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Directum (Directives)



Gafur Talgatovich Nigmatullin - 60%
Istomin Konstantin Yuryevich - 40%
as of February 2018


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Gafur Talgatovich Nigmatullin

DIRECTUM is a developer software in the field of electronic document management. The company was established in 2003 on the basis of the relevant divisions NPO "Computer" in order to intensify work on the promotion, development and implementation electronic document management systems and management of interaction. Directum

Main areas of activity

DIRECTUM covers the full range of tasks to ensure the easy and successful transition of organizations to electronic document management:

  • studying the needs of organizations in various industries;
  • DIRECTUM system development;
  • methodological study of implementation technologies and training courses;
  • development of the DIRECTUM partner network and community;
  • Maintaining Large System Implementation Projects


DIRECTUM's internal standards system ensures the manageability and predictability of the company's internal processes. Standards have been developed and used to develop, implement, and support customer systems. The company monitors and studies modern international standards and technologies (ITIL/ITSM, CMM, ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE), ISO-9000), from which the best world experience is adopted.

DIRECTUM has GOST R ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate for development, implementation and maintenance. software

Development technologies

DIRECTUM software products are developed using modern technologies (COM,.NET, Internet technologies, etc.). The service-based architecture allows you to integrate the system with any application (ERP, CRM, etc.), expand its functionality and build scalable solutions to meet the growing needs of customers.


DIRECTUM software products have an open architecture and complete documentation for users and administrators. The openness of the system and the provision of a development tool provides ample opportunities for adapting and expanding the system to meet customer needs. In addition, the implementation technology used is aimed at improving the skills of the customer's specialists and ensuring the constant development of the system without the participation of the developer, which minimizes the cost of maintaining the system and increases the efficiency of its use.

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 23.7% to RUB 1,241 million

At the end of 2022, Directum's revenue increased by 23.7% to 1,241 million rubles (revenue from financial statements for 2021-2022 excluding VAT). In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 200th place (100th line of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).



TAdviser interview with Development Director Artem Permyakov

Artem Permyakov, director of development at Directum, spoke about the modern requirements of Russian business for project management systems and how these requests affect domestic products in an interview with TAdviser in March 2025. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Head of Business Konstantin Lyazgunov

How government initiatives influenced IT market and what factors restrain digitalization, in March 2025, he told the Konstantin Lyanguzov head of Directum public authorities. Read more here.

TAdviser Interview with Product Director Airat Sibgatullin

A smartphone is an integral part of the life of any person. We use it daily for personal purposes, but recently more and more work tasks and business processes have also been "moving" to gadgets. Realizing this, the company Directum released the HR Pro mobile application, which further simplifies the solution of personnel tasks. Ayrat Sibgatullin, director of the Directum HR Pro product, talks about the new product and its non-obvious capabilities. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Directum CEO Konstantin Istomin

In January 2025, Konstantin Istomin CEO Directum in an interview TAdviser spoke about the current state of Russian the market//CSP EDMS. ECM Read more here [1]


Leader in the number of projects and revenue among suppliers of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems according to TAdviser

TAdviser summed electronic document management systems content up the development of the market and corporate management for 2023-2024. Directum for the eighth time in a row became the leader in the number of projects implemented. Directum RX 620 implementations were implemented on the basis of the system in 2022-2024. In total, 23 vendors and integrators participated in the overall rating. This was Directum announced on February 20, 2025.

Directum revenues increased by 22% and exceeded 1.5 billion rubles. In 2024, the company released the Directum Portal business application and the Directum ESM corporate services management system. Solutions for regulatory documents, confidential workflow and work permits have been added. In its products, Directum focuses on AI technologies, no/low-code development, seamless integration, microservice architecture and scalability.

In general, the systems market grew by 15-20% over the year. This was influenced by several factors: the need for business in digital transformation, import substitution and state initiatives to switch to paperless document management.

{{quote 'author=said Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum. | Customers began to switch to non-classical subject areas for EDMS and implement solutions for personnel processes, accounting document management, client dossier management, etc. Therefore, developers take the capabilities of their ECM products beyond the "class" boundaries, developing BPM functionality, low-code/no-code tools. In pure form, EDMS/ESM became weakly in demand,}}

Participation in TAdviser SummIT

Representatives of the Russian vendor of digital solutions for business management will share ways to optimize the most massive processes. At TAdviser SummIT, Directum will present an ecosystem of IT products for the digital transformation of enterprises in any industry. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Consulting and Implementation Director Elena Istomina

On the eve of the Directum Open Days conference, we talked with Elena Istomina, director of consulting and implementation at Directum. We discussed how to make the implementation of the BPM system cheaper and more efficient, IT products with what capabilities will be in trend. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Development Project Manager Ilya Petukhov

