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2024/08/27 15:37:18

Training in artificial intelligence


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Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the launch of a program for training developers in the field of AI

On August 27, 2024, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the launch of a program for training highly qualified developers in the field of artificial intelligence. This is a joint project of the department and ITMO, HSE, MIPT and Innopolis.

It is gratifying that we with the four largest universities now, without waiting for such serious fundamental decisions, although I am sure that they will be approved within the framework of the new Data Economics program, we have begun launching a program for training highly qualified personnel - our developers in the field of AI, - said the Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev on August 27, 2024.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the launch of a program for the training of highly qualified developers in the field of artificial intelligence

Earlier, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed to develop university programs for training personnel in the field of AI. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Education and Science was instructed to submit proposals to the authorities by June 1, 2024 to launch a national initiative for the training of personnel - teachers and researchers - for their training in the use of AI technologies in scientific activities. In turn, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Labor will engage in an annual analysis and assessment of the risks associated with the introduction of AI into the economy and social sphere.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education and Science reported on the creation of the course "Artificial Intelligence Systems," which is intended "to provide universities with methodological support for the educational process and updating educational programs in accordance with the latest trends in the field of artificial intelligence." The department clarified that "universities themselves develop educational programs and form a curriculum," so universities will make the decision to include the module in a particular training course on their own.[1]

Russian schoolchildren won the first International Olympiad on artificial intelligence

Russian schoolchildren became winners of the world's first International Olympiad on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which was held from August 9 to 14, 2024 in Bulgaria. The team from Russia won gold medals and became the best among 39 participating countries. Read more here

Rating of Russian universities for AI training released

On July 22, 2024, the Alliance in the Field of Artificial Intelligence presented a rating of Russian universities in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field of AI. The list includes 207 universities from 69 regions of the country.

Educational institutions are divided into groups based on the assessment of four key indicators. This is the demand for graduates among employers, the relevance of the learning process in the field of AI, the educational environment and activity in the development of school education. When forming the rating, data from open sources, survey results, as well as information received from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation were taken into account.

The leading group "A +" includes the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE; previously ranked third), ITMO National Research University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT; dropped one line from second place in 2023). Group "A" included Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University, while the group "B++" is represented only by Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. The group "B +" includes the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and Innopolis University.

In total, 12 groups are represented in the ranking - up to "E +" (lagging behind). It is noted that one of the significant criteria for assessing universities was the salary of young specialists during the year after graduation. For institutions leading the rating, the average salary of graduates exceeds 200 thousand rubles.

In 2024, the section "Growth Leaders" was also presented: it includes Innopolis University, NITU MISIS, UrFU, Southern Federal University, Kazan Federal University, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia.[2]


The Ministry of Education and Science issued a rating of Russian universities for training personnel in the field of AI

In November 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science presented the first rating of universities in Russia in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. The study was attended by the Alliance in the Field of Artificial Intelligence, which unites the leading technology companies in Russia (Sberbank, Yandex, Gazprom Neft, etc.).

The best in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence in Russia are recognized by the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO). They are assigned an "A +" rating.

Rating "A" in 2023 received Moscow State University. Lomonosov and SPBSU, rating "B +" - Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman and Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin, rating "B" - NRNU "MEPhI," SPBPU University of Peter the Great and Innopolis University in Tatarstan. The ratings "S++" and "S +" went to NNIGU in Novosibirsk, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation , KazFU, MAI, RANEPA, REU named after G.V. Plekhanova and NUST "MISIS."

In total, the rating gives an assessment of the quality of work of 71 universities of the Central Federal District, 39 of which are capital ones. From the Volga Federal District, 29 universities were included in the rating, 24 universities - from the Northwestern Federal District, and another 22 - from the Siberian Federal District.

As explained in the Ministry of Education and Science, when compiling the rating, a mathematical model was used, built on actual data on the quality of education, including from open sources. Universities were assessed according to 13 criteria, including the level of salaries of graduates, their demand for employers, employment statistics at Alliance, the presence of publications at conferences and in scientific journals, the number of winners of student Olympiads and the average USE score, the presence of programs that passed the Alliance's professional and public accreditation.

Rating of universities in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence

Which universities in Russia have the most places in the bachelor's and master's degree in artificial intelligence

Moscow State University and MIPT are leading among Russian universities in the number of places in the bachelor's and master's degree in artificial intelligence. Such data for the results of 2022 are given in a study that analysts of the NTI Competence Center in the direction of "Artificial Intelligence" on the basis of MIPT presented in July 2023.

