Voca-Tech (Voka-Tek LLC) is a Russian development team with many years of expertise in the field of hardware and software solutions for the retail business. In 2018, Voca-Tech introduced an automated employee control system to meet service standards, including a Wi-Fi audio dinner with bimforming technology and a personal account with access to analytical reports.
The technology of recording, recognition and analysis of speech is aimed at allowing you to quickly assess the implementation of any initiative of the company's head office, find growth points for each retail employee, conduct mentoring work, improve the quality of service and sales volumes.
2023: Purchase of 20% of VimpelCom
On March 6, 2023, VimpelCom announced the purchase of 20% of Voca Tech. The financial and other terms of the investment agreement of the company did not disclose. As a source in one of the venture capital funds told Kommersant, as part of the deal, the developer of the voice analytics system for retail could be estimated at a multiple of 6-10 revenues for 2022, and the share acquired by VimpelCom could cost 74.6-124.4 million rubles.
Under the terms of the agreement, according to the press service of VimpelCom, the telecommunications operator acquired a minority stake in the Kazakh company Dybys Tech LLP, which owns the startup Voca-Tech, a developer of solutions for digital management of the quality of work of employees.
The deal will accelerate the penetration of complex voice analytics systems among customers of the Bilain.business service - this is 300 thousand representatives of large and medium-sized businesses throughout Russia, said Maxim Zaykov, executive vice president for corporate business at Bilaina.
According to VimpelCom, the start-up Voca-Tech has created an automated control system that, using an audio page, records the employee's voice for subsequent analytics, customer service improvement and sales growth. The audio page shows the name and position of the employee, and there is also a warning that the conversations are being recorded. The solution works with most Speech-to-text system suppliers, more than 50 large companies already use it.
The general director of Infoline Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, believes that it is advisable for VimpelCom to focus audio pages not only on its own retail - be that as it may, these are only a few thousand salons. There are retailers who can have a need for such devices in the tens of thousands, he added. The growing popularity of Beja, according to the expert, is largely due to the expansion of the capabilities of artificial intelligence in terms of effective decoding and analysis of text, as well as reconciliation with scripts.[1]