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Alternative Capital - 100%
Revenue Ths. rub


+ Reyman Leonid Dododzhonovich

STC IT ROSA LLC is a Russian company that develops software, including those that meet the requirements of Russian legislation in the field of information protection.

The products of STC IT ROSA LLC are included in the register of Russian software of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and are used at industrial enterprises, in commercial structures, state authorities working with confidential information, personal data and state secrets.



Launch of academic program for educational institutions of Russia and Belarus

JSC "STC IT ROSA" launches an academic program for educational institutions of Russia and Belarus. The company announced this on October 10, 2024.

The program is designed to support the educational process and train highly qualified IT professionals.

Within the framework of the program, schools, colleges and universities will be able to use the operating systems of the ROSA family and the virtualization platform ROSA Virtualization, the ROSA orchestration platform of the Control Center, the hybrid information infrastructure management system Resource Manager and the Dynamic Directory domain management service.

Participation in the program for educational organizations is completely free, which allows schools, institutions of secondary vocational education and universities to integrate IT solutions into their curricula. The vendor provides not only software, but also educational materials, webinars and technical support.

Teachers participating in the program are required to pass certification, which will allow them to conduct authorized ROSA courses on the basis of their educational institutions, and will also allow them to confirm their competencies in the company's products.

Program participants will be able to implement educational, research and scientific projects using ROSA solutions. Students who successfully complete the courses will receive official company certificates, which will significantly increase their chances of employment.

The following advantages are provided for educational organizations:

  • Licenses for the company's commercial software, including the ROSA Chrome operating system for education.
  • Access to the ROSA Education platform, where teachers and students will be able to work with methodological materials and receive support.
  • Conducting visiting summer and winter schools, hackathons and competitions for students.
  • The possibility of opening educational and scientific laboratories on the company's product solutions.
  • Free certification for teachers, allowing you to teach authorized courses.

"We see great potential in collaboration with educational institutions. Our academic program provides a wide range of opportunities for schools and universities, helping them train specialists in demand in the modern IT market. Thanks to free access to our solutions and educational resources, program participants will be able to effectively introduce IT technologies into the educational process, "commented Vyacheslav Kadomsky, Director of Strategic Development at ROSA:

To participate in the program, you must send an application to the 's mail. After consideration of the application, the educational institution will have access to the ROSA Education platform and to relevant program solutions.

STC IT ROSA is a developer of Russian IT platforms to create a single secure information space around the user. The company's software products cover the basic needs of the business, public sector and industrial enterprises in creating a single digital space. The ROSA product ecosystem is based on a secure, scalable and highly optimized Russian operating system for computers and servers ROSA Chrome, OS for mobile devices ROSA Mobile and a portable OS based on the ROSA Bariy flash token. The developer portfolio includes virtualization tools, domain management, backup of a virtual environment, VDI, operating systems management platforms and hybrid virtual infrastructure. The company actively supports educational initiatives and cooperates with more than 300 partners in Russia and Belarus, providing technical support in 24/7 mode.

Agreement with RTU MIREA on the development of solutions for Rosa Mobile OS

JSC "STC IT ROSA" and RTU MIREA signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science and innovation. The parties will cooperate in the development and testing of software solutions for the ROSA Mobile mobile operating system. About this "STC IT ROSA" reported on September 11, 2024. Read more here.

The beginning of the creation of a game console for 1 billion rubles

JSC NTC IT "Rosa," founded by the former Minister of Communications of Russia Leonid Reiman, has begun to create a domestic game console. As it became known at a meeting in the Ministry of Industry and Trade on July 12, 2024, the company estimated the necessary investments in the development of the device at ₽1 billion.

According to Vedomosti, the meeting was attended by representatives of development companies Fplus, ICST, Aquarius, GS Group and others. Deputy Minister of Industry Vasily Shpak said that the state is ready to support such projects if business also invests in them, while the authorities do not intend to limit themselves only to the Russian sales market, we are talking about friendly countries.

