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2023/05/31 10:45:12

Vladimir region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District, the area is 29.1 thousand km ².


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Vladimir region



Ministry of Digital Development of the Vladimir Region

2022: How the digital transformation went

In May 2023, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Vladimirskaya Region, Alexander Belousov, spoke about how the digital transformation in the region took place in 2022.

The digital transformation strategy was approved, which includes 11 priority industries for the region: public administration; education and, science transport and logistics,, health care development of the urban environment, social sphere, industry, construction, personnel support of the digital economy, culture, security. A total of 46 digital transformation projects will be implemented.

Minister of Digital Development of the Vladimir Region Alexander Belousov

To the most interesting projects, Alexander Belousov attributed the translation of mass socially significant services into electronic form and a feedback platform platform for sending appeals to the authorities.

In addition, a terms of reference has been developed for the creation of an information system for ensuring urban planning activities. This system will provide services in the field of construction in electronic form, and will also become a significant link in the digital vertical of the industry at the regional level.

In 2022, the introduction of a unified system of the "Regional Segment of the State Health Information System" continued in the Vladimir Region.

The Minister of Health of the region and the chief doctors are personally responsible for the implementation of the system. Together traveled to neighboring regions, where colleagues shared with us experience in introducing the regional segment of the health care system. We help with the coordination of private technical tasks for revision, we send them on issues of ensuring information security, optimization of processes within the information system, - said the head of the regional Ministry of Digital Development.

As for the digital transformation of public administration, only since the introduction of the "Feedback Platform" more than 100 thousand messages have already been processed, and more than 1825 socially significant organizations of the region have been connected to the platform itself.[1]


Department of Culture of the Vladimir Region


Department of Education of the Vladimir Region

UNIVERSITIES of the Vladimir region

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Vladimir Region



1237: Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal

Map of Russia on the eve of the Mongol invasion

Organizations of the Vladimir region
