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Investment portal of the city of Moscow

Developers: Moscow Government
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014
Last Release Date: 2023/11/21
Branches: Internet Services,  Financial Services, Investments and Auditing



The service "Investment calculator" began to work in Moscow

The automatic service of the Investment Portal of Moscow helps to calculate the possible costs of creating industrial production. This was announced on November 21, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

The investment portal of Moscow remains one of the most demanded specialized resources for investors. So, with the help of the "Investment Calculator," the user will be able to calculate the costs of creating a new or developing an existing production enterprise in Moscow. The service takes into account the costs of paying salaries to employees, renting real estate, purchasing equipment, taxation and other variables, - said Vladimir Efimov.

The investment calculator can be used by registered users of the capital's Investment Portal. In a special form, you must enter initial data, for example, the planned area of ​ ​ the land plot, the number of employees, the preferred administrative district and the area of ​ ​ location of your production, as well as the required number of real estate objects and equipment. As a result, the user will receive a detailed report, in which you can also familiarize yourself with the recommended support measures that the city provides.

The Investment Portal provides comprehensive information on support measures, including for industrial enterprises, tax regimes and benefits. Investors can directly contact the Moscow government, find a suitable type of assistance, apply for benefits, inspect real estate put up for auction, and much more, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.

When developing the service, international experience was taken into account: specialists conducted a comprehensive analysis of digitalization public sector the European countries states and the Asia-Pacific region and noted the corresponding pros and cons.

As noted in the metropolitan Department of Information Technologies, thanks to the capabilities of configuring the personal account interface, investors can easily optimize work with the portal for their needs. The functionality allows users to add, remove, and swap displayed items. Thus, investors form a personal dashboard, which displays information relevant to them, including the status of submitted applications and appeals, selected online services and other important elements of the Investment Portal sections.

Addition of the "Investment Initiatives Register"

The "Register of Investment Initiatives" has appeared on the Investment Portal of the capital, where you can submit your project for consideration or respond to your favorite proposal. This was announced on July 31, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

About 30 online services are available on the Investment Portal for July 2023, while the city continues to improve the site. In 2023, a section appeared on the portal - "Register of Investment Initiatives." It will help simplify the interaction of authors and project performers. Authorized users can work on the service. Three investment initiatives are available for implementation, - said Vladimir Efimov.

As Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said earlier, since 2014, the Investment Portal has been used more than 20 million times. On the resource, representatives of the business community can not only find comprehensive information about support measures, but also send applications for status granting the right to benefits, inspect real estate put up for auction, and much more.

This service allows the investor and the project initiator to safely contact each other and exchange documentation. The three initiatives available for consideration are aimed at creating factories for the production of polymer film, for the processing of rubber products, as well as the production of fine chemistry, the products of which are used in many areas of industry, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.

All initiatives sent to the Register are necessarily examined by the City Agency for Investment Management and, if they meet the requirements, are published in the general list.

Integration of the Tinkoff ID online authorization service

and Tinkoff Moscow government integrated online service-authorizations Tinkoff ID to the portal and other city digital resources, including the "Investment portal of the city" (Moscow This was reported on April 25, 2023 in Tinkoff. More. here

Registration of more than 90 thousand users since the launch of the portal

More than 90 thousand users have registered on the Investment Portal of the capital since the launch of the resource in 2014. Registration allows you to have round-the-clock access to up-to-date information and online services that make it easier to do business in the city. This was announced on March 25, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

In 2023 alone, users created 5.3 thousand accounts. In 2022, 25 thousand personal accounts appeared on the resource - this is a record figure, it exceeded the results of 2021 by more than three thousand. The functionality available to the users of the Investment Portal helps in conducting business in the capital: simplifies interaction with the authorities, allows you to receive online preferences and up-to-date information about the investment projects being implemented,
reported by Vladimir Efimov.

Entrepreneurs registered on the have access to online services, with the help of which they can fill out an application for a subsidy and a preferential loan, send an investment project or concession initiative to the Moscow government for consideration, sign up for an inspection of city real estate put up for auction, choose the optimal support measures and much more.