JSC NTC IT "Rosa" has begun to create a domestic game console

As the general director noted, following Video Game Industry Development Organizations Vasily Ovchinnikov the meeting, there was no clarity on what exactly the requested amount would go and what it consists of. Ministry of Industry and Trade plans to support only devices on national platforms and is strongly against funding projects on an open platform (Android AOSP). To work out the development and production of consoles in Russia, a working group will be created, which will include funds "," Skolkovo Bortnik and others.

The creation of a domestic console will require significant efforts from the regulator to build a coordinated work of all interested players and create conditions for the financial attractiveness of the project. The development of a PS or Xbox console can take 5 to 10 years and require a serious financial investment. In addition, you need to create an operating system, platform and games for it so that the app store is not empty.

A billion is enough to produce a trial batch on mainly imported components and start working with game developers, "said Vyacheslav Makarov, co-founder of the Video Game Industry Development Organization. - But for a full-fledged ecosystem of the game console, these tools, it seems to me, are not enough.[1]

2023: Reorganizing, Hiding Company Owners

In October 2023, STC IT ROSA carried out a reorganization in which the developer of operating systems Rosa Linux hid its owners. The company changed its organizational and legal form from LLC to JSC, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL).

As explained by CNews in STC IT ROSA, the reorganization is a technical procedure that was launched by the founder to "unify management mechanisms."

STC IT ROSA reorganized
Significant changes related to the reorganization are not expected for the company's business, the company emphasized.

At the same time, Artem Tuzov, director of the corporate finance department of the investment company IVA Partners, in a conversation with the publication, noted that the reorganization is often carried out before the upcoming IPO. Considering that recently Astra was successfully listed on the Moscow Exchange, this is the most likely reason for the reorganization into a joint-stock company, he suggested.

An additional reason for the reorganization may be the possibility of non-cash mergers and acquisitions through the exchange of shares. Astra occupies 75% of the market, and ROSA - 1.2%. Here it is worth thinking about the possibility of merging DEW with other market participants in order to be able to successfully compete with Astroy, "added Artem Tuzov.

According to Pavel Katkov, a lawyer and member of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Entrepreneurship in the field of media communications, an important feature of the JSC is an easy change of shareholders and the ability not to publish them in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

According to the Kontur Focus database, by the end of October 2023, STC IT ROSA is headed by Oleg Karpitsky. The company has two founders: Alternative Capital LLC, which owns a 99% stake (owned by Leonid Reiman), and 1% belongs to former MTT Group CEO Ayuna Mayorova.[2]

2022: Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products

The TAdviser analytical center studied who is on the Russian virtualization market, analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of products, and assessed the experience of development companies. Companies and products investigated include ROSA (ROSA VIRTUALIZATION product). Read more about the research here.

2021: Oleg Karpitsky - new CEO

On September 23, 2021, it was announced that Oleg Karpitsky was appointed the new General Director of ROSA Scientific and Technical Center for Information Technologies ROSA, which develops Linux distributions. Read more here.


logo in 2020

According to September 2020, STC IT ROSA has its own repository and development environment registered in the territory, has a license of the FSTEC of Russia for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information and specializes in the development of operating systems: server, desktop and mobile, certified by the FSTEC of Russia for the public sector.

STC IT ROSA is the first company to present its unique solution at the XIII Altai IT Forum

The XIII Altai IT Forum has successfully started with the support of the Government of the Altai Territory represented by the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Altai Territory, the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information Technologies and the Digital Economy, the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises of Russia (APKIT).

STC IT ROSA LLC, a developer of operating systems and virtualization environment, was the first in the Import Substitution section. Represented by CEO Vladislav Vasilyeva, the company spoke about the advantages of using the domestic fully functional virtualization environment management platform ROSA Virtualization, which allows you to provide a remote workplace for a civil servant. Within the framework of the national development project "Digital Economy" in the Russian Federation, the proposed product STC IT ROSA is an excellent alternative to VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, as well as other commercial virtualization management systems.

