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"The main radio-frequency center" is ready to invest 25 million rubles in automatic system of blocking of the prohibited websites

Customers: Main radio-frequency center, Federal State Unitary Enterprise GRFC

Product: VPN projects

Project date: 2019/02

On March 22, 2019 it became known that Federal State Unitary Enterprise Main Radio-frequency Center (GRFC), the jurisdictional enterprise of Roskomnadzor, posted the order for development of the system of automatic control of execution of blocking of the websites banned in the Russian Federation on the website of state procurements. The project will allow to monitor blocking of resources by searchers, anonymizers, proxy servers and, the main thing, virtual private networks (VPN).

According to information from the order, the system developer will be selected on April 8, 2019, and on performance of work it will have less than a year. The term of commissioning of the project – December, 2019. The initial cost of the contract will be 25 million rubles, the source of means is not defined.

Having invested 25 million rubles, GRFC automates the activities for control of execution of instructions about blocking of the web resources prohibited in the country. Integration of the developed system will allow to reduce the available costs for 24/7 control/365, to increase quality of control and to lower labor costs of staff of the organization.

For March, 2019, without this system, for initiation of check of GRFC should receive the corresponding order of Roskomnadzor, and only then the employee of the enterprise will be able to carry out a necessary inspection, to make the report and to send it back to department. Automation will exclude staff of GRFC from this scheme, but checks will still be performed after a preliminary request of Roskomnadzor.

In the order it is also mentioned that the system offered to development as of March 22, 2019 has no operating analogs in Russia, first of all, due to essential quantity of the interacting subjects to control and accounting.

Automation of verification of requirements of Roskomnadzor for blocking of these or those web pages, maybe, will also simplify work of GRFC, however there are already reasons to doubt its efficiency. VPN providers do not locate permanent servers. They are added, are removed, and their tracking can cause considerable difficulties.

According to the chief executive of Society of protection of the Internet Mikhail Klimarev, the vast majority of the existing VPN services, in the main degree, foreign, already refused to block the resources prohibited in the territory of Russia.

Besides, not all should follow the last requirements of the law "About Information, Information Technologies and Data Protection" on restriction by different services of access to the websites blocked in the country. Only those services which received the adequate notice from Roskomnadzor then they were connected to the FSIS system containing information on the prohibited resources should do it.

After entry into force of amendments to the law on readiness to cooperate with department and to be connected to a FSIS declared only the few Russian anonymizers, including 2ip and Chameleon. The majority continue to work as before, without any limit for the Russian users[1].

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