According to experts, despite the constant increase in the number of graduates, the "personnel shortage" in the AI market does not decrease. This is primarily due to the fact that key tasks in AI can only be performed by graduates who have acquired direct skills related to machine learning. First of all, these are graduates of the universities of the Higher School of Economics, MIPT, ITMO, Skoltech, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.

The graph above shows the dynamics of places for bachelors and masters at these universities, from which it is clear that in 2022 the number of places in the bachelor's degree decreased by 5%, and the number of places in the master's degree remained at the level of 2021.

In Russia, universities accept students for budget places (paid by the state) and extra-budgetary places (a student pays for education). In 2022, the number of extra-budgetary places (in the specialties "Mathematics," "Information Security" and "Informatics and Computing") decreased by 1008 places, while paid places increased by 865. The number of budget places in specialties related to AI fell for the first time in 8 years, which led to a drop in the number of applicants and an increase in the number of paid places.

Researchers note that In Russia, the educational program is strictly set when entering the university and, if a student enters the Faculty of Humanities, he will not be able to get a specialization in AI. Therefore, analysts considered applicants to those specialties that somehow belong to AI - "Mathematics," "Information Security" and "Informatics and Computer Engineering."

Almanac "Artificial Intelligence 2022"

The number of graduates of Russian universities in the profile of "artificial intelligence" has been calculated

On June 24, 2024, the Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics published data on the number of graduates of Russian universities who completed training in the profile of "artificial intelligence" (AI). As of October 1, 2023, their number amounted to 3.8 thousand people, which is equivalent to 0.7% of the total graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters.

According to ISIEZ, the study was carried out as part of the event "Monitoring the creation and results of the use of artificial intelligence technologies," supported. Ministry of Economic Development Russia The survey covered 1,100 universities and their branches, which revealed the scale and conditions of training in AI technologies.

The main goal of the project is to increase the level of training of personnel in the field of AI, which is implemented through educational programs developed or updated in accordance with the model of competencies in the field of AI. In 2023, the number of students accepted for training in these programs reached 20.7 thousand people, and the total number of students - 42.3 thousand people.

The gap between the number of admissions to the programs and the number of graduates is explained by the fact that enrollment in AI programs has increased only in recent years, and many students have not yet completed their studies. According to experts, a significant increase in the number of graduates in this area is expected in the coming years. In particular, in four years, the graduation of bachelors can reach 8.7 thousand people, and masters - 6 thousand people.

Most students in AI programs study in the fields of engineering, technology and technical sciences - about 70.1%. Mathematical and natural sciences make up 27.3%, the rest of the areas - no more than 2%. This shows that the training of specialists in the field of AI is concentrated in technical and engineering specialties, which contributes to the development of high-tech industries.[3]

The conclusions are based on the results of a continuous survey of 1100 universities and their branches conducted by the Higher School of Economics in 2023 as part of the Monitoring of the Creation and Results of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in order to Assess the Level of Implementation of These Technologies industries economies in the Social Sphere of the Federal Project Artificial intelligence with support. Ministry of Economic Development Russia

Universities implement training of highly qualified personnel in the field of AI within the framework of two tracks:

  1. educational programs on the AI profile, which are developed or updated in accordance with the competence model in the field of AI;
  2. programs of other profiles containing the "Artificial Intelligence Systems" module.

Students studying on the first track learn the skills of developing methods and tools for AI technologies, are trained in their professional use at an advanced level. Students of programs containing an AI module learn to apply AI in their area of ​ ​ competence, taking into account the direction of training (specialty) and the future field of activity. According to the National AI Development Strategy, the corresponding modules are supposed to be included in all educational programs of higher education.

