged software stack that allows them to raise information security to a qualitatively different level, "said Dmitry Tarakanov, head of the department for the development of technological cooperation" Astra Group. "

{{quote 'More and more Russian companies are switching to domestic operating systems that meet all the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it was important for us to confirm the correct operation of Stakhanovets on Astra Linux. Plus, this provides customers with the choice of the optimal technological stack within the framework of import substitution, - commented Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets. }}


Compatible with AlterOS version 7.5

The Group of Companies ALMIS and LLC Stakhanovite have completed compatibility tests for their software products. Developers checked the correctness of the work operating system AlterOS (version 7.5) and the Stakhanovets complex. The test results are recorded in a two-sided certificate of compatibility. This was announced on June 13, 2023 by ALMIS. More. here

Ability to prevent data leaks through VK Teams, ICQ and eXpress messengers

The developer of the DLP system Stakhanovets on May 16, 2023 announced the expansion of monitoring of domestic instant messengers and will now allow taking control of employee communication in three Russian chat services - VK Teams, ICQ and eXpress.

According to statistics, 68% of Russians solve business issues in correspondence. This is the most common way of working communication, as well as the most vulnerable.

When fixing "dangerous" words in business correspondence, the system sends notifications to the security service - this helps the employer prevent information leaks, as well as avoid financial and reputational losses.

The complex records not only voice and text negotiations, but also the transfer of files that can constitute a corporate secret.

For example, during the test implementation, the functionality of the complex helped to avoid an incident in the legal bureau: the employee corresponded with the recently dismissed leader, who lured him to his good salary. For the new position, the ex-boss asked to make downloads from CRM and copy customer data, - shared an insider in the company "Stakhanovets."

"Stakhanovets" in the background monitored the correspondence in the chat and reacted to the use of the words "unloading" and "base." Security immediately began investigating the incident. The report showed who the employee interacted with outside the company not only in instant messengers, but also in calls and mail.

Against the background of news about the transition of companies to domestic services, since March 1, Roskomnadzor has blacklisted nine foreign messengers - so far they have been banned from providing services only to financial and state institutions.

Compatibility with eXpress messenger

As part of the strategic cooperation software developers "" and Stakhanovite Unlimited Production conducted tests for the compatibility of the Stakhanovets complex with the corporate one. messenger eXpress The result was the release of a two-way compatibility certificate. Unlimited Production announced this on January 30, 2023. More. here


Red OS Compatibility

Russian developers RED SOFT and Stakhanovets have confirmed the compatibility of software for automatic registration and analysis of employee behavior at the Stakhanovets workplace with the RED OS operating system. The Red Soft company announced this on November 25, 2022.

Obtaining a Patent for Engagement Assessment Solution

On October 12, 2022, Stakhanovets announced that it had patented a solution that automatically evaluates employee engagement and also warns professional burnout. The neural network analyzes the activity of personnel at workplaces and helps to identify procrastination, emotional exhaustion or stress by behavior. The system also helps prevent corporate data leaks.

The program allows you to notice possible burnout in time and choose the most productive work models and requirements for a specific position. In this way, the personnel can be reduced.

The solution is based on a methodology that forms the boundaries of the normality of employee behavior in comparison with each other, determines what influence the news agenda has on the user, and also measures the level of involvement in the workflow.

"The news of partial mobilization in Russia was shocking for many, leading to increased anxiety, reduced employee performance and impulsive actions. With emotional strain, it is difficult for people to control themselves, so it is important for managers to understand what is happening in the company and help the team cope with anxiety in time. Our development will allow to assess the situation and predict risks - it will show the beginning and end of the working day, record irrelevant activity or a decrease in the effectiveness of a specialist, identify the most active employees, notify management about the search for a new job by a specialist and help to take care of personnel in time - said Alexander Kanatov, Operating Director of Stakhanovets.

The system does not need access to the Internet. All processes are carried out within the corporate network, without connecting to third-party servers. This not only reduces risks, but also allows you to use the complex inside the closed perimeter.

In the near future, a number of improvements to Stakhanovets are provided, including a comprehensive modernization of reports, an interface, the development of functions related to intelligent analytics of work screen content, documents, identification of the tone of voice conversations and much more.

2019: Stakhanovets 8

On December 12, 2019, it became known that Stakhanovets, a portfolio project of the Softline Venture Partners fund, released the eighth version of the platform for monitoring personnel activity. The key functions of Stakhanovets 8 are working on macOS, Ubuntu, Astra Linux, as well as face recognition using a webcam on an employee's workstation.

