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Selectel Cloud Platform

Developers: Selectel
Date of the premiere of the system: December 2019
Last Release Date: 2023/04/11
Technology: Cloud Computing,  IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service


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Integration with Nimbius

Laboratory Numerator"" On December 23, 2024, announced integration a CMP platform for managing private hybrid clouds and "." Nimbius Selectel Cloud Platform More. here

Launch Qualified Cloud Segment and S3 Object Storage

Selectel On April 11, 2023, the company announced that it cloudy servers was launching a certified segment and S3 object storage. This solution is relevant for government organizations both enterprise customers with specific requirements for data protection.

Now customers provider can place information systems on the Selectel cloud infrastructure, which is certified for compliance with the requirements for protection information of 17 and 21 orders FSTEC and special requirements and recommendations (STP-K) of the State Technical Commission.

This service will allow Selectel customers to use cloud servers and S3 object storage to host:

  • state information systems (GIS) up to and including the first security class (K1);
  • personal data information systems (IDS) up to and including the first level of security (UZ-1);
  • automated systems (AS) in protected version of class 1G.

Selectel's cloud infrastructure certification will greatly simplify and accelerate the deployment of information systems for government organizations and their contractors (such as integrators and developers) who require compliance with the highest standards of storage and data security.

The physical infrastructure of the certified cloud is located in Selectel's own data centers. Certified information security tools such as firewalls, trusted download tools, virtualization environment protection, information security monitoring, and more are used to ensure security and compliance.

Both business and government customers in 2022 faced problems purchasing computing equipment for new digital projects, lost most of the opportunities to expand the on-premium infrastructure, and therefore were forced to look for alternative solutions. The launch of certified cloud servers is a natural development of the product line for government customers. Previously, we already had the opportunity to place GIS on a certified infrastructure, dedicated "iron" servers and private virtual clouds, the creation of which took from several days to several months. A qualified cloud allows you to provide computing resources for GIS in minutes. In addition to deploying a qualified cloud on our infrastructure, we can deploy the same cloud on the customer's on-premium model equipment - this solution is especially relevant for those who are looking for an alternative to virtualization tools for vendors that have left the market, for example, VMware or Microsoft.
said Denis Polyansky, director of client security at Selectel.

In addition to the placement of individual GIS, the presence of certificates confirms the compliance of Selectel with the current information security requirements for suppliers of infrastructure solutions for the State Cloud and Gostekh - large projects of the Ministry of Digital Development for the informatization of the activities of state authorities at various levels. More than 10 years of cloud-building experience for business customers enables Selectel to deliver high service levels, reliability, and IT security for government organizations.
noted Roman Krasilnikov, Head of State Customer Relations at Selectel.

Private Cloud Cloud Installation Service Launch

On March 21, 2023, Selectel announced the launch of a service for installing its own developed cloud platform using a private cloud model - on-premium private cloud. Now customers can deploy the cloud platform Selectel (included in the register of domestic software) on their own equipment in their own or rented data center. The solution is especially relevant for companies that are looking for a replacement for virtualization tools for vendors that have left the market, for example, VMware or Microsoft.

Selectel Cloud Platform

According to the company, the private cloud Selectel includes a set of IaaS and PaaS services in the form of virtual machines, managed databases and Kubernetes clusters combined by a common network and disk storage.

Cloud platform functionality is provided through a licensing model with associated installation, configuration, and client application migration services. Selectel provides a service to support and regularly update the product as public cloud functionality evolves.

The Selectel cloud platform has been developed since 2013, it is based on open source technologies without using proprietary software and is compatible with updates from the main branch of OpenStack development. Since 2021, the Selectel cloud platform has been listed in the register of domestic software (an entry in the register dated 25.03.2021 No. 9884).

The market feature of the solution is that Selectel organizes a private cloud installation on servers already available to the client, works with a wide list of compatible equipment (HCL, Hardware compatibility list) and does not impose strict requirements on the organization of the network and the location of data centers.

Private clouds allow companies to organize a rich development environment on their own servers and follow specific storage requirements, such as legislative restrictions or corporate policies. There are also cases when an organization prefers to "increase" its equity, including by buying servers, rather than renting them, - buying a license to use virtualization tools will also be an effective way to organize IT resources.

told Konstantin Ansimov, Director of Infrastructure Product Development at Selectel

We note the interest in implementing such a solution on the part of industrial and financial companies, as well as integrators and government organizations. They are looking for alternatives to popular foreign virtualization platforms due to the lack of access to regular updates and technical support directly from the vendor.

told Ivan Romanko, Director of Core Development, Cloud Platform Selectel

According to Selectel, the service can enter the top 3 in terms of revenue along with the lease of bare-metal servers and the public cloud. In addition to organizing an on-premium private cloud, Selectel provides a service for deploying a private cloud on dedicated servers based on its own data centers.