According to various estimates, from 55% to 72% of companies worldwide use artificial intelligence. At the same time, there is a pool of enterprises that lag behind trends and do not introduce AI into their business processes. There are a number of reasons for this. Ilya Petukhov, head of AI product development projects at  Directum, spoke in more detail about stop factors and how to overcome them. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Alina Rozhina, Head of Business Development Projects

cloudy electronic document management EDMS small Alina Rozhina Directum, Head of Business Development Projects, spoke about the advantages and benefits of supplying the system () for the segment and medium-sized businesses in October 2024. Read more here. [2]

TAdviser Interview with Product Director Airat Sibgatullin

Airat Sibgatullin, director of Directum HR Pro product, spoke about trends in the Russian HRTech market and changing customer requests in an interview with TAdviser in September 2024. Read more here.

7 reasons to start implementation of FEDO c "box"

Market interest in personnel electronic document management (KEDO) does not subside. Choosing the best solution from the whole variety of software products is another task. At the same time, there is little to understand the functionality of a particular system. It is no less important to decide on an approach to implementation - to start with a ready-made "box" or immediately plan the development "for yourself." What is better - we understand together with Ivan Nagornov, an expert on HR digitalization at Directum.

There are two main approaches to implementing IT products. The first involves a detailed study of all the wishes of the client and the requirements of business users and their accounting, which is possible only within the framework of custom development. It usually requires time and resources. The second approach implies the start of work with the basic configuration of the system - the so-called "box" functionality - with the possibility of further improvement for specific needs. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with AI product development project manager Ilya Petukhov

Ilya Petukhov, head of AI product development projects at Directum, told about how the attitude towards AI technologies has changed over the past year, what information system developers are ready to offer to business right now, and what will change in the near future. Read more here.


3rd place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

Directum took 3rd place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

Directum RX - leader of the rating of EDMS/ESM systems in Russia according to TAdviser

The TAdviser business portal presented the results of research on the market of electronic document management systems (EDMS) and corporate content management (ECM ). In terms of the number of projects implemented, the first line of the list was taken by the Russian platform Directum RX. Directum announced this on March 20, 2024. Read more here.

2nd place in the ranking of HRM vendors leading in the Russian market

Directum ranked 2nd in the ranking of system vendors HRM leading by Russian market the number of projects implemented according to to data the base TAdviser as of December 2023. More details here.

All BPM systems are equally non-universal

The heiress of the workflow class, the BPM system has always focused on workflow, not information generated during the process. Due to the fact that the term "process" can mean anything if desired, ideas about the versatility of BPM arise. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Research and Development Director Artem Permyakov

In November 2023, Artem Permyakov, Director of Research and Development at Directum, spoke in an interview with TAdviser about trends in the HRTech market. Read more here.

Increased cooperation with MIREA RTU

RTU MIREA is expanding the training of students to develop in the low-code environment Directum RX, as well as their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of digitalization through a partnership program with a vendor. Directum (Directive) announced this on February 10, 2023. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with chief executive Konstantin Istomin

In February 2023, Directum CEO Konstantin Istomin spoke in an interview with TAdviser about the possibility of replacing Western ECM systems. Read more here.


TAdviser interview with AI Product Development Project Manager Ilya Petukhov

Ilya Petukhov, project manager for the development of AI products of Directum, spoke about the development of electronic document management systems in the context of the formation of artificial intelligence services. Read more here.

Digitalization continues, or Directum Enterprise Forum 2022 in Moscow

On November 28, the annual conference on the digitalization of business processes of large companies, organized by Directum, will be held. The program includes best practices for implementing IT solutions to optimize internal processes. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Directum HR Pro Product Development Director Artem Permyakov

The pandemic has provoked a boom in the digitalization of personnel processes. Today, transformation continues and takes on new forms.E-DOCUMENT FLOW The director Artyom Permyakov R&D of Directum told about how the approaches to K changed in 2022. More. here

Directum Expert - On the Current CIS Needs of Central Asian Companies

The management of any fast-growing company sooner or later faces the problem of systematizing information and automating the processes in which this information is processed. If at the initial stage of the company's development a situation is possible when employees use standard office applications, then over time the growth of information sets the company the task of introducing a modern corporate information system (CIS).

countries Asia Denis Mushakov told the Business Development Team Lead at Directum about the current needs of Central companies in terms of corporate information systems. He shared current trends and told in which direction the market is moving. More. here

TAdviser interview with Directum HR Pro Product Development Director Artem Permyakov

In April 2022, Artem Permyakov, Director of Product Development Directum HR Pro. told TAdviser about how to build effective and legitimate interaction with remote employees using IT solutions. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with project manager Vitaly Astrakhantsev

In February 2022, Directum Project Manager Vitaly Astrakhantsev in an interview with TAdviser spoke about projects for the introduction of intelligent tools and the further development of systems that ensure the functioning of intelligent processes. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Directum HR Pro Product Development Director Artem Permyakov

Artem Permyakov, Director of Product Development at Directum HR Pro, told TAdviser in February 2022 about how modern IT solutions help HR management (HRM) work . Read more here.


