Arctic development
Arktika (from Greek ἄρκτος - "bear," ἀρκτικός - "located under the constellation Ursa Major," "northern") - a single physical and geographical region of the Earth, adjacent to the North Pole and including the outskirts of the continents of Eurasia and North America, almost the entire Arctic Ocean with islands (except for the coastal islands of Norway), as well as adjacent parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The southern boundary of the Arctic coincides with the southern boundary of the tundra zone. Area - about 27 million km ²; sometimes the Arctic is limited from the south by the Arctic Circle (66 ° 33 ′ N), in this case its area is 21 million km ².
₽30 billion allocated for master plans of supporting settlements in the Arctic
Arctic zone Russia About ₽30 billion treasury infrastructure loans will be allocated for the implementation of master plans for supporting settlements (AZRF). This was announced by the Minister for Development Far East and the Arctic Alexey Chekunkov during a meeting of the Commission of the State Council of Russia in the direction of the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic, held on November 13, 2024.
According to Alexei Chekunkov, the proposal to distribute 30% of the total treasury infrastructure loans was agreed by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin . These funds will be used to implement infrastructure projects provided for by master plans of key settlements of the AZRF.
According to TASS, priority attention within the framework of this initiative is paid to improving the transport, social and engineering infrastructure in cities and towns of the Arctic. The minister stressed that the implementation of these plans will begin in 2025 and will become part of a long-term development strategy for the Arctic zone with a planning horizon until 2050.
At the meeting of the commission, which was chaired by the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrei Chibis, health problems in the Arctic regions were also discussed. Participants agreed that the high cost of medical services and difficult climatic conditions require increased funding for this area. As noted by Andrei Chibis, the development of medical infrastructure will become a key element of the program to improve the quality of life in the regions of the AZRF.
In addition, Andrei Chibis emphasized the importance of the Arctic as a strategic region, noting that about 15% of Russia's GDP and 20% of exports are concentrated here, and the population is almost 2.5 million people - this is the largest value among the countries of the Arctic region.[1][2]
The Russian government approved a new list of strongholds of the Arctic
In August 2024, the Government of the Russian Federation expanded the list of supporting settlements of the Arctic zone, which will become the basis for the implementation of economic and infrastructure projects. As reported on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, the corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
Two municipalities have been added to the list. This is the city of Polar Dawns in the Murmansk region and the Bilibinsky municipal district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the message says. |
These points are located near useful deposits minerals and will become the basis for the development of mineral resource centers that ensure the promotion of the metallurgical industry, the government explained. Strategically significant projects will also be implemented in them.
опорных населенных пунктов (муниципальных образований) Арктической зоны Российской Федерации, в том числе выполняющих функции по обеспечению национальной безопасности и (или) функции базы для развития минерально-сырьевых центров, реализации экономических и (или) инфраструктурных проектов в Арктике
Наименование агломерации |
Населенные пункты |
Республика Карелия |
1. |
Кемско-Беломорская агломерация |
муниципальное образование Кемский муниципальный район, муниципальное образование "Беломорский муниципальный район" |
Республика Коми |
2. |
Агломерация Воркуты |
муниципальное образование городского округа "Воркута" |
Республика Саха (Якутия) |
3. |
Тикси-Найба |
муниципальное образование "Булунский улус (район)" Республики Саха (Якутия) |
Красноярский край |
4. |
Агломерация Норильск-Дудинка |
городской округ город Норильск Красноярского края, городское поселение город Дудинка Таймырского Долгано-Ненецкого муниципального района Красноярского края |
5. |
Диксон |
городское поселение Диксон Таймырского Долгано-Ненецкого муниципального района Красноярского края |
Игарка |
муниципальное образование город Игарка, населенные пункты муниципального образования Туруханский район |
Архангельская область |
7. |
Архангельская агломерация |
городской округ "Город Архангельск", городской округ Архангельской области "Северодвинск", городской округ Архангельской области "Город Новодвинск" |
Мурманская область |
8. |
Мурманская агломерация |
муниципальное образование городской округ город-герой Мурманск, городской округ закрытое административно-территориальное образование город Североморск Мурманской области, муниципальное образование Кольский муниципальный район Мурманской области |
9. |
Кировско-Апатитская агломерация |
муниципальное образование муниципальный округ город Кировск с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области, муниципальное образование муниципальный округ город Апатиты с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области |