STC IT ROSA also outlined the first projects implemented during the implementation of the ROSA Virtualization Environment and ROSA Virtualization 2.0: In 2019, TFCMI became one of the first customers of ROSA Virtualization, deploying the virtualization environment in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2020, among the first ROSA Virtualization 2.0 customers, JSC TD Russian Railways became the goal of which was to completely abandon the imported virtualization system, migrate all virtual machines to a new platform with minimal downtime of IT infrastructure components.

The company has repeatedly confirmed the level of confidence in the information environment management platform, which is increasingly used both in state bodies of the Russian Federation and in commercial structures.

The full presentation will be available on the official website of the forum.

2019: Launch of the first specialist training program for domestic software

On May 21, 2019, it became known that on the basis of the Serpukhov City Open College, from September 2019, the training of middle-level specialists in the specialty "programmer technician" will begin under a training program prepared by STC IT ROSA experts.

As reported, the main task of the program is to ensure the training of personnel necessary for a successful transition to. domestic software As of May 2019, the number of qualified specialists is simply not enough to perform a tremendous amount of installation and setup work. First Russian ON of all, this problem is due to the fact that all Russian operating systems ones indicated in the registry have Linux different versions at their core. To work with them, you will need the skills, knowledge and experience of working in a Linux environment, and not the manipulations familiar to programmers in the environment. Windows Previously, there were no ready-made educational programs for the training of such specialists.

The STC IT ROSA educational program for the training of middle-level specialists is the first of its kind and the beginning of a full-scale educational program of OS ROSA to provide the market with highly qualified professionals, the main task of which will be the introduction and customization of software within the framework of import substitution.

In May 2019, the program on the basis of the Serpukhov City Open College passed state accreditation, the first set was opened, the students of which, within the framework of training, will acquire, in addition to theoretical knowledge and practical skills, taking an internship in STC IT ROSA, and will receive state diplomas on secondary vocational education.

2017: Partnership with NCPR

In October 2017, STC IT ROSA and the National Center for Support and Development entered into a partnership and cooperation agreement providing for the achievement of compatibility of released software products, including certified information security requirements, promotion and use of joint solutions in current and promising projects. Read more here.


NGO Angstrom gains control over STC IT ROSA

At the end of July 2015, it became known that the manufacturer of microelectronics NPO Angstrom, owned (by 99.95%) by former Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman, will receive control over the developer of free software STC IT ROSA. This was announced to Vedomosti by the general director of Angstrem Alexei Bocharov and confirmed by the general director of the STC IT ROSA Arkady Tagiyev[3]

Talking about layoffs in STC IT ROSA, Bocharov did not rule out "possible optimization of the company." The deal is now being structured, it will take more than a month, says Bocharov. Neither he nor Tagiyev disclosed its amount to Vedomosti.

At the beginning of July 2015, the company employed about 30 people and almost all of them were fired, said a Russian IT manager familiar with the company's employees. STC IT ROSA CEO Arkady Tagiyev noted that "the company continues to work and produce products and products" (on Friday it announced the release of a new version of the open source client operating system). President of the STC IT ROSA Vladimir Rubanov declined to comment. The company will lose part of the technical team, and changes in management are not excluded, says a source close to STC IT ROSA, - he explains the incident by changing the shareholder.

The fact is that STC IT ROSA has assembled a strong technical team, but has not paid attention to commercial sales, explains a source close to STC IT ROSA. The state of the company also did not help, he complains. A STC IT ROSA interlocutor of Vedomosti, close to the shareholders, agrees with him. According to him, STC IT ROSAS have good products, but it is not easy to commercialize them: a significant share of demand for them should come from government agencies, which, however, prefer either independent development or the purchase of ready-made commercial software.

The Vedomosti interlocutor, familiar with its shareholders, cites the situation in STC IT ROSA as an example of the fact that the import substitution rate does not help free software developers commercialize their products as expected. Bocharov retorts that the time has simply not come for STC IT ROSA products: the import substitution course allows Bocharov to hope for future good sales of the company's products. He explains the injection of STC IT ROSA into Angstrom by the plant's desire to strengthen its position in software development. Badayev noted the quality of the programs developed by STC IT ROSA, which, however, was not accompanied by the commercial success of the company. Bocharov called STC IT ROSA "an excellent asset" and added that the company "will live."