Directum turnover reached 1 billion rubles

In 2021, the revenue of the developer of the document and digital process management system Directum increased by 45%, to 1 billion rubles, according to the database of legal entities Kontur.Focus. " The company received a net profit of 195.8 million rubles, its growth was 259%. And the staff expanded to more than 520 people in a year.

Directum associates the high dynamics of its turnover in 2021 with a number of factors. First, at the end of 2020, the company presented the concept of the Directum digital solutions ecosystem, says Svetlana Novokshonova, director of marketing at Directum. The advantages of this concept in the company are called the fact that ready-made solutions are quickly deployed, can be adapted by the customer to the company's regulations using no-code and low-code tools, are easily integrated with each other and are simultaneously independent from each other. At the same time, they cover the entire range of business processes of organizations.

Plus, our customers continued to get acquainted with the delights of artificial intelligence in their routine work - our AI system Directum Ario One relieves a huge number of pain in recognizing and processing text information, helping companies release hundreds of man-hours. In 2021, the product became available from the cloud - the threshold for its use has decreased, - Svetlana Novokshonova told TAdviser.

Directum revenue in 2021 increased by 45% "(photo -"

An important factor is the influence of the state. It actively promotes the ideas of digitalization and develops its own IT tools. In November 2021, the experiment of the Ministry of Labor was completed and amendments were adopted to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on electronic personnel document management. The new law gave the green light to companies that feared switching to the CEDO without direct legislative authorization. After that, customer interest in Directum HR Pro, a comprehensive system for managing personnel processes, documents and services, sharply increased, Novokshonova claims.

In addition, says a Directum representative, over the past few years, the company has been actively working on system import independence - today Directum RX is 100% compatible with free and domestic software. At the same time, Directum cannot call stimulating import substitution by the state as a driver of profit growth for its company in 2021.

The import substitution program has stimulated more government agencies to choose domestic products, but we cannot call this factor a driver of the company's profit growth in 2021. Our customers primarily assessed the capabilities of the systems: functionality, ease of operation, scalability, fault tolerance, etc., - said Svetlana Novokshonova in a conversation with TAdviser.

Regarding the plans for 2022, the company told TAdviser that they continue to "build" an ecosystem of ready-made solutions, strengthen the use of artificial intelligence in business processes, create a stable and comfortable environment for solving personnel and other urgent business problems.

TAdviser interview with chief executive Konstantin Istomin

In December 2021, Directum Executive Director Konstantin Istomin in an interview with TAdviser spoke about significant aspects of the development of digital technologies. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Elena Istomina, Director of Consulting and Implementation Department

Elena Istomina, Director of the Consulting and Implementation Department of Directum, told TAdviser in October 2021 about how BPM systems evolve and what to expect from them to companies and organizations. Read more here.

Directum at Tadviser SummIT 2021 will tell you what the business is waiting for today from digitalization

R&D Director of the company Artem Permyakov will tell why the marketing classification of systems is secondary, and what primarily affects the strategy of Directum products.


On May 26 , at the TAdviser SummIT conference , the expert will present the concept of developing an intelligent process and document management system Directum, talk about the most promising development areas today, and why ready-made fast IT solutions on a single platform are the most optimal answer to the tasks of modern companies.

"The boundaries of system classes are increasingly blurred today, and a reliable approach for the development of our products is seen as a constant focus on the pain and needs of customers. Directum's intelligent process and document management system is essentially a set of ready-made, fast-to-implement IT solutions for a wide variety of business areas, designed on a single, powerful platform and with flexible refinement. The main goal for us on any project is to bring the client to a new level of efficiency in the shortest possible time "- Artem Permyakov, R&D Director of Directum

Separately, the speaker will dwell on the features of the company's new product - the Directum HR Pro HR process management system, which distinguish it from standard HRM systems: from a flexible approach to digitalizing processes and supporting any electronic signatures to personal accounts of employees and organizing long-term storage of electronic documents with ensuring legal significance.

Another focus of the report is the use of Directum Ario intelligent services in business processes to automate the routine stages of processing documents and other data: AI effect and payback.

At the conference stand, it will be possible to live evaluate the work of HR Pro and Ario services, as well as get advice from Directum representatives.

