2022:47 million people
2020: Population growth of 19.3% over 30 years
2013: 47.12 million people
According to the census of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the population in Spain as of January 1, 2013 decreased by 0.29% over the year - to 47,129,783[1].
The population declined in all Spanish autonomies with the exception of the Canary Islands, where an increase of 0.02% was recorded.
In terms of autonomous communities, the most notable population decline occurred in Castile and Leone (1.03%), Castile-La Mancha (0.98%) and Asturias (0.85%). In addition, Castile and Leon also ranked first in terms of absolute decline rates (26,603). In Castile - La Mancha, this figure was 17,258 people, and in Madrid - 15,558. The Canary Islands again became an exception - their population increased by 335 people.
Share of the population living in the capital
Male-to-female ratio
Marriages and divorces
2018: Divorce rate - 57.5%
Children out of wedlock
2020: Half of babies are born to unmarried mothers
The average age of women who gave birth to their first child in 2020 rose to 31 years. Half of children are born to unmarried mothers.
Parents and children
2021: Proportion of young people living with their parents - 37.2%
2020: Average age when children start living apart from their parents - 29.8 years
2020: Proportion of residents aged 100 or over
2018: Proportion of residents under 14 - 14.7%
Popular surnames and first names
In June 2014, the National Institute of Statistics of Spain (INE) compiled a list of the most common names among residents of the country. The rating was headed by numerous "Garcia": almost 4% of the country's population bears this surname of Basque origin - 1.478.972 people[2].
Next on the list are surnames derived from names: Gonzalez, Rodriguez, Fernandez (historically - "son of Gonzalo," "son of Rodrigo," "son of Fernando"), as well as Lopez.
As of May 2013, Maria, Carmen, Ana, Isabel and Dolores are the five most common female names in Spain. Among men, Jose, Antonio, Juan, Manuel and Francisco are the most popular. This is reported by the National Institute of Statistics of Spain, having analyzed the data of the registers at the place of residence (Padrón Municipal).
The total number of women in the country bearing the name Mary (as the only one or as an integral part of the double) reached the figure of 6.398.966. This means that for every thousand people of the Spanish population there are 267 Mari. The second most common female name is strongly inferior in repeatability - only 53 women out of 1000 bear the name Carmen (1.2 million women). And 824,301 ladies are called Ana (34 people per 1000).
For men, the undisputed leader is Jose - 2.89 million people or 124 for every thousand inhabitants. Antonio in the country 1.5 million (65 per thousand), and Juanov - 1.3 million (59 per 1000 people).
Immigration to Spain
Digital nomads started being paid to live in villages
At the end of July 2024, it became known that the autonomous community of Extremadura, located in southwestern Spain, organized a project aimed at attracting digital nomads. They will be paid thousands of euros to live in local villages.
The Extremadura authorities allocated €2 million for the implementation of the initiative. The decision was made as part of efforts to further stimulate the region's economy by attracting highly qualified specialists and increasing the number of residents. As of 2024, Extremadura has the lowest population density in Spain at 26 people per square kilometer. At the same time, the region offers a high quality of life. In addition, there is a developed telecommunications infrastructure. In particular, the level of coverage with fiber-optic networks reaches 93%, 4G mobile services - 97%, and 5G networks - 75-80%.
InDigital nomads who express a desire to become participants in the program are subject to certain requirements. They must have an identification number for foreigners and agree to live in a settlement with less than 5,000 inhabitants.
Selected women and men under the age of 30 will initially receive €10,000. Only men can be digital nomads over 30 years old - the Extremadura authorities will allocate €8,000 to them. After the expiration of the two-year period, the program participants can apply for an extension of stay for another year: in this case, payments will be an additional €5,000 and €4,000, respectively. The recruitment of specialists will remain open until the entire amount allocated under the program is spent. The initiative is expected to have a positive impact on the development of the region and help increase local consumption.[3]
The number of Ukrainian refugees is more than 200 thousand.
The number of migrants arriving per year is more than 0.7% of the country's population
6,007 migrants drowned while trying to get to Spain, 39,910 - swam
At least 6,618 migrants have died trying to reach Spain in 2023. The vast majority of fatalities (6,007) occurred while attempting to cross a water barrier. According to the Home Office, 39,910 people still crossed the deadly route, which is 154% more than a year earlier.
