Novorossiysk Bakery Plant
Since 1882
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Elevator str., 22
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Performance indicators
2024: Revenue growth by 12.6% to RUB 11.13 billion
At the end of 2024, the revenue of the Novorossiysk Bakery Plant increased by 12.6% to 11.13 billion rubles, in 2023 it amounted to 9.89 billion rubles. Net profit amounted to 6.32 billion rubles. compared to 4.96 billion rubles. in 2023. The company's assets amounted to 18.43 billion rubles. compared to 16.92 billion rubles. in 2023. Capital and reserves increased by 20.53% to 15.8 billion rubles. This is evidenced by the data of the annual reporting of the plant for 2024, published in March 2025.[1]
According to the results of 1P 2015, the Company occupies a leading position among its competitors - deep-sea ports of the Southern Federal District
Technical re-equipment of the terminal:
- commissioning of two NEUERO ship-loading machines with a total capacity of 1,800 t/h
- increasing the capacity of the gallery for grain shipment on board the vessel to 1,600 tons/hour
1994 – 1996
The beginning of a new era of export of Russian grain, reconstruction of all equipment intended for grain import for export
1980 – 1984
In connection with the change in the need of the USSR, grain imports begin, for which the necessary infrastructure is being built:
- elevator No. 2 for shipment of grain to railway cars with a capacity of 44 thousand tons
- two grain receivers of Buhler are installed
1943 – 1958
Restoration of the enterprise after the Great Patriotic War, construction of two mills
The growth of export operations led to the construction of:
- new elevator No. 1 with a storage capacity of 100 thousand tons
- loading gallery of grain supply to water with capacity of 1,000 t/h
1928 – 1930
Construction of a transport gallery for supplying grain to the pier with a capacity of 400 t/h
1882-1893: Formation of the Company
Construction of the Novorossiysk Silo Elevator Barn:
- The largest in Europe, the second largest in the world with a capacity of 49 thousand tons
- The need to create an enterprise is due to the economic needs of the state.