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Insurance (Automated Information System)

The name of the base system (platform): OSAGO AIS (the automated information system)
Developers: National Insurance Information System (NIS)
Last Release Date: 2025/02/10
Branches: Insurance


Insurance (Russian market)

Main article: Insurance (Russian market)



Inclusion in the register of domestic software

On February 28, 2025, following the consideration of the application of NSIS JSC, the Ministry of Digital Development included AIS insurance in the register of domestic software.

Joint-stock company "National Insurance Information System" (JSC "NSIS," operator of AIS insurance) acquired in October 2023 the software "AIS OSAGO," on the basis of which the AIS insurance was created, including modules on OSAGO, insurance of casco and voluntary insurance of civil liability, insurance of citizens' housing, as well as the bureau of insurance histories, etc.

The insurance AIS was launched on April 1, 2024, and the full functionality was transferred to the NSIS from October 1, 2024.

Strengthen User Data Protection

The National Insurance Information System (NSIS, the operator of AIS insurance) strengthens the protection of data of system users. The company announced on February 10, 2025.

Employees of the information security department of NSIS JSC found that mass appeals to the AIS insurance for verification of the validity of OSAGO contracts occur from the same computers.

These requests can be used to obtain data on insurance periods by selecting data, as well as obtaining data that can be enriched through other sources of information and for subsequent unauthorized use.

In order to suppress multiple requests, as well as reduce the burden on the company's infrastructure (the speed of obtaining data for bona fide users can increase several times), measures were taken to block the possibility of receiving data with mass requests from the same user.

At the same time, the service for checking the validity of policies on the website of NSIS JSC operates in full, the service for insurers to check the validity of other people's OSAGO policies is also implemented. Agents can obtain the data they need in their work through integration with the insurance companies whose products they sell.


The start of AIS "Insurance" revealed the appearance of "phantom" contracts. The system operator assures that everything is fine

In early October, an automated insurance information system (AIS "Insurance") was launched, which combines databases of insurance contracts of 4 types: OSAGO, CASCO vehicles, voluntary civil liability and housing of citizens. However, when loading databases from insurance companies, information was found about contracts that the user did not conclude. Indicative case[1] with the administrator of the telegram channel "About EP and TC."

Initially, the AIS Insurance base was launched on April 1, and JSC National Insurance Information System (NSIS) became its operator. However, the base itself was based on a similar development by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA) AIS OSAGO. For six months, from April 1, 2024 to October 1, AIS "Insurance" only accepted, processed and stored data on the concluded 4 types of insurance, working in parallel with AIS OSAGO, which continued to be accompanied by RSA. And from October 1, 2024, the conclusion of insurance contracts should already be carried out using the information system of NSIS JSC. The system has become a single source of data on auto insurance and housing insurance on the basis of the norms of Law No. 594-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Terms of Creating an Automated Insurance Information System."

AIS "Insurance" contains data that from April 1, 2024 are transferred to it by insurance companies, - explained TAdviser in the press service of NSIS JSC. - Data until April 1, 2024 was transferred to AIS "Insurance" from AIS OSAGO, the operator of which was RSA. Policies that were not actually concluded by the policyholder could be transferred to AIS OSAGO, and from it to AIS "Insurance" for various reasons, including, due to the technical problems that existed in the past, the interaction of AIS OSAGO with the information systems of insurers, erroneous actions of agents, etc. All these policies were present in the bases before, but the policyholder did not have the opportunity to clearly see and check them.

When access to the system was opened, users were able to check their personal accounts for "phantom" insurance contracts. At least one case of the detection of extraneous records was recorded by the telegram channel "About EP and UTs," where its author was assigned contracts for four cars at once, which are not known to him at all.

"Phantom" contracts discovered by the administrator of the TG channel "About EP and TC"

If no insurance cases are tied to these "fake" policies, then you don't have to worry about them, they don't affect your current insurance in any way, they don't worsen KBM, etc., the press service of NSIS JSC assured TAdviser readers. - If you are still concerned about their presence, contact the insurance company that transmitted information about such a policy and ask to correct the information about you. It is not necessary to present the insurance history certified by JSC NSIS, it is enough to indicate the series and number of the policy.

The piquancy of the situation is that, although AIS "Insurance" is a single source of information about insurance contracts of citizens of the Russian Federation, and it is written on its website that "To obtain secure access to all sites and online services, use browsers with support for Russian certificates," nevertheless, the site certificate was received from a foreign company GlobalSign. That is, at any time it can be recalled by a foreign company.

