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Designer furniture salon Skdesign introduces CSI cash registers

Customers: Skdesign (SK Design)

St. Petersburg; Consumer goods

Product: CrystalService: Set Retail
Second product: CrystalService: Set Mark

Project date: 2024/08  - 2025/02

2025: Implementation of CSI Checkouts

Quick purchases for interiors are implemented at the box office in the salons of designer furniture Skdesign. Crystal Service Integration (CSI, Crystal Service Integration) announced this on March 6, 2025.

SKDESIGN is a brand of designer furniture. In several cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, branded showrooms are open, where you can familiarize yourself with the assortment and make an order with the help of a consultant.

In 2024, SKDESIGN offered its customers a different format: they expanded the range of related and small-sized interior goods that can be purchased "here and now." Without ordering and waiting for delivery in showrooms, you can buy poufs, rugs, decor, chairs, throws, dishes, towels, etc. The question arose how to service the flow of such purchases. Through the previous model of pre-orders in the ERP system, it is functionally inconvenient and long, so all showrooms had to be equipped with classic online cash desks.

The company uses the standard capabilities of the Set Retail cash system and 2 modules. Set Mark additionally controls the turnover of labeled products - in this case, goods from the "textile" category, the list of which in the SK Design assortment will only grow. The Set Kit module supports work at the checkout with orders ("soft checks"). SK Design IT specialists independently, using the API capabilities and CSI documentation, set up integration with 1C - to transfer soft checks from ERP to the cash desk.

As before, the purchase of furniture in the salon, especially in an individual configuration or color, is issued by a consultant at the workplace in ERP - and a soft check is transferred to the cashier for payment. If the buyer is interested in the accompanying goods available for sale from the hall, he goes immediately to the box office. Equipment for the project was also provided by CSI: touch registers with two screens (for the cashier and buyer), and in some salons the cash register equipment has been updated. In Set Retail, you can edit the design of checks - and on the new KCT "Vicky Print 80 + F," for example, checks with the SKDESIGN logo are now printed.

We always try to respond sensitively to trends and customer requests of SK Design. This project is the answer to one of them. It's time to expand the range of salons for more comprehensive interaction of buyers with the brand, to give the opportunity to buy beautiful and small goods immediately in the showroom. The CSI team was comfortable and convenient to work with. We are pleasantly surprised by the quality of documentation for Set products - everything is very detailed, with examples. Our programmers who did integration with 1C had a minimum of questions. I will not give the names of other companies as an anti-example, but, believe me, such things are especially felt in comparison. At the debugging stage, there were small questions, but they quickly resolved. We are now engaged in updating the system at the cash desks ourselves, everything is clear. We plan to support the chosen vector: the company's website is also modernizing towards the classic online store so that, as in the salon, you can add finished interior items to the basket,
said Evgeny Grishin, Chief information officer of SKDESIGN.