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The largest companies in the EDMS/ECM market in Russia. Ranking

09.02.15, 11:00, Msk

The Russian EDMS/ECM systems market, including services in their implementation, at the end of 2013 made 30.72 billion rubles. According to forecasts of TAdviser, in the long term revenue growth of suppliers and integrators will remain steadily high, in many respects thanks to a large number of the projects implemented for the state customers.

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According to TAdviser, in 2013 the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market, including implementation services, grew by 20% to the volume of 2012 to 30.72 billion rubles. 75% of the market were still the share of services and only 25% for sales of licenses. In general the market saved high growth rates during the period from 2011 to 2013: from 20 to 35%.

At the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market there is a great number of the strong western players delivering such platforms as Microsoft SharePoint IBM Notes Documentum, OpenText and others. Distinctive feature of the market is presence also of the EDMS strong local developers, in particular, EOS GROUP (systems "Case (EOS Group)", Delo-Web and others) Directum DocsVision, 1C 1C: Document Flow 8 (platform), ELAR corporation ("SAPERION"), and Business Logic (IT own development enters into group of companies,- Logic of ECM).

Positive dynamics of the market in 2013 is confirmed by data on revenue of integrators. Among those companies which submitted data on revenue in the market of EDMS including implementation services (in rubles including VAT), the gain in 2013 of rather previous year made from 15% and above at most the companies.

Revenues of system integrators in the market of EDMS in Russia, 2012-2013, thousand rubles

Company Revenue of 2013 Projects 2013 Revenue of 2012 Projects 2012 Growth of revenue of 2012-2013
1 1C (all franchisees) 1 240 742 1033 1 041 691 948 19,1%
2 Business Logic 760 000 88 534 900 86 42,1%
3 CROC 545 970 51 473 553 50 15,3%
4 EOS GROUP 516 029 7773 263 997
5 InterTrust 420 864 478 406 759 289 3,5%
6 ID Management Technologies 380 970
238 035
7 Lanit 188 000 80 180 000 70 4,4%
8 ELMA 56 000 105 38 000
9 Haulmont 50 000 54 28 800 49 73,6%
10 FTS (Makonomi's FCS) 38 000 9 34 500 5 10,1%
11 ASCON 23 200 57 17 600 35 31,8%
In total 4 219 775 3 257 835 29,5%

TAdviser center, 2014

Integrator in methodology of TAdviser is also the system developer if it implements implementation projects independently as, for example, Business Logic or EOS Group.

The 1C and Docsvision have an excellent business model, for example, (the last also almost completely performs implementations through partners, the general gain of its revenue for 2013 - 23%, and the volume of the average transaction grew by 33%, the largest contract of 2013 - 12 million rubles). As for 1C, according to data of the company, in total revenue from sales of licenses and implementation services and to maintenance of systems on the 1C: Document Flow platform of all franchisees of the company grew in 2013 by 19.1% to 1.24 billion rubles, from this amount directly only about 20.5% were the share of sale of licenses.

The number of implementations of some large a solutions EDMS/ECM in Russia, 2012-2013

Solution Number of projects 2013 * Number of projects 2012 *
1 EOS Group (Case (EOS Group) and others) 7 773
2 1C: Document Flow (all solutions) 1 033 948
3 Directum 589 573
4 DocsVision 353 362
5 Logic of ECM ** 88 86
6 THESIS 54 49
In total 9 631

* Only new clients, without the projects begun earlier and proceeding ** Without partner implementations
TAdviser center, 2014

According to TAdviser, most actively implementations of an EDMS/ECM in Russia are implemented in public sector, first of all it belongs to authorities, but also and the companies with the state participation. In the lump of the EDMS projects which are saved up in TAdviser base for all the time of observations (3172, +33% in 12 months), a quarter is the share of projects in a public sector (more precisely than 23.8%).

Among state companies from the beginning of 2013 till September, 2014 (projects which were complete during this period mean, or there was the next stage of earlier starting implementation) on scale are selected an electronic document management system within the Justice state automated system which works based on the Case (EOS Group) platform (more than 67 thousand users) and also implementation of EMC Documentum in Rosatom (30 thousand) and implementation of Etla (e-document flow) in Department a zdravsotsrazvitiya of the Oryol region for 10 thousand automated workplaces. In the commercial sector the largest ECM project is implementation of DocsVision in Sberbank of the Russian Federation, replication of a system still continues: by estimates of the bank, now in EDMS 100 thousand employees of the bank work at this platform already.

Top-5 the EDMS/ECM projects in a public sector of Russia on number of users for 2013 - the first three quarters 2014

Customer System Integrator Number of users Details
1 State automated system Justice Case (EOS Group) EOS GROUP 67 835 Project description
2 Rosatom

| Documentum

CROC 30 000 Project description
3 Department zdravsotsrazvitiya of the Oryol region Etla (e-document flow) Atlas Soft 10 000 Project description
4 Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation AIK Supervision of AIK the Automated information complex EOS GROUP 9 123 Project description
5 Government of the Rostov region Case (EOS Group) EOS GROUP 7 639 Project description

Top-5 the EDMS/ECM projects in the commercial sector of Russia on number of users for 2013 - the first three quarters 2014

Customer Industry System Integrator Number of users Details
1 Sberbank of the Russian Federation Finance DocsVision Digital Design 100 000 Project description
2 Rostelecom Telecom

| Documentum

AT Consulting (AT Consulting) (AT Consulting) 75 000 Project description
3 Central Bank of Russian Federation Finance Case (EOS Group) EOS GROUP 37 018 Project description
4 VimpelCom Telecom

| Documentum

AT Consulting (AT Consulting) (AT Consulting) 30 000 Project description
5 VTB 24 Finance DocsVision Syntellect 25 000 Project description

TAdviser center, 2014

Unlike other segments of the market of business software where, according to TAdviser, in 2014 small recession (BI systems) began or growth stopped (ERP systems), the market of EDMS and at the end of 2014 most likely showed two-digit growth: the main driver of this market - a public sector where projects in the field of automation of electronic document management are implemented with high intensity. In number of projects the public sector share in the market of EDMS makes up to 25% (according to base of projects of the Center), in terms of money - up to 40%.

As Alexey Budin commented, the CEO of ELMA company, "In the 2014th year the market showed moderate growth, in the 2015th the situation, in our opinion, will be unrolled towards bigger attention to domestic developments and improvement of quality of projects. Low-quality projects, projects with unclear result during the crisis period are necessary to nobody", - the expert considers.
Gleb Lukin, the CEO of Letograf company, also believes that the 2014th year for the Russian market of EDMS became successful. "I consider that positive dynamics will remain and in 2015 - the external economic problems have not negative effect on this sector and more likely are an incentive to the demand growth as EDMS, as well as other corporate services, are serious instruments of cost reduction and increase in business performance", - he summarized.