Using the GlobalSign certificate to protect the channel on the Insurance AIS website

In parallel, problems were found with the formation of the insurance history, which should be signed by the electronic signature of AIS "Insurance," but on the first day of launch with this part of the functionality, it seems, problems arose. In particular, the system issued an error to the administrator of the About EP and TC channel when trying to use the State Key application. Therefore, he did not even have the opportunity to prepare a legally significant electronic document for protesting the concluded "phantom" contracts.

Error when trying to use the "State Key" administrator of the TG-channel "About EP and TC"

If it is necessary to obtain a certified insurance history for presentation in court, etc., the request can be signed by the UKEP of an individual, or by the State School, the press service of NSIS JSC said. - The signing of the UKEP works, receiving an error may mean that the necessary actions for signing in the browser have not been completed (the necessary cryptographic software for working with the UKEP, the UKEP certificate itself, or the browser extension for working with the UKEP has not been installed). Work with the "State Lyuch" became possible for the NSIS from October 1, 2024. At the moment, the connection to the State Key system is being completed, and in the very near future this functionality will also be available.

That is, integration with the State Key system seems to be in test mode, so sometimes it may not work. At the same time, the press service of the service refused to estimate the number of users of AIS "Insurance," who may find erroneous data in their insurance histories. The company hopes that over time, all OSAGO insurers will check their data and turn to insurers for their adjustment. As a result, transparency of insurance stories will help control the emergence of errors and fraud by unscrupulous players in the insurance market in the future.

Official launch

On October 1, 2024, the Automated Insurance Information System (AIS Insurance), operated by National Insurance Information System JSC (NSIS), a subsidiary of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, began full-fledged work in Russia. The system becomes a single source of data on car insurance and home insurance in accordance with the law of December 29, 2022 No. 594-FZ.

AIS insurance was created on the basis of a modified AIS OSAGO system purchased from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), with the addition of new modules for other types of insurance. The system covers OSAGO, CASCO, voluntary car insurance and housing insurance of citizens.

Subsidiary of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation launched AIS insurance

The main goals of creating AIS insurance are to collect and analyze information under insurance contracts, prevent fraud, and increase the transparency and availability of insurance services. The system will store contract data for 10 years.

The partial launch of the AIS insurance took place on April 1, 2024, but a transitional period was in effect for six months, when the AIS OSAGO (RSA operator) and the new system functioned in parallel. From October 2024, the conclusion of insurance contracts will be carried out exclusively through AIS insurance.

On the NSIS website, users can access their personal account, where, after identification, you can view your insurance history, information about insurance claims, calculation of KBM for OSAGO and other data. Also, services for checking policies from the PCA portal were transferred to the site.

RSA President Evgeny Ufimtsev noted that the transfer of the information system to the structure of the Bank of Russia will provide insurers with additional opportunities to obtain data from state information systems, which will improve client service and strengthen the fight against fraud.

Nikolai Galushin, General Director of NSIS JSC, stressed that the main difference between the new system and AIS OSAGO was the significantly larger amount of information collected, processed and stored, including data on CASCO, voluntary car insurance and housing insurance of citizens.

Insurance companies in Russia must now transfer data to GIS connected to Public services

From April 1, 2024, insurance companies in Russia must transfer data to the automated information system (AIS) Insurance"," the operator of which is NSIS JSC "" ("subsidiary Bank of Russia ").

Based on managing a large amount of information, the AIS insurance operator must build a bureau of insurance histories and interface the information system with the State Public services portal. Through his personal account, the user will be able to see his insurance history, valid contracts and status for insurance events, - explained the head of NSIS JSC Nikolai Galushin (quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta).

Insurance companies in Russia must transfer data to AIS "Insurance"

Thus, information from AIS insurance can be obtained by citizens on the State Public services portal. In addition, in the near future, AIS insurance users will have access to their insurance history through their personal account on the website of NSIS JSC, the company said on April 1, 2024.

NSIS JSC will carry out information interaction with various authorities and departments to verify and enrich data under the concluded insurance contracts in order to prevent insurance fraud, ensure the availability of insurance services, reduce the number of complaints and appeals from policyholders, etc.

AIS OSAGO, operated by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), entered the AIS Insurance as its constituent part: the new information system consists of modules by type of insurance (OSAGO, CASCO and DSAGO, housing of citizens) and the Bureau of Insurance Histories module. From October 1, 2024, the RSA will cease to perform the functions of the AIS OSAGO operator, and all responsibility for the functioning of the unified information system will fall on NSIS JSC. The functionality of AIS "Insurance" will be fully deployed by October 1, 2024.[2]


The Central Bank allowed insurance companies to take data from GIS for quick registration of electronic OSAGO

CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION allowed insurance companies to take data from GIS Insurance"" for quick registration of electronic ones. MTPL The changed rules for issuing a compulsory civil liability insurance contract using electronic documents were published at the end of October 2023.