The investment portal is constantly replenished with functions in accordance with the needs of entrepreneurs and digital trends. The active growth of users of the site's tools confirms its high demand by the business community. So, for the entire time of the portal's work, investors have already turned to its online services 656 thousand times, in 2022 - 160 thousand times, and since the beginning of 2023 - 46 thousand times. The total number of visits to the site over nine years exceeded 19.3 million, the number of visitors - 10 million,

If you wish, you can also access the Investment Portal services using the Portal or Vendor Portal accounts. In this case, entrepreneurs do not need to create and fill out a separate profile: the main information will be pulled up from city information systems automatically,

In the personal account, investors can apply for the assignment of the statuses of the industrial complex, technopark, investment priority project: they allow companies to reduce the tax burden by 17-25 percent when implementing their projects. There is also a service that allows developers building places of labor application in Moscow to send documents for assigning a special status and receiving benefits. During the operation of the resource, these digital tools were used about 3.6 thousand times, in 2022 - about 250, in 2023 - already 151 times.

The functionality of the personal account allows you to sign up for an inspection of city objects put up for auction. This is one of the most famous services of the portal: since its launch, it has been contacted more than 245 thousand times, in 2022 - 52.3 thousand times, this - 11.3 thousand times. Users can also review the item documentation for objects and seek advice on bidding. All documents on transactions are stored in your personal account: acts, contracts, additional agreements.

In 2022, the personal account interface was updated and became even more convenient. Now the main page is a dashboard, which can be configured independently, adding the necessary elements: applications for participation in city tenders, appeals to the Moscow government, projects, etc. Also on the main page is a menu that greatly simplifies navigation through the main sections of your personal account.


The portal has been used 100 thousand times since the beginning of the year

Since the beginning of the year, the services of the Investment Portal of the capital, with which you can choose the optimal support measures and get answers to topical questions, have been used 100 thousand times. This was announced on September 22, 2022 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

With the help of the Investment Portal of Moscow, entrepreneurs who conduct their activities in the city can send projects for consideration in a couple of clicks, choose the optimal support measures, and get answers to topical questions. The demand for online services of the site is constantly growing. For all the time, they were used more than 550 thousand times, and 100 thousand times - only in 2022, - said Vladimir Efimov.

For example, investors are in demand for a navigator of support measures that facilitates the search for federal and regional types of assistance and selects them as accurately as possible according to the specified parameters. In 2022, the service was used 15.2 thousand times. This is almost three thousand times more than in the same period in 2021. In just almost two years of operation, users turned to the navigator 20.5 thousand times. As of September 2022, it presents 158 types of assistance - tax breaks, subsidies and grants.

Among the users of the capital's Investment Portal, a line of direct appeals is also popular - the official channel of communication between investors and the Moscow government. In 2022, it received 1.8 thousand appeals from entrepreneurs. Since its launch in 2016, the service has been used 15.3 thousand times. Most often, investors are interested in bidding procedures, find out the nuances of receiving subsidies from the city, offer their investment projects for consideration, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Investment and Industrial Policy Department.

Using electronic resources, investors can sign up for an inspection of the trading object. Here you can send an application for an inspection of city real estate online at a convenient time. In 2022, entrepreneurs used the service 40 thousand times - three thousand times more than in the same time a year earlier. For all the time, investors signed up for inspection of objects 221.7 thousand times. For some lots, virtual tours are available on the portal, so they can be studied online: such objects are marked with a special icon. As of September 2022, there are more than 580 on the website.

In 2022, the portal was finalized, thanks to which the pages of each lot became more convenient and informative: now they publish data about the number population on the selected territory, infrastructure around the object, its location transport and accessibility. This analytics opens up additional opportunities for entrepreneurs: they do not need to search for information about the object in disparate sources, all key information is now available in the lot card. For example, potential investors can see in advance which real estate has a location with sufficient patency, and then sign up for a personal inspection of the object, - said the deputy head. Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow Roman Urnyshev

Another popular online service of the Investment Portal of Moscow is the submission of an application for familiarization with the tender documentation. The tool allows investors to get complete information about trading objects. You can apply online in the lot card during the application campaign. In 2022, 1.4 thousand times used the service, for the entire time - nine thousand times.

In total, 31 online services are available on the Investment Portal of Moscow. On the site, you can, among other things, apply for renting premises in the capital's technology parks, obtain the status of a resident of a special economic zone and consult on the selection of an industrial site.

The investment portal is visited daily by more than 8.7 thousand unique users. It is important for the city that the resource develops systematically, meets the real needs of entrepreneurs and provides useful tools for effectively solving business problems. An important refinement this year was the modernization of the personal account.

In 2021, a special section was created on measures to support industry, and an investment map was updated on which you can choose a platform for the implementation of your project.

City investment map will help you choose a location for doing business

On June 17, 2022, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies announced that the investment card had been updated on the Moscow Investment Portal. It displays business platforms with detailed information about their business and social environment, nearby facilities and transport infrastructure. This was announced by the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky.

