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Mobius Medical Systems




Mobius Medical Systems is the private company which is engaged in software development in the field of radiation therapy. The company is among market leaders of software for quality control of treatment in the field of radiation oncology.

Main products of Mobius Medical Systems are DoseLab (widely used medical software for the PC) and Mobius3D (called by the producer first-ever 3D - the plan of maintaining patients with a treatment quality assessment system). The office of the company is in Redvud-city, California, the USA.

2018: Varian buys Mobius Medical

On February 6, 2018 Varian Medical Systems announced acquisition of Mobius Medical Systems company. Purchase of Mobius corresponds to the strategy of long-term growth of Varian — this transaction, as expected, will allow the company to gain the lead equipment suppliers and the software in the field of radiation therapy.

Integration of additional tools into an ecosystem of Varian will allow to integrate advanced technologies of quality evaluation of treatment into workflows. Besides, Varian can provide that new quality evaluation methods were implemented along with the advanced methods of therapy of malignant new growths entered on the market by the company Varian.

Headquarters of Varian Medical Systems

The software on quality evaluation of therapy of Mobius is used in more than 1000 research centers worldwide. Varian will get access to Mobius3D — the first-ever three-dimensional quality control system of IMRT/VMAT. She executes check of doses of radiation in plans of therapy of patients, estimates parameters and data of rotational therapy with modulation of amount of radiation throughout the entire period of treatment and turns on modular step-by-step testing which allows the attending physician to control the plan of maintaining the patient and the carried-out treatment.

The solution DoseLab which develops Mobius is not less important for Varian. The producer calls it software powerful and simple tool for quality evaluation of medical linear particle accelerators.[1]