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Luxoft Ukraine division appeared in 2005.
According to Luxoft, all of its offices in Ukraine are based on "the strongest universities that train technical specialists." As of August 2010, Luxoft Ukraine brought together more than 1,300 specialists in three development centers located in Kyiv, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk. As of May 2014, Luxoft's staff in Ukraine was about 2.75 thousand with a total staff of Luxoft of more than 7 thousand people.
Specializing in such industries as finance and banking, telecommunications, power, automotive and industrial electronics, IT, aviation and tourism, Luxoft Ukraine provides services for dozens of customers from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France and the CIS. Ukrainian customers include banks (OTP Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, Bank Aval, PrivatBank) and mobile operators (Astelit).
The company stated that more than 90% of Luxoft Ukraine's business is the export of services for Western customers. Solutions developed by the company are used in transactions in the global investment market, in the European electricity transmission and distribution market. Electronics and software developed by employees of the Kyiv and Odessa Luxoft centers are used in premium cars of German, French, American and Korean automakers.
Performance indicators
2023: Sixth place in revenue among Ukrainian IT companies - 5.9 billion hryvnia
In December 2024, Forbes published a rating of the largest Ukrainian IT companies by revenue. Luxoft Ukraine took sixth place with revenue of 5.9 billion hryvnia at the end of 2023. Read more here.
2021: Robbery of a Luxoft employee for 85 thousand UAH, sentencing of criminals
In August 2021, the Malinovsky District Court of Odessa sentenced a citizen Georgia who was accused of robbing the apartment of a company employee. Luxoft
According to court materials, in April 2019, two unknown persons robbed an apartment, stealing $1,200, 90 euros, 29,000 UAH from its owner (about 79 thousand rubles), children's gold earrings with diamonds worth 3000 UAH (8,200 rubles), two pairs of gold earrings for 4,500 UAH (12,000 rubles) and 3000 UAH (8200 rubles), a gold chain with a pendant worth 2700 UAH (7300 rubles), gold rings worth 2000 UAH (5400 rubles) and 4500 UAH (12,300 rubles).
In addition, a 1-liter bottle of Jameson whiskey worth 900 UAH (2500 rubles), a liter bottle of Zubrovka Bison Grass vodka worth 180 UAH (490 rubles), a Promate backpack for 700 UAH (1900 rubles), De-Nol tablets, a badge with a photo and a printed name and logo of Luxoft, which has no material value.
The victim estimated the amount of damage at UAH 85,000 (about 232 thousand rubles). The thieves were detained. They admitted their guilt. The victim said that the accused fully compensated for the damage caused, in connection with which he had no claims against him and asked to impose a punishment, was not related to imprisonment.
However, the court decided somewhat differently: first he sentenced him to three years in prison, and then commuted him, replacing him with a year and a half of probation. As for the second participant in the robbery, there is no information about him.
In addition, investigators returned the stolen items to the victim - a leather briefcase, a corporate badge of a Luxoft employee, certificates, a bottle of vodka "Zubrovka Bison Grass," an empty bottle of whiskey, four tablets "De-nol." Other material evidence is destroyed.[1]
2015: Luxoft's Ukrainian office searched
On September 1, 2015, the Ukrainian online magazine reported that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) had searched Luxoft's office in Dnepropetrovsk.
At the time of the report, there was no official comment from the company on this matter. From the messages on Twitter it followed that the sixth floor was cordoned off, on which the company's office is located. Some of the employees in this regard worked at home. Office security was blocked, and the phone and Internet were disconnected, the newspaper writes.
According to the, later all office employees were released, and SBU officers, trying to gain access to the servers, opened the doors with a server crowbar.
By evening, Luxoft provided an official comment on the situation:
"The work of some services of Luxoft in the Dnipropetrovsk office was temporarily suspended. This was done in order to cooperate with local authorities who are investigating the electronic threat. At this time, we are helping the investigation identify the person who sent the suspicious email. At the same time, all client services continue to work remotely, "the company said in a statement.
Luxoft added that the investigation has nothing to do with Luxoft's work as a local business and IT company and expressed expectations that the usual work of their Dnipropetrovsk office will resume in the next 12-24 hours.