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Ricor.IT is a company within Ricore Holding, specializing in the production of server equipment. It has its own production site on the basis of the Rikor Electronics plant, located in Arzamas and also part of the holding.

The Ricore Research and Development Center, located in Moscow, designs IT equipment using the latest world technologies in this area, design is carried out using 14 nanometers technology.

In general, the company produces the following types of IT equipment:

EcoServer R210 - the first Russian server, the Rikor EcoSystems line based on the Marvell ARM Armada XP processor. The Rikor EcoSystems line is a modern platform for the IT infrastructure of modern data centers and cloud services.

Performance indicators

2020: 35% Revenue Growth

On December 25, 2020, Ricore announced the results of 2020. The company fulfilled the planned plans for serial production of server components - revenue in this area of ​ ​ activity increased by 35%. This allowed Ricore to expand its market share to 10% (in the 4th quarter of 2020).

In general, 2020 for Ricore was characterized by a strengthening of market positions, an increase in the partner base and an expansion of the range of mass-produced products. In particular, the following indicators show this:

  • In 2020, Ricore began to supply equipment through more than 200 system integrators, and in total supply chains were built with 500 partners.
  • In Q4 alone, more than 3,500 server platforms were shipped to domestic companies supplying equipment to many sectors of the economy: healthcare, education, transport, communications, etc.
  • By the end of the year, after the modernization of the plant, production capacity increased to 5,000 servers per month.

In order to offer competitive solutions to the market, one of the main tasks of Ricore in 2020 was the development of competencies and modernization of production. The company has increased the expertise of developers, designers, engineers programmers and - their staff has increased to 50 people. During the year, R&D the team simultaneously conducted 4-5 projects, and by the end of the year the number of parallel projects came close to 10.

Ricore traditionally paid increased attention to the quality of products in 2020. To monitor the mounted multilayer printed circuit boards, the SMD installation line was equipped with an automatic optical inspection system, an X-ray installation. Business processes were optimized and highly qualified quality control specialists were recruited.

In 2020, Ricore established a business model for creating products under the brands of other partner organizations. Already more than 15 companies order servers from Ricore and act as manufacturers of their own domestic server equipment.

In 2020, the company developed from scratch and launched several models of server motherboards with support for Intel Xeon Scalable 2 and 3 generations. Network adapters and expansion cards have been developed, work is underway on power supplies. In the near future, server platforms will receive an update - support for NVMe drives. Taking into account the wishes of partners, there have been changes in the line of server chassis. On the platform queue for 3U and 4U form factor servers with the ability to install graphics accelerators.

Ricore concentrates on development and production, and sells only through partners - system integrators and collectors. 200 integrators in 2020 received partner certificates "Ricore."

{{quote 'In general, server equipment market trends in 2020 were determined by two factors: complex pandemic conditions and increased real state support. The state has begun to seriously regulate the market regarding the use of domestic "iron" and software instead of foreign, "comments Boris Ivanov, vice president for development at Ricor. - State companies began to actively buy domestic equipment. And import substitution from a beautiful idea is becoming more and more real. According to our estimates, the share of domestic servers has grown many times, although so far it remains low. In this regard, the coming 2021 will be very indicative. }}



Ricore announced a roadmap for the development of its products

The Ricor team announced and presented a roadmap for the development of its products until the end of 2021. The document describes the medium-term goals of the holding. According to him, the developers will significantly update the main composition of the products.

According to the company, the key stage of creating the roadmap lasted three months. R&D The team from all divisions of the holding participated in the information exchange process: designers, engineers, presales, marketers, sales employees. Technical solutions were collected and analyzed data , on tenders, the needs of domestic companies, the plans of world IT leaders were taken into account.

The development of the line anticipates the needs of the market and the development of the IT sector. So, at the end of 2020 - the beginning of 2021 updating of server Ricore motherboards which support processoryintel Xeon Scalable 2nd Gen is expected. The production of boards in two form factors will be mastered: EATX- for mass queries and Proprietary- for complex technical solutions.

Ricore is already working on the next generation of server motherboards supporting processors, which are expected to be released in 2021.

With the release of the updated board line, the company also plans to completely update the line of in-house server chassis. At the beginning of 2021, the release of the 6000 series of the 1U and 2U form factor is planned.

By mid-year, it is planned to launch the production of 3U and 4U chassis and platforms, as well as specialized chassis for storage systems and TWIN solutions. All chassis will feature not only updated design, but also support for computing tasks using GPU graphics accelerators and NVMe technology.

In addition, the Ricore team intends to launch a number of server components of its own development. In turn - the release of 10G network cards (RJ45, SFP +) and riser cards (early 2021).

At the same time, the holding is also working on the production of its line of server power supplies. For the 1st-2nd quarter of 2021, it is planned to produce 500VT, 650VT, 800VT, 1200VT server power supplies. Design documentation is already being developed, equipment for the production of engineering samples is being purchased.