10. |
Мончегорская агломерация |
муниципальный округ город Мончегорск с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области |
Ненецкий автономный округ |
11. |
Агломерация Нарьян-Мара |
муниципальное образование "Городской округ "Город Нарьян-Мар" |
Чукотский автономный округ |
12. |
Певек |
городской округ Певек |
13. |
Агломерация Анадыря |
городской округ Анадырь, городской округ Эгвекинот Чукотского автономного округа, Анадырский муниципальный район |
Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ |
14. |
Новый Уренгой |
муниципальное образование город Новый Уренгой |
15. |
Кировско-Апатитская агломерация |
муниципальное образование муниципальный округ город Кировск с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области, муниципальное образование муниципальный округ город Апатиты с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области, муниципальное образование город Полярные Зори с подведомственной территорией Мурманской области". |
16. |
Агломерация Певек-Билибино |
городской округ Певек, муниципальное образование Билибинский муниципальный район" |
17. |
Агломерация Салехард-Лабытнанги |
муниципальное образование город Салехард, муниципальное образование городской округ город Лабытнанги Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа |
18. |
Ноябрьск |
муниципальное образование город Ноябрьск |
Mishustin approved a list of reference cities and regions for the development of the Arctic
The Government of the Russian Federation approved a list of supporting settlements of the Arctic zone, including those performing functions to ensure national security and the functions of the base for the development of mineral resource centers, the implementation of economic and (or) infrastructure projects in the Arctic. The corresponding document signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin was published in early December 2023.
The list includes 16 agglomerations located in nine regions belonging to the Arctic zone. For example, the cities of Murmansk and Severomorsk, as well as the Kola municipal district, became the strongholds of the Murmansk agglomeration. The Arkhangelsk agglomeration includes Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and Novodvinsk. Also among the strongholds were Naryan-Mar, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Vorkuta, Norilsk, Dixon, Pevek and Anadyr.
The whole list is as follows:
- Kemsko-Belomorsky agglomeration
- Vorkuta agglomeration
- Tiksi-Nayba
- Agglomeration Norilsk-Dudinka
- Dickson
- Igarka
- Arkhangelsk agglomeration
- Murmansk agglomeration
- Kirov-Apatit agglomeration
- Monchegorsk agglomeration
- Naryan-Mara agglomeration
- Pevek
- Anadyr agglomeration
- New Urengoy
- Salekhard-Labytnangi agglomeration
- Noyabrsk
For agglomerations that are included in the list, long-term plans for integrated socio-economic development will be approved. They will reflect the main measures to update and create a new infrastructure with system state support. It is noted that some of the settlements located near mineral deposits will become the basis for the development of mineral resource centers that ensure the development of the metallurgical industry. In other cities and districts, priority investment projects will be implemented, for example, the creation of logistics centers.
In July 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers, together with the regions, to determine the list of strongholds in the Arctic and prepare master plans for their development until 2035. The head of state stressed that the practical implementation of measures in the cities of the Arctic zone is important to begin as early as 2025.
Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2023 No. 3377-r
How Russia is building a connection in the Arctic
At the end of 2023, the authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory provided 110 settlements with communication and high-speed Internet. Of these, 84 received access to modern communication services under the federal program "Eliminating Digital Inequality 2.0" (UTSN 2.0), and 26 - through a regional subsidy. Such data were released in mid-December 2023.
The development of communication in the Arctic is carried out by laying new fiber-optic lines, installing base stations of cellular networks and satellite terminals. According to the Minister of Digital Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Nikolai Raspopin, in settlements with fewer than 100 residents, the authorities intend to provide communication through the Skif satellite group, created within the framework of the Sphere target program. This system is theoretically able to provide data transfer rates for subscribers from 37 Mbps to 400 Mbps.
Somewhere we build fiber, but mainly install base stations and satellite communication stations. We fully compensate CapEx operators for investments, subsidize the cost of backbone communication channels through satellite, depending on the number of people: 200-300 people - 10 Mbps each, more - 15-20 Mbps, Raspopin notes. |
It is assumed that in 2024 the authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory will provide communication to 64 settlements. And by the end of 2026, communication will appear in all regions with the number of inhabitants from 100 to 500 people.
