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VimpelCom PJSC - 95%



CDNvideo was created in early 2010 and six months later began providing video content delivery services through its own Content Delivery Network (CDN). The CDNvideo content delivery network is one of the largest in Russia. The network covers the territory of the Russian Federation, the CIS states and a number of non-CIS countries, ensuring the optimal quality of distribution of Internet content around the world. In addition, the service portfolio has significantly expanded: in particular, it includes various SaaS services for storing, transcoding video content, and supporting mobile devices. Throughout the Russian Federation, as part of the Managed CDN service, the company creates and maintains turnkey content delivery networks.

CDNvideo services are constantly used by the largest Russian TV channels, web portals and gaming companies. Today, the company has more than 130 large customers, among them: VGTRK, REN-TV and about 20 more television companies. In total, according to analysts, the company occupies from 40 to 50% of the Russian CDN services market.

CDNvideo network nodes are installed in 17 cities of Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldova, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Malaysia and Singapore. The capacity of the CDNvideo network is more than 1 Tbit/s, including in Moscow - more than 300 Gb/s. The availability of the CDNvideo network according to data for 2013-2016 amounted to more than 99.99%. Since November 23, 2012, CDNvideo has been a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation.


2023: VimpelCom bought CDNVideo

On September 1, 2023, it became known about the sale of CDNVideo to VimpelCom. This is evidenced by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL).

According to Interfax, citing data from the SPARK-Interfax system, 88% of SDN-Video LLC was acquired from Hong Kong Wangsu Science & Technology Company Limited, registered in Hong Kong, another 5% was bought from the company's general director Yaroslav Gorodetsky (as a result, he reduced his share to 5%), the remaining 2% - from Sergey Ivlenkov.

It became known about the sale of CDNVideo

Hong Kong Wangsu's plans to sell 88% of CDNVideo to VimpelCom became known back in February 2023. Then the approximate value of the transaction transaction was called - 920.48 million rubles. At the same time, the Chinese company then reported that according to the results of the audit of the financial indicators of CDNVideo for 2022, the transaction price will be adjusted.

Ngenix CEO Konstantin Chumachenko considers the interest of telecom operators in service companies with their own technologies to be natural.

The prospects for acquiring a CDN provider specializing in video delivery depend on the presence in its client portfolio of video services and online cinemas capable of growing in the current environment. Ngenix uses CDN technologies in web protection and acceleration services. The obvious trend of 2022 is a sharp increase in demand for cybersecurity of web resources and applications from all market segments. This made cyber defense services the most in demand in Ngenix's portfolio and allowed increased investment in their development. Their penetration already exceeds 80% of the company's client base, he said.

By September 2023, CDNVideo operates a content delivery network (CDN), whose nodes are installed in 20 cities, as well Russia as in,, Belarus,, Kazakhstan,, Moldova,, Germany,,,, and Netherlands USA. Azerbaijan According Armenia Israel Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan to Singapore the company, the capacity of the CDNvideo network exceeds 42 Tbit/s, including in Russia - more than 3 Tbit/s. VimpelCom[1]

2017: Sale to ChinaNetCenter

Wangsu Science & Technology Co Ltd (brands - ChinaNetCenter and Quantil) and resident of the Skolkovo Foundation IT cluster CDNvideo announced in May 2017 the signing of a purchase and sale agreement, according to which the Chinese Internet giant acquires a controlling stake in the CDN provider in Russia and the CIS. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed.

The venture capital fund Leader-Innovation, created with the participation of RVC capital and managed by Leader CJSC, as well as private investors of the early stage of the project, sold their shares in CDNvideo. Founders of CDNvideo Yaroslav Gorodetsky (CEO) and Sergey Ivlenkov (CTO) remain to manage the company and develop the business in partnership with a new strategic investor as shareholders and operating managers.

2012: CDNvideo enters the Ukrainian market

In December 2012, CDNvideo, an operator of a content delivery network in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe, announced the start of full-scale activities in Ukraine. In two years, CDNvideo plans to become the largest CDN service provider with at least 40% market share.

In the Ukrainian market, the operator will provide a full set of services, including data transmission over its own CDN network, a "cloud" Cloud4video service for storing and distributing video content, support for adaptive broadcasting and transcoding video streams, speeding up sites, and in the future, a Managed CDN service for creating turnkey private content transfer networks. At the same time, all categories of consumers will receive a ready-made infrastructure for commercial provision of their video products to a mass audience.

CDNvideo opened a sales office in Ukraine, formed the infrastructure of the Ukrainian segment of its network and began providing services. This infrastructure (including a content distribution point in Kyiv, billing, monitoring and remote control systems) ensures high-quality delivery of video content throughout the country. At the same time, at present, CDNvideo continues to increase the capabilities of this segment of the network. So, in the first quarter of 2013, content distribution points posted in all existing traffic exchange nodes in Ukraine will start working. This will create a significant reserve of performance, make it possible to route traffic more efficiently and increase the service's resistance to failure and congestion of Internet trunks . We also note that in the second quarter of 2013 the representative office will be expanded: it will include a technical support service, a division for working with partners and a project office.

At the first stage, CDNvideo representative office in Ukraine will be focused on working with large customers: TV channels, media portals, Internet media, video content aggregators, commercial video service providers. At the same time, the most important task is to increase the fame of the CDNvideo brand among potential consumers, participate in key industry events, form partnerships with leading integrator companies specializing in creating solutions for large video content manufacturers and broadcasters.

In the second quarter of 2013, the range of services promoted will include services aimed at a much wider audience: online stores, distance education centers, curriculum developers, consulting companies, restaurants, hotels, travel firms and other enterprises that widely use video technology in corporate training, in promoting and accompanying their goods and services. At this stage, CDNvideo will launch specialized partner programs aimed at small enterprises working in the creation, improvement of usability and content of Web sites, production of video content, launch and support of online stores, etc.

CDNvideo's entry into the Ukrainian market is due to the extremely favorable conditions that have developed here. On the one hand, all categories of potential consumers of CDNvideo services are widely represented in the Ukrainian economy. There has been a steady increase in interest in the use of video technology in the media space and in the education system; ordinary commercial enterprises are beginning to use these technologies in promoting goods and services, serving customers, building an image, and working with personnel. In addition, there is a stable need for Russian-language content from the CIS countries, as well as for the delivery of multimedia content created by Ukrainian enterprises to these markets. On the other hand, the CDN market is currently just beginning to take shape.