"The card on the investment portal remains one of the most popular sections: since 2020, 146 thousand times have used it. There are more than 100 sites for business of any scale, as well as about 3 thousand city facilities for buying or renting at auction. In 2022, we finalized the service: we integrated investment cards with open data of the Moscow Government, expanded the functionality of analytical layers based on statistics and aggregated data from the city authorities and enterprises, and introduced a more detailed filter for selecting objects for investment. All this will make it possible to make a more balanced decision to launch a business project, "

told Vladislav Ovchinsky, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy

The head of the department added that investors can choose a site for localization in the technoparks of the capital and the special economic zone "Technopolice 'Moscow," study industrial territories and plots from the city to create industries, as well as buildings, land plots, parking spaces, non-residential or residential premises, taking into account their location, area and initial price at the auction.

"It is not an easy task for an investor to find a suitable site for a specific enterprise in a multimillion-dollar metropolis. It is important to take into account many parameters: audience, availability of urban infrastructure, transport accessibility. To help entrepreneurs, the city has modernized the investment card on the Investment Portal, integrating it with the data sheets of city departments and geoanalytical data of telecom operators. Moscow itself has been using these tools for management decisions for several years. This data-driven approach has already proven effective. These tools are also available to the capital's business. The updated service provides entrepreneurs with a large amount of information that will help investors study the business environment in more detail, assess the compliance of the site with the necessary criteria and calculate the risks during the implementation of the project, "

With the help of additional analytical layers of the investment card, you can get information about the density and age structure of the population, traffic near the object of interest at different times.

Another innovation is the ability to view the nearest urban infrastructure within a radius of 500 and 1000 meters.

"When you click on the object, the user will see locations that affect investment attractiveness - cafes, shops, beauty salons, educational and sports institutions, hospitals, schools, etc. In addition, there is information about transport accessibility. Thus, it is possible to assess in advance whether the object is suitable for starting or scaling the business, "

explained Artem Barashev, Director of the City Investment Management Agency

For each location there are detailed characteristics, including what types of activities it is suitable for, whether there is an opportunity to connect to utility networks.

Investmoscow mobile application downloaded almost 13 thousand times in six months

On May 22, 2022 Complex of economic policy and property and land relations of the Moscow Government , it was reported that application Investment the portal Moscow had become a mobile office for businesses of any scale. For a year and a half, it was downloaded almost 13 thousand times. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

"We launched the Investmoscow application a year and a half ago. And we see its demand: the number of downloads has reached almost 13 thousand. It provides investors with round-the-clock and access to digital business services, facilitates the start and conduct of their business, simplifies interaction between entrepreneurs and city structures. For constant communication with the city government, two services are integrated into the application - a direct appeal line and Moskovsky Investor, -

told Vladimir Efimov.

On the line, you can quickly get consultations related to doing business. To do this, in your personal account, click the "Send an appeal" button and fill out the form, specifying the scope of the company and choosing the type of appeal. The answer will appear in the "My Messages" section, and will also come to the email one specified during registration. Most often, investors are interested in the procedure for conducting, auction receiving financial support, and also offer their projects for consideration.

"The Investmoscow mobile application allows entrepreneurs to receive many of the key services available in the web version and offers the functionality necessary to solve business problems. The most popular service is a line of direct calls. Also in the application you can find up-to-date analytics and reports on investment projects implemented in Moscow. It is important for the city that the Investmoscow application contributes to the formation of a favorable business environment and opens up opportunities to attract investment and scale the business, "-

The Moscow Investor service will help report a problem that arose during investment activities, or send proposals to improve the business climate in the city.

"For the convenience of users, a thematic classifier is built into the Moscow Investor service. Entrepreneurs can receive explanations on issues related to land and real estate, measures to support industry, small and medium-sized businesses, participation in city tenders, taxation, connection to engineering networks, obtaining licenses and permits, implementing development projects in the city, and integrated development of territories. All appeals come directly to the relevant structures of the Moscow government, and most of them take an average of four working days to consider, "-

In the mobile application, you can also familiarize yourself with urban real estate available for rent or purchase, study the documentation and conditions for participating in the auction, inspect objects in 3D mode, and also seek advice from specialists. The application will help not to miss interesting lots: current objects are published on the main page. And to familiarize yourself with the entire list of real estate, you need to go to the "Bidding" tab. Here, using filters, users can select objects by type (building, land, territory, parking space, etc.), area, price, shape, presence of photos and 3D tour. There you can also leave an application for participation in the auction.