In addition, the project "Synergy of the Arctic" is being implemented in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It provides for the construction of more than 7,000 kilometers of fiber optic lines in the Arctic zone. This system will provide high-speed Internet access to approximately 72 thousand people from 86 settlements. The project operator is ArcticTelecom JSC[3]
The government allocated 30 billion rubles for the development of cities in the Arctic zone
In early October 2023, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation allocated 30 billion rubles to create cities in the Arctic zone. According to the head of the Ministry of Finance of RFAnton Siluanov during the parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council (Federation Council) on the draft budget, we are talking about three years of support for closed administrative-territorial entities (ZATO) - they provide for expenses in the amount of 10 billion rubles a year.
During the parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council, the governor of the Murmansk region Andrei Chibis also spoke. He recalled that the topic of financing ZATO was discussed at a meeting in the Federation Council a year ago. With the support of the president, funds from the federal budget were allocated for the development of Arctic cities. The regions have prepared action plans for the renewal of ZATO.
As RBC writes in the issue of October 3, 2023, since 2019, about 14 billion rubles have been allocated for the development of ZATO in the region, taking into account the expenses of 2023, a third of which are federal budget funds. In general, the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the renovation of ZATO in the Murmansk region began in 2021. The plan provided for 26 measures totaling 978 million rubles, of which 695 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget and 283 million rubles from the regional budget.
In 2022, the renovation of ZATO was carried out at the expense of the budget of the Murmansk region. In 2023-2024 there is already the third stage of renovation, which includes 124 events in the territory of 24 settlements of the region.
The first stage of renovation affected seven municipalities: Severomorsk, Aleksandrovsk, Vidyaevo, Zaozersk, Alakurtti, Olenegorsk with a subordinate territory and Pechenga district. It was noted that under the ZATO renovation program in the Murmansk region, more than 152 thousand people will be able to improve their living conditions, which is about 20% of the population. [4]
In the Arctic, launched a project for the transportation of goods by unmanned vehicles
A project for the transportation of goods by unmanned vehicles has been launched in the Arctic. This became known on June 3, 2023. Read more here.
An ambulance and telemedicine center was launched in the Arctic for 1.6 billion rubles
In mid-December 2022, it became known about the creation of the Center for Mobile Teams to organize exit and remote medical care for residents of the Arctic zone. Read more here.
Testing of unmanned equipment in the Arctic will begin at the end of the year
On April 26, 2022, VEB Ventures announced that ARMZ Mining Machines (Testing Unmanned Vehicles in the Arctic) and Zyfra Robotics will create a testing ground for robotic mining equipment in the Arctic. The work will test specially designed algorithms for orientation in conditions of poor or zero visibility. Read more here.
"Digital" has developed a strategy for unmanned development of Arctic deposits
On Zyfra March 22, 2022, the Group of Companies announced that it had developed a concept for creating an efficient Service Operator mining in the Arctic. The document is a strategy for introducing the Russian unmanned technologies into the development of deposits in hard-to-reach regions. Robotization processes will not only ensure lean and environmentally friendly production of useful, minerals but also reduce the risks of abnormal and emergency situations, especially dangerous in the Arctic. According to preliminary estimates, during the implementation of the project, the reduction in the cost of producing useful goods will be up to 50%.
Robotization provides for the transition to remote development of deposits - the equipment will work offline, and specialists will control it from a single dispatch center located away from the quarry zone. Thus, the introduction of unmanned technologies not only guarantees an increase in the volume of extracted resources, but also reduces the cost of infrastructure and its maintenance, since the cost of maintaining shift camps will be significantly reduced.
The introduction of deserted mining and transportation technologies will improve the safety of work, reducing the number of people working in hazardous areas. In addition, a high degree of robotization guarantees a significant reduction in the risk of abnormal situations that can provoke a man-made catastrophe - the main risk of developing Arctic subsoil, - said Igor Bogachev, General Director of Zyfra Group of Companies. |
The key provisions of the concept proposed by the Zyfra Group of Companies correspond to the tasks determined by the President of Russia in the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring National Security for the Period until 2035. The Strategy pays special attention to mining projects, improving their efficiency and environmental friendliness, including through the digitalization of work carried out in the macro-region.