Having won the competition of the Ministry of Communications, STC IT ROSA and Alt Linux asked the state for 2.5 billion rubles. for five and a half years for the joint development of a corporate platform based on domestic operating systems. This is two-thirds of the total project budget, Rubanov told Vedomosti in June. According to him, the rest of the amount should have been contributed by the partners themselves.

However, an autonomous non-profit organization (ANO), which is supposed to distribute grants from the Ministry of Communications for the development of domestic software, has not yet been created - the Ministry of Economic Development has found shortcomings in the financing mechanism proposed by the Ministry of Communications. In total, the Ministry of Communications requested 18 billion rubles to support programmers in five areas of development of domestic software. Now the Ministry of Communications has a financial and economic justification for the creation of an ANO, a specific source of money should be determined by the government, a representative of the Ministry of Communications told Vedomosti on July 24, 2015. The STC IT ROSA intends to develop a joint product with Alt Linux, regardless of whether the company receives a grant from the Ministry of Communications or not, Bocharov told Vedomosti.

Dismissal of employees

In July 2015, an ex-employee of ROSA Laboratory (the former[4] a subsidiary of Rosa CJSC) Sergey Pecherkin published on his Facebook page a message about the mass dismissal of employees in the Rosa Scientific and Technical Center with reference to information received in professional circles.

became sad after the news of the actual liquidation of the company, which I considered a second home for several years. However, all good things once end, and often suddenly. Employees are dismissed in full force, what will happen to the products - it is not clear, "he

In the comments to one of the reposts of this message about the dismissal of all employees, Yevgeny Budanov, a former employee of the Rosa Research and Development Center, also wrote: "Everyone was fired, as I was told. I don't understand why this fact is hidden. "

President of NTC "Rosa" Vladimir Rubanov in a telephone conversation with a TAdviser correspondent did not comment on the situation in the company. PR-director of "Rosa" Ekaterina Lopukhova could not speak with a TAdviser correspondent, citing a vacation. A source in the management of "Rosa" says that the company continues to work. He did not discuss the dismissal.

According to a TAdviser source familiar with Dew's activities, after the layoffs, the team remained in the company, which is going to continue working on the distribution on enthusiasm. According to another source, the company was financed until recently by Leonid Reiman, but in the end he was disappointed in the project due to its low profitability.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications promises funding for Rosa in a consortium with Alt Linux

In June 2015, Rosa, in a consortium with Alt Linux, became the winner[5] winners of the selection[6] the Ministry of Communications in the OS category to finance the development of priority software. However, the companies did not receive money as of July, since the Ministry of Communications did not agree on the sources of financing in the government.

2014: Application for bankruptcy of CJSC, migration to IT Research and Development Center "Rosa"

NTC IT "Rosa" initially belonged to CJSC Rosa 100%. But, according to the Contour-Focus database, in early 2014, an additional issue of the Rosa IT Research and Development Center was held, as a result of which 99% of the company's shares in April 2014 belong to its general director Arkady Tagiyev.

In April 2014, it became known that Rosa CJSC filed a bankruptcy petition with the Moscow Arbitration Court. The "daughter" of "Dew" - "Rosa-Lab" (resident of "Skolkovo") turned with a similar petition. [7].

Former CEO of Rosa CJSC Vladimir Rubanov told CNews that bankruptcy applications are related to the optimization of the structure of legal entities of the Rosa group. All operations after the transformation were concentrated in the IT Research and Development Center "Rosa" - the former "daughter" of CJSC Rosa, specializing in certified products. At the same time, Rubanov became the president and general designer of this company. Cooperation with Skolkovo was terminated.

Meanwhile, a source familiar with the activities of Rosa called the unsatisfactory financial condition the reason for the bankruptcy of two legal entities. If in 2012 the revenue of Rosa and Pingwin Software amounted to 150 million rubles each, then in 2013 Rosa earned only 15 million rubles. The closure of Pingwin Software was officially announced shortly before.