"We have set ourselves a difficult task - to develop and produce all large-format server components. In other words, everything that is not transported by plane, everything except the "light" components, is developed and manufactured by itself. Transportation by ship and train takes a long time - waiting for power supplies to sail to Russia for three months is a dubious pleasure. Send them on the plane at the price of the "wing of the aircraft" - no one will. Since we work in Russia and for Russian companies, we consider it right to offer convenient delivery times and be flexible. By and large, now only the processor, memory and hard drives will remain "alien" in the server, "said Boris Ivanov, vice president of development at Ricore.

"Ricor" began the development and production in Russia of servers under the brands of partners

On November 9, 2020, Ricore announced the launch of a new service - the development and serial production of computing servers and storage servers under the brands of partners. Ricor's customers at the time of the announcement were three companies, including Softline.

What Ricore Offers Customers

The company also manufactures servers components for their assembly (motherboards, enclosures, power supplies, expansion boards). At the same time, Ricore performs a full cycle of product development and production under the technical requirements of the customer. So, the company develops a schematic diagram, traces the printed circuit board. He is also engaged in the selection of components, the development of cases and special equipment for their manufacture, writing. software BIOS/BMC

Ricore conducts copyright supervision throughout the production period, they assure the company. The holding also provides services for the search, purchase and delivery of electronic components.

When developing the product from scratch, all work can be completed in 4.5-6 months depending on the complexity, including the development of design documentation, the manufacture and testing of prototypes and the writing of lower-level software. If the company already has a similar product in its own development portfolio, then it is possible to meet 2.5-3 months, says Ricore.

The company assures that the cost of development does not exceed the price of work of Asian competitors and averages from 3.5 million to 6.5 million rubles. Separately, the cost of prototypes is paid.

As of November 2020, Ricor's production facilities allow the assembly of more than 12 thousand finished servers per month (photo - Ricor)

The development is carried out by the Ricore design bureau. The project team, according to its own data, includes about 50 people. These are programmers, designers, tracers, circuit engineers and other specialists. The bureau prepares a fee for the configuration required by the client, helps to obtain a certificate from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and enter the market. Development is based on Intel, AMD, Baikal, Elbrus, STMicroelectronics, Samsung, LSI (Broadcom).

The R&D team operates in Moscow, and production facilities are located in Arzamas (Ricor Electronics plant). Production facilities for November 2020 allow the assembly of more than 12 thousand finished servers per month. Ricore claims that it can simultaneously develop 4-5 products from scratch, and at the refinement stage it has the ability to conduct about 20 projects at once.

For whom service

The main customers at Ricor are called companies that have "long and successfully" produced and installed equipment under their brand. These are system integrators and assemblers. Also among the clients, the holding sees companies that traditionally ordered the development of software in Asia.

Ricore believes that cooperation with the holding will allow IT companies to participate and win tenders held under the FZ-44 (law on public procurement).

Annually, the rules for participating in tenders held under FZ-44 are tightened in terms of protective measures for equipment of foreign production. For example, for storage systems from 2021, a mandatory condition for the use of the Russian processor was introduced. For server systems, the conclusion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the production of products in the Russian Federation is necessary. The companies that received such an opinion are extremely few and Ricore is one of them, the holding said.

Market Player Opinion

Softline was one of the first to become the customer of the new Ricore service. They did not disclose two more clients in the holding. Softline said that they were looking for a company with serious experience in producing servers in Russia, and added that Ricore has a team of specialists for development and its own robotic plant for mass production.

It is important for us that the whole team and production are in our country. At the same time, the timing and prices are comparable to Asian competitors, Softline says.

According to Alexei Belogortsev, head of the Perspective Technologies branch of Lanit-Integration (part of the Lanit group), the service successfully fits into the context of import substitution. Ricore, in his opinion, adopts the best world practices in the development of final products, when brand owners turn to ODM companies for custom development and production. This allows you to reduce the time and reduce the final cost of the product, and for partners who own the brand, focus their efforts on promoting this product to the market.

For the commercial success of such a model, a high level of intellectual property (IP) management and interaction with microelectronics developers, established supply chains and, of course, significant volumes are necessary, "Belogortsev said.

Andrei Shaposhnikov, Deputy Director of the Jet Infosystems Technical Center, notes that the practice of producing white label equipment is used by many vendors whose equipment can be purchased and branded as necessary. For themselves and their customers, Jet Infosystems do not see such a scheme as a pronounced benefit.

According to Shaposhnikov, the Ricore proposal may probably be interesting to developers who want to supply their product not in the form of licenses, but in the form of software and hardware complexes. Such products are usually niche, and their market success determines the economics of decision.

2019: End of development of MicroATX motherboards on Intel processor architecture

"Ricor" June 5, 2019 announced the completion of the development of motherboards of the MicroATX format on architecture. processors Intel

Boards can be used in the assembly of personal and industrial computers, as well as on entry-level servers.