Within the framework of the Zyfra concept, a roadmap was developed and expected effects were calculated, for example, an increase in the mineral extraction rate by 10-30%. Also, solutions to key problems of subsoil users were provided, such as washing out personnel, low attractiveness of the profession, difficult working conditions, dependence on imported technologies, which is especially important in the current geopolitical realities.
To solve the tasks set, Zyfra Group proposes to create a single operator - a specialized group of companies that will provide comprehensive support for subsoil users using solutions based on artificial intelligence, as well as equipment and machines. The increase in efficiency in the development and operation of fields will be realized through the use of a service business model that allows the subsoil user to receive a turnkey technological and operational development and production service.
The implementation of a project of this scale will become one of the key "pulling" projects in Russia for the next decade and will ensure the technological development of related industries: mechanical engineering, micro- and radio electronics, high-speed communication and telecommunications networks, robotics and others. As of March 2022, we do not have a domestic operator in the country that allows the subsoil user to receive such a modern service, - said Igor Bogachev. |
The Zyfra Group of Companies is preparing a proposal to create an operator for effective mining in the Arctic to be sent to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.
Arctic resource base
The Cabinet of Ministers approved a roadmap for the implementation of a strategy for the development of activities in Antarctica
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved an action plan for the implementation of a strategy for the development of Russia's activities in Antarctica. This is stated in the message of the press service of the government, circulated in 04/07/2021[5].
"Modernization of expeditionary infrastructure, comprehensive scientific research, environmental protection, advanced training of expedition participants - measures in such areas are included in the plan for the implementation of the strategy for the development of Russia's activities in Antarctica, approved by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin," the statement said. |
The document provides for the creation of new wintering complexes at the Vostok and Mirny stations to accommodate members of expeditions. Infrastructure facilities will be reconstructed at the Russkaya and Novolazarevskaya stations. It also provides for the modernization of communication and navigation systems and the phased renewal of the fleet of transport equipment.
In addition, within the framework of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, magnetospheric, hydrological, biological, oceanological, meteorological studies will be carried out. It is planned to study in more detail the subglacial lake Vostok, the biological resources of the Southern Ocean, the geological structure of the Antarctic and conduct its aerial photography. It is specified that several ice-class vessels will be built for scientific purposes.
It is also planned to direct funds to the creation of modern complexes for the processing of liquid and solid waste, to take up the removal of dilapidated structures and unusable equipment for saving the Antarctic ecosystem. In addition, additional training and advanced training of personnel is provided for mountain and speleological training programs, the basics of survival in the Arctic and Antarctic.
The press service added that one of the directions of the plan is the development of the Antarctic Treaty system, the purpose of which is to form conditions for the use of the continent in the interests of all mankind. "Within the framework of this task, Russia will participate in special consultative meetings and committees, steps will be taken to expand bilateral and multilateral interaction with the states parties to the treaty," the explanatory note to the document says.
In addition, the plan included initiatives related to Antarctic tourism. In total, more than 50 events are included in the document.
Presentation of the navigation and telecommunication system for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Holding Roselectronics"" State Corporation Rostec on March 26, 2021 presented a comprehensive project to create a high-precision navigation and telecommunication system for. Arctic zone RUSSIAN FEDERATION The solution works stably in the complex physical and geographical conditions of the circumpolar regions, is resistant to cyber attacks to and provides continuous control of the position of ships.
The monitoring, navigation and communication system offered by PJSC Inteltech of the Roselectronics holding for work in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is a complex of stationary and mobile radio engineering posts. Each post consists of several subsystems that provide operation simultaneously in dozens of directions. The monitoring subsystem monitors the ice, hydrometeorological, radiation, and seismic conditions in real time. Telecommunication subsystem - communication in the VHF and KV bands, via the FOCL, satellite, meteor and tropospheric communication channels. The navigation subsystem provides monitoring of the vessel's position via satellite or ground-based radio navigation systems.
The government has simplified the passage of checks at checkpoints in the Arctic zone
In the Arctic zone, the procedure for passing goods and transport through checkpoints will be accelerated by assigning to the customs authorities the authority to conduct inspections. The corresponding decree was signed in February 2021 by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin[6] of [7].
As the press service of the Government of the Russian Federation clarifies, this applies to sanitary-quarantine, veterinary and phytosanitary control. Prior to that, such checks were carried out by Rospotrebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor.