The first electronic land lease agreement was concluded in Moscow

The first electronic lease agreement for a land plot has been concluded in Moscow. This was announced on January 12, 2022 by the deputy mayor of the capital for economic policy and property and land relations Vladimir Efimov.

The signing of the first digital lease agreement for a land plot located on Pyatnitsky Highway took place on December 23, 2021. The auction itself for an area of ​ ​ 0.48 hectares for the construction and operation of a gas station at the address took place a month earlier.

The first electronic land lease agreement was concluded in Moscow

Previously, the process of formalizing such agreements between the winner of the auction and the city consisted of five consecutive steps, which took several days. First, the investor had to get an extract from the protocol for summing up the trading results, then - a draft agreement for signing, signing papers, handing over the already envisioned draft agreement, and then getting it back with an accounting number.

The head of the information technology department Eduard Lysenko said that the conclusion of an agreement in electronic form on the investment portal simplifies the process of processing the results of transactions for the purchase or lease of real estate for the winners of the auction in the capital. The option is available in your personal account.

Here, among other things, you can apply for an inspection of the trading facility and to receive support measures from the city, track the status of calls, use the online services "Moscow Investor" and "Direct Calls Line," he explained.

By January 2022, more than 62 thousand personal accounts were registered on the investment portal of Moscow. There were four applicants for the lot with an initial annual rent rate of 2.8 million rubles.

As Vladimir Efimov noted, earlier the processes of selling and renting non-residential real estate at auction, as well as buying out leased premises by small and medium-sized businesses, switched to electronic form.[1]


Reaching nearly 3 million portal visits

The investment portal of Moscow for 2021 was visited almost 3 million times. This was announced on January 5, 2022 in the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of Moscow.

The Capital Investment Portal was launched in 2014 to simplify the interaction of business with the city government in matters of investment.

"In 2021, 2.95 million visits were recorded on the Investment Portal. And in just almost 8 years, the site has been visited 15.5 million times. An average of 8.7 thousand authorized users log on to the resource every day. On the portal, entrepreneurs can quickly find details about the investment projects being implemented, measures to support industry, tenders for the sale and lease of urban property, tax regimes and benefits, and much more, "-

said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

The site has registered 62 thousand personal accounts: in 2021, about 21 thousand users created accounts.

"You can log in to the Investment Portal, including using a single city Mos.ID - portal account In this case, the user does not have to create a separate account and manually fill out the information in his personal account - it will automatically be pulled up from the portal account In 2021, we added the ability to log in through Mos.ID and in the InvestMoscow mobile application. Thanks to this, entrepreneurs can get even faster access to key services of the Investment Portal from mobile devices, "-

Registration at the Investment Portal opens up many opportunities: 30 online services are available to businesses, with the help of which you can apply for concessional loans, sign up for an inspection of city real estate put up for auction, ask a question and inform the Moscow Government about the problem associated with conducting investment activities in the city.

"The functionality of the Investment Portal is constantly being refined and expanded: over the past two years alone, it has been replenished with 14 online tools. For example, a digital service has been launched, thanks to which you can submit a concession initiative online for preliminary study. The "Places of Labor Application" service greatly simplifies the entry of developers into a special program of the capital government, which makes it possible to receive benefits. And in order to make it easier for investors to navigate the preferences that they can receive from the city, a navigator of support measures has been created, "-

noted the head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Alexander Prokhorov.

In addition, in 2021, a section on the support of the capital industry appeared on the Here manufacturers can choose sites for placing enterprises, get advice on available support measures, get acquainted with the map of the integrated development of territories and current technological developments in industry. The investment map of Moscow has also been updated: at the beginning of January 2022, it presents more than 300 business sites - both for small companies and for large manufacturers.

All online services are in demand by business: since the creation of the site, 450 thousand times have used them, and since the beginning of the year - more than 150 thousand times. For more convenient access to tools and information regarding investment activities in the city, the Investmoscow mobile application operates, you can download it from the App Store and Google Play.

"The investment portal of Moscow has long become an important part of the digital ecosystem of interaction between the city and business in matters of investment. The resource meets the main needs of entrepreneurs and digital trends, "-

told the director of the City Investment Management Agency Artyom Barashev.

Visitors to the site used the investment card of Moscow 127 thousand times

On February 19, 2022, the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the Moscow Government said that the investment card on the website allows entrepreneurs to quickly find the object of the desired purpose and profile for their business, as well as all information about investment projects.

