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Toll roads in Russia
M11 Neva (highway)
Main article: M11 Neva (highway)
M-12 Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg
Main article: M-12 Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg
Dzhubga-Sochi (highway)
Main article: Dzhubga-Sochi (highway)
Highways in Russia
Main article: Roads in Russia
Increase in the number of driveways on toll roads by a third to 379 million
On January 14, 2025, it became known that Avtodora the number of driveways on toll roads in 2024 increased by 33% and reached 379 million, which is a record figure in the entire history of observations.
According to Kommersant, the main driver of growth was the Vostok M-12 route, where the number of driveways more than quadrupled after the opening of new sections and the formation of a single route from Moscow to Kazan. The average daily traffic on this highway increased from 6 thousand to 10 thousand driveways.
The Don M-4 track showed an increase of 24%, reaching a record 179 million passes for the year. Mikhail Blinkin, Scientific Director of the Institute for Transport Economics at the Higher School of Economics, noted that the increase in the number of freight traffic on toll roads will continue, since tariffs are included in the cost of delivery.
Trucks and buses account for 30% of all driveways on Avtodor toll roads. At the Central Ring Road, this figure reaches 43%, by M-4 - 33%, by M-12 - 25%. The fare of freight transport on the Moscow-Kazan route is ₽10,7 thousand.
The North-West Concession Company recorded a 5% increase in traffic on the head section of the M-11 from the 15th to the 58th kilometer. On the Northern bypass of Odintsovo, the growth was 14%, and on the Western high-speed diameter in St. Petersburg - 7.9%.
In April 2024, Avtodor increased tariffs by an average of 8%, and in some areas - up to 25%. The company plans to raise ₽105 billion in 2024 and ₽129,2 billion in 2025. The state-owned company manages 5 thousand km of roads, of which 3.1 thousand km are paid.
The coordinator of the Blue Buckets movement, Pyotr Shkumatov, stressed that the Central Ring Road is stabilizing traffic with a slight increase in the share of heavy buses and trucks with trailers by 6%, while the number of cars decreased by 3%.[1]
The operator of toll roads "Rusdor Telematics" has been created in Russia
Concern Telematics and Rusdor-Finance Group of Companies have created a joint venture Rusdor Telematics, a toll road operator in Russia, and a competence center for the introduction of intelligent transport systems (ITS). This was reported to TAdviser on December 19, 2024 by representatives of the Telematics concern. Read more here.
Increase in the number of toll roads by 17.9% to 285.7 million
In 2023, the total number of driveways on paid highways in Russia reached 285.7 million, which is 17.9% more than a year earlier. This is evidenced by the data of Avtodor.
As Kommersant writes with reference to the materials of the state-owned company, the increase in the indicators of driving on toll roads is associated with the launch of new paid sections at M-4 (bypasses of Aksai and Krasnodar in June 2023), at M-12 (Moscow - Arzamas in September, Shumerlya - Innopolis in November and the rest of the sections to Kazan in December 2023).
The largest jump (by 30%) in 2023 was shown by the main section of the Neva M-11 route from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk. It is the most expensive for drivers in the country. At the Western High-Speed Diameter in St. Petersburg in 2023, an annual traffic record was also recorded for all 12 years from the day the route was commissioned.
The largest number of driveways - almost 145 million - fell on the road of the Don M-4, which is 12% higher than in 2022. A significant increase in traffic is also noted on the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) in the Moscow Region. In 2023, motorists made more than 80 million trips to the Central Ring Road against 71 million in 2022.
The largest daily traffic was recorded on the section of the Don M-4 highway in the Moscow region. In the summer of 2023, on each of the days off on August 12 and 19, almost 80 thousand driveways were recorded on the Don M-4 in the Moscow Region. In second place is the Moscow Region section of the Belarus M-1 - 58 thousand passages were made on it on August 20, 2023. The third is the Vostok M-12 section bypassing Balashikha, on which over 42 thousand driveways were recorded on September 24, 2023, follows from the materials of Avtodor.
As the newspaper writes, on the Western high-speed diameter in St. Petersburg (WHSD; concessionaire - the Northern Capital Highway company) in 2023, 105.6 million transactions were recorded, or 71.3 million trips (3.2% more than in 2022). On the northern bypass of Odintsovo in 2023, more than 26 million vehicle passages were recorded, which is 7% more than in 2022.[2]
Avtodor will allocate 525 billion rubles for the construction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway in 3 years
Avtodor"" in 3 years will allocate Sochi 525 billion for the construction of the paid highway Juba. rubles The company told about this in October 2023.
According to Vedomosti, the total cost of the project is about 1.5 trillion rubles. The money will be allocated from the federal budget, the National Welfare Fund (NWF) and extrabudgetary sources. By the end of 2026, 230.4 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for the construction of the facility. According to the representative of Avtodor, by mid-October 2023, 73.5 billion rubles were allocated from this amount in the budget for 2023-2025. Another 156.9 billion rubles are planned to be allocated in 2024-2026 from the federal road fund.
Raising funds for this facility from the NWF and extrabudgetary sources will most likely be implemented through bond loans of the state-owned company, the source of the publication in the company engaged in project financing believes. According to him, if by 2026 it is really planned to invest 525 billion rubles in the construction site, then Avtodor will have to issue bonds worth almost 300 billion rubles. But the state-owned company has practically no assets and has nothing to provide guarantee coverage of debt of this volume. The partial structuring of the concession project can allow attracting a significant amount of extrabudgetary funds, the newspaper notes, citing a source in Avtodor.