At the same time, if in the spring of 2013 about 70-80 specialists worked in the Rosa group (15 of them at the Rosa IT Research and Development Center), then in April 2014 only 25-30 people worked in the new head structure of Rosa. Those who were fired were not paid compensation, the source told CNews. With the same, he associated the bankruptcy of the company.

In the period from autumn 2013 to spring 2014, Rosa CJSC lost a number of claims in arbitration courts from subcontractors totaling 9 million rubles. Thus, the Open Solutions company sued Rosa for 4.3 million rubles. due to non-payment of the services of its specialists and another 1.7 million rubles. - due to non-payment of work on the development of IFree software. And the company "Devman Plus," which created for "Dew" "the web interface of the ABF build environment using Ruby on Rails tools," sued 1 million rubles.

Rubanov then said that 60 people worked in the IT Research and Development Center "Rosa," and the total number of vacancies was 120. When all the vacancies are filled, the staff of this company will be even larger than the Rosa group had, Rubanov hoped. At the same time, the main backbone of the Rosa developers was transferred to the Rosa IT Research and Development Center. He refused to comment on the financial performance of Rosa, compensation payments to former employees and legal proceedings.

In addition to Reiman, the shareholder of Rosa CJSC was its first CEO Dmitry Komissarov (he owned 5% of the shares). And the IT Research and Development Center "Rosa" initially belonged to Rosa CJSC 100%. But, according to the Contour-Focus database, after the additional issue of the IT Research and Development Center "Rosa," 99% of the company's shares became owned by its general director Arkady Tagiev.

Komissarov said that he did not receive any notifications about the bankruptcy of Rosa CJSC, as well as about the erosion of its share in the Rosa IT Research and Development Center. Shareholders' issues, including relations with Reiman, were not commented on by the Rosa IT Research and Development Center.

The restructuring of the Rosa group looked quite logical in the light of other events on the market, said then the deputy general director of Alt Linux Alexey Novodvorsky.

"Until recently, the behavior of some Russian SPO companies resembled throwing stones in a glass house, and this did not work out well," Novodvorsky stated. "In addition, now in the world, many companies specializing in open source companies are revising their business models."

2013: Loss - RUB 13.48 mln

In 2013, the company's income almost halved, to 7.9 million rubles, and it suffered a loss of 13.48 million rubles, follows from the SPARK database.

2012: Revenue - RUB 14.4 mln

According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2012, the revenue of STC IT ROSA amounted to 14.4 million rubles, net profit - 428,000 rubles[3].

2010: Leonid Reiman announces formation of the company

The company "Rosa" was created in November 2010 at the expense of ex-Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman. Then Reiman actively invested in free software (SPO): he bought control of the SPO integrator Pingwin Software from ATI and became the controlling shareholder of the French Linux developer Mandriva.

It was stated that investments in the project amounted to about 60 million rubles. When creating the company, it was announced that Rosa will develop full-cycle solutions, the company's base products will be the Rosa Desktop OS line and the Rosa Server Servers OS line. In addition, Rosa planned to develop an OS for mobile platforms, including tablets and netbooks.

At the initial stage, Rosa was going to concentrate on software development for Russia, and subsequently planned to develop cooperation with foreign partners, for example Mandriva , with (owned by Reiman through a venture capital fund). NGI

At the end of 2010, a state tender for the creation of a national OS was expected. It was supposed to allocate 490 million rubles from the budget to finance this program over three years. Finam estimated the volume of the Russian open source software market at $300-350 million.

Later, based on the development of Mandriva, Rosa created the Rosa Desktop Fresh operating system for home PCs, the Rosa Maraphon corporate system, the Rosa Education Desktop distribution for educational institutions, as well as a version of the FSTEC certified distribution.

Among the clients of the company at that time were called "Russian Post" and the Ministry of Education and Science (at the end of 2011, Rosa won the agency's tender for 89 million rubles).
