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2024/03/20 22:32:26

Economy of Algeria



The main articles are:


2022: GDP size forecast - $0.19 trillion

Countries by GDP size in 2022, according to the IMF midyear forecast

2018: GDP $4,450 per capita

2017: GDP $4,034 per person

The richest entrepreneurs

Data as of 2022


Oil production

Oil production in thousands of barrels per day by country in 2021

Natural gas production

2025: 11th in the world for proven gas reserves

Proved natural gas reserves (km3), according to Bloomberg data for February 2025:

Russia: 47,798

Iran: 33 980

Qatar: 23,871

Saudi Arabia: 15,910


Turkmenistan: 11,326

China: 6,654

UAE: 6,088

Nigeria: 5,748

Venezuela: 5,663

Algeria: 4,502

Iraq: 3,738

Australia: 3,228



2020: Low per capita energy consumption

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

2019: High levels of electrification

Доступ к электричеству в countries Africa (2019)

Oil products

2025: Gasoline cost $0.339 per litre

Main article: Petroleum products in the world

Gasoline prices in countries worldwide (liter, US dollar): According to Global Petrol Prices, Octane-95, February 10, 2025

Iran: $0.029

Libya: $0.031

Venezuela: $0.035

Egypt: $0.337

Algeria: $0.339

Kuwait: $0.340

Kazakhstan: $0.483

Saudi Arabia: $0.621

Russia: $0.629

UAE: $0,716

Indonesia: $0.783

Nigeria: $0.788


Pakistan: $0.922

Brazil: $0.944

El Salvador: $1,035

Bangladesh: $1,037

Australia: $1,070

China: $1,142

Argentina: $1.148

India: $1.164

South Africa: $1.191

Japan: $1,211

Mexico: $1,243

Canada: $1,273

Turkey: $1,287

South Korea: $1,317

Chile: $1,355

Ukraine: $1,406

Czech Republic: $1,507

Poland: $1.554

Romania: $1.568

Sweden: $1,574

Spain: $1,619

Britain: $1,729

Finland: $1,765

Germany: $1,817

France: $1,827

Ireland: $1,875

Italy: $1,894

Switzerland: $1,938

Norway: $1,958

Monaco: $1,989

Netherlands: $2,037

Denmark: $2,110

Hong Kong: $3.393

The average price of gasoline in the world is $1.25 per liter.

Foreign trade

Gas export

TransMed - Trans-Mediterranean gas pipeline to Italy

Main article: TransMed (Algerian to Italy gas pipeline)

GALSI Gas Pipeline Project

As part of the discussion of gas supplies from Algeria to Italy in 2023, another gas pipeline project is becoming relevant - Gasoduc Algérie-Sardaigne-Italie (GALSI) from Algeria to Sardinia and further to Italy. The total length of the pipeline worth about $6 billion was supposed to be about 800 km, and its throughput - up to 8 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas per year.

However, the project faced numerous delays due to technical, commercial and regulatory issues. Environmental organizations have also raised concerns about the pipeline's impact on marine ecosystems.

So far, the GALSI project is far from being implemented. And the existing Algeria-Italy pipeline remains the main route for Algerian gas exports to Europe.

2022: Algeria overtakes Russia in gas supplies to Europe

As of November 2022
Gas export via pipelines in 2022
Liquefied natural gas exports in 2022

2021: Share of 17% in EU gas imports

Algeria and Nigeria are the largest exporters of natural gas on the African continent in 2021. Each of these countries in 2020 supplied abroad from 35 to 40 billion cubic meters of blue fuel (7th and 8th place in the world, respectively).

The largest exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2021

In 2021, these countries were the only two African gas suppliers to the European Union, accounting for 17% and 4% of EU natural gas imports, respectively.

Two pipelines at this time deliver natural gas from Algeria to Europe:

Due to diplomatic tensions with Morocco, Algeria in October 2021 closed the Maghreb-Europe Pipeline (GME), which runs through its neighbor's territory.