Support for other kernel-based varieties OS Linux is possible individually for large customers. The developers also added control options to the solution. messenger Telegram In addition to tracking voice calls and sent files, he controls messenger messages. Given the prevalence of Telegram, this is an extremely important channel of business communications for control.

"Stakhanovets" brings biometric authentication to PCs and, laptops even not equipped with fingerprint scanning modules and tools (face recognition FaceID, Windows Hello, etc.). In addition, the authorizations system records the presence of an employee at the workplace and determines whether someone else is using computer it by reporting it to security. The biometrics feature is available on any computer equipped with a webcam. Face recognition is performed by pre-trained and. neuronet artificial intelligence Biometric data at the same time, employees remain inside the perimeter of the organization: the technology developed by Stakhanovets does not need to be connected to. To the Internet

The added features of the eighth version of Stakhanovets significantly expanded the ability to monitor employee behavior at work computers. macOS support helps to establish control over creative teams and staff working in home office mode. The distribution of the solution to the Ubuntu and Astra Linux platforms makes it possible to implement monitoring in government agencies that are prescribed to use Russian-made operating systems. But the main thing is that the biometrics function using webcams actually blurs the boundaries between the information and physical security of enterprises. Our product can be used as a single tool to carry out the tasks of the two relevant departments. With its help, digital transformation comes to the corporate function of physical security, which, as previously thought, is unrealistic to digitize,
says director of the Stakhanovets project Nikita Rogozin

The update to the eighth version is available to all Stakhanovets users from December 12, 2019. For holders of annual licenses, the update is free. For users of perpetual licenses, upgrade to the latest version on request.


Renting and hosting the Stakhanovets DLP system in the cloud Cloud4Y

On December 11, 2018, the company Cloud4Y announced that in November 2018 it launched another service - renting hosting cloud and Cloud4Y DLP Stakhanovets systems, which provides companies with the opportunity to fully control the actions of employees in corporate IT systems, protection corporate data systems and prevent them. leaks More. here

Stakhanovets 7

In March 2018, Stakhanovets (portfolio company Softline Venture Partners) announced the release of a new version of the Stakhanovets 7 complex, which implemented the current wishes of customers. The solution allows you to predictively and deductively assess the actions of employees, build models of their further behavior such as: reduced interest in work, the possibility of potential data leakage or dismissal, the need for additional motivation. The product has been implemented in more than 5,000 companies around the world.

The version of the Stakhanovets 7 complex allows you to conduct deep, multi-level analysis of internal processes, which is important for managers, security and HR departments.

The update has implemented a number of innovations. Laptop geolocation, GPU loading analysis for mining detection: The Geolocation report allows you to determine the location of laptops and tablets and smartphones. The graphics card GPU load is checked to detect mining.

"Black box": all important information is duplicated and stored on the user's computer and is not transmitted to the server. In the event of an emergency, the manager is able to quickly recover important data and conduct a detailed investigation of the incident.

Event Ribbon - Allows you to visualize an employee's work day. Thanks to this functionality, it has become even easier to conduct analytics. Every effective solution, any possibility of a risk situation is now clearly displayed in the tape. Intuitive graphical interpretation of events greatly simplifies the reading of reports and saves the time of the manager.

Android client: Improved optimization and speed. Mobile "Stakhanovets" analyzes site visits, calls and SMS, activity and user movements. Data obtained from Android devices is saved in reports along with a stationary client.

The information collected by Stakhanovets can be viewed on any trusted device: computer, laptop, tablet, phone, regardless of the operating system. The architecture of the complex allows you to deploy, manage and administer up to 100,000 workstations at a time. Stakhanovets integrates with Active Directory and easily integrates into any infrastructure. Installation does not take long and does not require much knowledge or skill.

The implementation does not disrupt work processes, does not need to change the structure of the local network and does not lead to downtime. Notifications about suspicious events in the version of "Stakhanovets 7" can now be received in Telegram.


Stakhanovets 5.2

On January 27, 2015, Stakhanovets announced the release of version 5.2. The functionality of the software complex has been expanded due to the keyboard handwriting module.

The work of the keyboard handwriting module is based on the author's technology proposed by the CTO of the project Sergey Shamshin. It was created based on the results of a study that studied the features of entering text by different people on different keyboards in different states. Thus, the characteristic features of typing inherent in each and of an individual nature were statistically reliably identified. The influence of alcohol, fatigue and other conditions on the characteristics of keyboard handwriting has been studied. For example, one bottle of beer with a strength of 4.5 degrees increases the reaction time by 3-5%, and the number of typos - by 3-7%. Keyboard handwriting analysis technology provides company managers with the opportunity to observe the emotional state of the team and take action if the discipline or morale of the team fails.

