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2024/08/05 13:44:11

Irkutsk region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Irkutsk region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District, the area is 774.8 thousand km ².


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Irkutsk region


Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal. Irkutsk region, 1992


Motor transport

Electric transport




Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Irkutsk Region


Largest IT Companies

The rating of the 10 largest IT companies in the Irkutsk region by revenue in 2023 includes telecommunications operators, software and hardware suppliers, as well as enterprises that are associated with blockchain and mining. This is stated in the materials published in early August 2024.

According to SoftTech, almost 3 thousand IT-related companies operate in the Irkutsk region. At the end of 2023, the maximum turnover was recorded at Bitriver Rus LLC, which is part of the BitRiver group. The company is engaged in the provision of mining equipment and its placement in data centers. In the region, Bitriver Rus has three data processing centers with a total capacity of more than 100 MW. In 2023, the company showed revenue at 9.4 billion rubles, which is 3.2 billion rubles, or 50.9%, more than a year earlier.

In second place in Tor-10 is Bitriver-K LLC, another legal entity of the BitRiver group: its turnover in 2023 amounted to approximately 2.4 billion rubles. Sibinfosoft LLC closes the top three - a subsidiary of Rusal, engaged in various IT services, mainly related to 1C, PayDox, SAP, Oracle, etc. In 2023, she received about 1.6 billion rubles in revenue. In addition, the ten largest IT companies in the Irkutsk region included:

  • BMK LLC - works in the blockchain industry and produces World Data Centre on the basis of sea containers, offers hosting services, and also develops software - 1.6 billion rubles;
  • En + Telecom LLC - provides Internet access services, television and video surveillance services - 985 million rubles;
  • LLC NPF "Forus" - a subsidiary of 1C - 890 million rubles;
  • Zeon LLC - sells various IT equipment and software, and also offers integration and service services - 788 million rubles;
  • JSC "Business Network - Irkutsk" - provides telecom services for the B2B segment - 435 million rubles;
  • LLC "Nord.Com" - offers Internet and TV services in various cities of the region - 228 million rubles;
  • LLC "SMNU Sinetic" is a branch of the company "Sinetic," which is engaged in the supply of infrastructure software and equipment - 207 million rubles.[1]

State tablets and digitalization of all socially significant State Public services. The results of the digital transformation of the Irkutsk region have been summed up

The Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Irkutsk Region on July 2, 2024 presented the results of the digital transformation of the region for 2023. The key achievements were the full-scale introduction of state digital platforms and the transfer of all socially significant services to electronic format.

According to the press service of the regional government, the Feedback Platform is successfully functioning in the region, allowing citizens to quickly interact with the authorities. In 2023, 35,253 appeals from residents of the region were received through this system. 35 state authorities, 452 local authorities and 2900 state and municipal institutions are connected to the platform.

Irkutsk, Russia

An important element of digital transformation was the introduction of the Gospabliki system. In the Irkutsk region, more than 4.2 thousand official pages of authorities and organizations are connected to it, where the widgets "Report the problem" and "Express an opinion" are posted.

Vladimir Loichits, who exercises the powers of the minister, noted that all 94 socially significant services included in the regional list are now available on the State Public services portal. This was the result of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the transfer of mass socially significant services to electronic format.

To increase the availability of electronic services, 45 user support sectors have been created in multifunctional centers in the region. Here residents can get help in registering on the Public services portal and submitting applications. In addition, since December 2023, the Video Consultant service has been operating, providing online support for portal users.

As part of the development of infrastructure in 2023, 24 settlements were provided with communication in the Irkutsk region and 11 post offices were modernized. A single contact center of the regional government was also created, which during its operation received more than 37 thousand calls from residents.[2]



  • Irgiredmet JSC (Irkutsk Research Institute of Noble and Rare Metals and Diamonds)

Oil and gas production

Salt extraction

Education and Science

Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region

Universities of the Irkutsk region

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Irkutsk Region

2023: 2nd place in the spread of HIV in Russia

On December 5, 2023, it became known in which regions of the Russian Federation HIV is most common. The rating of the regions was compiled by the organization "To be precise." Read more here.


Medical centers





In 2010, the number of detections of various malignancies in the Irkutsk region reached 10 thousand people. By 2019, the organization of diagnostic measures was improved, the indicator increased to 13 thousand. Malignant skin neoplasms came out on top among other locations of cancer formation.

Due to the pandemic, when the health care system was mobilized to treat patients with COVID-19 and the number of cancer detections decreased to 9 thousand medical institutions gradually adapted and the figure increased slightly, but did not reach 2019 indicators. Thus, we have accumulated many cases of new malignancies that have not been detected in 2 years.

Roman Zubkov, chief physician of IrkOOD, told reporters


Main article: History of Russia

2008: Association of Irkutsk Oblast and Ust-Orda Buryat JSC

On October 11, 2005, the parliaments of the Irkutsk Region and the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug adopted an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation "On the Formation of a New Subject of the Federation." On April 16, 2006, a referendum was held on the unification of the Irkutsk region and the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, as a result of which on January 1, 2008, the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug became part of the Irkutsk Region.

The new subject of the Russian Federation is called the "Irkutsk Region" and is the successor of both entities. The Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug is part of it with a special administrative status and is called the Ust-Orda Buryat Okrug.


1930. Hunting and people of the Irkutsk region

1920: Civil War

Czech armored train, probably near Irkutsk. Russian Civil War, January 1920


Angarsk dog hunter, 1911

1905: Production of "The Auditor" with the participation of M.M. Petip

Marius Mariusovich Petipa (1850-1919) - Russian drama actor, the eldest son of the famous choreographer Marius Ivanovich Petipa


School "Kindergarten" in Irkutsk. Russian Empire, 1880s

Organizations of the Irkutsk region
