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Portal "Our St. Petersburg" is transferred to domestic software

Customers: Committee for Informatization and Communications of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg; State and social structures

Contractors: Netrika
Product: Enterprise Portal - Upgrade Projects

Project date: 2013/04  - 2020/05

Information Technology in St. Petersburg

2024: The beginning of the transition to domestic software

The platform for operational interaction between residents and authorities "Our St. Petersburg" in 2024 began the transition to domestic software, and will also expand the set of services for citizens. This was announced on June 20, 2024 press service of the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg S.V. Kazarin.

The portal "Our St. Petersburg" processes about 500 thousand requests per year - in 2023 the system received over 460 thousand messages, most of which were devoted to the problems of improvement (283,290 messages) and issues of the content of the MKD (188,389). The number of users is growing annually and in 2023 there were already more than 300 thousand of them. On average, users submit 1350 messages per day about problems related to housing and communal services, landscaping, the condition of roads and sidewalks, illegal construction and trade facilities, violation of land or migration laws and other issues.

The portal "Our St. Petersburg" simplifies the interaction of authorities with citizens. We see that Petersburgers positively assess the platform - according to a survey that passed almost 7 thousand people last year, 83% of portal users gave a positive assessment of the system. In 2024, we will increase services and make the portal even more convenient and useful. But the main task remains the transition to domestic software and compliance with the requirements of the FSTEC, - commented the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Stanislav Kazarin.

Integration of the portal with other city systems provides complete information about the house: from data on the management company to deployed and detailed technical and economic passports, as well as news and notifications from the Criminal Code, cleaning schedule, deadlines for planned and emergency outages, etc.

The portal has a mobile application and a mobile version. This makes it easier to send messages, as it makes it possible to photograph the problem on the phone and send a message with a photo directly from the scene, taking into account the automatic determination of geolocation.

In the work of the portal is used. AI Thus, with the help neural network of the technology of circulation, residents are distributed by categories of the portal, in which those responsible for resolving the organization's issue are established. Thus, the appeal immediately falls into the desired district administration or executive body of power, where it is automatically redirected to the performer.

Each category of messages provides for its own rules for working out and deadlines for solving problems. Big data collection and processing mechanisms are used for information analysis and reporting.

Due to the introduction of neural network technologies, portal users apply much faster, and for the moderation service and operators, the number of operations to change and search for categories has almost halved.

In 2024, it is planned to introduce the ability to indicate on the map not just a house or a place of problem, but a specific object. This function will be implemented for messages related to the content of container sites. In the future, it is planned to scale it to work with categories associated with traffic lights, road signs, advertising and information structures.

The issue of the emergence of new services is being worked out, including for submitting applications for saving video recordings from city ones, CCTV cameras as well as for issuing a parking permit. cars In addition, it is planned to develop an interactive mechanism for collecting, analyzing and processing proposals from citizens to improve infrastructure and improve the city. The plans include the launch of an interactive traffic light map with the display of the latest information about information their condition.

Also in 2024, the service that has become popular will be modernized, allowing you to report falsification of participation in the choice of a management organization. Improvements will simplify both the ability to access this service and the tracking of previously sent requests.

2020: Update of the public public part of the portal

On May 18, 2020, it became known that an updated version of the Our St. Petersburg portal, created by the Committee for Informatization and Communications of St. Petersburg, was put into commercial operation. As part of the project, carried out jointly with the St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center, the public public part of the portal was updated, and the principle of submitting messages was completely changed - now a neural network is used to determine their topics.

As reported, the key goal of updating the portal was to simplify and speed up the process of preparing messages about problems. In the updated version of the portal, the principle of submitting messages from citizens has been changed: the user just needs to go to the interface and simply describe the essence of the problem - the neural network in the background will independently determine the compliance with the classifier or select up to three options for possible message topics. After that, the user will only have to choose the most suitable alternative. In general, about 200 topics are presented in the portal classifier.

Throughout the existence of the portal, the classifier of message categories was constantly expanded and adjusted, primarily at the request of citizens. The classifier is formed on the basis of a three-level construction (object/category/reason), including immediately information about the supervisors and coordinators responsible for consideration. It is this opportunity that allows you to reduce the time and minimize possible route changes when working out a message. On the other hand, residents always had to look for the reason to indicate when submitting a message for a detected problem, and questions often arose for almost similar reasons for different objects. We have always looked for options for simplifying and optimizing message submission. In particular, the so-called tags or keywords for finding categories were previously introduced, they looked towards machine learning. The accumulated database of messages and the experience of the resource made it possible to speak to the Committee with an initiative to introduce updated technologies on the portal in the form of elements of artificial intelligence. As of May 2020, it can be argued that the results obtained from the implemented changes will make it possible to draw conclusions and proposals for the further development of the portal. In particular, in the near future, there are plans to change the submission of messages in mobile applications and improve their usability.

noted Elena Bessonova, project manager at St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "St. Petersburg IAC"