"Investkarta is in demand among entrepreneurs: last year, visitors to the site used this service 127 thousand times. As of February 19, 2022, more than 350 business sites are presented here - both for small companies and large manufacturers, as well as about three thousand city facilities available for purchase or lease at auction, "-

said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

As the head of the Department of Information Technologies Eduard Lysenko noted, the investment card helps businessmen objectively assess the investment potential of a particular site.

"Investcart is an online tool for business that gives entrepreneurs a visual idea of ​ ​ specific locations. The map publishes all the necessary information about key projects and investment facilities of the city, both under construction and planned for implementation. In addition, there are filters on the investment card with which you can view objects in certain categories, for example, display only technology parks or objects of the Targeted Investment Program. All this helps a potential investor to analyze which platform is better suited for a particular business, and make a more balanced decision to launch his project, "-

told Eduard Lysenko, head of the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

Projects implemented within the framework of offset contracts, concessions and investment priority projects are loaded onto the investment map of the capital. Here you can find existing industrial enterprises of various profiles, as well as information about projects that are are financed budget included in the Targeted Investment Program of Moscow at the expense of: objects constructions and reconstruction, projects for the development of transport the system and the urban environment.

"The investment map identifies various localization sites that the city offers to investors - this is a special economic zone and technology parks equipped with infrastructure to accommodate production for any profile of activity - from metallurgy and mechanical engineering to nanotechnology and software development. On the map, users can not only find objects, but also assess the size of each of them, convenience in terms of transport accessibility. Here you can go to the page of each site to clarify what types of activities it fits, whether there is an opportunity to connect to utility networks, "-

told the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Alexander Prokhorov.

In mid-February 2022, companies show great interest in the territories of the former industrial zones, which are being intensively developed in Moscow. Together with housing, shops, offices, coworking spaces, restaurants and other facilities are being built here. The boundaries of 37 such territories are also applied to the investment card: businessmen can choose the site of interest and read the main information about it.

Filters are built into the map that make it easier to find objects by purpose. For example, to select a room for rent among those offered by the city, you need to go to the "Bidding" category and put the "Rent" mark: all available objects will appear on the map, when you click on which the user will be redirected to the lot card with documentation and detailed information about the subject of the auction and the conditions for their holding. In addition, objects can be sorted by location: find sites within the boundaries of an administrative district or district, near a certain metro station or at an exact address.

The investment portal of Moscow for eight years remains one of the rather demanded resources for business: during this time, more than 15.8 million visits were recorded on it. More than 8.7 thousand unique users visit the site every day. They have access to 30 online services that make it easier to do business in the capital. The digital tools of the portal have already been used 480 thousand times.

On the site, you can online apply for the status of an industrial complex, a SEZ resident or an investment priority project, send a request for a subsidy, get acquainted with the objects of city trading, offer an investment project and much more. Also on the Investment Portal, information is available on measures to support industry, tax regimes and benefits operating in the capital.

2020: Mobile App Development

On December 14, 2020, it became known that the Moscow Investment Portal had a mobile application.

As explained, the most popular services and services are now available in the official mobile application of the Moscow investment portal. With its help, users can send an appeal, get information about city property, read profile news and find out the status of their applications in their personal account.

Investment portal of the city of Moscow
Entrepreneurs will be able to select sites for business and request approval of preferential loans, send applications for project support and assignment of various statuses that give the right to city tax benefits and preferences.

told Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations

He also added that it is planned to completely complete work on the mobile application by mid-2021.

One of the key possibilities of the ecosystem approach to digitalization is that users can get all the necessary services and services from any device and from anywhere in the world. Mobile applications enhance the ability to access urban digital resources. In the official application of the Investment Portal, entrepreneurs can quickly find detailed information about tenders for the sale and lease of city property, send an appeal to the authorities or find out current business news.

said Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Information Technologies Eduard Lysenko

It is planned that in the coming months an investment card and other investment portal services will be available in the application.

According to Alexander Prokhorov, head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy, the capital's Investment Portal is considered one of the demanded specialized resources for business.

More than 11 million people visited Investportal in six years. In the spring, during the period of temporary restrictions and self-isolation, the portal's online services were used more than 20 thousand times. There was an interest in urban real estate presented on the site, for example, entrepreneurs actively added trading objects to their favorites in order to return to them after the restrictions were lifted. The development of mobile services allows you to create a comfortable business environment in Moscow.

specified the head of the department

As of December 2020, the mobile application of the investment portal includes four main sections - "Main," "Press Center," "Property from the City" and Moscow Investor. " Even unregistered users can get acquainted with these sections, but the services implemented in the application are available to users only after authorization. To log in, you can use the account information of the investment portal. If the user does not have it, he can go through the registration procedure directly in the mobile application.