TAdviser interview with chief executive Konstantin Istomin

In May 2021, the executive director of Directum Konstantin Istomin in an interview TAdviser spoke about how the import substitution complexity Russian EDMS marketECM of projects to replace foreign solutions depends on the influence the Russian /, due to which Directum products correspond to the most modern concepts for the development of corporate systems. Read more here [3]

TAdviser interview with chief executive Konstantin Istomin

In January 2021, Directum Executive Director Konstantin Istomin, in an interview with TAdviser, spoke about the role of the coronavirus pandemic in customer relationships and some 2020 implementations. Read more here.


Inclusion in the rating "The largest participants in the Russian market of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems"

Directum is included in the rating "The largest participants in the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in January 2021. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Elena Istomina, Director of Consulting and Implementation Department

In October 2020, Elena Istomina, Director of the Consulting and Implementation Department of Directum, in an interview with TAdviser, talked about how modern BPM systems help create an adaptive, integrated business environment in organizations of any size. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with chief executive Konstantin Istomin

In February 2020, Directum Executive Director Konstantin Istomin in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the key areas of development of the company's solutions, the features of digitalization of HR processes and the future of ECM systems that are changing under the influence of intelligent technologies. Read more here.


Interview with TAdviser Artem Permyakov

In November 2019, Artyom Permyakov R&D the company's director, in Directum an interview with TAdviser, spoke about ECM the intelligent tools already implemented in the system, the effectiveness of such solutions, as well as promising developments that the company's specialists are engaged in. Read more here.

Interview with TAdviser Elena Istomina

In September 2019, Elena Istomina, Director of the Directum Consulting, Implementation and Support Department, spoke in an interview with TAdviser about the peculiarities of automating business processes using an ECM system and developing intelligent services in the company's portfolio.

Long-term archive: why and how to create it? TADetali

DIRECTUM business analysts Guzel Mullakhmetova and Alexey Mikryukov helped to understand what requirements the solution for a long-term archive should meet, how to ensure the legal significance of electronic documents even after many years and what this will give the business, in addition to saving on paper

2018: TAdviser interview with Artem Permyakov

Artem Permyakov, R&D Director of Directum , in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the most promising areas of application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the use of such capabilities in Directum solutions and plans for future AI development.

2017: Interview with TAdviser Vasily Babintsev

In October 2017, Vasily Babintsev, Director of Marketing at Directum, in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the important changes that occurred in the Russian EDMS/ESM system market in 2016-2017, the tools and tasks that are most relevant for customers, as well as the Extra ECM strategy, within which the vendor's products are being developed.

2016: Interview with TAdviser Vasily Babintsev

In October 2016, Vasily Babintsev in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the factors that influence the Russian EDMS market, the latest trends and prospects for the development of electronic document management systems .

2014: Interview with TAdviser Vasily Babintsev

In September 2014, Vasily Babintsev, the company's marketing director, was interviewed by TAdviser.

2013: TAdviser interview with Executive Director Konstantin Istomin

In August 2013, Konstantin Istomin gave an interview to TAdviser:

2012: Agreement with Orienge to promote the system in the US market

In mid-May 2012, DIRECTUM announced a partnership agreement with a start-up American company. Orienge The purpose of this union is obvious, although unusual for most developers of the domestic one - the ON creation, promotion and implementation of its own ECM system on the market. USA

"Cooperation with Orienge for us is a key driver for the promotion of our technologies in the international market," says Maxim Galimov, Director of Advanced Research at DIRECTUM. The interest in the American company specializing in consulting, development and implementation of ESM technologies is natural, because it and DIRECTUM build their enterprise content management products on the basis of the same IS-Builder platform. At the same time, Orienge has an undeniable trump card, its Conterra ECM system includes system and application modules that take into account the specifics of American consumers, legal requirements and best management practices. "We see the recognition of DIRECTUM platforms in the United States and look forward to the rapid expansion of Konterra's presence in the North American market. For our part, we provide priority methodological and information support to Orienge, "Galimov added

Orienge is actually actively gaining ground in the market, largely due to the constant development of the product portfolio. Within six months, two versions of Konterra were released one after another, the company presented solutions from Contract Management, Accounts Payable and InvoiceManagement, Records Management, etc.

"Orienge has recently entered the market, but our employees already have extensive experience with medium and large enterprises. The use of a mature, fully functional and simultaneously flexible IS-Builder platform has created an enterprise content management system that maximizes ECM ideology Agile and case management approaches, "says Orienge President and CEO Daniel Shields.

2003: Creation of a company by separation from NPO "Computer"

The company was created by separation from NPO Computer.