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Self-service checkouts appeared in A-Store stores

Customers: A-Store

Almaty; Trade

Product: CrystalService: Set Retail

Project date: 2020/03  - 2023/05


2023: Installing Self-Service Checkouts

Hypermarkets A-Store Kazakhstan in installed self-service cash desks in their flagship stores. This format allows customers to independently and comfortable paying for purchases, and the retailer frees up the resources of cashiers and reduces queues. CSI announced this on June 6, 2023. The project uses equipment and cash software Russian company CSI, and the project to modernize cash solutions and IT infrastructure is supported by Prosystems LLP - official CSI representative in Kazakhstan.

A-Stores offer customers a large selection of food, with an emphasis on fresh produce and delicacies, as well as non-food products.

The first self-service cash desks opened in June 2022 in a hypermarket in Almaty on the street. Satpaeva, 90 V (ADK shopping center). Before the start of the project, CSI specialists analyzed the store's indicators: the share of payments with bank cards, the size of the shopping basket and many others - and offered the A-Store project of the "island" self-service, which will ensure the maximum load of new cash registers.

The island is located in the center of the store's cash line, for this, 4 of the 45 classic cash desks were removed - now, instead of 4 cashiers, one assistant employee is enough there.

A-Store has been considering solutions to launch self-checkout technology since 2018, but then the cash desks of foreign vendors and their adaptation were quite expensive: required translation of the interface, setting up software fiscalization, others critical modifications.

In 2021, CSI K payment stations appeared on the market - CSI's own development. They turned out to be optimal for the A-Store in price, functionality and ease of integration - devices run the same Set Retail system that supports classic A- store checkouts Store since the network was launched. At one time, specialists of PROSYSTEMS LLP Set Retail integration with software fiscalization and payment terminals from Kaspi Bank, which offer buyers payment by QR code - connecting the same functionality to new self-service cash desks required only a few simple actions.

After positively evaluating the performance of the first self-service island, the retailer launched the same cash desks in the A-Store hypermarket in Ust-Kamenogorsk (RIVER shopping center, st. Kazakhstan, 62).


Completion of the first stage of transition to Set Retail 10

On May 28, 2020, it became known that the A-Store grocery hypermarkets completed the first stage of modernization of cash lines. Chain stores in Ust-Kamenogorsk operate on an updated version of the Russian front-office system Set Retail 10. Updated touch registers, an understandable solution interface help cashiers serve customers faster. Work with loyalty cards takes place without failures. The architecture of the solution allowed the retailer to free up a server in each store. The project is carried out by the Russian company CSI together with a regional partner in Kazakhstan - Prosystems LLP.

Since the launch of the network, the work of hypermarket cash desks has been provided by the Russian solution for automated trading Set Retail 5. With the support of CSI and Prosystems, the necessary software improvements are being carried out - both individual and generally necessary for work in Kazakhstan. A-Store was one of the first retailers in Kazakhstan to switch to work at a VAT rate of 8% on socially significant goods. In connection with the temporary measures taken by the government of the country in 2020, CSI specialists in just 3 days implemented the revision of the cash software Set Retail 10.

In connection with the plans for the development of the network and the desire to modernize the IT infrastructure of the A-Store, they decided to switch to the Set Retail 10 version and increase the efficiency of cash lines. Set Retail 10 reflects the expertise and best practices of retailers, with its installation opens access to the Set ecosystem - tools to improve business efficiency. In particular, Set Retail 10 is compatible with the Set Prisma cash control system, which detects violations at cash centers and allows you to reduce losses in stores.

The first stage of the update project has been completed. In Ust-Kamenogorsk stores, Set Retail already manages cash registers, operating day and loyalty program.

The Set Retail loyalty module is a tool for centralized management of stocks, coupon and bonus programs that have always been actively used in the A-Store. The retailer's marketer, in a special module "Promotions," independently and without involving an IT specialist, starts promotions, records discounts valid in stores, indicates the conditions and priorities for their operation.

For Ust-Kamenogorsk stores, A-Store has purchased 40 touch ticket offices with the ability to connect additional screens to them, directed to the buyer. Such screens increase the density of interaction and contribute to the formation of customer loyalty: you can display advertising messages or other information relevant to him.

The modern software architecture of Set Retail 10 has freed up servers in stores. Management software takes place centrally from the company's office, and the cash lines are supported directly on the spot by the service employee of each store. The cash desk solution continues to work autonomously, even when there is no communication with the central server.

Integration of Set Retail 10 with the online cash desk "Software Fiscalizer 3.0.1" allows you to transfer fiscal data to the OFD of Kazakhstan, as well as save cash tape, reducing the length of the check due to the ability to work with check forms.

The A-Store plans to update cash lines in Almaty stores. Store floors will also be equipped with CSI multimedia price checkers. The devices instantly read the barcode, show photos on the color screen and the cost of the product, taking into account the discount, additionally announce this information.

Transition to Updated CSI Solutions

On April 16, 2020, CSI announced that its specialists had finalized their IT solutions (Set Retail, Set Touch and Set Retail SCO) in 3 days to work in Kazakhstan according to the updated rules.

Among the retailers that were the first in Kazakhstan to start working at the updated rate is the A-Store. Read more here.