Compliance with the first level of security

On January 16, 2023, the company, based on Selectel the results of the assessment, confirmed the effectiveness of the measures taken to ensure security storages and up to processing of personal data the first level of security (UZ-1) for its cloudy platform. Customers can now place all personal data categories using cloud solutions - provider cloud, servers S3 object storage, clusters Kubernetes , and cloud. databases

The measures taken by Selectel to assess the effectiveness before UZ-1 are necessary for the processing and storage of special categories of personal data if the number of personal data subjects exceeds 100 thousand people. The customer is exempted from the need to assess potential threats from the provider, since Selectel conducts this procedure independently and provides the client with an extract from the threat model (in accordance with the methodological document of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) on assessing threats to the security of information, approved in February 2021).

Security and compliance responsibilities are shared between the provider and the customer. Selectel guarantees the fulfillment of all requirements of 21 FSTEC orders at the level of hardware and software, virtualization environment and management tools. Selectel also provides infrastructure security at the physical level in data centers through the implementation of access control and control systems, video surveillance, redundancy of engineering systems and security and fire alarms. At the same time, the customer takes responsibility for creating, managing and building the protection system of his project, including objects inside it.

Confirming UZ-1 compliance is a natural step for Selectel, "said Denis Polyansky, director of client security at Selectel. - We give priority to information security issues. This approach is fully consistent with customer needs - given the increased interest in the clouds. The measures we have implemented to comply with the highest level of protection are relevant for companies that work with the most sensitive categories of personal data. We, in turn, are ready to provide them with reliable services for working with personal data in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

2022: Amsterdam site launch

On April 5, 2022, Selectel announced the expansion of the geography of services - now the Amsterdam region is available to the company's customers. On the basis of this European site, you can order dedicated servers and use the services of the Selectel cloud platform.

The availability of an additional region in the my.selectel panel will allow Russian companies operating in the European market to quickly deploy infrastructure that is scalable to the tasks of various projects, as well as reduce its maintenance costs.

The emergence of another Selectel site based on the European Tier 3 data center is the next stage in expanding the geography of the company's services for customers. Amsterdam was chosen as one of the largest hubs of European telecom operators . A significant part of all data centers in Europe is concentrated here and there are facilities that fully meet Selectel's safety and reliability requirements.

In the future, the provider's portfolio in Europe will be supplemented by a scheduled backup service and PaaS services: DBaaS and Managed Kubernetes.

For our Russian customers who have projects focused on the European market, the use of Selectel's facilities in Amsterdam is, first of all, the opportunity to place resources "closer" to end users and increase infrastructure resiliency, "said Sergey Pimkov, Deputy General Director for Product Development and Operation of Selectel. - In addition, customers will be able to use the usual functionality of Selectel services, including Russian-language technical support, payment for services in rubles and a convenient control panel.

2021: Launch of the ru-3b availability zone in St. Petersburg

On June 10, 2021, the company, and Selectel provider cloudy infrastructures services, data centers announced the launch of another Cloud Platform zone in (St. Petersburg ru-3 region).

The expansion of the availability zone and the ability to place their services and applications in two zones connected by a common network - ru-3a and ru-3b - will allow customers to increase the fault tolerance of their systems.

Selectel customers already have the ability to create cloudy servers in the ru-3b zone. It is built on the base. processors Intel Xeon Gold 6240R The performance of network SSD drives reaches 25,000/15,000 IOPS, which is twice as much as in the ru-3a zone.

A list of all regions and zones of the Cloud Platform is presented in the Selectel knowledge base. You can create a server in the ru-3b zone in the control panel


Reimbursement of expenses for use for medicine, education and other important areas

On April 6, 2020 provider IT infrastructures Selectel , he opened a program to support digital services in other to medicine education socially important areas. The company compensates them for expenses related to the use of cloudy the Selectel platform.

