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2020/12/18 19:14:45


Slovenia (official name - Republic of Slovenia) is a state in Southern Europe.


Main article: Countries of the world


Main article: Climate in Europe


Citizenship and residence permit

2019: Number of residence permit permits per 1,000 Slovenian residents

The number of permits with a residence permit per 1000 residents of the country in 2019

Passport strength

Data for 2018


2022: Proportion of women in Parliament

Data for August 2022,



2020: 3.6% population growth over 30 years


2024: Number of Ukrainian refugees - less than 50,000


2021: Net population inflow in 4 years

Marriages and divorces

2018: Divorce rate - 32.3%

Процент разводов в countries Europe 2016-2018


2020: 8.7% of Slovenes undernourished


2021: Proportion of young people living with parents - 43.5%

The proportion of young people aged 25 to 34 living with their parents. As of 2021

Birth rate

2019: Average age of women at birth of first child is 29 years or older

EU Country Data - 2019 US Data - 2013

Number of children per woman

2022: Slovenia among the anti-leaders by the number of childless women
The share of women born in 1970 without children in countries of the world as of 2023
Fertility rate in Europe 2019 UK data 2018


2023: Life expectancy - 82.3 years

Life expectancy in European countries in 2023

2022: Excess mortality due to COVID-19 - 13.1%

Data for 2020-2022


Number of drug deaths per million residents
Number of deaths from drug use between the ages of 15 and 64 per million residents, 2018
Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles
The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018
The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants
The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants in Europe. Data for Russia for 2013

2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Opioid use disorder deaths per 100,000 people (2016)

2012: Male-female suicide ratio

How many times more often men commit suicide than women in Europe, 2012

National composition

Share of people born in Russia in the population of European countries, 2018


Data for 2020


The country of birth of the largest group of foreigners in each of the countries of Europe. Data for 2018


The number of Jews in Europe in 1933 and 2015.



2022: Industry's share of GDP - less than 22.5%

Data for 2022

2021: Agriculture's share of GDP - less than 2%

Data for 2021

National debt

2023: State debt - 70% of GDP

Data for September 2023


2022: Inflation in July - 11%

Inflation in Europe in July 2022.
UK data - for June, inflation in July - 10.1%



Rise in electricity prices due to pressure on Russia
Динамика роста цен на electric power from August 1, 2021 to August 1, 2022 in countries Europe
Twelfth place in the EU for energy generation by nuclear power plants
Energy generation by nuclear power plants in EU countries in 2022

2020: Energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

Energy carriers

Energy supplies

Slovenia is a member of the Three Seas Initiative, aimed at countering Russia.

For June 2022
Зависимость ряда the European countries from Russian gas, data for 2019 and 2020

Automotive market

2021: 95,000 cars produced

Data for 2021

Largest companies


2023: Minimum wage - $896

Minimum wage in countries of the world for January 2023

2017: Average monthly salary

Average monthly salary in Europe and Kazakhstan. Data for 2017


2023: Youth unemployment - 5.6%

2022: Unemployment rate - 3.8%

Безработица в countries EU and Britain for July 2022

2020: Unemployment rate - 8%

Countries around the world in terms of unemployment in 2020



2018: Milk consumption in litres per year per person
Milk consumption in liters per year per person. Data at the end of 2018


2023: Poultry meat is the most consumed type of meat
The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.
2019: Pork is the most consumed type of meat
The most consumed type of meat at the end of 2019


2019: Beer consumption in litres per year per person
Потребление beer per capita, data from early 2019
Годовое потребление beer per capita population in litres at 5% ABV in 2019

Info-Communication Technologies

Social media

Percentage of users Facebook of the total number of Internet users in Europe. Data at the beginning of 2019


2019: Average use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019


Data for 2018
As of 2018

Foreign trade


Germany is the largest export destination
According to data available for August 2023.
Trade deficit with China

Health care


Literacy rate

The average literacy rate in countries around the world is about 69%. Data at the end of 2018

Science and Research

2020: Fewer than 5,000 animals used for scientific purposes

Data for 2020

Almost 8 million animals are used for scientific purposes in Europe and half of them are laboratory mice and rats.



The number of metal music groups in European countries as of May 2016


Number of letters in European alphabets


2022: 36.1% of the population believes in life after death

Data for the period from 2017 to 2022

2018: Catholics are the largest religious group

At the end of 2018


2022: The most popular sport is football

The most popular sport in the countries of the world as of June 2022

Armed Forces

2023: Defence spending - 1.4% of GDP


8.5% of Slovenia's annual military budget went to support Ukraine

In 2022, 8.5% of Slovenia's military budget went to support. Ukraine This is a record among the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Next comes, Croatia approaching the mark of 3%.

Ljubljana handed over to Kyiv BMP M-80 of Yugoslav production, M-55S tanks and M-84. In addition, the Slovenian authorities secretly sent 20 relatively new Valuk (Pandur) armored personnel carriers to Ukraine.

Plan for the supply of 28 tanks to Ukraine

At the end of October 2022, information appeared that Slovenia would transfer 28 M-55S tanks to Ukraine (modernization of the T-55).

Train with M-55S tanks, which Slovenia transfers to Ukraine.

Despite the seeming antiquity of these machines, they received quite a good modernization. A new weapons control system with a night vision sight, a ballistic computer and a laser rangefinder, and most importantly, a new 105-mm L7 gun, capable of firing NATO ammunition of a similar caliber, the most modern of which are capable of hitting T-62M tanks and early versions of T-72 tanks. Also, the armor of the tower received dynamic protection, which will allow you to keep a blow from the most common anti-tank weapons of motorized rifle departments in the person of RPG-7 or disposable anti-tank grenades RPG-18/22/26.

2018:58 tanks

The number of tanks in European countries for 2018



2019: The minimum age for children to be jailed is 14

Data for 2019

2018: Number of prisoners

The number of prisoners in relation to the population in Europe. 2018 data
World Prison Brief 2018 data

Death penalty

Data at the end of 2018


2024: Recognition of Palestine as an independent state

In May 2024, during Israel's punitive operation in Palestine, the Slovenian government decided to recognize Palestine as an independent state.

2022: Woman elected president of Slovenia for first time

On November 14, 2022, it became known that the non-partisan politician Natasha Pirc-Musar (Nataša Pirc Musar), a 54-year-old lawyer and civil activist, won the presidential election in Slovenia. She will become the first woman in the republic as head of state. Read more here.

2003: EU accession referendum

Main article: European Union (EU, EU)

Attitude to the accession of countries to the European Union by district in referendums from 1972 to 2013.


1240: As part of the Holy Roman Empire

The empire throughout its history (962-1806) remained a decentralized entity with a complex feudal hierarchical structure, uniting several hundred territorial-state entities. At the head of the empire was the emperor. The imperial title was not hereditary, but was awarded following the election of the electors by the college. The power of the emperor was never absolute and was limited to the highest aristocracy of Germany, and from the end of the 15th century - the Reichstag, representing the interests of the main classes of the empire.


Languages spoken in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 600 (as of 2021)


Какой день считается первым в неделе в countries of the world, 2022