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1C-Rarus: Cashier

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: 1C-Rarus
Last Release Date: May 2018
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade Automation Systems


"1C-Rarus: Cashier" is a cash solution for retail stores.

2023: "1C-Rarus: Cashier," rev. 4.0 received the certificate "Compatible!"

"1C-Rarus: Cashier" received the certificate "Compatible! Program system 1C: Enterprise. " 1C-Rarus announced this on September 14, 2023.

"1C-Rarus: Cashier," rev. 4.0 is designed to organize workplaces at the cash terminal. It is possible to organize work online with the sales system of the central office. The front-office solution works with a large range of retail equipment used at cash desks.

The recertification of industry solutions is carried out by 1C every 2 years. The received 1C: Compatible certificate confirms that:

  • The quality of development and support of 1C Rarus: Cashier complies with 1C standards.
  • The solution has been thoroughly tested for the correctness of working with programs on the 1C: Enterprise platform.
  • A regular update of the solution is guaranteed to comply with legal changes in terms of cash transaction requirements.


Compatibility with 1C: Enterprise programs

In August 2021, the 1C-Rarus: Cashier solution received the certificate "Compatible! Program system 1C: Enterprise. " This was announced on August 26, 2021 by 1C-Rarus.

The document confirms that the solution:

  • It works correctly on the 1C platform and seamlessly integrates with other 1C programs.
  • Promptly updated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and the market.


1C-Rarus: Cashier allows you to exchange items and sales data between the cashier and the central office online. If the Internet "falls," the solution continues to work offline and accumulate sales in memory. Once the connection is restored, the data is automatically transferred to the accounting system.

More about the possibilities of the solution for August 2021:

  • Helps to sell. Quickly finds goods by name, article or barcode. Shows the characteristics, cost and balances of the product. Selects analogues for goods that are not available.
  • Boosts sales. The cashier receives tips about existing promotions and related products.
  • Accepts orders. It helps to issue customer orders at the checkout, accept prepayment and issue formed orders.
  • Meets labeling requirements. It helps to sell any labeled product: alcohol, tobacco, shoes, clothes and medicines.
  • Complies with 54-FZ requirements. Carries out sales, returns and corrections according to 54-FZ rules.
  • Monitors the security of the cash register. Allows you to configure access rights to the cash register. Authorizes cashiers by login and password or service card. Blocks the cashier while the cashier is out of place.
  • Supports trade equipment. Works with online cash registers, acquiring terminals, scanners, buyer displays.

2018: 1C-Rarus: Cashier, Revision 4

Product "1C-Rarus. Cashier, "rev. 4 is designed to automate retail enterprises.

The solution is based on the configuration for 1C:Enterprise 8 program. The solution uses a wide range of sales equipment and is used to organize cashiers' workplaces (Front-Office). 1C-Rarus: Cashier can be used to automate single stores, boutiques, workplaces in supermarkets and separate retail outlets of retail chains in the presence of a central node that is responsible for maintaining a reference book of goods, assigning prices and other commodity operations.

The industry solution "1C-Rarus: Cashier, edition 4" is focused on using the cashier's automated workplace at the cash terminal as a program and allows organizing work online with the sales system of the central office.

The main industry functionality of the program:

  • Organization of work in the "Online" mode: work in the "Online" mode from the central office ACS, automatic switching to the "Offline" mode of operation in case of "loss" of communication with the central office and switching to the "Online" mode when restoring communication;
  • Meets the requirements of the 54-FZ: support for the PDF 1.05 protocol - sales transactions, returns, correction checks, acceptance of advance payments, offset of advance payment on sale;
  • Mechanisms for increasing sales: informing the cashier about existing discounts and notifying the client about the need to increase the shopping cart to trigger a particular discount, informing the cashier about analogues and goods purchased jointly, context-sensitive reminders to buyers;
  • Wide configuration of cashier access rights: centralized and decentralized management of cashier access settings and rights is possible;
  • The possibility of various options for cashiers: in touchpad mode, using a standard keyboard, using a programmable keyboard, setting hot keys;
  • Discounts and surcharges: assignment of manual discounts, assignment of automatic discounts received from the central office system or "1C-Rarus: Bonus service" system;
  • Authorization and blocking of the workplace: the ability to authorize, lock and unlock the workplace by login and password, service bar or magnetic card;
  • Transactions with checks: registration of sales checks, execution of return checks, correction of the check, cancellation of the check before its penetration, selection of goods by name, barcode, internal code.
  • Work "on order": the ability to order goods from the cashier's interface, the ability to sell on an order made earlier, accounting for prepayment on an order.
  • Cash desk transactions: opening and closing shifts (z-report), x-report, deposits and withdrawal of funds;
  • Support for various payment options: cash payment, credit cards, gift certificates, mixed payment;
  • Support for a wide range of trading equipment: fiscal recorders (FD), cashless payment authorizers, barcode scanners and magnetic card readers, buyer displays, programmable keyboards.

The software product "1C-Rarus: Cashier, edition 4" is developed on " platform and is an original configuration. For the operation of the program, the installed platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" must be at least version 8.3.10.

The software product is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be modified. At the same time, the principle of maximum code openness is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users. The software product is protected and licensed using 1C: SLK hardware and software.