"A similar mechanism was previously tested in the free port of Vladivostok and proved its effectiveness," follows from the message.
The decision will take effect in 180 days. During this time, customs workers will undergo the necessary training, and checkpoints will be equipped with special equipment.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the rules for concessional lending to residents of the Arctic zone, as well as the rules for granting subsidies to companies operating in the Arctic zone for the creation and reconstruction of infrastructure.
Launch of the first North digital substation in the Arctic
At the end of December 2020, Russia launched the first digital substation in the Arctic. We are talking about the main energy hub in the northern part of the Novoportovskoye field, which is being developed by Gazprom Neft's subsidiary, Gazpromneft-Yamal. Read more here.
Admiralty Shipyards launched the North Pole
In December 2020, Admiralty Shipyards JSC launched the North Pole ice-resistant self-propelled platform (LSP) of project 00903, which is being built by order of [8] Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet)[9]
The contract between Admiralty Shipyards JSC and Roshydromet was signed in April 2018. The ship was laid down on April 10, 2019. The construction of the order takes place as part of the implementation of the state program for the socio-economic development of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation.
The North Pole LSP has the functionality of a research center and is designed for year-round expeditions in the high latitudes of the Arctic Ocean. The vessel is designed to conduct geological, acoustic, geophysical and oceanographic surveys; capable of passing in ice without involving an icebreaker, as well as receiving heavy helicopters of the AMT MI-8 type (Mi-17) on board. LSP will provide comfortable and safe working and living conditions for the crew and scientific personnel at the polar station at a temperature of up to -50 ° and humidity of 85%.
Admiralty Shipyards JSC has extensive experience in the construction of ice-class vessels. In 1959, the world's first nuclear icebreaker Lenin was built at the enterprise; in 1979, the research vessel Otto Schmidt; since the early 2000s: a series of five ice-floating tankers with a deadweight of 20,000 tons; arctic tankers "Mikhail Ulyanov" and "Kirill Lavrov" deadweight 70,000 tons; scientific expeditionary vessel "Akademik Tryoshnikov."
The main tactical and technical characteristics of the LSP: length - 83.1 m; width - 22.5 m; displacement - about 10,390 tons; PU power - 4200 kW; speed - not less than 10 knots; body strength - Arc8; autonomy in terms of fuel reserves - about 2 years; service life - at least 25 years; crew - 14 people; scientific staff - 34 people. The ice-resistant self-propelled platform "North Pole" is built on the class of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping: KM (*) Arc5 [1] AUT1-C HELIDECK-F Special purpose ship.
Putin announced the "growth" of Russia by the Arctic
The president Russia Vladimir Putin said in December 2020 that in the next decade the country will "grow" the Arctic and the Northern Territories. According to the president, the development of this direction, among other things, lies in mining the future of the country, since most of the territories of Russia are in the northern latitudes.
At the same time, Vladimir Putin stressed that it is necessary to conduct economic activities in the North in such a way as to minimize the environmental risk, since the nature of the region is very vulnerable.
The first domestic meteorological station for work in the Arctic successfully passed testing
An experimental sample of a domestic universal weather station for climate monitoring in the Arctic has successfully passed the first tests in the field. It is currently installed for experimental use in the Far North in the Tomsk Region, Vladimir Korolkov, deputy director of the Institute for Monitoring Climatic and Environmental Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMKES SB RAS), told TASS in December 2020[1].
In 2018, scientists from IMKES SB RAS, together with Sibanalitpribor, began developing the first domestic meteorological station that will be able to measure wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, intensity, amount, type of precipitation, solar radiation intensity and snow cover height using acoustic, optical and radiation methods. At the same time, the development, unlike existing analogues, should work completely for a year without human intervention, use solar energy to charge batteries and have protection from Arctic fauna. The prototype station was made in 2020.
Korolkov noted that the experimental operation will last another year. This procedure is needed to obtain a license from Roshydromet and bring the meteorological station to the market in 2022.
High-speed Internet began to be carried out in the Arctic for 65 billion rubles
On November 18, 2020, the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) announced the start of construction of the transarctic main underwater fiber-optic communication line Murmansk - Vladivostok. This project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and FSUE Rosmorport. Read more here.