2019: Algeria - EU gas supplier with 8% share

EU gas, oil and coal suppliers in 2019


Exports of Russian agricultural products to Algeria increased by 81% to 2.7 million tons

According to the results of 2023, the export of Russian products of the agro-industrial complex to Algeria reached 2.7 million tons, which is 81% more than a year earlier. This is evidenced by the data published in February 2024 by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Agroexport" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

According to the study, wheat is in first place in the volume of supplies to Algeria. In 2023, its exports amounted to 2.5 million tons - 91% more than in 2022. In monetary terms, revenue increased by 52%. In addition, in November 2023, after a 2.5-year break, supplies of barley to Algeria resumed - 57 thousand tons were shipped in the last two months.

Ruins of the ancient city of Timgad, Algeria

If Algeria imports 8-8.5 million tons of wheat annually, then Russia in the 2022/23 season supplied 2.1 million tons (or 26% of all imports), and this season - already 1.6 million tons. And there is certainly a potential for increasing supplies, "said Eduard Zernin, chairman of the Union of Grain Exporters.

Another key position of the Russian agroexport to Algeria is soybean oil. The North African country is in second place among the largest importers of this product from Russia. In 2023, deliveries amounted to 180 thousand tons (-5.7%), export revenue increased by 29%. At the same time, shipments of sunflower oil increased 2.8 times - up to 11 thousand tons (2.2 times in value).

According to Ivan Nalich, Russia's trade representative in Algeria, vegetable oils and processed products are a great potential for export growth.

In my opinion, in parallel with the increase and diversification of supplies of raw materials (grain, vegetable oils, milk powder), efforts should be made to find niches for finished products - confectionery, groceries, frozen products, food additives. It should be borne in mind that there are many barriers here - high customs duties and non-tariff protective measures, which will take a lot of effort to overcome, Nalich said.[1]

Trade with France rose to 11.8 billion euros. Algeria's surplus - 2.1 billion

The trade turnover of the two countries in 2023 reached 11.8 billion euros, an increase of 5.3% compared to 2022 (11.2 billion euros).

The growth in trade is associated with an increase in France's imports of Algerian goods - up to 7.3 billion euros (+ 8%), which are mainly represented by hydrocarbons - 6 billion euros (+ 15.3%):

  • natural gas - 3.1 billion euros (+ 30.1%);
  • crude oil - 2.9 billion euros (+ 5.6%).

French exports to Algeria shrank 0.5% to €4.49 billion in 2023, down from €4.51 billion in 2022. Grain sales, which have been the main item of French agroexport to Algeria since 2003, have decreased 5 times from 834 million euros in 2022 to 166 million euros in 2023.

Supplies of French industrial products to Algeria in 2023 increased by 20.5% compared to 2022 and amounted to 1.9 billion euros. Mechanical equipment in 2023 was delivered by 1 billion euros, which is + 16.9% more than in 2022 (863 million euros).

At the same time, the trade deficit between France and Algeria in 2023 amounted to 2.8 billion euros (+ 33.3%) compared to 2022 - 2.1 billion euros.

2018: Geography of export and import of goods


2020: R&D expenses - $241 million

R&D expenses, as of 2020

Algeria IT Market

2022: More than 1 start-up

Data for 2019-2022


2021: Share of farmland - 17%

Доля agricultural land from the total area of ​ ​ the countries of the world, 2021

2019: Low use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019

2001: Main farming model - mixed

The main farming model is mixed: no watering, rain irrigation and mixed systems in arid areas. Grazing is the leading form of land use.

2001 data


2020: Unemployment rate - 14.1%

Countries around the world in terms of unemployment in 2020


2023: Lamb and goat are the most consumed type of meat

The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.

2019: Low rice consumption: 3.8 kg per person per year


2018: Vegetable consumption - 193 kg per capita

Потребление овощей в countries Africa, kg per capita population in 2018

See also