Bachelor's degree, specialist, master's degree

  • As of October 1, 2023, 42.3 thousand people (1.4% of the total number of students) studied at AI programs in the country's universities; admission at the same time amounted to 20.7 thousand people (2.5% in the total admission), and graduation - 3.8 thousand people (0.7% of the total graduation of bachelor's, specialty and master's degree). The gap between admission rates, enrollment and graduation rates is due to the fact that over the past few years, admission in the AI profile has multiplied and students have not yet completed their studies. Accordingly, in the medium term, a significant increase in the output of young specialists in the profile of AI is possible. Taking into account the completion rate (72%), it can be expected that the graduation of bachelors in four years will reach the level of 8.7 thousand people, and the graduation of masters in two years - 6 thousand people.
  • On a much wider scale than within the framework of programs in the profile of AI, personnel are trained in programs containing the module in AI. The release on them in 2023 amounted to 64.6 thousand people. Such a high result is due to the orientation of this module towards mass introduction into educational programs. In 2023, almost every third student accepted for training and about one in four undergraduate, specialty and master's students studied or was going to study the disciplines of the named module (among graduates - one in ten).
  • Most (70.1%) students of programs in the profile of AI are trained in specialties and areas of training in the field of "engineering, technology and technical sciences"; about a quarter (27.3%) are in the mathematical and natural sciences; 1.4% - on the sciences of society; in other areas of education - only 1.2% of the specified group of students. The share of engineering, technology and technical sciences in the admission structure is significantly higher than in the output structure; and the share of mathematical and natural sciences, on the contrary, is lower, which indicates a more intensive increase in training in the profile of AI in the field of engineering, technology and technical sciences. In the structure of admission, the number of students and graduation under programs including the AI module, half are in engineering, technology and technical sciences, sciences about society are quite widely represented, while their share in admission is 6 pp higher than in graduation.

Additional professional programs

  • The number of those trained in additional professional programs (advanced training and professional retraining programs) in the AI profile for 2022 amounted to 24.4 thousand people, most of them (76%) studied at the expense of budgetary allocations. For 53% of 21.6 thousand students of programs containing an AI module, funding for training was carried out from the own funds of universities. The structure of those trained in AI programs is dominated by employees of educational organizations (81%), every tenth is an employee of the enterprise, 8% falls on university students, another 2% - on students of other categories. Among those trained in programs containing an AI module, the share of representatives of educational organizations is almost half that (42%), nevertheless, their majority. Employees of enterprises and university students studied under programs with an AI module much more often than in the AI profile.
  • In the university sector, additional vocational education in the field of AI is still developing slowly. Most of those trained in advanced training and professional retraining programs are employees of educational organizations. On the one hand, the data obtained may indicate an insufficient interest of workers in the production sector in mastering AI technologies, which may complicate the introduction of AI in various sectors of the economy. On the other hand, AI skills can be obtained not only in universities, but also on other educational platforms, including online platforms.

2022:83 master's programs in AI are launched in Russian universities

On March 16, 2022, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation announced the launch of 83 master's programs in artificial intelligence in Russian universities. The first universities that will begin implementing master's programs in the "Artificial Intelligence" profile in the 2022/23 academic year will be:

According to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, master's programs in artificial intelligence were prepared by leading universities, based on the requests and needs of enterprises in the economic sectors, and special emphasis was placed on regional universities. The programs will be launched in 2022.

In the current situation, high-quality training of specialists in the field of IT and artificial intelligence for high-tech industries is especially important for us. The country's information security and the level of technology development will depend on their professionalism and level of competence. The higher education system seeks to quickly respond to challenges by developing current training programs, he said.

In addition, the educational module "Artificial Intelligence Systems" is being introduced into Russian universities. It can be used in the implementation of educational programs in all areas of training and specialties of all levels of higher education and additional professional programs. It is noted that the module can be supplemented with topics and sections, taking into account the level and professional orientation of a specific program.[4]

2021: The number of budget places in the field of AI in Russian universities has grown sharply

On November 25, 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced an increase in the number of budget places in Russian universities in areas related to the development of artificial intelligence - there were 7,000 more in accordance with the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, in 2021, more than 80 thousand people received higher education programs in the field of information technology at the expense of the federal budget. 97 thousand Russian schoolchildren will be trained under secondary education programs related to artificial intelligence. According to the calculations of the authorities, by 2024, about 500 thousand Russians will have education related to the IT sphere.

The number of budget places in the field of AI in Russian universities has grown sharply

Dmitry Chernyshenko also said that within the framework of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" by 2024, 10 bachelor's programs and 40 master's programs in the areas of "Artificial Intelligence" will appear in universities.

The Deputy Prime Minister also drew attention to the importance of interaction between experts in digital transformation, scientific institutions and higher education. Attracting young scientists and students to the forum promotes scientific research aimed at improving the quality of life and increasing the competitiveness of the economy, he added.

Earlier in 2021, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education summed up the results of the competition for the distribution of budget places in universities for 2022-2023. According to the results of the competition, the most places with budget funding received engineering and technical areas of training (251,033 places) and pedagogical (75,788 places).

In his message to the Federal Assembly, President Vladimir Putin said that in 2021, about 60% of school graduates will be able to enter universities for budget places, and in the next two years, an additional 45 thousand such places will appear in universities[5]