2018: Finland offers Russia to create an aggregator of icebreaking services
As one of the most promising Finland , he considers the project of creating an aggregator of icebreaking services with participation. Russia Eero Helsinki state Hokkanen, a public relations representative of the Finnish icebreaker fleet operator in Finland, told reporters about this, according to the information and analytical agency PortNews[2]
According to Hokkanen, Finland considers it expedient to create a certain aggregator like the Uber (taxi) application, which, in turn, would offer icebreaking services to ship operators with the participation of icebreaking fleets of Russia, Finland, Canada, the USA, Norway, as well as the Baltic countries.
At the same time, the representative of the Finnish side admitted that despite all its prospects, the implementation of such a project will be possible only after the removal sanctions and normalization of the geopolitical situation around Russia.
Arctic Data Centers
Main article: Data centers in the Arctic
Arctic (Arctic Zone)
Main article: Arctic (Arctic Zone)
Arctic Mediterranean
The concept of the "Arctic Mediterranean" appeared not so long ago and implies that the size of the European Union allows it to play a fairly important role in the Arctic region, so Brussels should strive to have the same influence in the Arctic as in the Mediterranean. This is also stated in the resolution on the Arctic policy of the European Union of March 16, 2017
The concept provides for cooperation between the countries of Northern Europe and the western Russian Arctic regions in matters of regulation, with the subsequent creation of a single labor market, the approval of a single infrastructure development plan and the coordination of a common position on the most significant issues of Arctic policy.
Polar possessions of Russia
The borders of the northern polar possessions of the USSR are determined by a resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of April 15, 1926.
The water border then passed from the Kola Peninsula through the North Pole to the Bering Strait.
In 1997, Russia ratified the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea[3]. The convention establishes the same 12 miles of sovereign territorial waters and 200 miles of economic zone - with free navigation but exclusive rights to use mineral and biological resources. True, any country can claim its national jurisdiction over the seabed and its bowels (part VI of the Convention) and beyond 200 miles, if it is proved that the shelf from its shores stretches beyond this distance.
To gain rights to polar possessions, Russia will have to prove that the underwater ridges of Lomonosov and Mendeleev are of continental origin associated with the territory of Russia. For the Lomonosov Ridge, this is disputed by Denmark, which believes that the ridge is the sunken part of Greenland[4]. To collect evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge is a continuation of the polar possessions of the Russian Federation, the Russian side conducted an unprecedented Arctic-2007 expedition in July-August 2007, which consisted of surface and underwater parts and ended with the establishment of the Russian flag at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole of the Earth.
The head of the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy said that Russia is waiting for Canada to submit its application to the UN for the expansion of the shelf in the Arctic in late 2018 - early 2019, after which it will be possible to expect a decision on such a Russian application [5]|language=en}}.
The land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are determined in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2014 No. 296 "On land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" [6]
Icebreakers of Russia (Atomic Shipbuilding)
Main article: Icebreakers of Russia (Atomic shipbuilding)
Natural resources
The Arctic contains a colossal amount of undeveloped energy resources - oil and gas. According to the US Geological Survey, oil reserves in the Arctic (both offshore and onshore) amount to 90 billion barrels[7] According to British Petroleum data, about 584 million barrels of oil are consumed annually in the world (based on an average of 1.6 million barrels per day)[8] Thus, with the existing demand for oil, the reserves of the Arctic will last for 154 years.
At the same time, the extraction of natural resources in the Arctic is extremely difficult and dangerous from the point of view of ecology. In the harsh climate of the Arctic, the likelihood of emergencies increases significantly. The possibility of oil spill response, as well as its effectiveness, are complicated by numerous storms with high waves, thick fog and multi-meter ice. If an accident occurs during a polar night that lasts for several months here, then work to eliminate the consequences will have to be carried out in the dark, almost at random. Another danger is icebergs, a collision with which can be fatal for an oil production platform. To combat icebergs, it is planned to use firewalls - ships loaded with combustible substances (such ships were used in [naval battles to set fire to and destroy enemy ships).
