Developers: | ATB Electronics |
Last Release Date: | 2023/05/10 |
Technology: | Office equipment |
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Main article: Computer
2025: As part of ViPNet Coordinator HW 4
On March 24, 2025, InfoTeCS announced the expansion of the ViPNet Coordinator HW 4 hardware and software complex. This version of the ViPNet Coordinator HW50 developed on the basis of the HW50 A1 hardware platform and provides performance in encryption mode (VPN) up to 250 Mbps, in firewall mode up to 700 Mbps.
An integral part of the ViPNet Coordinator HW50 (hardware platform HW50 A1) is the ATB-ATOM-1.3 network computing platform from the manufacturer of electronic devices ATB-Electronics. Read more here.
ATB-Atom-1 compatibility with Alt Workstation 10
Basalt SPO and ATB Electronics have confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the Russian Alt Rabochnaya 10 operating system on the x86_64 platform on the ATB-ATOM-1 mini-computer. The company "BASEALT" announced this on May 10, 2023.
BaseALT is focused on multi-platform, and therefore it is fundamentally important for the company to ensure compatibility of operating systems with most Russian devices, - said Roman Myskin, Commercial Director of BASEALT. - We provide users with the opportunity to choose computers from the largest range of equipment. The availability of Alt OS on universal ATB-ATOM-1 mini-computers is a significant contribution to achieving this goal. |
It was especially important for us to confirm the compatibility of our product with the technologically independent Alt operating system, since it was created on the basis of the Sisyphus project, which develops in the territory and under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. This allows you to use the OS on Russian equipment with minimal restrictions, - said Roman Dementiev, General Director of ATB Electronics. |
The compatibility of Alt Workstation 10 and ATB-ATOM-1 is confirmed by the vendor certificate. During testing of the operating system running on the mini-computer, no problems were detected in the products.
The Russian hardware platform ATB-Atom-1 is a reliable and affordable replacement for foreign solutions
The Russian industrial enterprises moving along the digitalization path demonstrate growing needs for various hardware control systems: controllers, gateways, etc.computers Ministry of ATB-ATOM-1 of the company ATB Electronics"" - the response of the Russian manufacturer to this industry request. here More.
Compatible with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7
and GC "Astra" Russian the developer, manufacturer of electronic devices "" ATB Electronics announced the compatibility of the mini-computer " ATB-ATOM-1 "and, operating system Astra Linux Special Edition including the current update 1.7. According to the results of the set of tests, experts were convinced that domestic OS the device works correctly under control, and all its functionality is available to users. As a result, the decision was officially certified under the Ready for program. This was Astra Linux reported by the Astra Group of Companies on October 12, 2022.
"ATB-ATOM-1" is a universal mini-computer based on the Intel Atom processor with Intel 64 architecture, which implements the main functionality of the PC and provides the possibility of deep customization. The compact device is equipped with many current tools for solving various problems. These include a built-in video system with advanced media conversion and support for Intel Quick Sync Video, an audio system with support for Dolby and Dolby Pro Logic IIx, an expanded set of common interfaces, a solid-state hard drive, high-speed RAM and Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x). The computer's lightweight compact body allows you to comfortably place it in the workplace, and the passive cooling system minimizes noise levels. The manufacturer also includes low power consumption and an extended range of operating temperatures among the features of the device. The universal platform allows you to increase performance, it can be optimized for various tasks by choosing the appropriate components.
The device is included in the "Register of Industrial Products Produced in the Russian Federation" and in the "Unified Register of Russian Radio-Electronic Products."
I would like to add that the software and hardware complex ATB-ATOM-1 with the domestic operating system Astra Linux can be used not only as an AWS, but also as an autonomous computing device to solve the problems of information protection, Edge computing and management in a critical information infrastructure. The company is open for cooperation with domestic software developers and is grateful to the specialists of Astra Group for their work on testing for compatibility of the hardware platform with Astra Linux OS, commented on the head of the ATB Electronics Development Center, Anatoly Vershinin.