28.8% of young people in Senegal do not have a job and many, desperate to improve their situation at home, go on a dangerous journey to the shores of Europe. In the first 6 months of 2023 alone, about 1,000 illegal migrants from Senegal died in Spanish territorial waters.
Over 150 thousand refugees from Ukraine
Spain has received more than 150 thousand Ukrainian refugees over the past eight months. This is stated in the press release of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom distributed in October 2022.
According to him, in 64.1% of cases we are talking about women. In addition, as specified in the department, 34.55% of arrivals are minors.
More than 138 thousand Ukrainians received asylum in Spain
By August 2022, the Spanish authorities had granted asylum to 138,370 Ukrainian citizens, Publico reported.
Asylum gives permission to live and work in Spain for adults. In addition, Ukrainians with a driver's license are allowed to drive a car for a year.
Most shelters have been issued in Valencia - 34,649. In second place is Catalonia (31,347). This is followed by Madrid (20,716) and Andalusia (19,728).
Of all those granted asylum in Spain, 64.9% are women.
Number of foreigners living in Spain rises by 172,456 to record 5.57m
Immigrants led Spain to break a historic record for population.
The arrival of thousands of immigrants from Colombia, Venezuela and Ukraine offset the drop in birth rates in the first half of 2022.
In the first half of 2022, the number of foreigners living in Spain increased by 172,456 to reach 5.57 million, a historic high.
Mainly, the population grew significantly due to immigrants from Colombia (+ 60,142 people), Ukraine (+ 48,396 people) and Venezuela (+ 31,703 people). On the contrary, the number of citizens of Romania (11,751 fewer ), Britain (8,381 fewer) and China (5,058 fewer) decreased.
2021: Net population inflow in 4 years
Emigration from Spain to other countries
Main article: Emigration from Spain
Teenagers in Spain
Main article: Teenagers in Spain
Marriages and divorces
2020: Marriage reduction by 48% amid COVID-19 pandemic
The number of marriages among heterosexual couples in Spain is falling sharply, but homosexual couples (especially women) began to formalize their relationship much more often.
The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced the number of weddings.
The number of marriages in Spain in 2020 decreased by 46% compared to 2019. The sociologist clarifies that, in addition to the pandemic, the marriage itself is losing importance for the Spaniards. This is due to the position of a woman in society (emancipation). She doesn't have to marry, she can work and get an education. There are many families in Spain who are not officially married, but have been together for many years and have children.
The working father and stay-at-home mother family model was replaced by a dual income (mother and father) model.
If in 2008 same-sex marriage accounted for 1.6% of marriages, then in 2020 this figure has already reached 3.5.
2019:56 divorces per 100 marriages
Divorce rate per 100 marriages, according to Eurostat data for 2019:
- Portugal: 69
- Denmark: 56
- Spain: 56
- Finland: 55.4
- France: 55
- Belgium: 52.7
- Russia 52
- Netherlands: 51.2
- Italy: 48.7
- Norway: 42
- UK: 41.7
- Germany: 40.8
- Hungary: 37.7
- Austria: 35.5
- Poland: 32.8
- Greece: 22.2
Main article: Vision
2014:61% of the population wear glasses or lenses
Fertility and mortality
Dominant haplo group
See also:
National and racial composition
2023: 91,855 Russians are residents of Spain
Data released by the Ministry of Integration, Social Security and Migration reflects the total number of foreigners officially registered in Spain as of 21 December 2023. 74,324 Russians received various types of residence permits, and 17,531 received registration certificates (for example, relatives of EU citizens).
The largest concentration of Russians is in the provinces of Alicante and. Barcelona This is followed by Malaga,, Valencia Girona and. Madrid
2015:65 thousand Russians and 90 thousand Ukrainians in the country
According to Deutsche Welle, at the beginning of 2015, 65 thousand Russians and 90 thousand Ukrainians officially lived in Spain[4].
As of January 1, 2012, according to the NSI, a total of 52,919 Russian citizens were registered in Spain. If we compare this data with the data of 2010 (46,831 Russians), the number of Russians in Spain increased by 13% over two years. Growth from 2002 to 2012 - 426% for ten years[5].
Jews: 11,900
2020: Black population share 1.17%
Billionaires and millionaires
$27 billionaires
More than $2 million - the threshold for entering the number of 1% of the richest people in the country
2022: There are 1.135 million millionaires in the country
2018: In Spain - 6.2 billionaires for 10 million people
Poverty in Spain
Main article: Poverty in Spain
See also