The general director of the research company Sherpa Group, Alexandra Galaktionova, in a conversation with the publication, noted that it is quite possible to attract almost 300 billion rubles in the indicated time frame: Avtodor can issue bonds not only at the expense of the NWF, but also market ones. There will be demand for them, since the company has a normal credit rating and long-term projects, she notes.
It is assumed that the road from Moscow to Sochi after the completion of the construction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway and bypasses of Rostov and Krasnodar will take only 15 hours instead of the current (by October 2023) day.[3]
Free travel for electric vehicles
The mechanism was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development together with Avtodor. The procedure for free travel for owners (individuals) of electric vehicles of both domestic and foreign production has been developed until the end of 2023. Read more here.
2022: Car traffic on Avtodor toll roads increased by 13.3%
In 2022, Avtodor the number of passes on paid highways "" reached 242.2 million, which is 13.3% more than a year earlier. The growth was due to the introduction of new paid sections on the M-1 and M-12 routes, as well as a change in supply chains and an increase in demand during the holiday season.
In 2022, traffic increased, among other things, on the Central Ring Road (TsKAD): the average daily traffic intensity increased by 10%, to 15.5 thousand vehicles. In M-4, which brings 53.6% of the revenues of the state-owned company Avtodor from the total fee collection, the increase was 3.1% (up to 24.1 thousand).
On the paid sections of the Ukraine and Neva M-3 M-11, on the contrary, traffic intensity fell by 7.8% (to 13.8 thousand) and 4.7% (to 15.5 thousand), respectively. Negative dynamics is observed due to a decrease in demand for truck travel, which in turn is associated with a change in supply chains, the state-owned company explained.
At the Western high-speed diameter in St. Petersburg (WHSD; concessionaire - the Northern Capital Highway company) in 2022, 102.3 million transactions were recorded. This is 3% lower than 2021 and 14% higher than the "covid" (COVID-19) 2020.
As explained in Avtodor, the number of passes is not equal to traffic. One car can drive through several payment frames on the track. However, traffic, as previously reported in the state-owned company, for cars on toll roads increased, for trucks - at times showed negative statistics.
It is noted that in the dynamics of traffic relative to 2021, the most noticeable movement of indicators in terms of trucks, that is, vehicles of class 3-4 (minus 19%). This is due to a significant change in logistics corridors, a decrease in cargo flows passing through the port and across the border with Finland.[4]
2020: An increase in traffic activity on toll roads of the Russian Federation by 5.6%, to 139.9 million trips - Avtodor
In 2020, Russians were 5.6% more likely to drive on toll roads than in 2019. This is evidenced by the data of the state company Avtodora. In total, in 2020, motorists in the Russian Federation made 139.9 million trips on paid Avtodor highways against 132.5 million a year earlier.
As noted in Avtodor, in April-June 2020, an approximately 33 percent decline in traffic intensity on toll roads was recorded due to restrictive measures in connection with the epidemiological situation.
However, already in August and September 2020 there was a record increase in traffic. The reason for this was the lifting of restrictions, which coincided with the vacation season. Compared to the previous year, traffic intensity in these two months increased by 14%. In October-December, the number of trips by passenger cars decreased due to the fact that the epidemiological situation in a number of regions worsened, and some citizens switched to a remote mode of operation.
Most often, in 2020, drivers drove along the Don M-4 highway - in 12 months they drove along it 111 million times. In second place is the M-3 "Ukraine" (more than 10 million driveways). The first three closes the popular route from 208 km in the Tver region to 684 km in St. Petersburg (the Neva M-11 route). In 2020, more than 8.8 million times drove through this site. On average, these 476 km per day passed 24 thousand cars, and in peak months - more than 37 thousand vehicles per day.
A short route from 668 to 684 km was popular with residents of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg (15.7% of the total number of driveways in 2020). More than 600 thousand driveways were recorded on the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) in just a month and a half of 2020.
Against the background of falling traffic in 2020, the share of users of contactless transponders that allow passing toll collection points without barriers or using the free flow (non-stop travel) system at the Central Ring Road grew. So, according to Avtodor, about 60% of the driveways were made using these devices, in total there are about 2 million of them in circulation.[5]
Intelligent Transport Infrastructure (ITS) Russia
- Intelligent Transport Infrastructure (ITS) Russia
- Unified Federal Center for Automatic Recording of Traffic Violations (CAFAP)
- NTI Autonet
- Avtodata Platform
- Regional Navigation and Information System (RNIS)
- Smart Traffic Light System
- Self-driving cars in Russia
- Self-driving cars (global market)
- Autopilot (self-driving car)
- Vehicle-to-Everytning (V2X) 5G in car evolution
- Transportation Management System Transport Management Systems and Projects
- Fleet management systems Auto management systems Systems and projects
- Vehicle Safety and Control SystemsSystems and Designs
- Satellite Communications and NavigationSystems and Projects
- Center for Traffic Management of the Government of Moscow (GKU TsODD)
- Intelligent Transport System (Moscow)
- Navigation and Information Center for the Administration of Freight Road Transport in Moscow
- Transport in Moscow
- Parking in Moscow