Many online services have responded to the quarantine regime and help isolated people establish their daily lives. At the same time, they face a lot of difficulties, including critical loads on the IT infrastructure. We understand how important the constant availability and stable operation of medical, educational, media platforms is. Therefore, they proposed a way to increase computing resources without large associated costs,
noted Oleg Lyubimov, CEO of Selectel

The program is focused primarily on socially significant digital projects, but not limited to them. The provider undertakes to compensate for the costs of one month of using the Selectel cloud platform. The offer is valid until May 1, 2020, but depending on the situation, this period can be extended.

The Selectel cloud platform offers a wide range of tools and solutions ranging from virtual servers to microservices and serverless computing features. Using the Selectel cloud platform, you can deploy a simple test environment or create an enterprise-class virtual data center.

The points of presence of the cloud platform Selectel are in April 2020 at,, and To Moscow St. Petersburg. Novosibirsk This allows you to organize fault-tolerant infrastructure solutions and minimize network latency.

Launch "Serverless: Cloud Features" and "Cloud Databases"

January 31, 2020 Selectel announced two services - "Serverless: cloudy functions" and "." Cloudy databases They are released on the basis of the cloud platform Selectel and expand its capabilities.

"Serverless: Cloud Functions" is Selectel's own development based on the Apache OpenWhisk project. It opens the way to the creation of information systems in the cloud according to the event model. The service allows you to run code without virtual machines: as a function in a fault-tolerant and instantly scalable environment. At the same time, all resources for calculations are allocated completely automatically.

Serverless: Cloud Features

The Selectel serverless computing platform has a number of practical benefits for users. The service eliminates the need to administer the IT infrastructure and helps focus on development. The platform allows you to download and run code without first adapting. This greatly facilitates code testing and speeds up product launch. Charging is carried out according to real consumption: that is, only functions in operation are paid. Compared to using virtual machines, the savings can be tens of percent.

Also, the Selectel serverless computing platform has a number of features that make it more convenient to work with. This, for example, analysis of statistics, viewing the status and logs of the execution of functions and others.

{{quote 'author=said Sergey Pimkov, Deputy CEO of Selectel' With the development of cloud technologies, users have more and more opportunities to save time and money in projects of any complexity. But the classic approach to the cloud, which was once revolutionary, does not completely eliminate the entrance barrier. This slows the growth of startups with great ideas, but extremely limited in funds. The answer is high-level cloud services. Half of the projects in Silicon Valley already use serverless solutions. We believe in the great prospects of this technology, in the fact that in the coming years it will become one of the standards in the cloud market. For those looking to the future, we offer our vision of Serverless - Selectel's serverless computing platform, }}

The Managed Databases service allows you to quickly create database clusters on the infrastructure of the Selectel cloud platform. In this case, the configuration, maintenance and reliability of clusters is provided by the service provider. Thus, the main difficulties of starting from scratch are solved: determining the optimal infrastructure and its purchase, installing and adjusting the system, scaling and ensuring fault tolerance. Among the advantages of the solution: minimum requirements for user skills, saving time and costs for the implementation of the project, fault tolerance and data safety.

In beta, the service supports the latest releases. DBMS PostgreSQL Soon compatibility with other popular DBMSs - MySQL and Redis, as well as the ability to work through, and API backup data recovery.

2019: Platform launch

On December 6, 2019, Selectel announced the launch of the first regional node of its cloud platform in Novosibirsk. The company invested 60 million rubles in the project and expects its payback within a maximum of three years.

This node includes all the functions and technologies of the Selectel cloud platform and provides them at the same prices for the entire network. By the end of 2020, the company is going to open points of presence in, Yekaterinburg,, and Khabarovsk. Minsk Tashkent In total, investments in the project will amount to 300 million rubles.

Selectel Data Center in St. Petersburg

According to Kommersant, Selectel's interest in the regions is due to an increase in the consumption of cloud services there. The company will cooperate with providers and integrators on a revenue sharing model, including providing services under the partner brand.

Experts interviewed by the publication note that the provision of a cloud platform as a service is a new direction for the market and may be relevant in the regions. However, Selectel will need local cloud support, and the company may face a shortage of qualified personnel.

Judging by Selectel's investments, the company is planning small cloud installations to meet minimal demand, the director said. CloudMTS Oleg Motovilov

Providing services under the partner scheme is a common practice, he said.

According to IXcellerateGuy Wilner, working with partners can be a good solution for entering regional markets if quality orientation is a priority. The IXcellerate company itself, which manages data centers in Moscow, does not intend to create a cloud platform.

The development director of "CROC Cloudy services" Maxim Berezin in a conversation with Kommersant noted that the greatest demand for cloud services is observed in Moscow, where business is concentrated.[1]