After analyzing the behavior of users in detail, we found an interesting fact: people often indicated the wrong topic of the message. When such a message fell into moderation, it was either rejected or manually corrected by the moderator. Thus, the shortcomings led to a negative reaction and unnecessary efforts of both users and employees who are engaged in ensuring the operation of the site. We have done a lot of analytical work, including training and testing of neuron networks. As a result, we were able to reduce message times and error rates: now in more than 90% of cases, the system correctly classifies the problem by description. This also significantly reduced the burden on employees working with it.

told Alexander Feinstein, product manager of Netrika

In addition, the design and structure of the portal, sections of its main page were updated. The "House" section was also modernized, which collects information primarily about apartment buildings in St. Petersburg, and changed the method of visualizing data taking into account the attendance indicators of sections and pages of the site. As a result, user access to information has become easier and more convenient.

2018: Unified portal of citizens' appeals

In St. Petersburg, the Unified Portal of Citizens' Appeals ( was put into operation. In the electronic reception of the Administration of St. Petersburg, citizens can leave appeals to the authorities on infrastructure development, the construction of social facilities, the solution of transport, housing and other problems, reported on June 25, 2018 in the company "Netrika," which developed the portal by order of the Committee for Informatization and Communications of St. Petersburg.

During the pilot operation since mid-March 2018, the portal received more than 36 thousand requests related to the solution of social and infrastructure issues.

Unified portal of citizens' appeals. Home page.

Residents of the city can leave appeals both without registration and by registering on the portal. For registered users, a personal account is provided in which Petersburgers have the ability to track the status and history of their requests, as well as configure notifications.

In the electronic reception of the Administration of St. Petersburg, not only individuals, but also legal entities can send appeals. For this, a unified form of receiving appeals to all executive bodies of state power in St. Petersburg was created. From the portal, users can also go to the line "No corruption!" and to the portal "Our St. Petersburg." A single portal of citizens' appeals is adapted for working with mobile devices, a version for people with disabilities is also available to users.

Establishing digital interaction between citizens and the state is one of the key tasks in building the infrastructure of the "smart" St. Petersburg. The portal provides an opportunity to organize the full involvement of residents of the Northern capital in the development of the urban environment. To attract the attention of Petersburgers and increase the audience of electronic reception, a widget of the Unified Portal of Citizens' Appeals has also been developed, which the executive authorities can install on their official sites, "said Anastasia Gaidukova, project manager.

As of June 25, all executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg are connected to the portal. It is planned that in the near future users will be able to log in to the Unified Portal of Citizens' Appeals using an account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA).

On August 6, 2018, it became known that the portal "Our St. Petersburg" received a million message.

Over the four years of the portal's operation, more than 920 thousand problems of citizens in the housing and communal services sector have been solved. Our St. Petersburg accepts messages on 190 types of problems. More than 2,500 messages a day are submitted through it, more than a thousand organizations are busy working on messages from citizens. More than 93 thousand users are registered on the portal. The portal "Our St. Petersburg" was created with the participation of the company "Netrika."

The most popular categories of messages on the portal were the illegal placement of information and advertising structures (about 70 thousand messages), issues of maintaining apartment buildings and central heating (about 50 thousand messages).

The authorities receive messages about problems, centrally process data, appoint responsible performers, carry out the necessary work based on these requests, monitor their progress and form reporting based on current data. Management companies can also use the portal to receive messages about problems at their facilities and solve them as quickly as possible.

On average, the time it takes a user to create a single message is 10 minutes. Using a mobile application, citizens can report a problem from their smartphone on the way home or to work. All messages are checked by moderators: each of them processes more than 200 messages per day.

"Our St. Petersburg portal allows citizens to directly interact with public authorities, management and service companies. The city authorities receive an effective tool for promptly solving the problems of residents in the housing and communal services sector, thereby increasing the level of trust and satisfaction of citizens.

2013: Portal "Our Saint Petersburg"

Goals and Objectives

The portal provides prompt and effective interaction between residents of St. Petersburg and representatives of authorities and subordinate state institutions, as well as employees of management and service companies to solve problems in the field of housing and communal services, improvement, health care, education, social protection, etc.

  • Effective interaction between residents of the region and employees of authorities, government agencies, management companies
  • Transparency of the activities of the executive authorities (OGV) of the region
  • Prompt solution to the problems of residents of the region
  • Involvement of residents in the management of the region
  • Informing residents of the region about the activities of the OGV
  • Updating data on population service problems
  • Increased satisfaction of residents of the region with the work of the OGV
  • Implementation of the principles of Open Government and Electronic Democracy


Unified city reception of messages about urban problems. Open dialogue of residents with the city administration, state and service organizations. Control over the processing of complaints, the terms of their consideration and the quality of work. Unified database of municipal facilities, service and management organizations.

"Personal accounts" of residents with the ability to view the submitted messages and responses to them. "Personal accounts" of performers, control and coordinating bodies. Generation of statistical and analytical reports according to various criteria.

Mobile applications for iOS and Android.