The presence of a keyboard handwriting module in Stakhanovets helps:

  • Identify the user by the text he typed - is it really that employee at the computer or does someone else perform actions for him;
  • Detect user substitution - for example, when an employee who does not have access to important commercial information tries to obtain it through the computer of a colleague who has such rights;
  • Find the author of a specific text - which of the users in the company entered the text on this PC in a suspicious period of time;
  • Determine the user who is in an atypical state and the specific time period during which the user has been in this state.

"The new software module is our answer to the challenges that business is experiencing today," said Andrei Ignatov, CEO of Stakhanovets. - The situation in the economy can affect office employees in different ways. Some are working with doubled energy. Others are set to leave, taking a customer base to sell it. Someone relieves stress with alcohol right during working hours. All these are risks that go beyond IT and lie, rather, in the plane of the moral and psychological state of the team. "Stakhanovets" with keyboard handwriting is perhaps the only solution on the market that helps prevent and mitigate these risks. "

The cost of the product depends on the number of licenses and is 1200-1800 rubles. per workplace. The license for one user is unlimited and fully functional, free of charge. For companies-users of the Stakhanovets system, preferential conditions for updating are provided.

"Stakhanovets" considered the effectiveness of the use of ICT

On July 23, 2015, Business Laboratory announced the calculations of Stakhanovets in terms of the use of software and hardware on computers in Russian companies.

According to these estimates, more than 40% software is not used on computers in Russian companies, or was launched once. The computing power of workstations is excessive, and on the Internet the average employee spends a third more time than in applications for work Softline (Venture Partners project).

Key study figures:

  • About half (40%) of applications installed on workstations in Russian companies are not used at all, or were launched once. Part of this software is paid. 90% of the active user interaction with the computer is accounted for by 15% of programs.

  • Office computers have excessive computing power. The average CPU utilization is 11%. With a hard drive capacity of 250-500 GB, 200 GB remains free. The situation with RAM is somewhat better. It is 70% loaded.

  • The average user interacts with the computer 71% of the working day. At the same time, it is 30% longer on the Internet than in work applications. At the same time, 40% of the time spent on the Internet is somehow related to the performance of work tasks.

  • The functionality of Microsoft Office is more familiar to users. Employees spend 6-8% less time performing standard tasks within the Office than in other office packages.

  • Each office employee sends an average of 4-5 pages per day to print. About 20-30% documents are printed for personal purposes or thrown into a basket (in a shredder) within 15 minutes after printing.

"Company owners and business
leaders are looking to identify savings points. With the help of our research, it became obvious to them that one of these points is in the IT plane. To get the most objective cut and understand exactly where you can reduce costs and how to do this so as not to harm business continuity, we agreed with the heads of several dozen enterprises and collected impersonal statistics on their companies. According to the reviews of Chief information officers, only on information technologies can save about 20% of the budget without any harm to the business processes of companies, "said Mikhail Yakhimovich, co-founder of the Stakhanovets project.

The information was obtained using the IT asset accounting module, it appeared as part of the Stakhanovets software complex in February 2015. The data was collected anonymously, with the consent of 50 companies with the number of employees from 10 to 200, with a total PC fleet exceeding 3 thousand units. Companies of different industries participated in the sample - raw materials and power, finance and, banks trading companies, etc. The data was averaged by the number of computers. The study only affected computers under control. operating system Windows

2014: Stah @ Novets 5

On June 10, 2014, the Business Laboratory released the updated software complex Stakh @ novets of the fifth version - it resolves the tasks of countering the leakage of information from financial institutions by monitoring the actions of employees of the organization.

The company decided to accelerate the release of the fifth version of the Stakhanovets software complex in connection with the recent release by the Bank of Russia of an updated information security standard, which pays special attention to preventing data leaks due to the fault of employees of banking institutions. According to the published document, one of the most likely channels for leakage of confidential information, including personal data of customers, is illegal actions of bank employees.

To prevent threats of this type, the regulator proposes the use of a whole range of measures.

The Stakhanovets software package monitors the actions of employees, possible data leakage channels. The bank's security service can analyze - which files the user sent from his computer (copies of files are saved for subsequent analysis), which e-mail messages and instant messaging services (Skype, Lync, ICQ) were sent and accepted. You can record and listen to voice conversations made using Skype, determine which files the user worked with, which programs he launched, which websites he visited and which search queries he entered. Also, the software package is able to periodically save user screenshots and record video. If necessary, the security service can monitor the user, listen to surrounding conversations using a webcam and the microphone of his computer.