The production of boards was mastered at the Rikor -Electronics plant in Arzamas, whose production capacity will completely close the needs of the domestic IT equipment collector market, as well as provide export supplies to Europe. The first engineering samples will be available for order in August 2019.

With the release of the boards, Ricore becomes a single supplier of the main range of components, including: enclosures; server motherboards; storage components, motherboards for PCs based on Intel Celeron, Atom, Pentium, and Core processors. The release of domestic boards by Rikor will allow IT equipment collectors to increase the ad valor share of Russian components in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 "On Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Russian Federation."

In the near future, Ricorf is the release of computer cases, memory rams and SSD disks.

2016: Motherboards "Ricore" compatible with Intel Xeon E5

On August 31, 2016, Ricore announced that it was testing the server motherboard to verify its compatibility with the Intel Xeon processor E5 v4 and its availability with Intel processors.

Based on the results of the events, the company concluded that the presentation of its own server boards running on the Intel Xeon E5 processor on the Russian market is unique - they can compete with foreign counterparts.

In the context of the import substitution policy, the successful development of competitive domestic server equipment makes it possible to refuse to purchase motherboards of foreign production and use motherboards of the Russian manufacturer. Ricore products in the assembly of servers and storage systems can completely replace similar foreign samples. We create a product of high quality, thereby competing with the best Western manufacturers, and setting low prices, we get into the same price segment with Chinese server equipment.

Boris Ivanov, Vice President of Ricore


Joint plans "Ricore" and RELEX

On November 2, 2015, Ricore and RELEX announced joint plans for the supply of multifunctional PAK[1] to Russian customers[1].

The server development company Ricore and the integrator developer ON group of companies RELEX announced the signing of a technology partnership agreement. As part of the partnership, the companies began testing and adapting DBMS Linter to work on the hardware platform -. servers Rikor EcoServer

The cooperation between Ricore and RELEX is aimed at creating a line of multifunctional software and hardware systems created entirely on the basis of domestic technological solutions. This will allow Russian customers to offer import-independent complexes that differ from foreign counterparts, both in the hardware and software components.

Benefits of Ricore Servers:

  • available initial cost,
  • low power consumption and compactness.

These options help customers reduce capital and operating costs. In addition, the configuration of EcoServer servers can be adjusted to the infrastructure and needs of the customer.

DBMS Linter - the flagship product of the company. RELEX Over 25 years Linter , implemented in many information systems, including state ones. DBMS is certified and. FSTEC Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Given that it is DBMS fully developed in Russia, it becomes an alternative to foreign software products. A high level of protection DBMS Linter assumes that the data being processed and stored will be safe.

"According to the industry plan, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation the implementation of import substitution programs today is a priority for the development of the Russian IT sector," said Boris Ivanov Ricore, vice president. - Using software RELEX on servers EcoServer will allow you to create completely Russian multifunctional complexes that will help customers reduce costs and optimize work processes. "
"In the current conditions, the independence of the domestic IT sector from foreign decisions comes to the fore," said Vitaly Maksimov, Deputy General Director for Marketing of RELEXVitalian Maximov. - Cooperation with Ricore will allow us to offer the customer software and hardware systems that are independent of foreign suppliers. This will help Russian enterprises minimize risks and automate their business without looking at the Western sanctions policy. "

Modernization of production

On July 15, 2015, Ricore announced the modernization of its production facilities in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The goal of large-scale investments is to equip the company's plant with equipment for localizing the production of a full range of server components.

The development, design and production of enclosures, power supplies, motherboards and expansion boards will significantly reduce dependence on the supply of server nodes from abroad and will contribute to the implementation of import substitution programs of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of IT.

Server components at the Rikor Electronics plant, 2014

"In recent years, Rikor Electronics has significantly increased its technological and intellectual potential, and the modernization of the plant is an important step in the development of the domestic import-independent IT sector," said Boris Ivanov, vice president of Rikor. "The new equipment has given us the opportunity to significantly accelerate the production process

The component mounting machine allows you to install up to 28 thousand components per hour. The plant got the opportunity to equip server boards with more productive processors using 14 nanometers technology, including the Intel Xeon E3/E5/E7 and IBM Power V8. Processors mounted on boards can have any location of legs, and their number can exceed three thousand.

The Rikor Electronics plant is located in the city of Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region and is part of the Rikor holding. The plant employs about a thousand employees, IT equipment, electronic and electrical products, as well as automotive components are being produced.

As of July 15, 2015, the Ricore plant produces Russian Rikor EcoServer servers with processors on the ARM architecture. Servers are designed to serve cloud and mail services, parallel computing, electronic document management, e-commerce, distributed databases, virtual desktop organization. The property of the EcoServer server is low cost of ownership. The server helps reduce power consumption by up to 10 times and increase data center space efficiency by up to 9 times.