Experts are convinced that the consequences of a major oil spill can only be partially eliminated. So, the retired admiral of the Coast Guard Service Roger Roof said the following: "Spilled oil irrevocably pollutes water. Nowhere in the world can more than 3, 5 or 10 percent of the affected water be cleaned, much less in ice.[9]
For, with Russia its raw materials economy, the Arctic shelf is one of the most promising areas for replenishing hydrocarbon reserves. Gazprom production shelf Alexander Mandel, head of LLC, told reporters that oil production will begin in mid-July 2012. In addition to Gazprom, OJSC "" received licenses for the development of oil fields. Rosneft Oil and gas resources of the Arctic are also claimed by oil companies Shell,,. BP EXXON
Gazprom Neft was the first to start production on the Arctic shelf: oil was received in December 2013 at the Prirazlomnoye field in the Pechora Sea. Production is carried out from the Prirazlomnaya platform - it is specially designed for work in the Arctic. The platform is equipped with a "zero discharge" system - all waste, including drilling, is taken ashore or injected into a special disposal well. The platform stands at the bottom of the sea (the depth in the field area is only 20 meters), the wells are located inside the base of the platform and are reliably isolated from the environment by 3-meter concrete walls, which are covered with ultra-strong clad steel. The first Arctic oil was named Arctic oil (ARCO) and was first shipped from Prirazlomnoye in April 2014.[10]
Environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund are protesting the development of oil fields in the Arctic. In 2012, the international campaign "Protect the Arctic" began, which calls on people around the world to sign a demand for a moratorium on oil production in the Arctic.
"The Arctic shelf is a large and to date practically unused reserve of the Russian oil and gas industry, but without its development it is impossible to solve the problems of the Russian Energy Strategy until 2020." [11] Among the largest gas fields in Russia are Shtokmanovskoye, Rusanovskoye and Leningradskoye, located in the western Arctic.
2024: Tourist flow to the Russian North and the Arctic for the year increased by 7% to 3 million people
The number of tourists visiting the regions of the Russian North and the Arctic reached 3 million people in 2024, an increase of 7% compared to 2023. Such data at the end of February 2025 was presented by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko during a working trip to Arkhangelsk and the Solovetsky Islands of the Arkhangelsk Region.
According to TASS, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the number of tourist trips in Russia is growing steadily, including in the regions of the Russian North and the Arctic. This growth applies to both Russian citizens and foreign tourists.
According to statistics from the Center for Strategic Research, among the northern regions, tourists most often visited the Vologda region and Karelia, where about 700 thousand trips were recorded. Among the Arctic regions, the Murmansk region is in the lead with an indicator of almost 500 thousand trips.
The most impressive growth in popularity was demonstrated by Chukotka, where the number of tourists more than doubled. A significant increase in tourist flow was also recorded in the Murmansk region (+ 18.6%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (+ 16.1%) and Yakutia (+ 10.6%).
The number of foreign tourists in the regions of the Russian North and the Arctic has almost doubled, reaching more than 75 thousand people. The largest share of foreign guests visited the Murmansk region (7.7% of the total number of tourists). The office of Dmitry Chernyshenko emphasized that foreign tourists, unlike Russians, equally actively visit the Arctic and northern territories both in winter and in summer.
The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov linked the further growth of the tourist flow to the northern and Arctic regions with the development of modern tourist infrastructure. He said that over the past two years, the national project "Tourism and hospitality" to the regions located in the Arctic zone has allocated more than ₽570 million for the creation of modules.[12]
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Finland offers Russia to create an Uber for icebreakers.
- ↑ On the Legal Status of the Russian Arctic Sector , Law and Policy Journal No. 12, 2000
- ↑ , the Arctic Pearl of the Danish Crown
- ↑ {{Cite news' title=Named the timing of the decision on the Russian application for the expansion of the shelf in the Arctic'url=' work=RIA Novosti'date=20180321T0340 + 0300Z' accessdate=2018-03-21
- ↑ Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2014 No. 296 "On land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation."
- ↑ of Circle-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle USGS publication. — 2008..
- ↑ Statistical Reviewof World Energy Publication BP. — 2012..
- ↑ [2] " Shell Clarifies: It Can ‘Encounter’ 95 Percent Of An Arctic Oil Spill, Not Collect It. — 2012.
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ Kaminsky, director of VNIIOkeangeology . - Zit. to: {{cite web 'url=http ://|title=Arctic of discord|author=Z. Данаева|date=2008-03-11|work=|publisher=Interfax|accessdate=2014-01-30|lang=}}.
- ↑ Russian North and Arctic visited 3 million tourists in 2024