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Globus-IT Globus IT Development of digital services for large business


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees
2022 year


+ Pavel Vasilyevich Korotky
+ Konstantin Andreev

Globus Group specializes in the product development of web services and mobile applications for large brands.

Areas of activity

As of September 2021, the main activities of the group are:

  • Mobile Application Development
    • Employees of the company are able to create powerful banking applications, projects in the field of speech technologies, geolocation and media services, business applications for use within companies.

  • Web development
  • Product Exploration

    • Pre-Design Studies is a GLOBUS technique that combines agile practices in the business immersion phase. This is a way to determine the value of functionality and understand how to justify an idea for management, put techies and businesses in the same boat without wasting the budget and minimizing costs.

  • Product testing

    • For each product, the company develops testing scenarios, conducts functional, research, modular, integration testing, writes scripts for load and automated testing.

  • ML/AI

  • Business software (BPM, CRM, ERP, IP telephony, Low-code, RPA, SHD, EDM, server and network equipment)
  • IT outsourcing

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 29.2% to RUR 1,674 million

At the end of 2022, Globus IT's revenue increased by 29.2% to 1,674 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 172 lines (72 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).


2024: Launch of the business process automation direction using 1C software products

Globus IT on January 31, 2024 announced the launch of a direction for the automation of business processes using 1C software products. Within this area, the company will provide services for the implementation and post-design support of new information systems for medium and large businesses.

Digitalization is important for business growth and development. Therefore, we created a team of specialists and separated the business process automation department based on 1C products into a separate division. This will allow us to quickly respond to market demands and provide our clients with tools that help companies develop and achieve their goals, "said Pavel Korotky, CEO of Globus IT.

After analyzing the market needs, the company identified the main areas of its activities in this area:

  • examination, consulting and selection of the optimal automation option for the company
  • design, development, implementation and integration with existing information systems
  • refinement and improvement of already existing 1C products in the company
  • training of employees to work in the new information system, consulting and technical support

The 1C product line provides ample opportunities for comfortable integration into almost any management system due to a variety of industry and specialized solutions. And our specialists have significant experience and the necessary competencies for the implementation of tasks on the basis of 1C, - summed up Pavel Korotky.


6th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector"

Globus IT took 6th place in the ranking "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies in custom development projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

Joining Compo Soft

Compo Soft became part of the Globus IT group of companies, which announced this on June 5. Read more here.

Integration of F.Doc Paperless Office and Bitrix24

Globus IT has integrated the Paperless Office of F.Doc with Bitrix24, which gives platform users additional opportunities for signing documents, their accurate accounting, makes the electronic document management process faster and more convenient, and the exchange with counterparties is clearer and more controlled. This was announced on January 25, 2023 by Globus IT. Read more here.


2nd place in the TAdviser rating "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector"

Globus IT is included in the rating "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the development of mobile applications for 2022.

Signing of Globus Consulting partnership agreement with Roskachestvo

Roskachestvo and Globus Consulting (part of the Globus group of companies) signed a partnership agreement, which involves mutually beneficial cooperation in order to strengthen the expertise of both parties. The bilateral agreement will deepen research into digital services. This was announced by Globus IT on October 18, 2022.

An independent partner represented by Roskachestvo will allow Globus Consulting to develop in the following areas:

  • State expertise (development of standards and research methods on the basis of the technical committee (TK 702 "Russian Quality System" at Rosstandart).
  • Conducting joint research with experts from the Center for Digital Expertise of Roskachestvo.
  • Drawing up objective ratings.
  • Participation in expert meetings to form methods and standards.

In turn, cooperation with Globus Consulting will allow Roskachestvo to deepen its expertise in the field of digital services and services, as well as expand its competencies in the field of B2B.

Employees of the company have many years of experience in researching complex services, primarily in the banking sector, in fintech. In addition, we have developed our own special research methodology in the field of B2B, which has already proven itself on the market (see "Interaction between B2B users and Russian banks in the realities of 2022),
told the head of Globus Consulting , Vasily Efanov.

The task of Roskachestvo is to help the buyer choose high-quality and safe goods, focusing on the results of independent research. Roskachestvo ratings are compiled on the basis of objective expertise. Working with Globus Consulting will deepen the digital research carried out by the Roskachestvo Center for Digital Expertise and conduct a comprehensive assessment of services that are important for both users and developers,
noted the deputy head of Roskachestvo , Anton Kukanov.

Globus Consulting Unit Launch

Globus IT announced on June 3, 2022 the launch of a unit - Globus Consulting, whose tasks include a comprehensive study of issues related to improving the efficiency of digital services through the analysis of user experience. Key competencies of this unit:

  • quick testing of product hypotheses on active users;
  • search for best practices due to deep observation in digital;
  • comprehensive usability tests with any user groups;
  • CJM building, audit of business processes and user paths;
  • working with business metrics (customers, sales, hold, NPS);
  • training of product teams in UX and CX.

The unit was headed by Vasily Efanov, who has experience in large analytical agencies and design studios as an account director. During his work, Vasily organized and conducted complex UX/CX research, was engaged in digital consulting.

Qualitative research is especially relevant during economic changes and the distribution of forces in the market by new players. In order to keep up with competitors and improve the efficiency of processes and business indicators, you need to carefully think about market positioning, monitor legislative changes and be ready to transform established business models. To do this, our division initiates research on interfaces and user experience, allowing us to quickly track key events and changes in the market,
said Vasily Efanov.

Joining the AI Code of Ethics

Globus IT announced on June 6, 2022 that it had joined the Code of Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence.