Specialists of the Astra Group always proceed from the fact that all corporate clients do not need software in itself, but a bunch of software and hardware. Foreign manufacturers stop supplying and supporting their hardware solutions. All this causes many problems, and the creation of domestic computers compatible with import-independent software is the best way out of this situation. The company is grateful to colleagues from ATB Electronics for cooperation: the results of joint work in 2022 are extremely important, since they allow you to provide customers with reliable workplaces with up-to-date functionality under any external conditions, said Anton Rudevsky, Director of the Department for Work with Technological Partners of Astra Group of Companies.
Red OS Compatibility
On March 16, 2022, RED SOFTWARE and ATB Electronics announced the successful completion of testing for compatibility of the RED OS operating system with the ATB-ATOM-1 mini-computer.
RED OS has an ecosystem that includes, among other things, hardware compatible with our operating system. Under the conditions of sanctions, this gives us the opportunity to offer the market technostecks that can completely replace foreign products. The correctness of RED OS on mini-computers ATB-ATOM-1 allows you to expand the portfolio of complex solutions for import substitution. We thank our colleagues for their joint contribution to the technological independence of our country, - commented Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT. |
The integration of ATB-ATOM mini-computers and the RED OS operating system is an example of the synergy of two domestic developers, the result of which is a 100% Russian solution, the components of which are included in the key registers of high-tech products. We have timely created a software and hardware complex that will close the resulting shortage of such solutions. Russian consumers receive high-quality replacements for both foreign equipment and system software in a timely manner, said Roman Dementiev, executive director of ATB Electronics . |
Compatible with CyberLympha DATAPK
On April 7, 2022, CyberLymph, together with ATB Electronics, announced the successful completion of testing confirming the compatibility of ATB-Atom-1 mini-computers and ATB-ATOM-2 and the online monitoring and security monitoring software for CyberLympha DATAPK automation systems (CL DATAPK). Compatibility tests were carried out in October 2021 at the CyberLymph cybersecurity laboratory. Read more here.
Inclusion in the registers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
The mini-computer ATB-ATOM-1 included in the registers of Russian products of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This was announced on October 11, 2021 by ATB Electronics.
The solution is included in the Register of Industrial Products Produced in the Russian Federation.
The register is kept in compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2015 No. 719 "On Confirmation of the Production of Industrial Products on the Territory of the Russian Federation."
Also, the mini-computer is included in the Unified Register of Russian Electronic Products (in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2019 No. 878).
Mini-computer models ATB-ATOM-1.1, ATB-ATOM-1.2, ATB-ATOM-1.3 entered into the registry under the registry numbers RE-2918-21, RE-2919-21 and RE-2920-21.
The entry of our mini-computer into the registers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is a natural result of the work that began several years ago with the development of the ATB-ATOM platform. This whole project - circuitry, PCB topology, design drawings, embedded software - was developed by ATB Electronics specialists. For October 2021, we have a finished product developed and produced in Russia, the high quality of which is confirmed by the relevant documents. This is our first step in the development of a line of Russian industrial mini-computers, - said Roman Dementiev, executive director of ATB Electronics, - The import substitution process, which is actively underway in Russia, requires the appearance of Russian hardware. In this regard, of course, we are very ahead of the software developers. However, by our own example, we can show that manufacturers have already joined this process: we have created mini-computers, developed a full-fledged line of OEM equipment for the Internet of Things (IOT), which covers 99% of consumer needs and are ready to customize their basic solutions for any customer requirements. |
Products that are included in the registers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, both in the general register of Russian products and in the register of radio electronics, allow manufacturing companies to participate in the construction of the Russian system of industrial production of electronics. The conclusion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade confirms the "Russian" products, the company has passed a serious check, including a visual audit of production facilities. As of October 2021, ATB Electronics is already testing samples of mini-computers on domestic processors, thereby increasing the use of the domestic component base, says Vladimir Kuzmin, Development Director of the company. |
ATB Electronics plans to expand its OEM equipment line. The creation of mini-computers and equipment for the Internet of Things (IOT) are the first steps in the creation of Russian electronic equipment.
Plans for use as a platform for S-Terra Gateway security gateways
S-Terra CSP, the developer of certified network security tools, and ATB Electronics, a Russian manufacturer of electronic devices, signed an agreement on the first supply of domestic ATB-Atom hardware platforms, on the basis of which modifications of security gateways with GOST-encryption will be created C-Terra Gateway. The S-Terra CSP company announced this on March 23, 2021. Read more here.