As Kommersant writes with reference to the regulator's materials, passport data, information on tax registration, car registration and driver's license, the insurer will receive independently through the automated insurance information system ("AIS insurance"). After issuing an insurance policy signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the insurer, the company will send the policy to the policyholder's email and to his personal account. If the policyholder's data does not coincide with the base or will be absent, the policyholder, according to the new rules, must send scans of the relevant documents to the insurer, the newspaper explains.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation allowed insurance companies to take data from the Insurance GIS

AIS will interact with the State Public services portal, on which, through a personal account, the user will be able to view his insurance history, valid contracts and status on insurance events. It will be possible to use the system for issuing a policy in electronic form. At the same time, the car owner will not need to provide all the data every time - they will already be stored in the system, this is discussed in the project developed by the Central Bank. And if an error is found in the data, the client will be able to upload copies of the documents to the system, and everything will be put in order without a personal appearance in the office.

Experts interviewed by her fear hacks and leaks from the AIS Insurance system, but Daria Verestnikova, commercial director of SafeTech, believes that information about compulsory vehicle insurance is not as interesting to hackers as bank data: account and card numbers.[3]

NSIS will create a base for insurance of citizens' housing for the development of accessibility of the type of insurance

National Insurance Information System JSC will create a base for insurance of citizens' housing to develop the availability of this type of insurance. The company announced this on September 25, 2023.

From April 1, 2024, insurers will provide information to the AIS insurance under the concluded housing insurance contracts of citizens. Data on this type of insurance is included in the first package of types of insurance, with which AIS insurance begins its activity.

Based on the data collected in the AIS insurance for insured residential premises, it will be possible to assess the cumulation of risks in territories subject to catastrophic natural and man-made accidents, as well as promptly provide information on the total volume of insured housing in territories where the emergency regime is declared - such information can be demanded, including by regional authorities, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, - said the general director of the NSIS Nikolai Galushin.

According to him, the cumulation analytics for actually insured objects will make it possible to make more accurate underwriting forecasts and build models to assess the reinsurance capacity for the placement of catastrophic reinsurance programs.

The regulatory framework required for the launch of the project is under consideration as of September 2023 - two Bank of Russia instructions are being publicly assessed - on the transfer of "historical" data to the AIS of insurance accumulated in the information systems of insurance unions and data directly from insurance companies.

The amount of information (fields) is larger than insurers provide in the PCA and BCC, but this is precisely due to the need to form more information to achieve the goals determined for the operator by law, Galushin said.

The purpose of creating an AIS insurance operator is to collect and analyze the information array under insurance contracts - to ensure the availability of insurance services for the population, to combat insurance fraud and to provide data for more reasonable tariff calculations.

Earlier, the President of Russia supported the proposal to develop a mechanism for compulsory housing insurance in regions that are subject to large-scale natural emergencies.

The Central Bank disclosed a list of data that will be stored (AIS) "Insurance"

In May 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation disclosed information on the creation of an automated information system (AIS) "Insurance," which will transfer data on all owners of insured cars and housing in Russia.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the regulator's materials, the list of data collected by AIS "Insurance" includes the name, number, registration address, passport and driver's license of the insured, number, brand and model of his car, as well as information about the insured event, including data on the amount of losses - about 100 types of data in total. The list of information about the owner of the insured housing, which will be transferred by insurers to AIS, includes the cadastral number of the property, its type, area, actual mailing address, etc. The system, among other things, will contain complete passport data, data on bringing to administrative or criminal liability, as well as medical data, for example, on the nature and degree of health damage as a result of an accident, and so on.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is creating a new GIS, to which information will be transmitted about all owners of insured cars and housing

The operator of AIS "Insurance" has chosen JSC "National Insurance Information System" (JSC "NSIS"), which belongs to the Bank of Russia. According to the newspaper, all Russian insurance companies from April 1, 2024 will transmit to the system information on compulsory (OSAGO) and voluntary (CASCO, DSAGO) auto insurance, ground transport insurance, as well as housing against emergencies.

By mid-May 2023, Russia has several databases for various types of insurance. Each of them uses its own approach to collecting and storing information. Such fragmentation does not allow you to get a complete picture of the insured person and use the accumulated information in the interests of citizens. The Bank of Russia has established uniform requirements for the quality and protection of data in AIS. A single standard will allow the full use of information.[4]