The memorandum was signed on June 3, 2022.

The signing of such a memorandum is the first step towards creating a legislative framework in the development of artificial intelligence systems (AI/AI), "said Ilya Pomerantsev, head of ML Globus IT. - As of June 2022, this area is practically unregulated. There are only restrictions on the market itself, be it medicine or the processing of personal data.

According to Ilya Pomerantsev, this problem exists not only in our country, but also in the world. The artificial intelligence industry began to develop rapidly relatively recently, but has already managed to become the subject of criticism and serious fears of society.

At the same time, those involved in the development of AI understand that these are primitive algorithms that are easily controlled. However, AI, like any other digital tool, can fall into the hands of dishonest people. For example, deepfakes (a realistic substitution of photo, audio and video materials created using neural networks) can be used for fraudulent purposes.

We, as market participants, understand that moderation is necessary in such areas, - said Ilya Pomerantsev. - Such a collective agreement will allow us to develop common criteria and solutions so that this area is transparent, understandable to everyone and does not cause fears of AI uncontrollability.


Revenue - 1,296 million rubles

At the end of 2021, Globus IT's revenue amounted to 1,296 million rubles.

260% increase in the share of web development

The share of web development by Globus IT increased from 24% in 2020 to 63% of the total number of orders in 2021. Growth was more than 260% for the year. The company announced this on April 1, 2022.

The main changes affected the banking sector, and we observed a trend towards development growth in this segment already in 2020, but it was not as significant as in 2021, "said Inga Morozova, Development Director of Globus IT. - But we must understand that we are not talking about the development of sites, but about an increase in demand in general for Java, PHP and Python developers for the development of internal backend services of companies.

In addition, the growth of web development was noted in other industries such as retail, logistics, IT and telecom.

The active development of mobile development was in 2018-2020. The leaders were Tinkoff with the introduction of a large number of mobile kill features, the entire industry was moving forward behind this "locomotive," continued Inga Morozova. - In 2021 banks , they switched to tidying up the architecture, increasing productivity growth and optimizing the existing one, IT infrastructures introducing new services based on, for example, Machine Learning (ML) analysis. big data

When processing large tabular data, algorithmachine learning is increasingly used. There is also a great demand for visualization of such data.

The most active now is the introduction chat boats of various ones, voice assistants which, thanks to the development of - NLP technology, are becoming more and more friendly and similar in the style of communication to a person, - said the head of the ML Globus IT department. - In Ilya Pomerantsev general, three directions of ML implementation can be distinguished, which are integrated with the web: Computer Vision, Data Science and NLP. Computer Vision, - this is all about video analysts smart intercoms, smart -. IPcameras In addition, processing and,, various visualization of big data BI forecast services are in demand. Often, already familiar services are overgrown with new functionality based on. AI

Globus IT experts consider this trend to be stable for the coming years. The development of the company, the system of selection of developers and planning of courses of the Globus Academy for 2022 will largely proceed from it. In addition, the company predicts a rapid increase in low-code and no-code programming, when developers will create multifunctional websites with little or no raw code.

Opening the direction of automation and regulation of business processes

The main reason for launching the direction is that we have accumulated a lot of requests from customers who would like to receive a comprehensive service from our company, - explains the head of the direction Amir Yakubov. - In addition to web and mobile development, we can now offer customers a full range of digital services. For example, to develop a corporate Internet portal with a functional mobile application, integrate it with the customer's CRM or ERP systems, display data on dashboards ("smart" control panels that display data in real time) through business analytics so that managers understand the state of each business area at the moment, implement robotic solutions for automating manual operations, and deliver servers, computer equipment, storage systems so that everything that we have developed and integrated is at our own capacity.

After analyzing the market needs, the company identified the main areas in which it plans to develop:

  • Business Intelligence (BI) - Analyze and visualize business data for informed decision-making
  • Business Process Management (BPM) - intelligent enterprise business process management system
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Customer Interaction Automation
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Integrated Enterprise Management System
  • LOW-CODE - development of applications without programmers
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a robotic computer program that simulates human actions
  • SAN (DSS) - Secure storage

As of December 2021, Globus is a partner of software manufacturers such as Kaspersky United, Microsoft Partner Network, IBM. And this list in the future will be replenished with new partners and suppliers.

I worked for many years as a director of digital development at various companies and more than once came across contractors who were only set up to sell the product and did not even think about fully and organically fitting it into the client's IT structure, says Amir Yakubov. - Thanks to my experience, I see the business and its processes from the inside and understand how to correctly integrate all systems so that they are as efficient and useful as possible to the customer.


Composition of Globus Group of Companies

Globus Logo 2020

As of June 2019, the Globus group of companies includes the Globus Community partner network, the Mish design laboratory, the Cerebro HR agency and the Skrepka consulting agency. The Globus partner network unites digital agencies and has more than 250 partners.

e-Legion and Globus announce merger

Globus and e-Legion announced in June 2019 a merger to consolidate the mobile and web development market and strengthen expertise to provide customers with comprehensive IT services. The consolidated turnover of companies in 2018 exceeded 450 million rubles in the development of mobile applications and related services. In total, the companies have more than 200 employees in 6 cities.

As representatives of Globus later clarified to TAdviser, the actual merger of the companies did not happen in the end - the deal was not legally completed. Organizations continued to exist as separate legal entities that had nothing to do with each other.


Globus logo for March 2017.
Company Slogan - "Mobile Business Solutions"

As of March 2017, Globus Group of Companies was developing custom-made mobile applications for IT companies, banks, insurance and distribution companies, digital agencies from the USA, England, Russia and the CIS countries.