The release of the next, fifth version of the product is due to the need to provide customers with new functionality in the field of risk analysis. Most of the information collected so far is analyzed manually. The new version will include a risk analyzer that automatically scans all collected information and notifies the security administrator of all potential hazards. For each of them, a set of events will be shown on the basis of which the risk event was generated.

According to the developers, the changes made in the software will help reduce the analysis time and the staff of specialists involved in this process.

The developers taught Stakhanovets to distinguish between "harmful" and "useful" activity, based on the nature of the employee's activities in the company. For example, for a sales manager, time spent on LinkedIn or on a specialized forum will be considered useful by the system: he studies the profile of the client company and looks for access to decision makers. At the same time, the abnormally high activity of any representative of the team on entertainment sites will be regarded as inappropriate spending of working time and perceived as a risk.

The system began to recognize the immediate business risks associated with the leakage of information important to the company by the employee action algorithm. If the program determines that a letter is sent from the employee's personal address from the work computer, where the phrase "client base" or "financial indicators" appears, then it regards this as malicious activity. Notification about it will be immediately sent to the manager. In addition to instant alerts, all information about employees' activities is collected in special reports that are generated in real time and are available to the CEO or founder of the company in a few clicks.

The fifth version of Stakhanovets also received functionality with which, within the company, it is possible to assess the losses associated with the misuse of printers. The solution allows you to customize the cost of printing and control the corresponding costs. According to Stakhanovets' own research, about 30% of printed materials are not related to the activities of employees in the workplace, and 17% of printouts are not used at all.

"By offering the market a fifth version of Stakhanovets, we gave the manager even more opportunities to monitor the effectiveness of his team and to identify risks where heads and founders of companies usually do not expect them," said Andrei Ignatov, CEO of Stakhanovets. - If earlier the information collected by the software complex had to be analyzed independently, now the system does it automatically. The manager receives a tool that allows him to make balanced personnel decisions and know the points of cost optimization and team efficiency improvement. In not too favorable macroeconomic conditions, this is an extremely valuable opportunity. "


Ability to audit print

Aflex Distribution announced the expansion of the functionality of the Stakhanovets software complex - now users of the solution can audit printing in organizations.

Since December 2013, owners of the updated version of the product can see not only the usual information (employee's work time in a specific application, a list of sites visited by him, a list of search queries, correspondence by mail and in Internet messengers, etc.), but data on the amount of printing costs documents.

Previously, a separate software class, Managing Printing Systems (MPS), was used for this purpose. Now such functionality has been added to the system for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of Stakhanovets personnel.

"It is
nice to be the first developers of systems for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of personnel, who added such an opportunity as a print audit to their software product. This will allow customers to ensure control over the work of employees in another significant area, "said Mikhail Yakhimovich, commercial director of Stakhanovets.

Description of the complex

As of December 2013, the complex forms a large number of reports. With their help and the multifunctional module of online observation, the company's management knows exactly how optimal employees spend their working time, what are the malicious actions of the staff.

The structure of the STAKH @ NOVETS software complex allows you to use it to control personnel in organizations of any size - having from one to hundreds of workstations in their computer network. A distinctive feature of the complex is the ability to monitor employees and view reports through any browser from any computer , smartphone or Smart TV.


The STAKH @ NOVETS complex is represented by the client-server architecture. The client in hidden mode transfers data to the server for further storage in the database - the data is not stored on the client machine and no additional connection is required to view reports. Monitoring of client machines "on the fly" in online mode also occurs through the server, which gives a fundamental opportunity for remote monitoring via the Internet (for this you just need to launch any web browser on any computer or smartphone).


  • The complex works in all modern Windows operating systems in 32 and 64-bit versions.
  • Monitoring and viewing reports is possible in any OS: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android.
  • The terminal server is supported.
  • The ability to identify clients with antiviruses as "suspicious software" is excluded.

Online observation

The BOSS-Online module of the STAKH @ NOVETS software complex has a function that allows you to listen to Skype and other programs in remote offices (and offices) through microphones (any, including web camera microphones) connected to employee computers (or servers). Moreover, if more than one microphone is connected to the computer, then the sound is mixed (i.e. the sound from different microphones is combined into one sound stream). In this way, you can control the negotiations of employees. If necessary, you can save the entire audio stream to a file for further analysis.