The "Main" block contains information from all sections: users can read the latest thematic news here, report a problem, view city objects, go to the full version of the portal. In the "Press Center" section, the information is presented more broadly and is devoted not only to the news of the investment world. Using pre-installed filters, you can configure the publication dates of interest, their type and industry. It is possible to select specific projects and even persons for whom the user wants to receive articles, interviews or notes.

In the "Property from the city" section, for prompt search using filters, it is enough to mark the type of object and the type of auction, set the price range, the desired area of ​ ​ the building and plot, and the system will give the most suitable options. In addition, it is possible to issue objects by their location in the district, area and proximity to the metro. For the convenience of working with information, objects can be sorted by publication date, popularity, price and other parameters. It is recommended to flag the offers you like, and they will fall into the "Favorite Trades" subsection in your personal account.

Also available in the application is the recently launched service "Moscow Investor," created to promptly resolve issues arising from the conduct of investment activities. Messages are received in five main categories - "Property and land relations," "Bargaining," Industry"" "Localization on the territory of the SEZ" and "Taxation." Each of them is divided into topics, and then into problems. Such a detailed classifier will help investors to systematize and quickly describe their question. After sending, the message is immediately received by the relevant department to prepare a response. All phases of the review are automated and transparent. If necessary, you can attach a photo or document to the message in the mobile application.

The official mobile app is available in the App Store and Google Play.

In 2020, significant improvements occurred on the investment portal of the city of Moscow. For the convenience of users, the section "Investment tax deduction" was launched, a form for submitting applications for a grant was added, the functionality of online selection of industrial sites was expanded, the Moscow Investor service appeared as a "one window" for interaction with the Moscow Government.

As of December 2020, the investment portal was visited by more than 11 million people, more than 8.1 thousand unique users visit it every day. More than 37 thousand personal accounts are registered on the site. 29 online services are available on the portal, which make it easier to do business in the capital, since the beginning of 2020 they have been used more than 80 thousand times.

2018: Portal traffic growth to 150 thousand visits per month

Almost six times the attendance of the investment portal of the city of Moscow, working on the principle of "one window" for investors, has increased in four years. This was announced in April 2018 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on economic policy and property and land relations Natalya Sergunina.

"Almost six times the attendance of the Investment Portal of the city of Moscow increased - from 27 thousand per month in 2014 to more than 150 thousand per month visits in the first quarter of 2018. The content of the portal is available not only for a Russian-speaking audience, it is possible to receive information in five languages: Chinese, German, English, Arabic and Italian. Russian investors, along with representatives of other countries, can receive comprehensive information about the investment opportunities of the Russian capital, "said Natalya Sergunina

She drew attention to the fact that users from Russia remain the most active - 85 percent of visits. 15 percent are shared by users from other countries, the most active among them are China, India and Germany.

One of the most visited sections of the Investment Portal is a section with information on land and property trading in the metropolis - it accounts for more than 40 percent of all visits, said Gennady Dogtev, head of the Moscow City Department for Competitive Policy.

"Hundreds of
thousands of users have estimated the possibility of participating in land and property tenders in Moscow since the launch of the investment portal. Until October 2013, information about the objects put up for auction by the city was scattered, and it was impossible to draw up a general picture of what Moscow was implementing. Now the investment portal is a single showcase of proposals for both business and ordinary citizens. Registration in your personal account allows you to access all online services of the portal. In particular, leave an application for viewing the trading object, an application for familiarization with all the documentation of the object, an application for a road show, receive notifications about new lots put up for auction. Currently, about 16 thousand users are registered and use these services on the portal, "said Gennady Dogtev

According to him, 14 online services have been introduced into the work of the Investment Portal of the city of Moscow. Several more options are in the works.

The Investment Portal contains about 2.7 thousand trading objects - land plots, non-residential and residential objects, rental objects, shares, trade rights and rights to place NTOs.

2014: Portal Launch

The investment portal was launched in 2014 with the support of the Moscow Government. Entrepreneurs can find here detailed information about investment projects being implemented in the capital, measures to support industry, tenders for the sale and lease of city property, tax regimes and benefits.

Moscow - Smart City - Information Technologies in Moscow

Main article: Moscow - Smart City


Link to the portal website.